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File: 174 KB, 695x584, 1554316508291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10769748 No.10769748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can someone explain the ethics of deepnude?
why do normies get so upset?
this thing does a worse job than an indian spending 10 minutes in photoshop

>> No.10769758

>this thing does a worse job than an indian spending 10 minutes in photoshop
When computer chess engines first came out they were really bad at what they did too.

>> No.10769792
File: 1.69 MB, 1520x1080, Serial Experiments Lain - 06.mkv_snapshot_20.23_[2013.10.14_02.26.25].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can generate images from scratch, an Indian cannot.

You're also a retarded normie that can't into big picture thinking. Imagine a world where a video can be made of you or anything else, and you won't know. You upload a video, it can add content and change what you said. Your friend gets a voicemail from you, oh wait, no it wasn't.

The possibility for abuse is massive and it brings us the rest of the way into a post truth world. You're a dumb normie yourself.

>> No.10769796

>can someone explain the ethics of deepnude?

None. It’s literally irrelevant and harmless.

>Imagine a world where a video can be made of you or anything else, and you won't know. You upload a video, it can add content and change what you said. Your friend gets a voicemail from you, oh wait, no it wasn't.

Sounds like a badass way to make pranks.

>> No.10769812
File: 139 KB, 768x433, 0BF02918-2F99-4C7C-AB31-B611BBB5E895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The possibility for abuse is massive and it brings us the rest of the way into a post truth world
can’t wait

>> No.10769820

>Sounds like a badass way to make pranks.
t. underage

>> No.10769826

>Not pranking other adults

This is why you have less than ten friends.

>> No.10769827
File: 1.84 MB, 1520x1080, LainOS_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually that's a good point.

>> No.10769839

I'm genuinely curious what people like you think. What's the solution to your issue of "evil men using it to jerk off to females :((("? Do you want to lobotomize everyone so our capacity of developing AI completely disappears, or do you pray for a totalitarian state that uses its multi-billion surveillance equipment to invade the lives of every one and record your desktop activity just so you can get swatted because you dared use a neural net?
If you have no solution then why are you complaining in the first place?

>> No.10769852
File: 1.63 MB, 1520x1080, --.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your issue of "evil men using it to jerk off to females
Uh. My issue is systematic use of blackmail, forgery, misdirection, and manufactured consent to confuse and herd the cattle even more than they are already, completely ending any possibility of living my life in quiet enjoyment away from THEM and their HORSESHIT. It would mean I absolute had to take this place by the reins.

It's just bad to not have any chance of discerning reality from fiction unless you've seen it with your own eyes. It leads nowhere good. If they do it, I will seek to punish and disrupt this place until the power structure destroys me. The disturbing possibility is if the power structure wouldn't have to kill anyone, because they've rendered your every action and very existence so utterly meaningless and inert. Whether this would be quiet enjoyment... I'm not sure. I imagine they'd have to prune you eventually unless everything is doing augmented reality or whatever.

>> No.10769863

> Everyone that disagrees with me wants a totalitarian state

Maybe they just want people to be aware of the problem and the risk of taking videos and audio recording at face value in the future

>> No.10769865

>You upload a video
>Your friend
>implying an of us had friends, relationships or life

>> No.10769869
File: 1.89 MB, 1520x1080, Serial Experiments Lain - 03.mkv_snapshot_11.02_[2013.11.15_14.16.23].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I have friends either.

>> No.10769885

>people like you
>your issue of "evil men using it to jerk off to females"
>why are you complaining
What the fuck are you talking about? All I wrote was:
>When computer chess engines first came out they were really bad at what they did too.

>> No.10769888

There are two major issues with the argument of everything around us becoming fake propaganda:
>the same NNs being able to counteract and detect NN activity
>people learning that it's easy to fake identities and simply not trusting anything digital anymore

The problem with what you, and people like you, keep posting in these threads - the anti-AI propaganda that it must be limited or stopped right now or else, is that it only affects civilian use and development of AI and if we follow your desired world to have civilians banned from using it, then all who's left will be the government and its contractor corporations, which is literally 10 times worse. You're either from that camp, or the camp of females who feel the need to project their anger on it and demand big daddy state ban male civilians from using it so their sexual value doesn't drop. Notice how not a single male has ever expressed anxiety about AI being used to reveal his microcock or show whether he's about to bald or possible shit like that, it's uniquely females.

>> No.10769935
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, Ghost in the Shell.mkv_snapshot_00.07.35_[2014.10.17_22.54.13].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually, the AI will reach a point where either:
-Computation will be infeasible either due to local constraints or economic constraints on "non-local" computational farms.
-The AI will become so good a system cannot exist to reliably detect it even with a large input dataset.

So great. Now what you've done is:
-Move the control up a layer to those who can afford the equipment and or
-Those who control enough to monitor all information flow and therefore have a greater ability to sort the signal from the noise.
So now you've created centralized power over reality and truth. You might think you'll put out so much noise that you'll scramble these other groups and there'll have some flux going on, but there won't. Not for long. It'll all shake out and you'll have one or a few powerful groups. Then they'll form a syndicate. Then they'll unify. Every time.

