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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 476x476, false predictions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10736037 No.10736037 [Reply] [Original]

If climate change is science then why are the theoretical predictions so inaccurate?

>> No.10736046

I think it's a pretty well-established fact that the climate does in fact change - it doesn't stay constant.

If however you're referring to the hoax of "global warming" being caused by humans, then of course; no, that's not science - that's politics, power, control and White genocide.

>> No.10736052

ipcc is biased by the member governments to be too conservative
this is how it happens:

>> No.10736054


>> No.10736060


>> No.10736065

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10736077

I'd say that I could take solace in the fact that the shifting climate will ruin your life as well as the rest of ours, but your dumb, old ass'll probably be dead by then. Good riddance either way, boomer.

>> No.10736305

Even AGW defenders like >>10727339 was skeptical of permafrost carbon emissions, showing that the science is not yet settled.

>> No.10736502

Unaware Exxon shill...

>> No.10736604
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>muh (((oil executives))) are plotting to blow up the planet just to make a buck
Back to your containment board, nazi

>> No.10736669
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Models are all bad and wobbly. It probably exists, but I think you'll find the politics of climate change are mostly just a scheme to benefit China's belt and road proposal. It even has the gall to call it a "new silk road", the thing with the silk road is the supplier was always China. That's exactly what they want, the right to buy all the "pollution credits" and be the only ones who can produce certain materials and technologies while everyone else is utterly ham-stringed by their responsibility and unwillingness to simply lie, cheat and steal as the Chinese Communist Party is all to used to doing.

Climate change is real, China knows it, China has no problem playing the safety of the entire world to it's benefit. Climate change assholes should be bombing Chinese coal power plants, not whining about Donald Trump not bending down to suck their dick because it doesn't benefit him in the tiny timescale he actually cares about.

Also I want you people to watch Ecofascism become the new cringe cancer horseshit of this era, because it will. You're going to watch people cosplay AVALANCHE and fucking like it.

>> No.10736680

bless your heart

>> No.10736683
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>> No.10736713

amerifat bad
orangeman bad

>> No.10736733

Looks like war to me. Let's face it. They ain't gonna be convinced, ever.

>> No.10736762
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I legitimately think China just lies and manipulates reports to some degree, but ultimately your graph actually supports my argument. China wants not only to be self-sufficient as was always it's ancient desire, but in the modern sense it wants to reserve itself as the one able to have a redded-out portion like that. If anything that want that to grow while everyone else's portion shrinks. It wants the silk road back, it wants things only it can produce to make it the center of the world.

>> No.10736768

China wants to curb emissions though. They have shown willingness to cooperate. It is the US who outright rejects to cooperation.
Both the US and China stand to loose big on climate change.

>> No.10736807

go back to """"that"""" place if you want to call out nazis

>> No.10736811

golden calf holy

>> No.10736813

yes, just go on as usual and elect trump so he can protect you from china

>> No.10736832

This is the state of climate discussion on /sci/ smhfamalamdingdong it's very problematic

>> No.10737014
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No. They lie, I mean it's only partially a lie, sure they do but also they want all emissions to belong to them in the end. That's the design. They want to be the ones selling silk again because that's what they know.

>> No.10737246
File: 313 KB, 2467x1987, 1521759737278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If climate change is science then why are the theoretical predictions so inaccurate?
Specific events are basically impossible to predict, climatology is about studying long-term trends.

>Models are all bad and wobbly.
Over decent time scales (rather than single events), models do fairly well.

>That's exactly what they [China] want, the right to buy all the "pollution credits"
How the fuck is that supposed to work? They're a low-cost manufacturer with an ageing population.

>> No.10738015

>theoretical predictions so inaccurate
Theoretical predictions are not prophecy, Anon.
They are estimates based upon available data.

>> No.10738034

Dumb amerifats buy it

>> No.10738264

The U.S. is a huge country. It looks like it puts out a comparable amount to European nations which keep in mind the U.S. is more comparable to Europe than to an individual european country. So basically any developed country pollutes the most. Wow who would have ever guessed that.

>> No.10738271

>why is it so inaccurate
why is meteorology so inacurate? Does that mean it's not a science? What about epidemiology? Oh and volcanology?

>> No.10738299

If anything it just proves we don't know everything about our climate and its functions

>> No.10738310

So you're saying per capita emissions are what matters?

>> No.10738317

You impressively, utterly idiotic water-head of an imbicile. I lack words.

>> No.10738349

At least if you are going to act like the u.s. is somehow different from every other country with respect to emissions. You need to factor in population to claim something like that

>> No.10738350
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Based scienceposter BTFOs inbred neonazis

>> No.10738354


Just a reminder that these are actually shill posts/covert psyops and that nobody except ExxonMobile and Hillary Clinton are arguing in favor of fossil fuels and environmental deregulation. Remember, its literally the globalists and megacorporations that profit off of oil and nonrenewable resources.

We're already at the point where our decendents in even 2 or 3 generations will only read in books about great forests and the beautiful animals that lived amognst their trees, and the fish that swam in their streams, and the birds that soared in their skies. There will be a time soon when this almost seems more like a fictional story than a concrete description of the natural world all around us. As we slowly destroy this planet, we cut ourselves off from our history and our heritage. From the world humans have inhabitted for our entire history. We are destroying the very world which shaped us and made us who we are today. Europe will live on as long as there are trees on her hillsides and water in her riverbeds, but if these disapear, then Europe will disappear, and without Europe there will be no Europeans.

>> No.10738365

While I agree with your message we actually do preserve a lot of natural beauty. I don't think things are so bleak.

>> No.10738366

>then Europe will disappear, and without Europe there will be no Europeans.
No shit dumbass

>> No.10738372
File: 457 KB, 835x866, 1560477092426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pretty fucking stupid if you think that 50% of China's CO2 emissions are the fault of other nations buying their products.

>> No.10738376

Anyone? Even the scientist in your camp still disagree

>> No.10738387

It's pretty well known that the IPCC has a bias towards underestimating future warming for political reasons.

>> No.10738583


>> No.10738958

>dude just bomb other countries if you want to fix the problem
Let's try more peaceful measures first, okay?

>> No.10738979

if u.s. didn't exist, the products wouldn't even be made

>> No.10738985

>m-uh feelings
not an argument

>> No.10739054

Insufficient data.

>> No.10739501

based and redpilled

>> No.10739506

>muh amerifats r dumb
wonky ass argument from a 五毛 shitter, please fuck off back to copying science papers

>> No.10739509

Prove they’re inaccurate.

>> No.10739531

But there’ll be Europeans who live elsewhere like over a hundred million South Americans and Americans and Canadians

>> No.10739738
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Basically this entire thread

>> No.10739777

per emissions capita make the US look worse, tard.