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File: 134 KB, 500x529, one-race-the-human-race-aboriginal-skull-vs-caucasian-skull-2882768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10760778 No.10760778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a serious, completely non-racist and thus valid question: Regarding modern human genetic make-up, are australian aboriginals less "homo-sapiens" than the rest of the world?

>> No.10760779

if you ever met an abbo you wouldnt need to look at their skull to tell they're not human

>> No.10760783

Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10760784


>> No.10760792

Kys elitist kike

>> No.10760807

Define homo sapien. The humans that left Africa to go to Australia and Europe were already homo sapien. Are you defining homo sapien as Europeans?

>> No.10760811

>I don't know the difference between genotype and phenotype, the thread.

>> No.10760842

Nigger that white skull is literally and obviously plastic.

>> No.10760847

Go Google it, people of different ethnicities have different skulls.

>> No.10760950

read the OP again. Nobody said abos were not human.

>> No.10760978

Read my post again. Homo sapiens became abos.

>> No.10761086

No they don't. The only difference between "races" (which do not exist) is the colour of the skin. Anything else is just the consequence of nurture.

>> No.10761094

>if you ever met an australian you wouldnt need to look at their skull to tell they're not human
The only reason the rest of the world hasn't nuked that god forsaken continent to glass is because of the probability that the trainwreck of your flora and fauna would turn into some godzilla tier menace upon exposure to enough radiation.

>> No.10761181


>> No.10761196

Abos have the highest genetic distance from all other human populations rivaled only by Papuans and khoisan all of whom are highly phenotypically distinct from other humans

>> No.10761231

>They're ugly.

That's your whole argument? Pol tier.

Their genetics is probably the oldest we have. This kind of thing is of great value and interest to science.

In the dawning era of tose you support it is individuals such as yourself who will be culled from the herd sir. Because of your ignorance and your stupidity. You make us look bad.

>> No.10761411

obvious /pol/ false flag

>> No.10761492 [DELETED] 

They didn't use salt before we came, they are not adopted to modern food. Those who eat their own food are fine.

>> No.10761496

They didn't even use salt before we came, they are not adopted to modern food. Those who eat their own food are fine.

>> No.10761577
File: 133 KB, 850x781, 1554423647099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bird migrates to island
>Thousands of years pass by
>Evolves different beak, different coloration, different cognitive abilities, to deal with the new ecosystem
>Science has no trouble accepting it as a different species under the same genus.

>Ancient homo sapiens from Indian Ocean area migrate to Island
>Thousands of years pass by
>Evolves different skull structure, larger nostrils, different coloration, different cognitive abilities, to deal with the new ecosystem.

>> No.10761612

say it with me!
Monoamine oxidase A!

>> No.10761700
