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File: 15 KB, 330x344, string theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10774426 No.10774426 [Reply] [Original]

is string theory a pseudoscience?

why should you have to invent 22 new dimensions just to make your calculations work?

>> No.10774520

are string theory thread same as iq threads ???

>> No.10774522

>why should you have to invent a whole branch of mathematics just to describe gravity?

>> No.10774568

bosonic string theory is not a realistic theory. good string theories are "heterotic" and have 10 total dimensions, not 26 (bosonic string theories have 26)

it's not just "to make your calculations work". the fact that anomalies don't cancel unless there are 10 dimensions is basically a mathematical fact. as a rough analogy, relativity implies that there is only one invariant speed (c), and you can't make a working theory with two invariant speeds. the fact that heterotic string theory only works in 10D is like that, sort of a theorem rather than "just to make your calculations work"

anyhow, underlying string theory is M-theory, which says there are 11 total dimensions. and 11 dimensions is special, because 11 dimensions is the smallest number of dimensions with which a kaluza-klein model can reproduce the standard model gauge group SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1). it also is the dimension required for the "mother of all supergravity" theories, 11 dimensional supergravity. so 11 dimensions pops out not only from string/M theory but also supergravity theory and also basic facts about the standard model being able to come from kaluza klein (extra dimensional) models.

source: http://inspirehep.net/record/10244?ln=en

>> No.10774575

what do you think of spacetime being emergent & non-fundamental

>> No.10774581

i like that idea. that is basically what string theory implies anyhow (and written has said this in interviews)

>> No.10774582

it's some handwavy bullshit just to make some pocket-protected weeb's calculations work

>> No.10774595
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>> No.10774604

holy shit what kind a phenotype

>> No.10774663

>it's not "what's necessary to make calculations work"
>it's implied
These are the same thing.

>> No.10774666

what about gravity being a product of axiomatic confinement, accounting for its relevant strength in higher dimensional spaces

are there any publications I can read about this

ashkenazi but i think you already knew that

>> No.10774679

i don't know what you mean by "axiomatic confinement"

anyhow if you're talking about stuff like the ADD model or RS model, i am highly skeptical of those. and even though i enjoy studying string theory, i am not a big fan of their versions of braneworlds like the KKLT mechanism (and neither is Vafa. [PS: /sci/ is a Vafa board])

>> No.10774699

String “theory” is neat but it is not a theory. Since there is no way to test it using the scientific method, it remains a hypothesis. Calling it a theory is disingenuous.

>> No.10774709

It's a mathematical theory not a scientific one but it is a theory. But you are right about it being a hypothesis as far as physics is concerned.

>> No.10774731
File: 593 KB, 800x849, sabine_brainletfelder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no way to test it using the scientific method
false, in principle, there is a way to test it. most string theorists would agree to that (though Tom Banks has said some weird shit lately, but he's fringe at this point)

the only reason that controversy exists is because we still don't understand string theory fully (we have very very little understanding of M theory at this point, so that needs work). for all we know, a smart youngster could derive some very clean testable prediction any day now.

practically, as far as we understand string theory now, it is not testable in laboratory, but only because of our limitations at building super powerful colliders (think the LHC, but the size of the galaxy. not easy.) but there is a chance that someone makes progress on string/M theory and we get a more easily detectable signature. also, it is always possible we happen to spy a cosmic string "whipping" in the sky, something that e.g. LIGO could currently detect.

also, since i'm personally a fan of string gas cosmology, there is a possibility that more mundane astronomy could give us insight into stringy things that happened in the very early universe. something akin to the CMB stuff that WMAP and Planck did, combined with a better understanding of the currently viable cosmological models.

the string theory "skeptics" like Hosstardfelder and Woit like to say "haha! you don't have any predictions... yet! i am super sure you wont get any in the future! i am super sure nothing weird will be detected by telescopes or LIGO! haha!" or "Tom Banks said something weird, haha! that debunks string theory!" or "Haha! Vafa doesn't like KKLT! checkmate string theorists!" but that's just because they're loser dropouts. hosstardfelder is some sort of diversity bureaucrat now, and Woit is a glorified sysadmin for some small cluster at cornell. and don't even mention uber-tard Unzicker. don't trust blogger shills.

>> No.10774748

if spatio-temporal conditions are undefined at n before n takes the value of 1 - 11 could gravity be a product the conditions at n = 1 => 11

>> No.10774776

well, normal string theory dogma is that the universe started out 11 dimensional and some sort of spontaneous breaking caused 7 to compactify. so, it goes the other way around

in string gas cosmology the idea is that around the time of the big bang, all the dimensions were compactified (or, in a dual perspective, the dimensions were all very very large as in some sort of heat death/big rip scenario) and string dynamics led to only 3 spatial dimensions unfurling (this is actually a beautifully simple argument). so in a way, yes, one might argue that string gas cosmology says that the macroscopic dimensions we see today have something to do with the dynamics that went on when everything was furled up into a super small (or, equivalently, unrolled into a super big) package

>> No.10774785

oh so is gravity stronger in higher dimensions because they're more compact?

