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10730547 No.10730547 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on biological determinism?

>> No.10730550
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Depends on how much you reinforce the innate drives. The more you do, the less control over life you have.

>> No.10730553

a hegemonic simple minded dogma of our time

>> No.10730555

Conceptualize the smell

>> No.10730560

I wouldn't say it's determinism, but your genes definitely set limits on what you can do and achieve. If you have bad genes for athleticism or IQ, you cannot aspire to achieve at a high level in sports or academia, for instance. But of course just having a good build or a high IQ does not guarantee success.

>> No.10730565

This. Biological determinism is too extreme. Biological bias makes more sense with what we know so far.

>> No.10730601

Physical realism and metaphysical determinism are obviously correct, you fucking mystic popsci retards

>> No.10730802

i hope she's biologically determined to sit on my dick

>> No.10730995

see this >>10730550
I should really stop fapping so much and save it for finals or very nervous moments.

>> No.10731337

how did you find out?

>> No.10731351

Genes do determine everything we're able to do that much is true although to what extent in outright determines behaviors and inclinations is still somewhat up for debate

>> No.10731363


>> No.10731476

Masturbation always made my test performance worse.

>> No.10731505

based and redpilled

>> No.10731711

It's real. DNA acts like a kernel for a biocomputer and most of DNA is noncoding for a reason. Various organic compounds interact with noncoding DNA which create units that either allow or stop a ribosome from coding. These are your conditionals, most DNA is conditional code. Then you have genes in DNA which end up coding for protein, some of those proteins end up interacting with the noncoding conditional DNA. This is recursion. So you have input, conditionals, recursion, and output. You have a Turing equivalent model of computation.
The environment of course effects the output of the computation, but the bounds of possibilty are dictated by the space created by the genes. An instance of those genes, typically a cell, is a path in that space. The more gene-loaded a phenotype is, the smaller the role the environment plays in the conditionals which influence the computation. Many of the recursive algorithms coded by DNA are self-correcting and via an iterative process, the effects of the environment are filtered out of the final informational output.

Also, free will is an illusion created by the computational impossibility of modeling and predicting our own future thoughts, as this is a halting-equivalent undecidable problem.

>> No.10731747

Physical realism and metaphysical determinism are incompatible you fucking retard

>> No.10732034

This picture makes me question if I was always stupid or that I aided in my own destruction

>> No.10732397

What I wouldn't do to have her sit on my face and fart for a full 2 hours

>> No.10733844

Does anyone have any tips for developing discipline?

>> No.10734074

>tfw no thick asian fuckbuddy who likes anal anymore

>> No.10734143

It makes me sad :-(

>> No.10734164

With enough money that can happen.

>> No.10734537

>the bounds of possibilty are dictated by the space created by the genes

Nice wording.

Can you elaborate on
>impossibility of modeling and predicting our own future thoughts

This seems to suggest a self? Free will is just information processing, a way for the phenotype to interact with the immediate environment.

I wonder what would happen if we could connect all our individual consciousnesses into one. What would that feel like? Would we all experience the same reality instead of island of consciousness that we currently are?

>> No.10734627

Ehh fuck off you eunuch no one can be as low t as you

>> No.10734962
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listen to what Jocko Willink has to say about discipline

>> No.10734967
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Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~

>> No.10734973


>> No.10735074

If anything, a low T person would care less because it's less of a distraction for them. High t would need to avoid it more.

>> No.10735227

if you believe this picture, then yes, you were already stupid

>> No.10735427

thank brev

does anyone have sawse

>> No.10735434


>> No.10735466

why is reverse image search failing me?

>> No.10735512

You're a retard. All you had to do was use google.


