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10751571 No.10751571 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women's bodies so much weaker than men's?
what evolutionary advantage is there in being weak?

>> No.10751579

easier to rape

>> No.10751587

They're as strong as they need to be.

>> No.10751736

I'd imagine that the people, who exercise that sport, stretch a lot, and that makes their joints easier to give in.

>> No.10751748
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You could ask the same thing about men.
Why are humans so much weaker than other apes ?

>> No.10751770

>what evolutionary advantage is there in being weak?
Making men want to protect them while women do everything that don't require physical strength. Men and women were not made to be the same but to be complementary.

Humans evolved in a way that favored endurance and intellect. They are not supposed to fix all their conflicts by beating the shit out of each other with bare hands.

>> No.10751831

>what evolutionary advantage is there in being weak?
The same advantage as there is in men (save on energy). That way your body can heal without needing to build extra supply depots.

>> No.10751945


>> No.10751959

its a product of losing the evolutionary arms race against men on that front not so much a useful adaptation though >>10751831 is correct it would be too costly to support the human brain, female gluteofemoral fat stores and a growing fetus if women had large muscles and fast metabolisms

>> No.10751977

Our intelligence gave us a huge advantage over other animals. We didn't need speed or strength to kill animals, we just simply needed spears.

>> No.10752107

>Humans evolved in a way that favored endurance and intellect.
>The same advantage as there is in men (save on energy)
>We didn't need speed or strength to kill animals, we just simply needed spears.

These arguments seem weak to me.
Being strong doesn't prevent you from being endurant and smart. Sure, you need more energy, but being able to kick a wolf to death or throw your spear faster, farther and deeper into your prey compensates for that.

>> No.10752125

Women are supposed to be the family nurturers, hence softer, weaker bodies. Evolutionarily a woman is supposed to have a baby and then be focused on feeding and providing for the baby for years.

>> No.10752175

Can survive longer famine.

>> No.10752196


Women have higher endurance than men in long long term situations. A smaller body helps this, I assume. It's not really weakness per say, more adjustment to different situations.

Who stays with the kid for 18+ years? The woman. The strong man runs away.

>> No.10752218

OK, then the answer has to be >>10751579

>> No.10752222

Jesus, I wish I hadn't watched that. Gymnastics might be a little much.

>> No.10752227

Neanderthals proved strength was actually a downside
Neanderthals were stronger, faster and potentially smarter than humans. The thing is that they could actually fight other animals with basic tools so they didn't need to advance, they needed too much energy and starved, they couldn't form sizable communities like humans due to increased demand for food, sticking to small groups if even that which restricts the flow of knowledge. Big environmental changes are a bitch

>> No.10752230

Because maintaining a big brain is energy intensive, so you trade off having retard strength for a bigger brain. Since you're not swinging from trees anymore, you don't need as much upper body strength.
On top of that humans are persistence predators, which means they didn't out run, out smart, or brute force their prey, they just out endured them.
A pack of human hunters could track a herd of animals for days, at a slow but steady pace. Every time the animal stops to sleep, or eat, its hunters are making up ground until eventually the poor thing is too exhausted to run and a bunch of cavemen dog piled on it until it was wrestled to the ground where its strangled, or has its head bashed in.
This is probably the reason wolves became domesticated and became dogs, because they're also persistence hunters and one of the few animals that can keep up with people.
Think about those tundra wolves hunting caribou across hundreds of miles and days at a time.

>> No.10752238

This actually makes sense.

>> No.10752249

testosterone and estrogen have their own functions and ways, you can't be both

>> No.10752252

Evolution doesn't exist and God made women necessary to protect and men necessary to become protectors sorry this is true you have to look at the science.

>> No.10752255

They were also more rational than humans. They could spread to islands, but only islands that were visible from shore. Humans were the ones that sailed across the Pacific to Easter island.

>> No.10752274

>Reifying weakness.

>> No.10752591
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that looks like it REALLY hurt!

>> No.10752623

weaker bodies can get raped and still have the baby

>> No.10752871

Difference in hardware. Women are not made for heavy muscular stress on their body. You can extrapolate that to races of humanity too. Blacks are made for high endurance running. Whites are made for farming. Asians are made for high civilization.

>> No.10752893

Estrogen is poison to the body.

>> No.10753498

Easier to rape

>> No.10754073
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Jesus christ, how much force is required to fuck up one's knees like that? Either she's a fat ass that fucked up the landing or her knees are made of balsa wood.

