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File: 46 KB, 767x431, fertilitysexsti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10770961 No.10770961 [Reply] [Original]

Why does making babies should feel good?

>> No.10771006

biting the bait and answering in the most obvious way

who the fuck would be doing it otherwise?

enlightened individuals who want to procreate to ensure the survival of the human race? give me a break.

>> No.10771012

what about white individuals that want to create a future for white children to preserve their race?
Would that work?

>> No.10771016

benis in vagoo

>> No.10771017

thanks for responding but why do we need to reproduce? why does nature want to reproduce?

>> No.10771046

>thanks for responding but why do we need to reproduce? why does nature want to reproduce?

nature doesn't want jack shit

all animals who didn't like fucking just died out

or think about it this way: every single one of your direct ancestors going back millions of years, fucked at least once - otherwise you wouldn't be here

>> No.10771061

Sex is painful torture for female cats. The penis of a male cat is covered with barbs.

>> No.10771066

I kinda get it now ty

>> No.10771068


>> No.10771097

Hoes does it feel like bros, I need to know

>> No.10771117

Nice motto but somehow the birth rates of white people are the lowest so I must assume that is just something you tell yourself while you jerk off.

>> No.10771156


Like jacking off, only now you have some person next to you who has her own thoughts, feelings and desires that you have to deal with one way or another.

>> No.10771169

Fuck that I’ll just do it myself.

>> No.10771214

It does not feel good for everyone though.

>> No.10771217

>sex feels good
It doesn't, if you're circumcised. You have no clue what it is really like.

>> No.10771246

Make sure you do your purpose which is to replicate your DNA.

>> No.10771249
File: 3.73 MB, 320x240, 1440600220683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't, if you're circumcised

another anon on a foreskin crusade

Yeah, I'm sure all the circumcised men hate sex.

>> No.10771310

maybe they like it you cant be sure

>> No.10771331


doesn't matter if the female likes it

if the male can rape her and get her pregnant, that's good enough for mother nature

procreation happened

>> No.10771407
File: 451 KB, 882x876, circumcision npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who are circumcised shouldn't reproduce. If you're circumcised and a gentile, it means that your parents are NPCs with retarded mental genetics, and by breeding you are likely creating more retards.

>> No.10771427

It has to feel good, otherwise no one in their right mind would put up with all the bullshit associated with it.

>> No.10771435

.....Because we wouldn’t do it if it didn’t.

>> No.10772221
File: 125 KB, 640x734, AncientSkall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol look at this losers.

Circumcised. No need to worry about dick cheese, since you don't shower clearly. No smelly dick because of that either.

100% of all women I've fucked were relieved when they saw I didn't have a dune worm coming at them. Fucked more often because of it too.

Every "I'm not circumcised" announcer in college, ( Yes these losers did this loud and proud ) All failed, the classes or quit before grades would become final. lol

Yeah. I bet you think the Earth is flat too and vaccines are against 'Gods Will'


>> No.10772369

sex feels terrible. After I nut my cock is sore and I have a headache. then you have to worry about 1 sperm having somehow creating a baby and all your dreams would become fucked

>> No.10772372

Absolutely not.

>> No.10772380


>> No.10772435

exactly anon. i'm only 50 credits into a degree. If I had a baby now all my momentum would be soiled. SOILED.

fucking primal insticts. Leads to financial and career destruction.

>> No.10772436


>> No.10772441

shit man I do it like 40 times a week and I still preform pretty well, I wonder what i'd be like if I took off the handicap.
the liberal would probably get mad.

>> No.10772494

That's why you wait to do it until you're ready to sleep for the night.

>> No.10772496

Because the process of making babies is positively disgusting and no rational being would voluntarily do so on their own.

Think about it like going to work, but instead of a salary you get an orgasm. While there may be some sick fucks who'd do it all on their own, most of us would have better things to do.

>> No.10772741

>dune work


>> No.10772757

That guys feet are fucking huge.

>> No.10773584

What year is this who gives a FUCK about "a future"?

>> No.10773773


The (male) climax is actually a good example of immanent experience of Man's true Ontology, most of all in masturbation. Not an empty inert vessel into which experience is poured by an other, but as Monad from and into which experience explodes by virtue of its fullness and dynamism.

>> No.10774580

Wait until there is a new religious law that says the more you jerk off the smaller the penis gets because you are wearing it away as you indian rubber burn it so you can african booty scratch.

It’s the only convenience to multiplying. First the eroticism, the foreplay, then the true effort and then no way!

>> No.10774592

One church says that when you go to the afterlife you’ll end up a midget or elderly if you die at either extreme. The other says you’ll go to limbo where you’ll be resurrected and continue on.

Either way I feel they are all being enlisted to go to jail and tear anal ligaments. Breaking ligaments should feel good as well in jail house settings. They are all after convenience for a direct cause. One is for the convenience of Jesuis.

>> No.10774594

The other for the convenience of more hell.

>> No.10774597

This is a philosophical question, not a science one.

>> No.10774704

Because behind posting to a Brazilian fish trading forum, we all have lizard brains that are ingrained with the need to reproduce.
Every body function that is inherent to the survival of the species feels good. Taking a shit, pissing, eating, busting a nut are all functions that are required for genetic propagation.

