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File: 350 KB, 2048x1536, 25DAD51B-E55C-4DF2-9CAC-CD9959D3E200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10772144 No.10772144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be part black STEM student
>Constantly getting emails from white people begging me to be apart of their program (pic related)
>Get better offers with higher pay than most actual graduates get
What the fuck is with STEMs brown people fetish? It’s not healthy.

>> No.10772151

Accidentally cropped out the part where they mention they pay a starting $28 an hour

>> No.10772154

120/1000 apps being from African Americans, do they expect 500? 80% of the US is white but they want 80% of applicants to be minorities, they never took statistics, or learned the meaning of “minority” clearly.

>> No.10772280
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>i dont want you for ur skills but i want u for a diverse workforce
i just don't know anymore. the left has a hard-on for us. the right is either ambivalent or dislikes us. it's cringe

>> No.10772288

Everyone in this thread is a fucking liar.
I have to apply 1000 times to get a fucking part time job in stem even though I'm brown non-white

>> No.10772291

No one cares about Indians

>> No.10772293
File: 154 KB, 1300x955, black-ethnicity-woman-sitting-computer-laptop-desk-typing-concentrated-working-young-attractive-efficient-modern-82340987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The situation is dire.

>> No.10772296

White people get really fucking weird when you leave them alone for too long.

>> No.10772304

There was a study showing that white liberals were the only group of people ON EARTH that prefer the company of people from other races more than their own. I will see if I can find it.

>> No.10772406

I'm Ethiopian that's what professors 5hink I am anyway. I should get black privilege

>> No.10772547

I'm native american, registered to a tribal organization and the BIA and unless you look at me really closely and broke out the Nazi face measuring tools you would think I'm a white guy. It's the ultimate minority status to have and combined with my high GPA I get all kinds of scholarships and job/internship offerings for it. It's a broken system and it shouldn't be this way and I think that giving minorities special treatment like this is terrible. That being said I will never say no to free money and will continue milking this system for all it's worth, but I'll be damned if I agree with it.

>> No.10772563
File: 112 KB, 700x600, H5bcwJq9rUwqfqJm9mrFSZNMQZUhYGUOEdtmDWuU37U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJWs are not the left, they're disinfo. pic related was the left before the US's elaborate efforts to undermine it

>> No.10772589


haha yeah like building modern civilization, curing diseases, inventing shit haha

>> No.10772620

unironically seems dehumanizing, pretty funny how desperate they are though desu

>> No.10772915

raping and pillaging half the world, while claiming it's to save your 'soul' getting a whole nation addicted to heroin so they can sell and and declaring war because you tried to make heroin illegal. Killing entire civilizations by accidentally spreading disease due to their poor hygiene. Executing perfectly normal people because a perfectly normal relationship is "an abomination to the lord" but then that priest guy keeps touching your son, but somehow it's ok. Chopping your hand off and forcing you to eat your children because you didn't make the rubber quota... hahaa those crazy white people always something new! Gotta love em!

>> No.10772936

He said as he furiously typed away on white man's magic picture box.
I honestly want you to not like white people. Spread that jealousy and hate. The sooner we can cure these leftist white cucks of their un earned guilt the better.

>> No.10772949

Yes, keep crying because someone told the truth you your "master race" I'm sure if you whine hard enough a magical white uprising will happen saving you from your own pathetic life. Which is totally the jew's fault not yours!!!!!!

>> No.10772988


>> No.10772992


>> No.10772994



>> No.10773025

The lack of education combined with indoctrination means its functionally impossible to have a conversation about politics with the majority of Americans.

>> No.10773028

Tbf every dominant power regardless of ethnicity has done most of the shit you listed and then some.

>> No.10773030

>what is China

>> No.10773053

A runner-up civilization that was a victim of its own early success.

>> No.10773100

Name a single thing the Chinese have invented in the last 500 years. I'm not talking weak-ass incremental improvements of some fundamental breakthrough made by another people, but an actual novel, revolutionary innovation.

>> No.10773130


>He said as he furiously typed away on white man's magic picture box that depends on programmable language inspired by the chinese man's magic divination that utilized occult practices inspired by the cleromancy of the people of rome, isreal and west africa that utilized the mystical assorted prime number tally marks of the ishango bone by tribesmen of the congo

Fixed that for you

>> No.10773215

Because their worldview is nonsensical and requires huge demand for something that barely even exists (blacks that can think scientifically at a high level)

>> No.10773266

any luck bro?

>> No.10773276
File: 41 KB, 500x500, new-comedy-sticker-you-re-youre-making-my-superiority-complex-worse-asshole-smug-b-730-500x500_0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you basically have a become a pet, and this attitude is sad because people can mean well but it ends up being just a form of racism

>"we, as white people, must help the unfortunate person of color"

meaning: we dont really care for you qualities as a person but we look at you and you are a "person of color" so we have to help you, not because you are a fellow human being but because you are a person of color"

>I, as a "superior white person", have to help you, person of color that is down there.

a lot of people can't even see the intrinsic racism behind this attitude. by diffinition you are considering them not equal and that you, as a white person, are in a superior place to help the inferior.

>> No.10773278

Xi Jinping thought, you foolish westerner.

