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10722066 No.10722066 [Reply] [Original]

Explain electrons to me

>> No.10722081

protons pozz up the neg hole (electrons) of the atom, thats how it sticks together

>> No.10722173

A manifestation of energy within the electromagnetic field that attracts protons and is not made up of other quarks.

>> No.10722246

>Explain electrons

Not a single person here is going to do that because there is no empirical evidence of one.

>fields make particles
From what?

>> No.10722268 [DELETED] 

Quantized oscillations in the electromagnetic field.

>> No.10722277

Quantized oscillations in the electron field.

>> No.10722512

>>fields make particles
>From what?
the energy in the electromagnetic field.

what is wave-particle duality.

>> No.10722632

Energy packets, basically "wave crests" in the electromagnetic field. Kind of like photons, but really photons are like batteries inside electrons, once an electron drops an orbital it releases those photons, that energy.

>> No.10722687

They're robots that can vote.

>> No.10722699

> basically "wave crests" in the electromagnetic field
Wrong. Photons are the excitations of the electromagnetic field, not electrons.

>> No.10722726

But electrons still emit photons when they drop and orbital, so maybe they are just made of photons, or some sort of photonic structure.

>> No.10723027

fuck off retard

>> No.10723084

Photons are the force carrier for the electromagnetic field, since electrons interact with this field they emit and absorb photons.

>> No.10723136

Why do they absorb and emit them though? What is the usefulness of this mechanic as far as how atoms work or how electrons or photons work?

>> No.10723141

are you a toddler?

>“ice is frozen H2O and it’s a solid”
retard you
>”why is it frozen water? what is the usefulness of it being solid?”

>> No.10723165

I'm asking what causes them to do that, and why it is relevant to atomic mechanics.

>> No.10723172

aside from the fact that “why” questions are retarded (what, you’re groping for God or Chi or Chakras? no, science is about what is and how it happens, not “why” some mystical shit wanted it to be that way), just read any book on quantum electrodynamics instead of wasting our time with your nonsense

>> No.10723217

Wave-particle duality is an observed phenomenon but it’s not been broken down causally. You can’t attribute a thing as the source of itself that’s circular.

>> No.10723239

there is no causality or anything sourcing anything else. every "particle" of the standard model of particle physics is both sort of a wave and sort of a particle, in terms of how you model it. that's just a fact and needs no further explanation. the model works and that's our best idea of how things actually work. asking why or what is the "source" not only is pretty naiive (most of the time) but misses the point.

if you really want to delve into theory, we could talk about string theory -- that explains how all particles work and how they aren't actually particles in the end -- but i'm guessing you are too retarded to even attempt thinking stringily

>> No.10723242

Take a chill pill nigga, lmao no one asked for your bullshit attitude

>> No.10723266

haha yeah, what a noob, he thinks chakras and magic are nonscientific and recommends reading books about quantum electrodynamics, what a brainlet

>> No.10723276

Electrons couple to the electromagnetic field through gauge-fixing terms needed to make it so that the phase of their wave functions has no bearing on any actual physical interaction
The strength of that coupling is the elementary charge, which we can only get by measuring it

>> No.10723296

Grow the fuck up you imbecile

>> No.10723447
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>An electron is a quantified action of itself

>It makes them by itself from itself for no reason whatsoever

>Water, steam and ice are all just water in a different form
>But all these actions of a field are entirely different particularized things

>assblasted crybaby on damage control

>Wave-particle duality is an observed phenomenon
"No". >>>10722246

>"buy my book/video infomercial man" in post format

>Probably can't even tell you what "quantum" means and how it pertains to reality

>> No.10724172

If you did any amount of research, you would know stuff like chi and chakras are real. Just read the multiple government research projects about them. But, you've already made up your mind so why try to learn something new anyways?

>> No.10724199

back to >>>/x/

>> No.10724205

I understand if you are scared to have your worldview challenged, you seem like a scientismist. Regardless, you should read those government studies, maybe you'll learn something.

>> No.10724207

just because the cia and other intelligence agencies like to use new age memes as counterintelligence doesn’t make the memes real. they are a mind game organization, unlike real science institutions. i bet you believe in red mercury too, or sodium pentathol and hallucinogens being effective for mind control, or UFOs being extraterrestrials, right? don’t confuse memes for science

>> No.10724258

To a nu-skeptic, nothing is actually proof, it's just a hoax.

>> No.10724262

i’d be happy to go over chi and chakra theories, but most likely the only stuff you could show me is deepen chilean rambling about muh consciousness or some new age sexfiend talking about having interdimensional orgasms by meditating about her pelvic floor. newagers are the fucking most gullible idiots

>> No.10724265

lol i meant deepak chopra not “deepen chilean”

>> No.10724284

You have a bunch of tiny yellow balls.
They are angry.