>> No.10735523


>> No.10735539

I humbly accept your gift and am ashamed of my mistake

>> No.10735552

It can be useful for a phenotype to have a model of itself so that it can predict how its role in the environment will determine its survival chance and then modify its behavior accordingly.
"Self" is the model. Since entropy basically means causal trees expand exponentially over time, self necessarily must be a statistical concept. Where we draw the line between phenotype and environment can seem pretty arbitrary, but basing it on the relevance to modeling future survival of genes seems to be the best solution.
Personally, I think the group level seems to be the ideal identification of self for humans. As the is significant evidence to show we are highly group selected.
>Would we all experience the same reality instead of island of consciousness that we currently are?
Best case, the statistical average of all models of self. Probably would approximate what the average person identifies as oneself and would feel like one being.

>> No.10735559

not the anon you responded to, but can I ask your academic background?

also, just to be /x/ tier, isn't connected consciousnesses what we already are, there are just differing levels of awareness?

>Where we draw the line between phenotype and environment can seem pretty arbitrary, but basing it on the relevance to modeling future survival of genes seems to be the best solution.

this describes what I've tried to use many more words to encapsulate when I've been chatting with peers.

>> No.10735566

Instagram is such a turnoff for me.

>> No.10735570

Why do women grow decorative plants instead of food?

>> No.10735608

>Academic background
Degrees in Linguistics and CS. Did graduate research with neurobiologists and had to learn a lot about genetics.
Mostly focused on formal concept analysis and cognitive linguistics. Basically reverse engineering cognition. But, then I got sucked into the evolutionary psychology rabbit hole.
>isn't connected consciousnesses what we already are
In a very real way, yes. We have language, which is really just one of many levels of communication brains rely upon. In a way you could consider spiking patterns of neurons to be a language with its own statistical grammar. If you simply look at language as a way of offloading computation to another brain by means of a complex signaling protocol, then we already are a hive mind.
But of course the awareness of a unified self isn't there because that's highly related to having memory tightly interwoven into every aspect of cognition. We've got the hive memory via the Internet, but the relational recall abilities are abysmal when compared to a human. And the transformations in the representation of information to best suit each computational unit, doesn't exist. A neuron basically develops a language with all the other neurons that it talks to, which has specific properties depending on the computation the pair performs. The representation of the information statistically approaches an optimal state via learning. However we don't have a unique language for every person we talk to, although its getting closer to that with the fragmentation and insular memetics caused by the internet.

>> No.10735726

I'm enjoying the way you formulate these sentences - most of if intuitively resonates wth my own observations and studies.

To really jump, do you have any thoughts concerning deep meditative states of absorption, wherein 'external' sensory stimuli-collecting areas are relatively ignored?


another article would be "brain basis of samadhi"

>> No.10735844

I have a background in CS, somewhat limited knowledge of linguistics, and very limited knowledge of genetics.
Any good books you'd recommend for either of these topics?

>> No.10735853

It’s biological and from nature.

>> No.10736100

yes. those thighs were meant to be bred by my.

>> No.10736102

don't know what happened. anyway

>> No.10736417

dependent on household income, food provisions and genetics

>> No.10736446

Biology is the reason for everything you are, if you look at a dog next to you, the only thing the separates the two of you are your genes.

Also you may think that learning and your own personal development are unrelated to biology, but they depend entirely on your biology. Humans have the ability of learning and holding information for a long time because of the biology of our brain, how you react and learn is determined by your brain.

Thus everything you are is determined by your biology, your feelings, your ability to learn and process human information etc.

Now if by biological determinism you mean that who a person is and their whole life is already determined at birth, that is not strictly true.
The upbringing does make a huge difference in how the person turns out.

That is still all related to your biology, but it's a continual development. The idea that who you are is determined at birth, is false.

>> No.10736451

The idea that who you are is determined at birth was part of racist dogma to just say that some black criminals would have magically been like that even if they were raised in a better family and away from crime.

It's also partially hijacked today by the left who claim that people are born homosexual, that also is not true.

People aren't born gay, they also aren't born liking say black women over white women or something like that. These are all learned through a very young age.

Without trying to sound disrespectful, common causes of homosexuality are these.
1. Being molested while young by a man.
2. Being secluded from girls, going to all boys schools.
3. Being bullied by boys.
4. Being raised by a single mother who treats the boy a bit like a girl.