>> No.10774795

basically no. i mean, the strength of gravity does have some dependence on the size of the extra dimensions, but only in braneworld scenarios like ADD or RS do you get gravity being a lot "stronger" than we see it in our 3+1 dimensional spacetime, because they assume the extra dimensions are noncompact. that line of reasoning has nothing to do with the standard string theory ideas nor my string gas cosmology ideas (really, Brandenberger's)

>> No.10774816

of the three you've mentioned which would you say are closest to the ideas proposed within the holographic principle?

>> No.10774836

also if you could recommend any literature with gravity in relation to torsion it would be highly appreciated

>> No.10774849

>make up bullshit
>study bullshit for money
>call this, "bullshitology."

That's most of math and all of theoretical physics

>> No.10774866

>is string theory a pseudoscience?
Which step of the scientific method is missing?

>> No.10774879

hmmm holography has a lot to do with AdS/CFT, which is based mostly on standard string theory (type II-B to single one out). i don’t think i really mentioned any “3 alternatives”, basically i only proposed one less mainstream idea which is strong gas cosmology, which isn’t really related to holography without some clever gymnastics. the only other place i see holography being relevant is meme Susskind black hole stuff, which i dislike, or it-from-bit stuff which i think may be on the right track but hasn’t materialized anything worth reading yet, or possibly in the ideas of M-theory where a higher dimensional theory reduces to something one dimension lower by taking some limit. on that last point i think there may be some connection between small extra dimensions being taken to 0 size may represent some large-N (dimensions or supersymmetry number) limit.

i don’t think gravity has much to do with torsion outside the usual considerations of the stress energy tensor

>> No.10774885

*string gas cosmology, not “strong gas cosmology”

>> No.10774922

yeah i've come across AdS/CFT before
did you undergrad in maths or physics out of interest?

>> No.10774934

double majored in physics and math. grad school in physics. i fucked up tho so now i work as an experimental physicist and study theory for fun

>> No.10774938

how come?

>> No.10774945

how come what? how come i study theory for fun? because it’s cool

>> No.10774951

Specifically how does one fuck up and end up an experimental physicist?

t. different anon

>> No.10774953
File: 136 KB, 1024x682, based lee smolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why should you have to invent 22 new dimensions just to make your calculations work?
you shouldn't. which is why loop quantum gravity is superior.

>> No.10774954

basically the theorists in my department were huge douchebags who either thought my incessant questions meant “oh you’re dumb if you ask questions” or the others were incompetent at answering actual physics questions so i refused to suck up to them

>> No.10774975

>Edward Witten: So where where we've made progress that's been in the string slash M theory framework where a lot of interesting things have been discovered. I'd say that there's a lot of interesting things we don't understand at all.

>Graham Farmelo: But you’ve never been tempted down the other route. The other options are not.

>Edward Witten: I’m not even sure what you would mean by other routes.

>Graham Farmelo: Loop quantum gravity?

>Edward Witten: Those are just words. There aren’t any other routes

LQG is just words bro

>> No.10775067

Feom an outsiders perspective, it blurs the line between ontology and physics. It's empirically motivated, but has the character of mathematicians investigating various ways of axiomatizing a theory, only mathematicians usually analyze very general structures that can apply to a while range of phenomenon, whereas shit like string theoey is very specific. That being said, we still see mind blowi ht connections between shit like supersymmetry and the Langlands program.

>> No.10775174
File: 407 KB, 1400x1279, 9EEDB7D3-E49E-4FB3-936C-D07769D6E787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks drunk math anon. i’m drunk too but apparently i can hold my shit better than you, but in any case, cheers!

>> No.10775452


I believe it is. When you have to start inventing all sorts of complex artificial models which lack actual evidence then I believe its intellectually comparable to religious people invoking God. By another measure it reminds me of the complex mechanisms medieval academics used to explain the movement of planets and stars when they thought the Earth was the center of the Universe. I believe the answers will be revealed by simpler, but difficult to conceptualize, insights regarding the true nature of existence.

>> No.10775455

>is string theory a pseudoscience?
Basically yes. However, pseudoscience is occasionally accurate, so there is a chance that string theory is correct, it's just not plausible and involves unreasonable assumption. However, it may still provide valid mathematical framework in some situations in a way that is useful in some situations. Kinda like classical mechanics.

