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10772075 No.10772075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do conservatives hate the environment? Why do they shill for companies that produce and rely on fossil fuels even though they get no benefit from helping these giant corporations?

Is it because conservatives were scientifically proven to have a lower IQ on average?

>> No.10772080
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>Why do they shill for companies that produce and rely on fossil fuels even though they get no benefit from helping these giant corporations?
because the regressive left denies the safety of nuclear energy

>> No.10772089

>Is it because conservatives were scientifically proven to have a lower IQ on average?
are you kidding me with this bullshit again ???? claiming that someone has lower iq because of how his environment shaped him during childhood is idiotic. some aspds, pyschopats or sociopaths are smart and they don't give a shit about environment or other people. why would caring for environment be a sing of high iq ?

>> No.10772090

Nuclear is too expensive to be worth it. No private investors want to touch it, the only way for nuclear to be viable is with state controlled power companies which you would ironically consider a socialist power grab.

>> No.10772101

The worst effects of climate change will not happen until after I am dead, so it is quite literally not my problem. If you want me to care about other people then maybe you should start believing in God again, libcuck. Checkmate atheists.

>> No.10772103

>Nuclear is too expensive to be worth it.
cheaper than a carbon tax

>> No.10772115
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Both (((conservatives))) and (((liberals))) hate the environment.

>> No.10772118
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For who? Certainly not the tax payer, maybe the nuclear industry.

>> No.10772120

>the tax payer
taxation is theft

>> No.10772125

not science or math

>> No.10772133

you're welcome to leave, I hear there's no taxes in Somalia.

>> No.10772136
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Don't worry. We'll take care of it. First we take away free speech, r/the_donald, and r/honkler

>> No.10772142
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>> No.10772146

>posting about who the fuck cares reddit drama
Go back

>> No.10772153

Nothing is cheaper than a carbon tax, because it is the most effective measure at preventing long-term losses from excess warming.

>> No.10772156

>you're welcome to leave, I hear there's no taxes in Somalia.
There are no low IQ conservatives in Somalia shilling for fossil fuel companies either, paradise for both of us!

>> No.10772166

>Is it because conservatives were scientifically proven to have a lower IQ on average?
in one study on psychology students with a cut-off at 120.
every conservative and especially nationalists should be concerned about the environment, but straight up lying doesn‘t help the cause.

>> No.10772172

>Last month, Soma Oil and Gas, a London based energy company, searching for hydrocarbon deposits off the coast of Somalia, announced that it had completed a seismic survey to ascertain the potential for recoverable oil and gas deposits. Although further details have yet to be released, chief executive Rob Sheppard announced that the results were encouraging.
Looks like America will be invading soon better watch out.

>> No.10772182

Investing more in fossil fuels doesn't get us closer to nuclear. Admit it, they just want to fill their pockets.

>> No.10772183

Because party politics are designed to paralyze and kill us all.

>> No.10772331

>implement carbon tax
>hamstring economy
>get outcompeted by others who don't
>global warming still happens
>now in a weak position in a time of resource scarcity

>> No.10772347

Have you heard of sanctions? You sanction the countries that don't put in effort toward decarbonization to put pressure on them. "We can't compete because we don't use fossil fuels" doesn't matter much in the face of incredible costs and losses due to the environmental damage of severe warming. It will be so severe as to cripple globalized trade, reducing prosperity across the board. Putting a cost on environmental externalities is going to temporarily hamper growth no matter what you do, but earlier and stronger action is the best long-term outcome economically, and a carbon tax is a way to achieve "effectively minimal losses." However bad they might be, the alternative is still worse.

>> No.10772359


Sanctions which only serve to raise the prices of your own goods that are already driving you into poverty?

>> No.10772364

When do conservatives get the wall?

>> No.10772366

Stop blaming climate change on "rich capitalist mustache-twirling evil cackling truffle-caviar-eating fatcat elite billionaires"

It's the fault of humanity as a whole. Fossil fuels give everyone better lives by making electricity cheaper. We all love our combustion cars and don't want to spend more money on something cleaner but more expensive. Rich people give consumers what they want

>> No.10772383

There's this thing called a tariff I'm surprised you haven't heard of it. Though honestly America never should have deindustrialized in the first place. Wage stagnation and the continued erosion of the middle class in exchange for corporate profits and cheap toys was never worth it.

>> No.10772390

Any kind of nuclear plan is far cheaper than sending capital into the ether in the form of taxation, and it directly addresses the problem which enviros hate for some reason.

>> No.10772397

The entire reason rich people are allowed to keep their money is because people like you argue that the rich know what to do with it. But clearly they don't, because they have the power to destroy the each and they're doing just that. Basically we need to fix this by taking away their money that we have given to them so graciously

>> No.10772404

>even though they get no benefit
Are you aware of the existence of money and how it can be used to purchase goods and services?

>> No.10772405

Sanctions that prevent even greater losses from environmental externalities.
How about a carbon tax that's used to subsidize the cost of nuclear reactor construction?

>> No.10772414

Only at the state level, i'm not paying for third worlders energy usage.