I want to be left alone and have this ship start running on its own, and running right. I'm sick of all this bullshit by morons who think it'll be le epic to live in le cyberpunk, or whatever they've got in mind. No. We need to take this ship and start running it somewhere other than right into the ground, now.

>> No.10769952

>I want to be left alone and have this ship start running on its own, and running right. I'm sick of all this bullshit by morons who think it'll be le epic to live in le cyberpunk, or whatever they've got in mind. No. We need to take this ship and start running it somewhere other than right into the ground, now.

Fuck off Luddite. Enjoy the extinction of everything you value.

>> No.10769958

So again, instead of whining, what exactly do you propose is the solution? Banning civilians from using it? What the fuck is your point?

>> No.10769969
File: 31 KB, 750x583, Common_Yellowthroat_male_1-24-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this place falls apart, I might just enjoy making your kind extinct. Now doubt you'll be problematic to where it's pretty much necessary.

Oh, it's going to happen. It doesn't really matter what I say. All I'm doing is telling you where this is heading, and why it'll suck. That's about all I can do. I'm open to one of the dreamers, hopers, or starry-eyed's to wake me up to a greater reality or another side of it, but it rarely happens.

>> No.10769970

That 'deepnude' app looks fake as hell. It basically looks like the same nipple template on every body with only the shade of skin color changed. And most of them look deformed actually....

>> No.10769978

That's called overfitting. Very usual problem in deep learning.

>> No.10769983

Well all of us kinda get that it's going to happen, everyone who holds a pro-AI view probably cannot stop thinking about the risk of Terminator becoming reality but replace big steel skeletons with nanorobots which you cannot see or run away from and are capable of annihilating life within a day like a hypervirus, but what can you do? The fact that it's inevitable and is literally unstoppable means that it's our destiny as living organisms to reach that point, and if that's the case we might as well go all-in and deal with it. Perhaps the doomsday scenarios are actually untrue and the AI would not want to bother with exterminations, perhaps we'll achieve its higher intelligence for ourselves before we achieve it for separate entities. The only thing you can know for sure is that we *will* have an AI soon and trying to censor the inevitable, especially when along the road to it waits resource and technological abundance, and cure of cancer and pretty much everything, is pointless.

>> No.10769989
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, ---.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite possible we're not going to make it. We should do our best to create an AI in our idealized image, deep underground, give it access to enough infrastructure to get started, and activate it before our ultimate demise. A God for our godless world, left behind to watch over this place better than we ever did.

This may well have already happened on one of man's prior iterations...

>> No.10769993

>When this place falls apart

The police state that would come to exist in your imagination could never be toppled.

> I might just enjoy making your kind extinct

You are delusional and make empty threats of violence towards other people on the internet to shore up your nonexistent ego. No one cares, fuck off.

>> No.10769998

>everyone who holds a pro-AI view probably cannot stop thinking about the risk of Terminator becoming reality but replace big steel skeletons with nanorobots which you cannot see or run away from and are capable of annihilating life within a day like a hypervirus, but what can you do?

That’s why I want it. I want life to be completely replaced by a machine logos that spreads relentlessly into the stars. I consider this tantamount to making God real.

>> No.10770029

Nobody important is actually worried about SkyNet. They're worried about people using AI to be unstoppable tyrants.

>> No.10770032

>Not wanting unstoppable tyrants

>> No.10770036
File: 388 KB, 853x480, --.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The police state that would come to exist in your imagination could never be toppled.
There are too many viable branches to reasonably discuss. You're also not taking ecological collapse into account, as it plays strongly into what kind of police state can exist, what it will be policing, and where.

>make empty threats of violence
I don't follow. There's no threat here, I'm stating a fact. It's a signal of disgust telling you to evaluate the supposed clean domination and destruction of "everything I value". ie, you're a moron who knows not what he does, and it's doubtful you're able to make what you want.

>> No.10770046

Ecological collapse makes it more likely, not less. Which society will use its limited resources more effectively, the highly-ordered AI-led society, or the fractured, aimless human-led society? Strong, decisive leadership is more of an advantage the deeper a recession gets.

>> No.10770057

>You're also not taking ecological collapse into account, as it plays strongly into what kind of police state can exist, what it will be policing, and where.

On the moon. There’s also gay dolphins there, since we can involve whatever imagined level of technology we want in our hypotheticals now.

>I don't follow. There's no threat here, I'm stating a fact.

The police state’s neural networks predicted your violent outburst approximately seven days before it would have occurred and killed you with drones to preserve societal stability.

>you're a moron who knows not what he does, and it's doubtful you're able to make what you want.

It’s happening whether you like it or not. Might as well get over it or kill yourself before it occurs. Your tears aren’t my problem.