>> No.10775497

What are black holes according to string theory? what is inside a black hole according to string theory? can you travel backwards in time according to string theory?

>> No.10775502


>> No.10775531
File: 49 KB, 537x604, where are they.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're still thinking space time isn't a solid. In flagrant dissonance to both reason, and Occam's razor I might add.

>> No.10776079

String Theory is literally just a scam invented by predatory anti-humanists to steal funding from tax payers. The unified theory has already been discovered and was posted here recently, the reaction from verified physicts who went out of their way to metaphorically try and assassinate the people, not the theory, but the actual people advocating the theory tells you where we are now, essentially in a new dark ages where the only progress is being quietly made in the private sector. The powers that killed Socrates and others is alive and well and it disguises itself in lab coats.

>> No.10776110

>string theory is a pseudoscience but my 10,000,000-dimensional deep learning model isn't

>> No.10776262


>> No.10776640
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he masturbates with his right arm

>> No.10776641

Materialists are disgusting.

>> No.10776656
File: 2.05 MB, 960x5357, the vortex theory of matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10776673

String theory is supposed to be a white box, while ML is a black box, retard.

>> No.10776719

Hi Lubos.

>> No.10776768

It's obviously the case just from considering quantum mechanics. Space and time only appear to exist when you have very large numbers of nearly continuous measurements. When measurements become quantized ordinary notions of space and time break down. General relativity is a meme theory.

>> No.10776796

No string theorist claims string theory is the toe. Additionally, string theory has merits on its own, like the well known contributions to mathematics. So apparently studying math needs evidence? I don't think so. Critics are just salty they lack in brainpower

>> No.10776821
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How many more multibillion dollar particle smashers of ever greater size and complexity showing no evidence of supersymmetry, compactified spacial dimensions, or dark matter will it take before you give up on your modern meme theories?

Modern physics, like every other deteriorating institution, is corrupted by big money. If there's no big government checks in it, it's not pursued.

>> No.10776826

The very fact that reality seems to be discrete and that we can identify a minimum size in the planck length suggests to me that LQG is at the very least a viable avenue for investigation.

>> No.10776931

>The very fact that reality seems to be discrete

It is no such thing. Planck scale is simply the "zero" of our reality model. It's like saying a real numberline stops at 0. No it doesn't. It; goes inward for infinity. In fact our computational models break down if infinite depth is not assumed.>>10776821

>Modern physics, like every other deteriorating institution, is corrupted by big money. If there's no big government checks in it, it's not pursued.

This guy gets it, and people here just assume we can talk about the theory of everything freely just because 4chan is "anonymous". The money interests involved here are extraordinary. We are talking 21 billion for the next collider. If the TOE was discovered before they got that funding they would try and destroy the person who did it, like Socrates, anonymous or not. We don't even after to wonder because a legit TOE was post here recently and that is exactly what happened. The big money interests crawled out of the woodwork once it started getting attention and they they tried to hunt the researchers down in ways that were far disproportionate to what should have been a friendly anonymous discussion about science.

The political climate we are in is NOT SAFE for science. We are essentially in a new dark ages in that regard, and the people who think are the good guys are not necessarily the good guys.

>> No.10776938

>because a legit TOE was post here recently and that is exactly what happened
I'm gonna guess that it's the nonsense classical theory of everything. Please don't advance cranks.

>> No.10776944

>Please don't advance cranks.
You're talking to it

>> No.10776946

Please cease being a crank.

>> No.10776954

>>The very fact that reality seems to be discrete
>It is no such thing. Planck scale is simply the "zero" of our reality model. It's like saying a real numberline stops at 0. No it doesn't. It; goes inward for infinity. In fact our computational models break down if infinite depth is not assumed.>>10776821
>>Modern physics, like every other deteriorating institution, is corrupted by big money. If there's no big government checks in it, it's not pursued.
>This guy gets it, and people here just assume we can talk about the theory of everything freely just because 4chan is "anonymous". The money interests involved here are extraordinary. We are talking 21 billion for the next collider. If the TOE was discovered before they got that funding they would try and destroy the person who did it, like Socrates, anonymous or not. We don't even after to wonder because a legit TOE was post here recently and that is exactly what happened. The big money interests crawled out of the woodwork once it started getting attention and they they tried to hunt the researchers down in ways that were far disproportionate to what should have been a friendly anonymous discussion about science.
>The political climate we are in is NOT SAFE for science. We are essentially in a new dark ages in that regard, and the people who think are the good guys are not necessarily the good guys.
>>because a legit TOE was post here recently and that is exactly what happened
>I'm gonna guess that it's the nonsense classical theory of everything. Please don't advance cranks.