>> No.10754184

if you have that much angular momentum and height you can do that easily by wrong placement. you can snap your own arm by arm wrestling. you just have internal mechanisms to prevent the bad leverage positions most of the time.
if you got up now and sumo stamped as hard as you could on a hard floor you could probably break your leg if you managed to beat the safety flinches

>> No.10754206

this desu

>> No.10754212


>what are average female and male life expectancies, especially when compared with each other

Are you quite sure about that?

>> No.10754399

We traded strength for fine motor skills. Apes are basically retarded when it comes to using tools, even when you try to teach they fail because of the lack of motor skills.


>> No.10754420

they consume far less food. It's a square property too, so let's say you are 1/2 the weight, you only consume 1/4 the food.

Shorter people consume WAY less food than a tall 6'6" musclebound man. A chinese farmer can literally live on a handful of rice.
Women don't need to hunt or build, or whatever, that's the man's role. So they can afford to be much shorter

>> No.10754528

The need to protect their uterus, I guess. Men have those organs outside, so they can strain themselves more without making themelves infertile.

>> No.10754597

only correct response

>> No.10754744

Northern Europeans are pretty fucking yoked. All that hunter gatherer genes still in them. Farmer Ancestry made us weak but gave us a lot of stamina.

>> No.10754823

Monkeys have more fast twitch muscles, and their tendons aren't as close to the joints so they can exert more force. We got around this by being more dexterous and having more slow twitch muscles, which means we can hunt through endurance rather than brute strength.

Women also have less fast-twitch muscles than men.

>> No.10754827

>women gets raped
>her weak genetics get passed on
>her daughters are also easy to rape
Guess that's why we don't have stronk amazonian women around.

>> No.10754865

>Being strong doesn't prevent you from being endurant and smart.

It literally does. Your body has an energy budget. It has a set number of points for the skill tree, and the brain is insanely calorie intense. This is why super athletic people are lower IQ and super high IQ people tend to be weak pink nerdlings.

>> No.10754867

>Being strong doesn't prevent you from being endurant and smart.
If we were naturally strong, then natural selection would have never pressured us to develop the intelligence needed to craft tools and weapons.

>> No.10754870

post source for this fucking ultra-cringe beta teenager cope belief

>> No.10754873

They're not, I'm a guy and I can't build muscle

>> No.10754886


What part would you like a source to? That IQ tends to map inverse to athleticism? You already knew this. Think hard about it. Think about the best athletes in the US and their shared qualities, and then go look at an IQ distribution chart. This shit is all publicly available, Google it.

Or do you mean that evolution has an energy budget? That's common sense. If it wasn't then evolution would have made every creature as fast as a cheetah, as strong as an ox, and as smart as an Ashkenazi Jew, but it cannot because there are tradeoffs.

>> No.10754895

But Charles Darwin was a Christian.

>> No.10754896

The returns from having a higher IQ far outweigh being able to throw 5 additional spears a little bit further and faster, I suppose.

>> No.10754897

>Either she's a fat ass that fucked up the landing or her knees are made of balsa wood.
Let's see you do some spinny flips.

>> No.10755045

It has a magnesium budget, with various priorities for muscles, brain fat, eyes. This is why few people are strong, lean, smart and can see well at the same time.

>> No.10755091

Ashkenazi Jew LOL

>> No.10755141

Counter balanced by our intelligence whereas women have neither in fact they have nothing at all. Most traits society values men have in spades comparatively to women.

>> No.10755164

I don't know and I wish this topic was addressed more because the way everyone pretends women aren't ridiculously weak, submissive, and dependent on men while simultaneously shilling nonstop for women's rights in the bizarre as fuck only social uplift movement in existence where the underprivileged party is the majority of the world population just makes the fact even more glaringly obvious and unsatisfying.
I really wanted to respect women growing up and live in that fantasy world where they're equal and opposite partners with men, but its very clear the relationship between men and women is asymmetrical to the extreme. I don't know how so many people can buy the notion male and female differences are social constructs and not fundamentally biological. It's not like when a woman takes off her makeup she magically becomes a respectable human being. The way they further degrade themselves through self-applied decorations to try to sell themselves as objects to be owned doesn't help things but it certainly isn't the sole source of female degradation either.

>> No.10755174

Weak girls outbred the strong ones.
Brain limits the actual full power of our muscle fibers while that doesnt happen in chimps or other apes so they have constant retard strength.