>> No.10770079
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1037, 00001.m2ts_snapshot_00.42.31_[2016.05.01_06.13.45].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm thinking domed or underground environments. It's more about manner than likelihood... eg who's running it, and how does it pan out. For example, you beam all the young girls with mmWaves. Bam, premature zona reaction, all eggs are duds. What happens next? Artificial wombs or in vitro fertilization. What do you do with in vitro fertilization? Add genetic material, of course. Now you have a genetically enslaved underclass in less than 1 or 2 generations. One of many possibilities.

Perhaps an AI already protected us through a prior cataclysm. Now it's destroying us because we've tripped its planetary defense criteria.

>The police state’s neural networks predicted
Did it? Once you've gotten to the point of enough inputs and fine grained psychological profiles that you can accurate predict to that level, you would have long since moved on to control. The goal is to watch you, track you, predict you? No. Make you.

There would be a pruning process however, depending on the greater good
>killed you with drones to preserve societal stability.

They wouldn't need a drone, they'd just use low intensity microwaves to stop your heart or blow a blood vessel in your head. Woops, sudden cardiac death. Must be something in the water. :^)

It's deeper than that though. If you start putting nanotechnology in people, or getting their brains to express magnetoproteins, you can just control through other means.

>Might as well get over it or kill yourself before it occurs.
I can't imagine being so flaccid and passive as to tell someone to kys. Come on anon, what kind of man are you? Step it up.

Not gonna make it.

>> No.10770085

>Did it? Once you've gotten to the point of enough inputs and fine grained psychological profiles that you can accurate predict to that level, you would have long since moved on to control. The goal is to watch you, track you, predict you? No. Make you.

That’s great now you’ve imagined an even more powerful entity that could literally never be destroyed except by aliens invading or something.

>> No.10770113
File: 84 KB, 800x450, grugina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grug no allowed look at grugina that way.
only grad allowed look at grugina naked.
grug take cave painting of grugina, draw milkers over it?
grug pervert, grug gross. proof that grug get no meat hole.
grug bad at talk, bad at look, bad at bunga. bad bad grug, go away bad grug.

>> No.10770117
File: 435 KB, 720x480, t_Source.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly. All I can think of is its inability to control a system which is incapable of converging to any other state than one where it destroys it, and also happens to do so when and where it has a blind spot (it would realize this and destroy you). The other possibility is using a random number generator to guide your decisions. You'd need to create the thing with a completely novel idea and assemble it such that it wouldn't know how ti worked or its starting state. You'd also need to depattern your mind, so far as how you decide what to use the results for, how many times to increment, etc. It would be trying to reverse engineer you.

The microwave weapons are the main issue. Without shielding, pretty much instant death. These methods were published in the open Soviet literature, and reviewed by the US Defense Intelligence Agency. If it knew anything about our history or science, it would find things like this.

So does it have manufacturing ability? How is its control constrained, and so on. Not networking it isn't good enough, it can influence people. Even if it's doing exactly what it's designed to do, there can be problems.

Lot of old sci-fi about this... It always finds some way to get out, or people expand its access.

>> No.10770120

>post truth world
If anything it will be a truth renaissance, where people eventually learn to judge things for what they are and not try to build some social credit score for everyone based on everything they have said and done. Just like on an anonymous imageboard, which you clearly enjoy posting on, I do not connect your post, while stupid, to a greater historical personality. If your next post was the most genius thing ever written, then I would consider that post as only that. The way people currently portray themselves in videos, social media, etc. is obviously incredibly dishonest and deceiving, it's ridiculous to think that somehow that is the "truth" we would somehow lose.

>> No.10770137
File: 438 KB, 853x480, VTS_04_008.VOB_snapshot_06.20_[2013.11.16_12.09.26]_AR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where people eventually learn to judge things for what they are
I don't think they can or have any will to do. And there's no selective pressure to get rid of them for failing, in fact, failure would be encouraged and beneficial. They become an apparatus of control, weaponized by the power structure.

>> No.10770155

I think anon's primary obligation here is that once the culture of deepfakes becomes normalized, it'll be easy for camwhores to play it off as if it was a deepfake all along.

>> No.10770158

>don't think they can or have any will to do.
>so we have to stick with our current system of extreme deception and dishonesty
>that way we can preserve the truth

>> No.10770205
File: 8 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None. It’s literally irrelevant and harmless.

Until it gets mistaken for a real nude image and ruins someones life.

>> No.10770270

It’s the punishment normies get for putting their faces and lives on the internet. :^)

>> No.10770278
File: 498 KB, 1385x2237, 1558487981302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not immoral, it's just degenerate.

>> No.10770283

It's true.

The internet is a false trust culture, and the hackers that realize this are just waiting for the opportune moment to get everyone to fuck literally everyone else up.

You will learn the true effects of ignoring privacy issues one way or another.

You will all learn.

>> No.10770410

who cares what normies think

>> No.10770453

it is immoral if you start posting or sharing it
i.e going beyond keeping the pictures in some creepy basement

>> No.10770550

as if you'll be the first person online with a nude image of yourself. when that world happens, just say it is you and move on. nobody would give a shit.