>> No.10773297
File: 27 KB, 480x363, 1549874871445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White liberals view blacks as a token piece, a pawn, to move around their offices as they see fit, to represent a picture of "diversity". This is because they couldn't find any people of colour to actually do their job because they're racists.

>> No.10773312

I wish this was the case. Here in Europe, being a woman gets you red carpet treatment but they couldn't give less of a shit about us brown folk.

>> No.10773315

Yeah, it's quite patronizing, but you also cannot wave away the discrimination that would otherwise be naturally present.
Imho, the best way to solve this issue is to attack it at its root, in primary and secondary education. The problem is that fixing this level of education is orders of magnitude more expensive.
So they create stop-gap solutions in tertiary education.

>> No.10773320

Weixin and the whole mobile payment and commerce environment.

>> No.10773321

White conservatives pretend to like the company of other selfish uptight assholes like them, because that's what they are supposed to do. Literally nothing more than virtue signaling.

>> No.10773333

More likely being genetically wired more like the other races and not geting along well with the "regular" whites, which is something most of them would surely refuse to admit.

>> No.10773343

Almost as if the whole concept of race is a complete meme.

>> No.10773415

Who cares? Just
>take the money
>get rich
>have children/inspire other black people to be successful
Thus, in the future everyone will have the same opportunities and people will stop having to do this kind of bullshit to make things more equal.

>> No.10773425

>Cross-posting this black-flag, white male snowflake bait shitpost

Fuck off.

>> No.10773516

"White people are the only ones to do bad things, blacks and muslims are pure and saintly!"
t. White guilt fags

>> No.10773581

>80% of the US is white
top fucking kek

>> No.10773582

The print

>> No.10773606

>The city needs a diverse workforce

>> No.10773608

>b-b-but white people have done it more!

>> No.10773615
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, white_ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be black STEM student
>Presumed retarded, lazy, and in general inferior the moment I walk in the door
>Get complimented in an interview by an old boomer on my "articulate speech" because speaking English is clearly difficult for us baboons
>Everyone presumes that I got where I am because of AA and not because of my 99th-percentile test scores and GPA
Still waiting for my advantages, I guess.

By the way OP, you seem a bit confused by being "part black", let me inform you that part black is black. Even if you try to act like one of the "good smart ones" you're still just a light colored baboon to them.
Sorry if that seems mean-spirited but the truth itself is mean, I'm just the messenger.

>> No.10773620

Can't suppress the tribalistic instinct I suppose.

>> No.10773631
File: 26 KB, 480x267, 1539824763-t13-yeguas[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes!!! even here in Chile is happening the exact same thing, in our last elections "our left" completely changed their platform for the "SJW agenda" 5 years ago they marched for free education and health plans now all they have is gayness, abortion and inmigrants...

>> No.10773638

This is wrong most liberals live around only white people.

>> No.10773644

Its really disgusting they treat actual intelligent blacks like they are still feral retards from the hood.

>> No.10773656
File: 347 KB, 1196x807, lower_cognitive_ability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown people fetish
The idea behind trying to steer the outcome of hiring is that in systems where you have total control, outcome implies intent.
Even leftists believe in merit-based hiring, believe it or not.
They just know that brainlets have proven incapable of separating racial background from their merit considerations.
It's kind of like seatbelt laws. We know you're too retarded to buckle your seat belt and we're tired of cleaning your brains off the freeway.

>> No.10773658

>intelligent blacks

>> No.10773662
File: 24 KB, 508x588, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a bell curve

>> No.10773673

that email is the most racist thing i have read in a while

>> No.10773686

How so? Race is basically a subspecies.

>> No.10773691

why would you believe anything you just said
fucking lol

>> No.10773705

What is the difference between race and subspecies?

>> No.10773716

None, that's my point.

>> No.10773723

>What is the difference between race and subspecies?
>In biological taxonomy, race is an informal rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, below the level of subspecies.

>> No.10773757

Cool, cool, racist trash here too. Thanks moot.

>> No.10773762

>mobile payment
Existed in Europe way before the average Chinese could have afforded a smartphone. China removed it from obscurity. Try again.

>> No.10773768

did you not read the first two sections of the article? blacks really are hopeless wow

>> No.10773771


>> No.10774066

It's the same here in Argentina. Nothing seems more important than abortion and gender identity, even when our economy is taken the sharpest nosedive in the past 20 years. Also, our government is supposed to be """"""rightwing""""""

>> No.10775002

I think people in STEM often feel like outcasts and therefore have an inclination to help marginalized populations. This is why nerd/tech culture is always so big into diversity. They have internalized the "weird loser" role and project it onto racial issues. Women are worse than men with this, on the surface But in practice, the men are often just as bad - maybe worse - because they want to please the women. Men in STEM are often very intimidated by women and will bend over backwards to placate them. In many other fields, there are probably women clamoring just as loud for inclusiveness and diversity, but the men in charge have more of a spine and don't comply.

>> No.10775045
File: 232 KB, 989x688, Uyghur_man_kashkar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make the most of this opportunity retard.

>> No.10775050

You can tell many people here are just lying. Academia is still pretty exclusioanry as fuck