>> No.10755176

Men dont protect women they just breed them, even in primates as soon as a male breeds a cunt he doesnt give a shit what happens to her.

>> No.10755223

When's the last time you got laid, champ? You sound extremely bitter towards women.

>> No.10755229

It's almost like we're meant to work together in some sense.

Explain the survival of the offspring. If it's strictly by force, that implies either enslavement or extreme luck for a single woman to care for offspring on her own. It also ignores social dynamics.

Women are manipulative for a reason.

>> No.10755250

Further, if she's surviving on her own it implies either a safe and plentiful environment, or extreme competence. Neither have been the case as far as we know.

If she's being raped in a tribal environment, it implies that females who are incapable of leaving and surviving have a much higher probability of reproduction. That would be true anyway. It also implies that men in a social environment will make no attempt at exclusivity, and will take turns fucking some broad and high five each other. Even if that type of degeneracy was common, running counter to everything we see, what could you say about the stability of this society? The viability of the offspring?

When it comes down to it, you don't really see stable harem structures in man, in either direction. Stable societies that survive external organizational demands will almost always employ mechanisms of controlling sexuality and sexual competition. Societies that cannot do this will not last long.

Rape is unlikely the primary factor behind women being weak in humans. It just doesn't make any sense. Are you aroused by rape? Even if you could conceivably get away with it, would you get off on outright rape? What you're suggesting is more than coercion, which you see in other animals. It's just a narrative to make you hate yourself and think your ancestors were club wielding brute rapists who drag woman to cave have gud tiem. It's to control your behavior by dehumanizing you. Orwell talked about the power of history.

>> No.10755281

If you watch closely, her feet were too far forward, looks like she basically landed on the back of her heels. No so surprising.

>> No.10755282
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>When's the last time you got laid

>> No.10755292

Very interesting. Never thought of holes by proxy.

>> No.10755295

>You sound extremely bitter towards women.
That's the problem right there. I really want to be able to respect women as actual human beings on equal standing with men. But nobody addresses the elephant in the room and even when you try to discuss it people just automatically interpret any acknowledgement of female weakness as you hating them.
If I hated them it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is how fucked up a world we live in where half the people in it are biologically degraded like that to be super-weak, small, high pitched, submissive, etc.

>> No.10755316

Women and men aren't equal. This is a psychosis, that's your problem. We aren't all the same, that's not how nature works.

I was brainwashed with this Disney-esque garbage a little bit as well. Fact is, it's false. Women aren't just a slightly different type of man, but inverted, with a sexy body. And trying them to work that way is probably equally psychotic. When women play a man's game, it gets all fucked up. Just look at business.

>> No.10755341

oh your whole series of posts turns out to have been you trying to cope with your belief that black people are physically superior to you. dude it would have be easier to just notice the fact that whites win the strongman competitions and blacks are only really good at being tall and long. cringe and cuckpilled

>> No.10755356

lol. He took all the black cock cuck brainwashing bait. His subconscious has been programmed into a state of constant inferiority and castration anxiety.

[Insert Zionist porn Jew here rubbing hands here]

Look, it's real simple. Jewish men are emasculated. This is what the Greeks thought, this is how the Romans saw them. This is where foreskin restoration came from, Roman Jews that desired to escape from their trauma programming abusive insular culture. Modern day they control you by passing on that insecurity and trying to emasculate you.

>> No.10755377

Evolution did not make women weaker than men, it just made men stronger than women, from which then follows that woman are weaker than men. Also there are probably woman that are stronger that you or me.

>> No.10755405

This might be the most elegant answer.

>> No.10755407

Men and women are both weaker than their chimp ancestors.
Technically, evolution made them both weak and made women more weak than men.

>> No.10755410

It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.10755427

Have you thought about it?
What have you tried?

>> No.10755435

Refer to:

>> No.10755453

You are assuming the male leaves after the rape.
Surely nature would favor the males that stick around.
If the female was alone with the offspring, some other male could come along and kill the offspring, rape the female, and produce their own offspring.

Infanticide is common in the animal kingdom.

>> No.10755462

>Look, it's real simple. Jewish men are emasculated.

Completely horseshit. Go visit Israel and see the men there. They fended off enemies on several fronts as a fledgling nation.

