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1076503 No.1076503 [Reply] [Original]

How come I always hear about trials for new miracle cures for everything like cancer / aids / obesity etc that are going to be tested and come out in the next x amount of years and they never eventuate?

Seriously, shouldnt cancer be cured by now wtf?

>> No.1076511

because you don't know science, and you watch hyped up sheep news.

>> No.1076520

Read peer-reviewed journal articles.

>> No.1076525

go read that xkcd strip about research to market time translations.

>> No.1076531

Curing cancer is comparable to curing all diseases caused by viruses, it's big, complicated and theres no easy, fix-all cure.

Cancer treatments are steadily making progress, for example, a new gene therapy can make cancer cells undergo apoptosis.

>> No.1076533
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because of this

>> No.1076536

There is no such thing as a real miracle cure. You have promising research being done but the media likes to exaggerate. Research takes time and money and man power. Sometimes those things run out.

>> No.1076556

Cancer isn't "one disease", it's an enormous variety of diseases with a number of different causes. There are tons of combinations of somatic mutations that can lead to cancer, inheritable susceptibility factors, and environmental factors. Furthermore, depending on the type of cell that has developed into a tumor cell and its location, treatments have to vary drastically.

There will probably never be a "cure for cancer". There'll probably be several different cures for several types of cancer, though.

tl;dr lrn2science

>> No.1076566

Opened this thread to say exactly this.

Thanks for saving me the time, /sci/bro.

>> No.1076735

Bio majors (myself included) always RAGE anytime someone doesn't understand cancer, but to be fair, science doesn't do the public any favors.

Apoptosis? Ras? p53? Scientists don't exactly help the general understanding.

Back to OP: science findings =/= miracle cures. Something that works in a tube doesn't mean you can put it in pill form. Or if you can, the pill form might turn you purple during testing periods.

>> No.1076757

>science doesn't do the public any favors.

you're kidding me.

>> No.1076773

cancer cannot be permanently cured since its a process favored by evolution in cell level
but if the public new that, how would cancer researchers get grants?

>> No.1076843


You're missing the point. The point is our understanding of cancer is 10,000 feet above the general public's understanding, but we don't explain it very well.