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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10769847 No.10769847 [Reply] [Original]

So is global warming actually real or is it just some political movement?

>> No.10769853

are you real or are you just some bowel movement?

>> No.10769859

>global warming
not science or math

>> No.10769870
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>it's real and anyone who questions it should be euthanized

>> No.10769872

>So is global warming actually real or is it just some political movement?
science is just as tribal as religion, with groups all believing in different realities, e.g. far leftists believing in climate change and vaccines, and far rightists displaying skepticism towards climate "science" and the safety of vaccines

>> No.10769877

climatology and therefore AGW are science, but denialism is not

>> No.10769878

It gets hotter ever year, what do you think nigger

>> No.10769883

if you say so rab. bye bye.
some of it is real and some is probably scare tactics to promote a form of dystopian nwo

>> No.10769884

>climatology and therefore AGW are science, but denialism is not
Climatologists do not use the scientific method.

>> No.10769887

Good thing there are facts available to resolve which side has those facts right. Political policy is a separate topic from the science itself.

>> No.10769890

Climatology is a natural science, and climatologists do use empiricism like any other natural science. Denialtards will claim otherwise, based on nothing but contrarianism.

>> No.10769892
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>> No.10769895

It literally doesn't matter if it's real, we should be doing everything we can to expand our understanding of the climate and how we can influence it to our benefit.

>> No.10769896

>don't like X
>say X doesn't use the scientific method
Wow, it's so easy!

>> No.10769899
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>> No.10769902
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>> No.10769907
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>> No.10769912
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>> No.10769918

Look man I don't even disagree with you but these types of images are pretty weak as proof if you don't provide a sense of scale or context

>> No.10769920

I think they're pretty good proof actually, youd have to be pretty dumb to ignore what's right in front of your face. You're probably an engineer

>> No.10769924

>>don't like X
>>say X doesn't use the scientific method
Who are you quoting?

>> No.10769927

>Climatology is a natural science
How so?

>> No.10769949

Natural sciences study the properties of nature. Climatology is a branch of atmospheric sciences dealing with global and local long-term weather conditions delineating terrestrial zones and the life that evolved in them. Atmospheric sciences are in turn a branch of earth sciences.

>> No.10770115
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Mai nigga

>> No.10770143

>THERE'S NO CONTROL EARTH IT'S NOT REAL SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10770162

I think I see the problem now.

/pol/ unironically believes that science springs up out of holes in the ground whenever there's money to throw at something, like some kind of dwarf.

>> No.10770171


Every practicing anti-vaxxer I know is a 28 year old first time single mother who's "with her".

>> No.10770191
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>anyone who disagrees with me is a robot subhuman

>> No.10770199

In all fairness, /pol/ never claimed that Tumblr does not deserve human rights.

Tumblr, on the other hand, once said that if the entire universe were a womb, god has that right to abort the entire thing, killing all life. This is an extreme example, but it demonstrates the trend of denormalizing the concept of ubiquitous right in favor of some local moral maxima.

>> No.10770265

>If someone posts something I don't like, I post the NPC meme
Quit self owning, it's embarrassing

>> No.10770289


>> No.10770328

I mean the whole point of the bible is that God can do whatever the fuck he wants and it's right because it's God doing it. So christians and whatever random person on tumblr you're paraphrasing agree on something.

>> No.10770561

It's real
Fuck off shill. (((They))) want people to deny human-caused climate change so that they can continue on with their wars and oil production that are contributing to climate change. You think you're redpilled but the real redpill is that the kikes are responsible for climate change and want people to deny climate change.

>> No.10770578


Something can be real AND a political movement. Climate change is a real phenomenon and either blazingly, seriously important in the near-term or largely insignificant misdirection.

If we actually knew it was important: if we had strong evidence of powerful positive feedback loops in the near future, then something would be done. Celebrities wouldn't be talking about it, engineers would be taking charge. Sulfate aerosols, messing with the algae. We'd be doing geo-engineering, not talking about it.

The other option is long-term discomfort and harm largely for poor regions like Bangladesh, so nobody really does things. This seems more likely. Green activists leapt on the bandwagon and hyped it to hell, just like peak oil, plastic waste and Amazon depletion. Alarmism and self-flagellation seem to be surprisingly popular and act as a means for the left to attack people it already hates: big companies.

A third, more sinister option is possible. Global warming is a serious near-term threat and it's deliberately allowed to do serious damage, prompting socialist revolution. AOC is a joke right now, but if SanFran were under water her ideological allies would be greatly emboldened. Perhaps they realise that capitalism is unassailable on the basis of long-term effectiveness, so they're worsening an emergency so they can take power.

>> No.10770630

You're a fucking moron. The continued warming is nearly assured as long as fossil fuel use continues, and the threats are desertification of arable land and destruction of natural ecosystems from the rapid change in environmental pressures. Your "is it serious or isn't it serious" musings on political will and hypothetical conspiracies are bogus. It is a serious threat to ecosystems and to farmland or forest that we depend on in many ways. It's a serious threat to freshwater security as well. The problem right now is that the pace of warming is so rapid that strong action is required to halt the warming and it isn't happening. But you're sure it's barely a cause for concern. Any concern at all is "alarmism," really. No wait, it's a secret socialist conspiracy. "If it were serious, something would be done, and this is reason to doubt its severity." What a joke.

>> No.10770735

>he thinks scientists care about the political spectrum with respect to science
Jesus christ stop consuming mainstream media, not everything is political.