As for black people, Go look at Kobe, MJ or Usain Bolt. It's a completely different kind of athlete. Must higher consentration of fast twitch muscle fiber. Faster / quickest men and women are all black and it's not even close. As for brute strength this is always Nordic people simply because they are so much bigger, a la The Mountain. They needed to be bigger to insulate heat better, just like blacks needed to be quick to outrun lions and Jews needed to be clever to outwit gentiles always trying to steal their lucky charms... Might be confusing Jews with Leprechauns but you get the idea

>> No.10755464

>If the female was alone with the offspring, some other male could come along and kill the offspring, rape the female, and produce their own offspring.

Correct, poster seems to not have any children. As soon as you start playing with your kid as a father you know you will go psycho on anything trying to harm it.

>> No.10755467

big brain mean body work hard
work hard mean less muscle
tall ape have bigger brain than smaller ape
tall ape also loves fire and tiny metal objects moving at thousands of feet per second

>> No.10755474

Israel used the military power of other countries to survive. When you have tons of money you can also but the equipment and R&D to do pretty much anything. I also don't think you understand what emasculation refers to, it's on a deeper layer than you;re considering.

Yes, I agree that "race" entails different characteristics. Only a complete moron would say otherwise.

My heritage is Jew. I'm not really clever. I'm actually very honest, but that branch of the family despite being long removed from our Jewish roots, does have an unyielding "otherness". I'm actually fairly convinced that Jews may actually be the chosen people, because long before I knew my history I did see other people as incomprehensible, bizarre, practically another species, and finally, stupid. Needing leadership and sanity for their own good. That's one step away from seeing them as cattle.

There's a lot to be said about the Jew mind. I have to admit I find a lot of the Zionist thought process relateable. The Jew mind, undiluted, and in its brainwashing cultural framework, would be a very dangerous thing.

>> No.10755504

>I did see other people as incomprehensible, bizarre, practically another species, and finally, stupid.


I don't give a fuck about the "religion" of Judaism. All I know is that my IQ is almost 40 points higher than than the American average, and its something I can actually sense when talking to people, the same way that Usain Bolt knows he can out run anyone or The Mountain can crush a mans skull with his hands... I know that I can outwit virtually anyone I meet. It's palpable, and lonely and depressing sometimes. Like Usain watching a slow team race and not being allowed to compete... That's what it's like watching society sometimes... like, there are obvious answers to these problems but most people don't understand even when its explained in detail to them... Anyway, yeah, Jewish men in American are somewhat emasculated, but not in Israel. I visited once. As much machismo there as with the Italians. It was interesting.

>> No.10755532


Also I was surprised how good lucking Israel men (and women) are when the best Jewish genes are not being siphoned off or pressured into converting to some other religion. Every guy looks like the lead singer of Maroon 5 and ever woman was like Natalie Portman

>> No.10755541

Very interesting. I have a feeling 2020 is a key year for this world.

>> No.10755550
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Indeed my Jewbro

>> No.10755564

Low arousal emotions. Very common in East Asia as well. I think it's the DRD4 R2 gene, but it's nigh impossible to get tested for it.

>> No.10755582

>I'm not really clever
Are you ashkenazi?

>> No.10755585 [DELETED] 

It works the other way all the same, BTW - I have them, my mother has them, my uncle, grandmother and her sister have them, but my father and my sister don't have them, and they have always felt alien, even when living in one house they were more like some kind of beings that also lived in our house, rather than ones of our family and we never learned to get along well. I think it would be best for all to admit that some people are just born different. Even to today, if I can get along with somebody easily, they almost always either turn out to be jewish or have some asian heritage.

>> No.10755590

It works the other way all the same, BTW - I have them, my mother has them, my uncle, grandmother and her sister have them, but my father and my sister don't have them, and they have always felt alien, even when living in one house they were more like some kind of beings that also lived in our house, rather than ones of our family and we never learned to get along well. I think it would be best for all to admit that some people are just born different. Even to today, if I can get along with somebody easily, they almost always either turn out to be jewish or have some asian heritage, if it isn't visible outright.

>> No.10755597

Don't know. We were in Russia, then Spain. Got the boot, went to Germany, then France, then Canada. Interbred with the Native Americans briefly. Ceased to be Jewish.

>> No.10755602

imagine unironically typing this

>> No.10755608


"outwit" is a bad way to put it. It's more like I'm idea focused, and so that is usually what my conversation revolves around, and when I hear other people's ideas they almost always feel... like they were formed in slow motion... They almost always feel like they are steps behind my thinking. It's similar to talking to women where the intelligence difference is just palpably overpowering. This is not about animosity, or dislike "normies" or whatever. It's like Usain doesn't dislike slow people, he's just fast. That's just who he is.