>> No.10724297

Well, read up then https://pastebin.com/TwuqcD3z

Particularly pages 27 to 29 of https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8.pdf for some photographic evidence of psychic reformation abilities. If you even just peruse over the many documents and videos in the linked pastebin, you will see this sort of shit is very well documented.

>> No.10724305

so you think this proves telekinesis. they post a picture of a broken needle and then they write that the way it got broken was that they watched a psychic break a needle with his mind. trust us bro. published in an obscure chinese paranormal magazine in 1983 by authors you never heard of before or since.

first of all, think critically. you trust that? second of all, reproducibility. if this is possible, then why didn't that psychic get famous doing it on TV or go to all the top universities for testing or use his jedi powers to, i donno, assassinate osama bin laden? why aren't other people able to do it?

it's fake bro. sorry.

>> No.10724311

Do you honestly think that if this stuff was true the governemnts of the world would just wily nilly show it off. It was questioned for a long time, then studied in secret, and still mostly is. Read ALL of that material from top to bottom in that pastebin, skimming it over scoffing to yourself doesn't count.

>> No.10724314

oh, so it's a conspiracy then. that's why nobody is doing it TV, okay, yeah sure. and no i'm not reading your mountain of stupid shit -- that's the classic huckster trick for luring gullible people into scams. "oh you don't believe 911 was done by reptilians? heh, you just haven't read through these 93103 webpages and watched these 390193 youtube vdieos: pastebin.com/666reptiliansJewsIlluminati"

reminder: this is not /x/. go back.

>> No.10724321

If you refuse to interact with the evidence presented, we can only assume you have no interest to learn about the subject matter at hand and are therefore ignorant of what I am talking about, and willfully so.

>> No.10724326

It's not really a conspiracy, it's more like all hell would break loose if suddenly everyone on earth knew they could learn these abilities. It has to be a slow controlled release or else the dam will break and the town will flood.

>> No.10724330

you gave me one piece of evidence to talk about and it’s crap. if you want to pick other specific topics to discuss, OK, but you pick them; i’m not digging through your pile of crap for you

no, it’s just not possible

>> No.10724344

Ok, well let's keep talking about purported psi abilities then, or chi, some say they are one and the same. I realize you are a staunch skeptic, but if you are a true lover of science you will engage with the evidence presented. There are psi abilities like teleportation, remote viewing/AP, TK, among others.

>no, it’s just not possible
Why? Proof? Why would something like this be impossible? Because it's not well documented? So were the outer planets, or other solar systems, and other galaxies. Science never stops moving, and nothing seems to be set in stone as far as theories to how things work, we are always learning more. The more you seriously dig into the paranormal you start to see the gems in the bedrock.

>> No.10724349
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electron comes from the poincare group, open a math book once in your life if you still do not know that

fucking undergrads

>> No.10724372

>but if you are a true lover of science you will engage with the evidence presented. There are psi abilities like teleportation, remote viewing/AP, TK, among others.
again, you only gave one piece of crap evidence so far, and i discussed it, it's not credible. if you want to talk specific evidence for the fake things you claim are real, then please be specific like you were the first time.

>Why would something like this be impossible?
because from what we know about physics, chemistry, and biology, there is no way your mind can mystically cause a force in a remote location. if you claim that the way is "chi", then i claim that chi is fake, just like Zeus or Quetzalcoatl or Santa

>> No.10724425

>it's not credible.
Your opinion merely, not a fact


read the section on p-teleportation then and come back

>because from what we know about physics, chemistry, and biology, there is no way your mind can mystically cause a force in a remote location
If you read any of the papers presented, you'd see you are just ignorant of what has been studied for a long time now.

>if you claim that the way is "chi", then i claim that chi is fake, just like Zeus or Quetzalcoatl or Santa

You've obviously never practiced chi-work, or qigong, so of course you think it's fake. Many people report using it with impressive results. Here is some chi related evidence:


>What is Qi?

>Ki: A Key to Transform the Century of Death to the Century of Life

>A comprehensive review of health benefits of qigong and tai chi.

>Body Composition Outcomes of Tai Chi and Qigong Practice: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.

>A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of Qigong and Tai Chi for depressive symptoms.


Note: I am not saying any of this proves chi exists outright, it it merely evidence for you to dissect and see for yourself whatever conclusions you come to.

>> No.10724470
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Hi. It's the 16th century here. Please come back to us.

>> No.10724511

Good joke. Everyone laugh. No one learns anything.