>> No.10776447

imagine the first human who discovered sex
I wonder what he thought about it

>> No.10776524

Long time ago sex probably didn't feel as good as today for our ancestors (humans or otherwise), then random mutations made some males and females enjoy sex more than others thus procreate more than other generating more sex-positive descendents.

>> No.10776550

reality is in the far future all races go extinct and we will end up with only one mixed race. deal with it.

>> No.10777114

>sex feels good

I wouldn't know

>> No.10777213

>(((deal with it)))

oy vey, is that you rabbi shekel?

>> No.10777221

i thought this board was one of >100 iq individuals. you have brought shame to this board by such a retarded post anon

>> No.10778874

>on a science board
>just now gets Evolution
Are you in elementary school?

>> No.10778878

This is absolutely wrong.

t. circumcised due to phimosis

>> No.10778892

Go back to >>>/pol/ fucking /pol/tard

>> No.10779157

Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


>> No.10779691

if feel good then more babies

>> No.10779794

This is the materialist's answer. It's not necessarily the only way to answer this question. Once you start looking at complexity and things like circular causality in self-organizing processes, you come across the potential that nature does have a 'mind of its own' in a sense, and so anon's question, while seemingly infantile, might actually be a better approach than just dusting everything under the rug of evolution, something that has killed much interesting discussion for the past century.

>> No.10779843


Sad for you, my IQ is 163. Sucks for you being under 100 that you try and turn it onto me. How pathetic you truly are.

Enjoy flipping burgers for life working along side "basket ball" poop skins.

>> No.10779851

after I nut I have a headache

shit I thought it was just me.
Why does tv always show ppl feeling good afterards? it makes you feel like shit.

>> No.10780703

>fucking without a condom on feels pretty great
>you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant

>> No.10780740


Anon, you're not supposed to want a woman to be like a man. If you're not intending to accomplish or create something together naturally you're going to find her prattling on boring. Although even this is due to not feeling fulfilled in yourself or the rest of your life, which manifests as being unable and unwilling to explore the world that is another person. Ever consider there's more to a woman than what she shows you by talking about the haircut her friend got and other pointless nonsense? If it's so one sided, there;s a chance it's because you're an aimless and impotent man. She's responding to that by becoming disorganized.

Lot to be said. I'm just a friendless mid twenties fuckup though, what do I know. I haven't bothered to deal with other human beings in years because I'm under no illusions as to my inadequacy and impotence as far as an inability to meet the standards my own value system, what other people think they want doesn't matter.

Your stuff about watching a burrito and cooking an American Dad makes you sound like a lazy idiot. And you probably are.

>> No.10781936

imagine a species that would have no reason (just like a good feeling) to perform an act that leads to reproduction:
why should they even reproduce? it feels good because a species that performs the act of reproduction a lot reproduces a lot and thus survives evolution

>> No.10781940

Individuals who didn't enjoy sex eventually disappeared.

>> No.10781942

>doesn't matter if the female likes it
It matters a lot. If the female doesn't like it, the chances of reproduction are like 500% less. Rape is not an efficient way of reproducing. In humans, there's more involved in the upbringing than mere reproduction. Males who pass on their genes do much better if they are also good fathers, which is usually what they're selected for.

>> No.10781946

Circumcision and excision aren't the same, which is why they have different names. You can't compare removing some skin and removing part of the clitoris. Obviously.

>> No.10781951

You and the other guy are fucking retarded. Sex feels great and afterwards you are finally at peace for a while.

>> No.10782006
File: 31 KB, 600x600, ` ` 149454554mfw2170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does nature want to reproduce?
nature doesn't want anything.

there is a system available to us.
our continued and thorough engagement with the system is ensured because there is sufficient motivation (sensory gratification) to override factors that would otherwise cause disengagement or avoidance of the system.
so, we engage the system.
because we engage the system, we reproduce.
that's all.

>> No.10782014

You two need to get your blood pressure checked, asap.

>> No.10783688

Wireless devices raise your blood pressure and may goof peepee and post orgasm experience up.

telecom is messing with your orgasm quality now.

>> No.10784616
File: 118 KB, 960x933, 1502253080854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt know I had a clone.

>> No.10784621

>overwhelming digust at both yourself and partner
>confronted by hygenic reality of sex
yeah man after is so great

>> No.10784624

you are fucking stupid

>> No.10784766


I think I've seen this before. It is understandable though.

This is copy pasta worthy.

>> No.10785501

if you look at the bible you will see that the creator enjoyed creating stuff and then creating other stuff like disease and parasites to torture it, an angel eventually intervened and gave the fanboy in charge of naming stuff a conscience, this of course po'd the creator. then they came up with age to add to all the other tortures, but had to make sex feel good so there would always be a fresh supply of victims

>> No.10785828

What an asshole.

>> No.10786029


>> No.10786039


This is nature's way of tricking organisms into the continuation of suffering through the creation of other organisms.

>> No.10786592


>white individuals
they are doomed anyway, how doz dat make you feel white boi?

>> No.10786601


>> No.10788662