>> No.10755611


Why would it be ironic. It's basically true. Google image search "Israeli solders" they don't look like your Jewish Goldstein characture.

>> No.10755613
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kek, imagine going to 4channel and pretending to have superior intelligence

>> No.10755621
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>> No.10755624

they look like ugly no forward maxillary inbred dolicocephalic homos, the only handsome jews are mischlings. not a handsome or well formed race

>> No.10755623

I was a Reifag with a bit of Misato, but have definitely gained an appreciation for Asuka over the years and in retrospect. Really all the characters are well done.

>> No.10755625

muscles take more calories, and women bear children. Womens bodies are more efficient.

>> No.10755629
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>Google image search "Israeli solders" they don't look like your Jewish Goldstein characture.

>> No.10755642

How the fuck did that happen to her? she must have trained so hard, and then for her body to just give in like that...

>> No.10755655

But women love getting fucked and having babies. So strong unrapeable woman would still fuck lots too.

>> No.10755659

Yikes indeed. She locked her knees before landing somewhat out of place. And given a diet of steady glyphosate and nutrient deficiency, has weak connective tissues.

Perhaps overtraining as well. I can't imagine that happening. Something is wrong when you can suffer overextension injuries like that.

>> No.10755662


Woman have almost no reason to be strong. They are not the same as men. Men hunt, fight and fortify. Women make babies.

>> No.10755674

my guess is that she was about to land wrong, but it was a competition so in the split second she decided to try anyway.

>> No.10756011

>aerospace engineering
odd, she didn't fly so good.

>> No.10756094

makes sense

>> No.10756100

Yet she's stronger than you are...

>> No.10756111

Nope, I doubt she can bench press even 100 lbs

>> No.10756119

You would be surprised if you knew how delicate our bodies are. I'm a strong and tall man, and I almost broke a thumb by exerting a bit of force to properly close a door (I was half-asleep, I pushed the door with a strange hand position).

>> No.10756121

You would probably be shocked by how weak a "strong" women is.

You unconsciously assume that a woman who works out will be strong because you know that a guy who works out is strong, but in reality an unathletic lard-ass or skeleton man is stronger than a woman who considers herself unusually strong.

>> No.10756140

came to post a version of this

>> No.10756147
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that leg movement at the end

>> No.10756158
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^This. I'm a hungry skelly guy on the low end of the male strength spectrum and I have never encountered a woman I couldn't easily overpower in spite of my unhealthy skeletal body. Don't forget athletes literally inject the male hormone testosterone or some derivative of it in order to cheat and get super-strong. Women have very little testosterone.
>Previous studies have identified over 3,000 genes that are differentially expressed in male and female skeletal muscle. Here, we review the sex-based differences in skeletal muscle fiber composition, myosin heavy chain expression, contractile function, and the regulation of these physiological differences by thyroid hormone, estrogen, and testosterone.
>Studies of vastus lateralis biopsies show fiber-type CSA to be larger in men than in women. Specifically, type-I fibers are 19% larger, type-IIA fibers are 59% larger, and type-IIX fibers are 66% larger in men than in women (normalized to total biopsy section analyzed)
>The women were approximately 52% and 66% as strong as the men in the upper and lower body respectively. The men were also stronger relative to lean body mass.
>Data suggest that the greater strength of the men was due primarily to larger fibers. The greater gender difference in upper body strength can probably be attributed to the fact that women tend to have a lower proportion of their lean tissue distributed in the upper body.

>> No.10756159

evolution is about what works, not what makes sense
why would a woman be strong if her partner is?

>> No.10756162
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Also just look at one of those random male high school vs. professional women's team matches they do periodically with hockey or basketball. Male high school team has always won in every case I'm familiar with.
Last also, here's that obligatory youtube video of the female firefighter who doesn't have the upper body strength to knock down a weighted obstacle course wall that a random non-firefighter guy busts through with zero effort:

>> No.10756314

>a guy who works out is strong
No, I've been lifting for 3 years and couldn't build a pound of muscle

>> No.10756320

Resource efficiency. Your job as a women, and a human women especially, is to take care of children. The stronger you are, the faster you use up energy. Most people when they become "stronger" don't become more efficient, but rather increase neural coordination and therefore are able to expend more energy per an amount of time straining their muscles. However, once your neurons learn to coordinate, they do this for every action, resulting in more energy spent. In some ways, being weaker is more efficient, and as a women you would not need strength to give utility to the group, as it involved caring for children and getting food which can simply be scavenged. This is likely why women are also shorter.