>> No.10736463

The majority of coding genes are used once; they're programs that define the complex growth patterns of all of the various tissues and organs at every phase of development.

Scientists are just starting to figure out how the body encodes these patterns, and to their amazement, the cells are much more "intelligent" than they realized. They can maintain and regenerate tissues even if the original genes have been damaged, and if a serious growth defect occurs, they can untangle and reform. It's as if the cells collectively know what the body plan currently looks like, and what is supposed to look like.

The running system is much more interesting than the kernel.

Here's some cutting edge research: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjD1aLm4Thg

>> No.10736567
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>> No.10736576

Visualize the olfactory stimulus

>> No.10736592

What about two separate, genetically identical, organisms then, what separates them

>> No.10736600
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Well uh, incidentally I was looking for a place to ask - why isn't scientific racism real? Genetic frequency graphs put everyone else but Africans in a little wedge shaped plot, meanwhile Africans are like this blob hanging out on the outer edge. Wasn't neanderthal actually quite intelligent? We interbred with it in what is today probably part of Israel, the significance of the land in our history may not be some kind of mistake being our actual "home". Meanwhile asians (real definition, not british definition) are additionally interbred with Denisovans, perhaps explaining the apparent intelligence increase over the mean. Oh, and then to top it all off this graph is showing backcrossing with Heidelbergensis, the ancestor of everyone and an obviously earlier form.

/sci/, are niggers inferior? What am I missing? No troll, I never post here and just genuinely want the counter-explanation to chew on.

>> No.10736620

It's possible to evolve further even without the others.

>> No.10736633

>What am I missing
A brain, like all poltards, get out of circlejerking niggerhate threads and open an actual book

>> No.10736636
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Prompted by what, though? I have a theory that whites were created by snow, they exploded out upon the world because they lived in a culture of seasonal raiding caused by El Nino. If one of your resources fails because of the unpreditcable freezing weather you steal that resource from a neighbor. This led to a defense-centric culture that naturally pursued technological development for it's own tribal benefit. A sword with a slightly better Young's modulus than your enemy's sword could be the line between the life and death of your tribe.

The world's misfortune was really just born of our own insecure hunger, wasn't it?

>> No.10736654
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No, give me an actual study or something that remotely indicates we belong with them. Any stable argument. Anything but another stupid dismissal. You won't win on cultural power alone, you people are headed for some time-wasting sociological disaster and you know it. Admit it; isn't your attachment to them emotional?

I am literally asking you to smite me.

>> No.10736696

Stop reversing the roles, you are the faggot with no scientific background obscessed with meme pseudo science.

>> No.10736766

> I have a theory that whites were created by snow

>> No.10736767
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I want to be hurt by that though, I want to be shot with the magic bullet precisely so I don't become a /pol/ werewolf. A black 16 year old killed my dad, I was in the room and now I have had PTSD for two years. I actually want you to shoot me with a silver bullet.

>> No.10736771
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The evolutionary pressure upon hominids generated by snow, not some essentialist speculation on the color of snow.

>> No.10736800

Fuck of Donny, Jocko has some good stuff but he is too specific and to caught up in the well of his own experiences.

Challenging experience. Both winning and failing at something hard are character building experiences and the more you have of that (especially in childhood where failing is safe and has less consequences) the better adjusted you become to challenges and how YOU deal with them.

>> No.10736887
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>A black 16 year old killed my dad

>> No.10737008
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He went to jail, he's probably going to die there. Uh, I actually feel terrible for him that he fell for some meme and became a foot-soldier of some retarded identitarian movement. If you want an object lesson it would be that the average person is recorded on CCTV 22 times a day, this led to his arrest. Big brother watches, he knows and he crafts you into components of his purpose.

>> No.10738262

i'd like to biologically determine what her braps smell like

>> No.10739732

Only a BBC could satisfy this brapqueen

>> No.10739899
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who is this BRAAAAP-hog?