With all the nonsense posted on 4chan, you start getting heated at mention of the Theory of Everything. At what point do you self reflect and realize that you have been brainwashed by big money interests? Whether you consciously realize it or not, your programmers DO NOT want the theory of everything to be solved. More money in "treating" ignorance than in curing it.

>> No.10776958

>Delusions of Grandeur
It's a crank. Like Tesla you will die utterly convinced your erroneous theory was true and suppressed. Unlike Tesla you will not even be notable enough to be a joke in the Physics community.
I can't think of anything more pathetic.

>> No.10776959

>>>>10776931 (You)
>>>because a legit TOE was post here recently and that is exactly what happened
>>I'm gonna guess that it's the nonsense classical theory of everything. Please don't advance cranks.
>With all the nonsense posted on 4chan, you start getting heated at mention of the Theory of Everything. At what point do you self reflect and realize that you have been brainwashed by big money interests? Whether you consciously realize it or not, your programmers DO NOT want the theory of everything to be solved. More money in "treating" ignorance than in curing it.

We don't even have to wonder. A legit Theory of everything was posted to 4chan recently and your type got angrier and angrier the more proof was offered in support of it until they literally started trying to doxx and hack the accounts of the theories researchers in an effort to destroy them.

Something valuable was learned that day.

Your programmers do not want a Theory of Everything because of various funding projects they are pursuing and they will actively oppose anyone against that narrative, and violently if necessary.

>> No.10776962


Again, self reflect, if you haven't already, about why of all the nonsense posted on 4chan, this is what gets you violently angry.

You might learn something about yourself and how you are being used to the detriment of science.

Lots of examples of this throughout history. The biggest theories are never without controversy. They usually involve people being burned alive, or Scopes trials etc... And just because you think that this is 2019 and you are an "athiest" does not mean you are not a brainwashed radical fundamentalist.

>> No.10776966

>this is what gets you violently angry.
This is projection. I am in fact incredibly amused and delighting in the fact that you're sperging out.

The difference between liars and the delusional, is that you, the deluded are not simply satisfied to say that your theory was misunderstood by lesser minds and unjustly derided. Your paranoia necessitates that it is being suppressed by conspiracy, big money that is watching all the time.

It's really quite pathetic. Honestly it's great unintentional comedy too.

>> No.10776968


t. failed physicist Lubos Motl

>> No.10776970

no u

>> No.10776971

Again, self reflect. I'm not the one violently tossing out ad hominems, which are the precursor to physical violence.

You have your mind made up that the Theory of Everything is impossible. You asked no questions abut it, and I won't give you any answers even if you did, because we already saw where this goes earlier. Your mind is made up and you will get violent if proven other wise.

Anyway, have a nice day.

>> No.10776979

>I'm not the one violently tossing out ad hominems
Ad homs /= insults. It's fine though I understand you have a persecution complex.
>which are the precursor to physical violence.
Not usually no, why? Do you feel threatened? That's an irrational fear as you and I are separated by the internet.

>You have your mind made up that the Theory of Everything is impossible.
No, I have my mind made up that you, specifically, are wrong and what's more delusional.

>You asked no questions abut it
You are a crank, I don't want to entertain your delusions. I don't generally ask those who claim to be Napoleon about the details of how they won the Battle of Austerlitz either.

>Your mind is made up and you will get violent if proven other wise.
Shh shh you are safe. It's okay to be a crank, you're not harming anyone and no help will come to you.

>Anyway, have a nice day.
If nothing else you've helped me have a funnier day.

>> No.10776982

No harm will come to you*

>> No.10777254

>A legit Theory of everything was posted to 4chan recently
link to warosu/archived.moe?

>> No.10777662
File: 47 KB, 850x479, R-D-and-R-D-experimental-results-and-the-SM-predictions-by-HFLAV-summer-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just because we haven't made a better theory than the standard model implies science is corrupt
this is a retarded argument. so what if we didn't discover the memes that theorists wanted us to discover? they were wrong. and we have learned things just by making more careful measurements of the standard model, and found new, more subtle things to study.

if it really were a corrupt conspiracy, and experimentalists were just lying to rake in the buxx, then isn't it more likely we would falsely "confirm" what the theorists shill? instead we've said "nope. it's just the same shit we knew years ago." that doesn't seem like a great way to generate hype for more funding, does it?

arguing that because theorists were wrong, then experimentalists should stop making more measurements and confirming what we think is correct, is like saying "okay, game over, we know everything haha" which is brainlet-tier. at least the theorists have taught us that for sure our current model, despite it working super well, can't mesh with e.g. the theory of gravity. there is definitely more to the story. and saying "whelp, no results besides the higgs boson for the LHC, that means game over" is fucking hosstardfelder-tier. physics isn't over and experiments should continue, and there is no evidence of confirmation bias in favor of confirming wacky theories. in fact, i can tell you that experimentalists are HIGHLY skeptical of any measurement they make that might look like SUSY or extra dimensions or shit, and they double/triple check that shit to the point where so far they have always ruled against it.

your argument is blogger-tier, which means you are a useless brainlet internet troll who contributes negatively to the popsci brainlet sphere

pic related is a result from LHC that shows one of the anomalies which may be a more subtle hint at future revolutions of physics, but not related to the mainstream HET crap

>> No.10777908

Where can I find introductory articles/essays/books to theories beyond the standard model, now that SUSY has been discredited by lack of evidence?