>> No.10756331

Why didn't she keep on flipping around and stuff after that?
So much for the all powerful "higher female pain threshold" lol useless

>> No.10756338

meant to say that in the not so distant past a womens only job was really only to take care of children. This has obviously changed a bit these days, at least in the developed world.

>> No.10756350

then your programming or your diet is fucked up, or you have zero drive or discipline. Or you have a serious medical problem and need to see a doctor.

>> No.10756407

That was a bad landing. If a man made a similar landing it would probably be even worse. Simple as.

>> No.10756428

Nope, I've been going about 3.5 times a week focusing on compound movements, mainly squat/bench/dl. Diet is fine. I just can't build muscle. Something prevents them from growing at all. I think I lack satellite cells or have too few of them. I don't know how I can fix that

>> No.10756459

I never said testosterone wasn't poison as well, in fact, it's probably a worse poison, but it makes us feel good unlike estrogen.

>> No.10756471

I don't think there's a word for it in the Engish vocab, but ever since watching that video I've been putting my heels to my ass.

>> No.10756472

Neanderthals were smarter and had bigger brains you nigger. Neaderthals were literally better in every way, they just got out fucked and out numbered.

>> No.10756474

basically a man dressed as a woman beating the shit out of women for money. Congratulations, this is equality in 2019.

>> No.10756790

That's... what I said?

>> No.10756827

>basically a man dressed as a woman beating the shit out of women for money. Congratulations, this is equality in 2019.
I'm all for it. Keep pretending sex differences aren't real and keep on seeing women get absolutely fucking murdered by mentally ill men invading women's athletics. I don't even care which way they go with it. Either we get to continue seeing leftists die on their contrived equality hill or the world gains some sanity and tells trannies to fuck off and stops medically enabling them with hormones and surgery.

>> No.10756854

Whats with the retarded answers?
Women have to dump significantly more material resources into their reproductive organs. Not only that, the birth canal of the human female is at the widest it can be before the female loses her ability to walk - If women's hips were wider, they wouldn't be able to walk. The wide hips and the circumpherence of women's birth canal causes their whole anatomy and mechanical structure to be much weaker. It's not just hormones and muscles even though those also add a lot of strength to males, it's also the structure and shape of bones etc which causes the mechanical structure of women to be weaker..
Wide shoulders and harrow hips makes an upside down triangle which is very strong. Wide hips and narrowish shoulders on women is kind of like a cylinder which is much weaker. And the cherry on top, women would die even more often during childbirth if we tried to narrow their hips. Women need the wide hips to give birth, which is their primary biological function. Men's primary biological function (creating sperm) is so easy that we could literally be turned into tiny little pocket men that women kept in their purses and be just as effective at our function.

>> No.10757225

>Also just look at one of those random male high school vs. professional women's team matches they do periodically with hockey or basketball. Male high school team has always won in every case I'm familiar with.

Weird, I would expect them not to depend that much on strength alone, especially basketball. What is weirder, women are less capable even in chess, which has nothing to do with physical strength. I guess it might be the lower dopamine levels lowering their muscle strength and making them less willing to compete.

>> No.10757282

Evolution is a hoax (look up wistar symposium), so to answer you, I believe it's because women were created to complement men as their partners

>> No.10757284
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>> No.10757348

Dipshit. Just because there's room for quibbling over semantics about when and how what evolved does not mean that the underlying principle is invalid.

Want proof of evolution? Look at the domestic dog. WE did that by imposing artificial selective factors on the wolf for thousands of years. We were here for it the whole time and we understand the biochemical processes involved at every step. We have empirical.objextice proof that evolution happened. If you want to be an annoying cunt tell me all about how it may have started somewhere else, been intelligently designed, happened all kinds of differently from how we think, whatever, but to just say "evolution is a hoax" is absolutely asinine.