>> No.10724615

read the stuff on p-teleportation; it’s merely a hodgepodge collection of dubious noncredible junk, government counterintelligence/hype memes, maybe one or two legit science studies that have no statistical significance, and anecdotal reports of popular psychics doing david blane type stuff. what i want for you to do is discuss one real piece of evidence, like a smoking gun. but you can’t do you find hypey meme shit instead

>You've obviously never practiced chi-work, or qigong, so of course you think it's fake. Many people report using it with impressive results.
that’s called the placebo effect. all the medical literature attributes it to placebo or secondary psychological effects that come from the placebo effect.

dude, go back to your yoga class and then get a kombucha with your life coach, and don’t come back

>> No.10724699

Like I said, for a nu-skeptic the evidence is never enough, it's all a hoax or "counterintelligence". Fake news syndrome. Just agree to disagree I guess, keep sleeping man I bet those dreams of materialism are super fulfilling lmao.

>> No.10724703

> I don't like facts or evidence that doesn't agree with what I want to believe is true
> Call it fake news
The literal state of society today.

>> No.10724706

I mean, this is exactly what >>10724615 just did, I'm not really surprised, I'm on /sci/ of all places but you would think people would actually be looking to check out new theories. These are the same people who blindly follow a religion, anything Big Science says is true is the ONLY way. Kinda funny, mostly tragic.

>> No.10724716

I dont understand them either, why do they have mass if they are just an electric charge

>> No.10724728

Electric charge has nothing to do with why a particle has mass and what that mass is. It's extremely complicated. To answer that involves some very advanced quantum field theory topics to do with particle self-energy, renormalization and the Higgs field.

>> No.10724803

you still haven’t found any actual evidence to discuss aside from the “this needle was broken by a psychic using his mind, trust us”. it’s not agree to disagree; what it is is you have no evidence and fell for newage scammer memes and can’t distinguish memes from actual scientific evidence. that means you have a lack of critical thinking and your beliefs are not only wrong but also cancerous since you’re participating in spreading bullshit

>> No.10724821

You're getting hung up on a piece of evidence in one study that in any other study you could say the same thing: "how can you prove those are actually pictures from the study or non-doctored". I guess so, if you are so interested go seek out the answers yourself, read the other studies, watch the other videos and see the presented evidence yourself, why should i spoonfeed and hold your hand through the relevant information? How do you explain the photo of the reformed needle? Or the pictures of the papers and pills going through glass? How about the qi studies involving many thousands of participants? Suree, go interview each and every one of them if you want: I don't have to, because I use qi and my chakras on a day to day basis. I could give you anecdotes but you would just no true scotsmen fallacy me some more. The closest I have to "hard evidence, a smoking gun (which you will always move the goalposts of)" are these screenshots from an online psi game.


The game is here, post your results if you want.


>> No.10724843

what am i even looking at. you think you proved chakras and qi exist because of some meme online game? wow. i mean, psycho mantis in MGS1 was freaky, but i guess zoomers these days are easily impressed by javascript garbage

>> No.10724867

I'm not surprised you don't understand, but I guess I'll mansplain it for you:

You PK the image you want to appear to override the pixels of the "avoid" image. It may seem like it's doing nothing but your mind is probably out of sync from the environment so I can understand that. With practice you may be able to get upwards of 3 successes in a row. It;s not weighted towards choose, I was able to get 7/10 for making the avoid image appear one trial.

>> No.10724877
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> magic is real

>> No.10724879
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Just did another:

>> No.10724918

>there is no empirical evidence of one

>> No.10724924

don‘t talk people down who want to learn stupid nigger

>> No.10724929

this is literally just a random number generator.

you should try flipping a coin 10,000 times instead.

>> No.10724934

Yeah, the human mind can effect rng, what else is new?

>> No.10724955

why did GOD make it that way?

>> No.10724962

only if you ignore that little thing called “statistical significance”

>> No.10724964

no it's to hard.

>> No.10724974

[citation needed]

>> No.10724976

rngs in computers are completely deterministic. you can't effect shit because it's not a random process.

>> No.10724981

Wow, so with a pixel based rng, it would be quite hard to get the results shown here then huh? You could say those results are statistically significant even, whodathunkit!


>> No.10724984

Life is nothing more than an electron looking for a place to rest.

>> No.10724997

>Levitate oil drops with magnetic fields
>This is a particle
>Oh and all the drops have a different charge

>assume drop is at rest
>But everything is always in motion
>Cease the motion to measure the particle
>It ceases to exist

>> No.10725108

the oil drops have a different charge
how would you explain that? or discrete charges in the photoelectric effect? or that qm works? that and more is what you have to explain at least as well

>> No.10725345

>babby‘s first attempt at arguing statistics

>> No.10725358

It's bullshit that works.