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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 770x420, Kinobyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10767997 No.10767997 [Reply] [Original]

>Boss, we have a catastrophe
>Impossible. Our system is the best. It does not allow catastrophies.
>But boss, look. Here's the proof. And here, and here.
>Those are not proofs
>But boss, what are you doing? You can see it with your own eyes. Why aren't you doing something?
>What? I don't see anything. You are delusional. Our system is the best.

pic not rel

>> No.10768017
File: 1.05 MB, 316x306, C6AC8251-2810-4D39-9FC9-0D7542993B4B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, the climate debate in a nutshell

>> No.10768076

sadly. Humanity is so fucked that it seems like it would be a crime to have kids knowing just how much of a shithole they're going to inherit.

>> No.10768407


>> No.10768426

why /tv/? It's not a thread about chernobyl series

>> No.10768442

>pic is from the show
>dialog from the show
>"this thread is not /tv/ related"
go back

>> No.10768478

are you retarded, lad?

>> No.10768479

Microwave radiation.

>> No.10768491

Are you?

>> No.10768847
File: 56 KB, 638x359, great-filter-fermi-paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the great filter.

Our desire for technological advancement is outpaced by your desire to see and admit the painful truth that such advancements come with a painful and heavy cost. (as does everything in life)

Unprepared and unaware, it takes us by complete surprise, and then destroys us.

>> No.10769973

what is truth?

>> No.10771385

>impossible, our system doesn't allow racial differences

>> No.10771412

Technology is the source of all the world's problems.

>> No.10771419

lack of or excess?

>> No.10771428

The very existence of it.

>> No.10771434

I see
Interesting lecture we is fecked.

>> No.10771560

>climate change is real
You're on the wrong board.

>> No.10771597

I dont get why someone not affiliated with oil or coal companies would deny climate change
What's the worst that happens? We get more trees and renewable energy?

>> No.10771601

worst case is someone exploits the turmoil to create some sort of global government

>> No.10771605

Are you really saying that you don't support fixing climate change because you think someone's going to use the idea to take iver the world?

>> No.10771610

At the end of the first episode the one guy said, "We did everything right." Then the other guy said, "No we didn't."

>> No.10771612

>dude climate change is such a big deal and we need to fix it now
>that means you need to vote in socialist politicians and give your money to black people
>also china doesn't have to do anything despite accounting for more than half the world's emissions because reasons
Gee I wonder.

>> No.10771631

reminder that even the worst estimates of the deaths attributable to chernobyl is vastly dwarfed by the number of people that die from fossil fuel mining/production/pollution

>> No.10771638

no but it's just one of those dystopian scenarios we need to consider so we can avoid it

>> No.10771787

And a global government is bad because?
Freedom is what will destroy us, we need a ruling entity (ideally non human) to keep things in check. If all people were rational and empathetic this would not be the case. But as a whole, humans are dumb and selfish and will destroy everything around if left unchecked.

>> No.10771821

And that is the point of live if human necessity is not fulfilled

>> No.10771828

>We have a catastrophe comrade, look at this data
>what was the methodology used to derive it? These proxies aren't even remotely comparable to thermoters yet they are used as part of the same data set. The n is limited.
>You're a climate change denier comrade, there is no debate. The science is settled. You are delusional.
You're right.

>> No.10771833

And the solution to all the problems we used to have. Pick your poison.

>> No.10772339

Based Dyatlov. My favorite character. A true hero.

>> No.10772454

Freedom is the very reason you exist, to do as you will. Not every human being is needed to push humanity forward, and I'd argue that those who do abuse power in effect help society by only allowing driven, smart, and rational people to eventually break out and accomplish things. Advocating a world order for the sake of order is just the new way of asking for fun and entertainment to be constantly served to the masses. The internet is a perfect example of the capabilities of a global system that is used and abused for porn, media, and advertisement - That doesn't mean its bad, quite the opposite its an invaluable resource. But the people using it as a resource aren't wasting their time on a Taiwanese post exchange site, they find what they want, and then take it 'offline' to supplement their lives, repeating the process.

>> No.10772505

You get an intermittent, barely functional grid that shits out if it gets cloudy for too long on a hot day. You get expensive power bills that push business to developing countries that have no interest in clean energy and would rather seize economic power while the West makes itself poor.

We can handle super hurricanes and 115 degree summers if we have the energy economy to supply air conditioning, water, and build resilient structures. We cannot if we're relying on overpriced solar panels with inadequate long-term energy storage solutions such that a week of hot weather will cause blackouts (aka Europe).

Nuclear power is a good option with solar supplement, but real environmental kooks even hate that because they're worried about an area that's been geologically inactive for 100 million years leaking waste and irradiating 100 miles of nothing.

>> No.10772560

Solar is the cheapest energy source

>> No.10773589

Nice strawman.

>> No.10773886
File: 158 KB, 1354x1014, The eternal retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Climate change is real

Framing climate change as a belief/denial alternative was probably the most ingenious thing the corporate lobby could do

Its not a question of believing scientific research or denying scientific research, it is the basic question of being capable of understanding science.

If you are incapable of reading and understanding the scientific literature that presents the consequences of human activities on our climate, and the repercussions that will have, then I just feel sorry for you.
You should just say "I don't understand it enough to take a position" instead of reasoning "I'm not gonna believe it because a guy on tv or an internet forum / youtube video said that you shouldn't believe it because it's a conspiracy"
But I guess that you are just as retarded as the people who say they believe that Illuminati is in controll of Hollywood, that vaccines are governmentally sanctioned poison, that "chemtrails" poison the air we breath, and that Alex Jones vitamin suplements aren't placebo pills but that they actually work.
I think you should stay on /x/ instead of going to /sci/

If you think that you or anyone else has found a substantial speck of evidence that would disprove the last 25 years of global scientific consensus regarding the effects of human activity on our climate, then I would encourage you to present it.