>> No.10757371

She had ptobably done that move 300 fucking times that week already and hadn't recovered

>> No.10757458

women evolved in fields and taking care of children, men evolved chasing wild animals like a fucking barbarian and then beat it to death even if it was way bigger than them, natural selection did the rest for men, women didnt have to worry about it because men provided

>> No.10757467

/sci/ solves yet another impossible conundrum

>> No.10757486

>average 80 year old man is still stronger than a woman in her prime
crazy shit

>> No.10757520

She did sent her knee caps into orbit though

>> No.10757548

i did NOT want to see that right now, fuck you

>> No.10757554

>Men's primary biological function (creating sperm) is so easy that we could literally be turned into tiny little pocket men that women kept in their purses and be just as effective at our function.
Yea just look at the anglerfish

>> No.10757602


>> No.10757657


>> No.10757659

It's easier for them to survive a natural childbirth if they're flexible and bendy.

Probably the leading cause of death in women during like 99% of our evolution.

>> No.10757734
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>> No.10757777

It's about resource allocation. Humans can only get so much food/water/oxygen for their bodies, so the large amount we spend on our brains comes at the cost of muscular development.
Women have it worse, since they also need to create and feed babies.

>> No.10757779

>That way your body can heal without needing to build extra supply depots.

Additional supply depots are required

>> No.10757794

Neanderthals are proof that Darwinistic fitness =/= strength and intelligence

>> No.10757827

>if you got up now and sumo stamped as hard as you could on a hard floor you could probably break your leg
The mental image of this made me snort milk through my nose

>> No.10758454

have you been in a surplus at all?

>> No.10759466

Yes but it doesn't help at all
Muscle cells just won't increase size. No hypertrophy

>> No.10759799

It's /Sci/

>> No.10759800

You do know males and females weren't so rigid in roles back then?

>> No.10760744

And do you know why?
Because they used more energy so they had to hunt more, they needed more food in their environment.

>> No.10762391
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based and thermodynamicspilled.
Maybe something about the energy they require to rear offspring.

>> No.10762609

Then you don't eat enough protein and don't exercise. There's no way you're physically incapable of gaining muscle if you actually made yourself meet the base requirements for doing so.

>> No.10762768

Try magnesium citrate. A deficiency can cause trouble gaining weight and it's near impossible to detect.

>> No.10763314

umm both men and women have testosterone and estrogen

>> No.10763352

We are actually stronger than chimps but our brain restricts our full power so we can use tools more precisely.

>> No.10763363

>I'm a strong and tall man
T-tell me more sempai

>> No.10763372

>I'm a strong and tall man, and I almost broke a thumb by exerting a bit of force to properly close a door
You are not. What does it even mean almost broke. There might be something wrong with your bones if you really have problems like that. I fell in a metal concert, people stepped on me and nothing happened except my arm getting a bit stiff for a few days.

>> No.10763450

So... It seems the cause is energy and biological function. I was kinda wondering if the same applies to spiders... The female have the offspring and take care of them (some), and they are larger than males. They even sometimes hunts them.

>> No.10763479

>Why are humans so much weaker than other apes ?

Is that really true though? Physical strengths, perhaps, but in terms of a fair fight between human and chimp I would bet money on the human.

>> No.10763507

Why are gymnasts so fat

>> No.10763527
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This bad boy can chomp your head off, throw a car at you or simply rip you in half.

>> No.10763530

Define "fairfight bwtween human and chimp"

Does the human get a buck-knife or body armor?
Does the chimp get nootropics and a brain-blast helmet?

Or are you talking mano e mano, both naked, prime health adult males, the chimp with years of experience heing his clan leader, and the human with martial arts training or something?

>> No.10765216

>This bad boy can chomp your head off, throw a car at you or simply rip you in half.
A gorilla is not a chimp retard.

>> No.10765385

Humans developed to throw things. You can fuck up most land predators with a group of humans throwing shit at them.

>> No.10765813

Fpbp as always

>> No.10765947


>> No.10765972
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My body was not ready for the outcome in that webm.

>> No.10767229

>Why are gymnasts so fat
They're not fat, they're short.

>> No.10767276

Because we traded STR for DEX.

>> No.10767303

spiders have a different energy budget than primates, different sexual selection pressures

>> No.10768435

>They are not supposed to fix all their conflicts by beating the shit out of each other with bare hands
Actually we do. We are the only apes that can form a fist with our hands, and we have developed our muscles to throw stuff. That means we have the strongest punches of all apes. We are better at striking while other apes are better at grappling.

>> No.10770082

Less calories needed (food). Better chance of survival in case of a famine. Males need muscular mass to hunt.

>> No.10770330

But it is an Ape.