>> No.10777944

I second this.

>> No.10777956

Why are physicists so attracted to monism? why not just have different types of matter at the fundamental level?

>> No.10777988

Sorry but I do math, I don't know what those big words mean.

>> No.10777996

Monism is the idea that everything is fundamentally composed of one substance

>> No.10778341

>the fact that anomalies don't cancel unless there are 10 dimensions is basically a mathematical fact

This is wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faddeev–Popov_ghost

There are also homotopic attempts at renormalization, as well.

>> No.10778351

The one where you have to test your predictions.

>> No.10778601

get help, gary

>> No.10778609


He's probably talking about this "unified theory of everything",


The guy put it behind a paywall but he was basically peer reviewing it here before then, and the basics are that it models everything as a single infinite fluid. So then to compute it you just you use a basic fluid diffusion / contraction equation (fluid is actually on a real number line, not absolute) and you calculate this on an automaton and voila, what you see in that video appears. Literally all that is happening in that video is the numbers in each cell are averaging. It's STUPIDLY simple. But you can see for yourself simulated waves, particles, gravity, lines of force, etc.... Guy was having problems with people saying he was lying and there is no way all that came from a basic fluid diffusion equation, but a bunch of us reverse engineered his program and thats all it is, literally just numbers averaging with their neighbors to represent diffusion if positive and contraction if negative. Just infinite fluid, that's all any of this existence is, theoretically . He posted here for a few months until a few physicists who frequent reddit came here trying to start shit.

>> No.10778610

Oh please don't say the name. It's like speaking a incantation or some shit.

>> No.10778620

Monism is accurate. The universe is all basically a single fluid, but fluid probably is not the correct word. It's more fundamental than that. Call it the Tao. But seriously, it's all been computed. You can simulated all 4 forces simultaneously using the most stupidly simple fluid equation. Like, the equation is so simple you feel like a 5 year old even computing it, and yet there are the 4 forces. It's some shit

>> No.10778628


>The guy put it behind a paywall

I take that back. It looks like the video is free now and he is trying to monetize through discussing the ideas with him through videochat somehow? I'm not sure

>> No.10778632

website is www.optimum.center be forwarned the video doesn't just explain the "theory of everything" it's like a whole philosophy of life and the universe and is some shit. I played the last 15 minutes of it for my dad since it's about the cycle of life and he started bawling his eyes out. Never seen him cry in my life. It was weird as fuck

>> No.10778633


1 hour :45 minutes in the video and then the next 5 minutes is where my old man started weeping like a baby. Never seen him cry in my life. I mean it's nothing that we dnt talk about here about like life extension tech and shit but i dont know. Was weird to see

>> No.10778637


Thats one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Not gonna lie. I only watched those five minutes. Is the whole video like that?

>> No.10778642


Pretty much. Most of the video is more sciencey though. It's basically like a best of /sci highlight reel, except it unified physics along with the other bullshit we post about mind uploading or whatever the fuck

>> No.10778643


Fuck you. Gary was the Jesus of /sci but he was betrayed by some redditor ass Judases

>> No.10778647


Okay.I am watching the video. The "rules for upload" give Asimovs Rules of Robotics a run for their money... Suprisingly well though out for an autist

>> No.10778706
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1504296679234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another I dont know anything but let me make a post thread

>> No.10778710

>he said, posting on a device that exploits multiple phenomenon all of which were theory less than a century ago.

>> No.10778714

How about you self reflect on how utterly retarded being a conspiracy theorist makes you.

>> No.10778747

Lubos has an abrasive personality but is correct when it comes to physics itself.

>> No.10778777

A few billions of dollars is nothing compared to the meme space racing, """renewable energies""", the trillions of dollars that go to Israel from the US government, or lots of other things like drug making and research that are all bigger black holes of money. Counting that particle colliders are a world effort, billions of dollars for something that can potencially accelerate the future by a lot is actually cheap

>> No.10778778


What the fuck are you niggers on about? That video didn't explain jack shit and nowhere in the video can you actually explanation of strong, weak or gravity forces for that matter

>> No.10778802

There is no alternative to high energy colliders when it comes to advancing beyond standard model.