If it realy will reveal the "ooh so great conspiracy of the climate scientists, environmental scientists, oceanographers etc; and yada, yada", then I'm sure that it will be front page news in every major newspaper around the world by tomorrow.

Unless you of course believe that all the news agencies are infiltrated by leftists, or that they have some obscure agenda to further "the lie". Then yea, you are delusional.
Thank you both for rustling my Jimmies

>> No.10775246

That series is the titanic of our generation

>> No.10775336

an insurance scam and attempt to kill of political opposition?

>> No.10775351

>Illuminati is in controll of Hollywood, that vaccines are governmentally sanctioned poison, that "chemtrails" poison the air we breath
you're a bit off on the specifics but all of these things are frustratingly real issues
the biggest issue with vaccines is that since 1989 the legislative requirements for testing and accountability have been heavily watered down with little true accountability.
Hollywood is run by a bunch of paedophiles
and the compounds used in geoengineering chemtrails have compromised land and air
the recent glyphosatte debacle should give you concern enough

>> No.10777264


It's not that we're unprepared. There are plenty in this species of ours that wants us to be prepared and move at a steady pace.

But, ironically, we all have collectively decided through majority of retards, that those who have the most charisma and generally are THE MOST LIKELY to throw people under the bus at the first sign of catastrophe while fucking off to free-from-all-consequence-land, are going to lead us.

We're neither unprepared nor unaware, we're just fucking retarded.

>> No.10777273

if only we had a benign dictator?

>> No.10777340

People frame it wrong IMO. I frame it like this: If you even allow that it's conceivable that climate change is happening, then you acknowledge that it's an existential threat. Even if the chance of it being real for you is 1%, that's still a non-zero non-trivial chance of extinction in the near future and therefore it's worth investing in ways to even prevent the POSSIBILITY of it causing our extinction.

>> No.10777417

>it would be a crime to have kids

YOU.. and the people that believe this shit.. YOU are the problem.

I fucking HATE that decent gullible women believe that aborting children is a GOOD thing because the future is bleak.

Just kill yourself if you believe this shit.

>> No.10777441

Ad populum argument.
Brainlet and brain dead.

>> No.10777447

>autisticly taking the bait

so much for /sci/'s high IQ

>> No.10777460
File: 381 KB, 2340x1350, TIMESAND___qvle61fsww89humjlptvfth8upsau854653cyvyxxqqzxfveyriyyo89t4tgeftppm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of them present data which rejects global warming and the authors simply wrote "Here's our data" instead of "We reject global warming?"

>> No.10777465

it's a terrible irony that these people are generally intelligent moral people and probably the group that should actually be having more kids not less...

>> No.10777485

If you pretend you don't have to replace them once every 10-15 years.
And you pretend that you don't need to add to the reactive power of a power system.
And you pretend that they always operate at maximum output.
Ya sure, its the cheapest.

>> No.10777575


(you didn't see graphite)
Dyatlov, is that you, Master?

>> No.10777578

>Boss knows it's a problem but is more afraid of getting in trouble than blowing up the plant
Soviets Inna nutshell

>> No.10777620

>Retarded suicidal neoliberalism is environmental
Ecofash when? Nuke china, India and Africa

>> No.10777624
File: 301 KB, 1062x942, 1562109805040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen worse, stop vomiting and get back to work or I'll make you

>> No.10777747

Not every nation chooses its leaders by election.
The president of China, for example, doesn't have to be charismatic. He also doesn't have to listen to the will of the people, because he doesn't answer to the people. These things seem to go hand in hand. Either you have a government that isn't beholden to the masses, and so tends to oppress the masses, or you have a government this is beholden to the masses, and so cultivates a stupid, distracted, easily led and easily misled citizenry, which doesn't understand the issues, or care about them, and which, when it even thinks to make demands, demands stupid things.

I'll say this: if China's president decides he wants a Mars colony, he doesn't have to convince the Chinese people of its merits in order to secure funding.

(ps, the 's' and 'x' keys are right next to each other and I very nearly hit "Post" with the line reading, "if China's president decides he wants a Marx colony...")

>> No.10777837


>> No.10777840

People had kids in significantly worse times than climate change dude. It's the only reason you are here. Climate change is bad but if you live in a first world country your children will still live great lives.

>> No.10777865
File: 121 KB, 403x503, E_Bernays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, good
keep watching those emotionally heavy and totally historically accurate programs

>> No.10777889

what about Bernays? I'm new

>> No.10778176

>you can't disprove it, so it is right
Too bad the data you religiously cling to doesn't even fit any of their models.

>> No.10778354
File: 131 KB, 933x1392, sandwich-chef-stock-image-1143814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts his ebin viral marketing meme again
Thank you for shitting up the board, 50 cents have been deposited into your account.

>> No.10778599

>he thinks chem trails are real
I actually cant conceive of someone so retarded.

>> No.10778627

Yes, goy, don't have 1 or 2 kids in the first world that would end up being highly educated and a net benefit to society
let Ngubu Al-Swahili have 7 so they can tie to rubber tires and burn alive as many witches in their village as possible then travel to the west to suck up resources from more useful avenues

>> No.10780162

what's that japanese art piece about japanese aid to africa helping less of them die but then that just means they're overpopulated for the ecosystem