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File: 34 KB, 645x729, Brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10723097 No.10723097 [Reply] [Original]

Does it?

>> No.10723108

Reading reduces IQ

>> No.10723109
File: 842 KB, 2801x2202, clamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having your umbilical cord clamped early reduces IQ. Yet they do it to as many of us as possible??

>> No.10723111

Posting memes definitely does

>> No.10723113

Citation needed.

>> No.10723114

yep 50,000 words for every IQ point

>> No.10723127

They clamped your umbilical cord.




They did it before your lungs were functional, cutting off the supply of oxygenated blood. They did it to deny you off 1/3 of your blood volume at birth, and your iron stores. They did it to deny you of your stem cells, meant to repair any damage done while being squeezed through the birth canal. They did it despite research showing lower brain myelination at 4 months and lower IQ in childhood. They did it and don't even have an excuse.

>> No.10723130
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.10723146

All IQ threads are early umbilical clamping threads.

>> No.10723178

*5G intensifies*

>> No.10723182

Muscles and IQ are positively correlated

>> No.10723210


>> No.10723349

Lifting increases IQ


>> No.10723430

Clamping decreases IQ.

>> No.10723434

Studying for IQ tests increases IQ
Makes you wonder why people care so much about it

>> No.10723722

That’s a myth made up by others to cope with a lack of muscle and women

>> No.10723742

No. IQ reduces lifting.

>> No.10723759
File: 211 KB, 1200x675, 5E0649A1-E6AD-4BB8-9F3A-98C3D646A75E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is this real? Can someone verify it?

>> No.10723767

Are innies smarter then?

>> No.10723779
File: 644 KB, 1494x1672, Foster_Bible_Pictures_0074-1_Offering_to_Molech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. It became standard practice in US hospitals in the mid 50's.

I put it in a disturbing, provocative prick-like way, but the fact is it's entirely as presented, and it's viscerally, primally disgusting. That's not even a fraction of what's wrong with our birthing procedures, but in my mind it alone is damning and a condemnation of medicine as it currently exists in the US. Not only do I want it brought to light and wiped out completely, I want those who have gone along with it, and those who got it started identified and socially shamed and prosecuted.

So I'm getting the word out about this and other bullshit that's gone on for far too long.

>Pic related
Back again.

>> No.10723799

I'm an innie and was a cesarean. Due to their prior retardation I was "going into distress" so they probably just cut the cord. I've heard of what you're saying, but to my knowledge there's no inherent connection with innie/outie and the manner of cord severance.

>> No.10723801

>They did it and don't even have an excuse.
The reasoning is its benefit is a small increase in neurodevelopment much more pronounced in preterm infants than with normal full-term births and the risks for polycythemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and respiratory distress outweigh that minor benefit.
It's silly and harms your persuasive abilities to pretend the position you're arguing against is some completely arbitrary nonsense people do for no reason.

>> No.10723816

Refer to the literature. There's no argument.

This is easily treated with phototherapy, and can be caused by a lack of consuming the colostrum, and (wait for it), hepatitis B vaccination. Among a few other things.

Very uncommon. By your logic the solution is to thin the hell out of every single infant's blood, then increase its viscosity with vitamin K. Which makes no sense. Instead of maiming every kid, maybe you ought to figure why the select few are having abnormal blood content.

They clamped your umbilical cord.

>> No.10723821

Also, to be real blunt, go look for some data on neonatal jaundice and its correlation with cord clamping. I found a large study that showed the rates had no significant difference, 5% vs 2%. At that sample size, statistical noise.

>> No.10723827

Chris Langan is very intelligent

>> No.10723883
File: 540 KB, 1008x1580, DFFBEEB3-975A-4D0D-83CF-B32550D0702B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please anon, spread more knowledge. this is fascinating.

>> No.10723888

actually, would you make a seperate threae about this? Since this thread is very likely to be deleted by janitors even if quality discussion arises, they likely wont even bother reading this far down before seeing OP and deleting it for low effort.

>> No.10723891

>no significant difference
>5% vs 2%
Nigger what
If you're saying the sample size is small then just say that. But saying that an over double size difference is not significant is retarded

>> No.10724214

how do I know if I got clamped? my belly button used to be an outie but is now an innie changed at puberty even with no significant weight gain

>> No.10724223

now i know why i'm such a retard

>> No.10724231

Does it also make people as schizophrenic as you?

>> No.10724273

Is there any reason why I would get banned from reading pubmed? I can't connect to it, but it seems to be working for everyone else.

>> No.10724279

There is no such a thing.

>> No.10724296
File: 9 KB, 257x196, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In-directly, yes. If you're lifting. you're not reading.

brb suing the state for millions

>> No.10724300

Yes, every time you stand up your IQ reduces by 0.0015 points.

>> No.10724331

How does one verify if you were clamped or not?

>> No.10726080

So this is the real reason why whites (and now even asians, sometimes) behave like hair triggered retards?

>> No.10726091 [DELETED] 

Magnesium deficiency does, it causes dysregulation of calcium in multiple areas including the brain and makes it hard for the body to excrete excess calcium (high calcium intake paradoxically makes it worse)

It causes calcification of soft tissues (including your veins) makes your bones weaker (calcium intake paradoxically makes it worse), causes kidney stones and lowers your IQ as well as making you oversensitive and/or depressed, and bothered by literally everything.

Take 500mg magnesium (~ teaspoon of magnesium citrate/day) and stop drinking milk and eating cheese.

>> No.10726095 [DELETED] 

Magnesium deficiency does, it causes dysregulation of calcium in multiple areas including the brain and makes it hard for the body to excrete excess calcium

It causes calcification of soft tissues (including your veins) makes your bones weaker (calcium intake paradoxically makes it worse), causes kidney stones and lowers your IQ as well as making you oversensitive and/or depressed, and bothered by literally everything.

Take 500mg magnesium (~ teaspoon of magnesium citrate/day) and stop drinking milk and eating cheese.

>> No.10726097

Magnesium deficiency does, it causes dysregulation of calcium in multiple areas including the brain and makes it hard for the body to excrete excess calcium

It causes calcification of soft tissues (including your veins) makes your bones weaker (very high calcium intake paradoxically makes it worse), causes kidney stones and lowers your IQ as well as making you oversensitive and/or depressed, and bothered by literally everything.

Take 500mg magnesium (~ teaspoon of magnesium citrate/day) and stop drinking milk and eating cheese.

>> No.10726188

based, doing gods work

>> No.10726229 [DELETED] 

Look up iron iron supplementation/flour enrichment as well. "nutrients" added to flour for arbitrary reasons with no effort to determine optimal amounts nor the effects of likely nutrient overload.

>> No.10726233

Look up iron iron supplementation/flour enrichment as well. "nutrients" added to flour for arbitrary reasons with the "optimal" levels in the body simply declared, instead of being scientifically determined, and no concern about the likely nutrient overloads.

>> No.10726234

ya its called balance

>> No.10727119

no smart people are ever buff

coincidence? think not

>> No.10727133

>There's no argument.
If there's no reason to perform this procedure why is it, like you've pointed out, the default thing almost everyone in the US does with births? There has to be some sort of motivation, rationale, belief, etc. underlying why this is done. Saying it's just done for no reason makes you seem like an untrustworthy lunatic who can't even stop for 5 seconds to imagine how people with a different opinion think.
You don't have to say they're right to understand WHY they do what they do. I'm pretty convinced the people who killed themselves in the Heaven's Gate cult were wrong for example, but that doesn't mean I couldn't explain how they believed in the survival of their souls and a mechanism where their suicide would transport them to the stars for a new mode of post-human existence.