>inb4 Sabine nonsense

Hossenfelder is a retard that does not understand this is not only about quantum gravity. We do have a theory of quantum gravity, it is called QFT, and it works and predicts everything at low energies. What we do not have is a theory of high energy quantum gravity. Her nonsense about alternative, cheaper experiments is not going to do shit to advance our knowledge.

The only exception is possible detection of CMB polarization, but that is precisely because it is tied to high energies occurring during big bang.

>> No.10778823

Jesus fuck, the guy is an obvious crank and doesn't even understand the stuff he claims this basic ass matrix iteration is, it literally never produces any of the forces claimed it does, or diffusion for that matter.

>> No.10778826

It's either the same guy talking to himself, because he is mentally ill, or brainlet followers who're themselves too stupid to understand why this shit is retarded at a basic level.

>> No.10778828

the core of the very planet we call home has stopped spinning

>> No.10778840

Membership to the Optimum Institute includes:

Access to our course, "The Complete Optimum Theory".

Instructions to build and run the Optimum Theory Unified Equation of Everything on a home computer.

Private weekly talks & discussions.

A private, Optimist message board.

A private, local Optimist meetup board.

Certification in Optimum Studies for passing members.

Ayyy lmao, this dude wants to make his own sect it seems.

>> No.10778847



Hahaha, some dude on reddit literally showed that this brilliant theory is literally a blur tool

>> No.10778864

String theory is probably useless and fake

>> No.10778978
File: 141 KB, 844x655, 777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or brainlet followers
Gary's never had any followers. The few people who entertained his idea on here lost interest when he started calling them fundies for criticizing him. Ironic as he's now claiming Optimum theory is some sort of message from God.

>> No.10778993

Somewhere he mentioned he has a family, imagine having a dad like this. Jesus fuck, poor children. The dude needs to get some help.

>> No.10779007

Luckily the kids being raised by his grandparents.
Hopefully he doesn't talk to his black son about how Sabine Hossenfelder is out to get him and 4chan's trying to bully him into suicide.

>> No.10779024

I love that whole post. Might as well have t. Not Gary at the bottom.
I personally love Cranks, they're great unintentional comedy. One of my favourites is a guy called Marshal Barnes who thinks he's developed an honest to God time machine using a desk fan and a remote.

>> No.10779038
File: 34 KB, 954x265, Newfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This part is my favorite.
I have to admit it's an excuse you can't argue with.

>> No.10779093

ITT optimum theory threads confirmed redditor cesspools. all the real /sci/ anons ignored that shit, not even as good as Tooker threads

>> No.10779133
File: 2.07 MB, 1903x5475, screenshot-https-www.optimuminstitute.org-glory-2019.07.04-07-53-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you accuse me of being a redditor chucklenuts. It's not my fault Gary waited until he got bullied back there to reveal that the Bible was just a metaphor for Optimum Theory.
I agree Tooker's better though. Gary's too much of a pussy to stand by his statements. All the deflection undermines the entertainment.

>> No.10779300

Sounds like Gary just reads much of the bible as allegorical, and if followed would pull religion out of the dark ages and put them back on the track of science, and that theology is also completely scriptural, since Christians believe that Jesus was the author of the Old Testament and was famous for allegory. If Gary is trying to get Fundies to accept an allegorical interpretation of evolution in the bible, etc... That's actually pretty noble. Or maybe he is just trying to avoid another Scopes Money Trial scenario if unified physics does get accepted by the mainstream so that it does not get held back for a hundred years because of the religious backlash? Because face it, a theory that explains everything will meet strong skepticism from religious folks. Anyway, I'm reading way more of an 11 dimensional chess vibe from that "essay" than your standard Tooker Schizo nonsense

>> No.10779310

>Sounds like Gary
Hi Gary, talking about yourself in the third person is a sign of mental illness.

>> No.10779314


Just to play devils advocate. Every single nonprofit has income. Fact. So, if Gary must do this Optimum Institute thing, lets say he thinks its necessary for Humanitys long term success or some shit... How do you suggest that the optimum institute support itself?

>> No.10779324


Gary uploaded a new video and then made it private within an hour or so last week and said that for the past 6 months he has been conducting peer review and peer review is suggested to be anonymous, and he has been trying to maintain the integrity of that process without corrupting that by explicitly saying it, but now he just prefers to work anonymous anyway because of how "evil so many people have been toward this process" .

>> No.10779335
File: 78 KB, 470x313, 6b6389e88e05e0d9ee4a61230341dd97 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off optitards, this is a string theory bread

>> No.10779340

Based and Motlpilled.

>> No.10779358

i wasn’t referring to anomaly cancellation in ordinary (particle) quantum field theory. of course anomaly cancellations happen in normal QCD and the standard model. in _string theory_ anomaly cancellation requires 10D

>> No.10779377
File: 70 KB, 718x423, 9-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm reading way more of an 11 dimensional chess vibe from that "essay" than your standard Tooker Schizo nonsense
Gary certainly does seem to be functioning on a level far to grand for the general public to comprehend.
Anyway I'm tired to argue with Gary.
If others wanna look up more of his shit use redditsearch.io his newest accounts are yepyapyerp juststoppingbyfortea and boxblur
these are the rest https://boards.fireden.net/sci/thread/10585306/#10595825

>> No.10779469


I mean... thats pretty fucking cold logic, no?

>> No.10779485

At first I thought this was just Gary trying to shift his audience to scamming christians. But then I remembered something.
iirc In Gary's story he says he had his mental breakdown on April 1st when he was editing the video and saw the cross.
And I recalled that Gary, posing as an anon, had brought up seeing a cross in the video shortly after uploading it to youtube. https://boards.fireden.net/sci/thread/10534146/#10544430
So now I don't know what to think.
No it's just Gary covering for the fucking jews again.

>> No.10779533


Yep. Garys story about the crosses and april 1st is how it went down. Rememebr how every thought the automaton was a joke because Gary said he was going to release on Monday and didnt realize ot was april 1st? And then he made the video about seeing the crosses soon after?

As for covering for the Jews... if your argument is that the Jews control everything then how is that inconsistent with what is posted in that image? Believe what you want, point is America needs to stop being fucking marks who let people steal their money - fucking trillions of dollars - for bullshit that could have been solved by a single line of computer code. Its a fucking fact. The entire middle eastern wars and TSA would have been obsolete by a single line of code that did not allow planes to veer off course without traffic control permission. That tech has been avaialable for decades and if you dont understand that you are a fucking brainlet or you are corrupt and actually making money through that bullshit global war scam

>> No.10779539

All of optimum theory can be framed as trying to elevate human intelligence so we quite being fucking marks that are on course to go the way of the Romans. If you were smart enough to see how fucked Americas path is, and you had children, wouldnt you do everything you could to course correct?

>> No.10779545

>*cringe level intensifies*

>> No.10779569

>referring to Gary in the third person
I shouldn't have done that. Now you think I can't tell.
>Rememebr how every thought the automaton was a joke because Gary said he was going to release on Monday and didnt realize ot was april 1st? And then he made the video about seeing the crosses soon after?
I don't see why you're bringing it up but yes.
>As for covering for the Jews...
I was just joking. I don't fucking care if 9/11 was real or not, way I see it 9/11 jokes have brought more joy to the world than the people in the towers ever could.
My argument against your conspiracy would be that I've yet to see you prove this "single line of code" is real.

I said I was too tired to argue, I was just lying in bed and thought I should bring up the cross thing. I'm going for real now, I expect to wake up to atleast 100 posts of you samefagging, don't let me down Gary.

>> No.10779659

I dont know how much of a brainlet you have to be if you dont understand that we have had tech for decades that can prevent commercial airplane from veering off course without traffic control approval.

You are aware that commercial aircraft have autopilot, correct? And they can even land themselves, correct?

You are aware that traffic control monitor aircraft at all times. Correct?

You are aware that traffic control is able to communicate with commercial aircrafts instruments correct?

Fucking brainlet.

>> No.10779663

I dont know how much of a brainlet you have to be if you dont understand that we have had tech for decades that can prevent commercial airplane from veering off course without traffic control approval.

You are aware that commercial aircraft have autopilot, correct? And they can even land themselves, correct?

You are aware that traffic control monitor aircraft at all times. Correct?

You are aware that traffic control is able to communicate with commercial aircrafts instruments correct?

Fucking brainlet.

>> No.10779693

Clearly he isn't, else he would be employed as a physicist, and would produce research in physics.

He's utterly irrelevant.

>> No.10780051

>good string theories are "heterotic" and have 10 total dimensions
Any superstring will do, it doesn't need to be heterotic, it's just that GUTs embed nicely in E8xE8, but by dualities these theories are equivalent to other, (potentially) non-heterotic theories, though these might not be weakly coupled (hence difficult to calculate in).
The more modern models actually use IIB anyway, see: flux compactification. This is needed to stabilise moduli.

>> No.10780062

interesting. what are examples of non-heterotic superstring theories? i sort of was under the impression that "heterotic" just meant "bosonic or fermionic" via supersymmetry. is there a more accurate definition of "heterotic"?

>> No.10780103

>is string theory a pseudoscience?
Yes, it's based on the Kabbalah.

>> No.10780198

and Loop Quantum Gravity is based on the Hadith. therefore the only trustworthy theory of physics is panpsychism, based Deepak has our backs

>> No.10780305

>why do you need math anyway can't you look at it and SEE what's happening???

>> No.10780331

Its not difficult to imagine that someone like him wont find a research position because hes such an asshole, despite proper qualifications and physics knowledge otherwise. Didnt this basically happen with him in Havard?

But you are correct, he's irrelevant regardless.

>> No.10780440


Vision is the first gate of scientific observation. Persionally I think we should push the goalpost so far that it shoves directly up your moms ass

>> No.10780445


This is hyperbole of course. No one would ever literally advocate shoving a goal post up some scrubs moms anus, that would he a waste of material and slave labor

>> No.10780455


Again. Complete hyperbole. What I really thing is that... well since our forefathers spend their blood and resources over many generations building this nation, and because like you I am worthless flesh that wishes it were never born and will die that way by virtue of its own pathetic nature, well, I think we should let America go the way of Rome and allow the Asian to ass ram our girlfiends. But to be fair, lile you, I dont even believe in maled and females, so string willing I hope they assram me and spaggeti down my throat and I know youre with me comrad

>> No.10780473

anon, you should leave 4chan. clearly you have developed some sort of mental illness.

please, if you could just tl;dr it for me, let me know how you came to the conclusion that this post was on-topic in a string theory thread. please.

>> No.10780496


Well, its very obvious, brainlet. String theory is the will of the spagetti monster who rules all creation, and he wills a goal post up your moms anus. This isnt, like, rocket science .

Now sone total schizo whose entire families deserve to starve in a relatively bloodless genocide actually took the slavemasters call to unify physics seriously, and they did, but we both, now, know, that is not how things work.

We can never allow these slaves to leave, no matter what we said. And for this reason we must post the goalposts up our females pathetic cunts. This is not rocket science, anon

>> No.10780510


ToTaL HyPErbOle!!!

>> No.10780512

haha good /pol/ humor. now go back

>> No.10780513

Listen listen LISTEN!!!! Very important to clarify that AT NO POINT in history have people risen up and slaughtered woethless shit living on interest and Jesu Christ in his perfect Word never advocated such a thing. I mean he did. But we worship string and spagetti monsters sooooo

>> No.10780516


*Jesus Christ Messiah and Son of God

>> No.10780525

> AT NO POINT in history have people risen up and slaughtered woethless shit living on interest
i just wikipediad it and i found this
> Khmelnytsky Uprising
yes, jesusfags did genocide

>. But we worship string and spagetti monsters
no, the spaghetti monster is meant to mock people who believe in walking on water, turning water into wine, being born of a virgin, bodies teleporting out of caves, resurrecting dead people, transubstantiating bread into flesh, you know, that kind of nonsense

>> No.10780528


I Competely agree w/ yiur assessment of me. It is completely insane that we need to direct our resources toward a bottom up economy so that the brilliance of our nation can invent the future without endless war. All it will take, fortunately, is to shove this goal post up your whore mothers cunt, but perhaps thats a sacrafice you are willing to make since you cast off Jesus Christ and have no morals or values anyway, and you dont even believe in science since you sold that for literal string from an imaginaty spagetti monster

>> No.10780542

christians just don't hold a moral torch any more. sorry. you guys claim "liberals kill babies" but then you go and have children taken from their parents and put in cages, you support policies that will lead to sea level rise and mass hardship as a result, and, well, there are plenty of "evangelicals" (i won't accuse you of being one, but you may be) who are eagerly anticipating the end of the world, and for some weird reason it involves going to war in the middle east because of some "jerusalem temple" shit.

no. war and humanitarian atrocities are wrong. i have beliefs like that even though i don't base it on some sky jew

>> No.10780585

welp, this thread went to shit.

>> No.10780733


Oh noes the WASP who murdered milliions and stole out money had his feewings hewrt

>> No.10780773


Reeeeeee!!!!! Its only okay to hate Jeeeews! Not us WAAAAASPs who literally slaught and eat the meat flesh of the young humans children!!!! Reeeeee!!!! How dare you interupt our meat orgy from Iraq with this fore we still gorge on the meat of the children from nye!!!!!

>> No.10780777


Woort wooort WOORRT we WASP, we WHITE pretend Christiai
ns who slaughter children are deeeeply offended!!!! Worr wort wooort! We huuunger only for huuuman meat flesh!!!! That is why we stole the money to eat the children of every naaaaation!!! Wort wort wort!!!!!

>> No.10780787

Well first of all String theory is like 300 different things. But it's basically a mathematical construct and no more real than imaginary numbers are.