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File: 379 KB, 937x680, gen4reactor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10715685 No.10715685 [Reply] [Original]

>There are people on this board right now who think Nuclear energy isn't a viable green alternative to fossil fuels

Radiation is around you all the time from the moment you were born to the grave
>"B-but muh CHERNOBYL"
If anything the accident just says more about the system that designed, built and maintained that dangerous unstable reactor design than it says about Nuclear energy
Don't put a Nuclear power plant on the shore of one of the most seismically active countries in the world LOL, if you notice a pattern here all of these plants are vintage 1950s design, there are newer much safer designs that cannot meltdown

And that doesn't even mean anything when catastrophe does happen, Nuclear has the lowest deaths per terrawatt hour of any energy source

For every death from Nuclear Energy. direct and indirect, there are 10 fold more from fossil fuels, people dying in coal mines, pollution from fossil fuels, as well as accidents in coal power stations

Are you sure?

Half a million birds and 800,000 bats have been killed across the US as a result of wind turbines

This paper shows that Wind/Solar needs 4-7 times as much area for each megawatt produced

>> No.10715686

And of course for renewables to generate consistent power they need energy storage (because turns out the sun and wind isn't there all the time LMAO the absolute state of renewable drones) batteries use all sorts of toxic heavy metals, if the world switches to renewable energy imagine the environmental disaster from millions of improperly disposed/recycled batteries.


Can we just write off anyone against Nuclear energy as Malthusian greenies? The most obvious solution to clean energy is staring them in the face but they actually think 'renewable' energy is the easiest and most effective way to carbon neutral energy. TOP KEK

>> No.10715690
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It'll never happen because society is run by stupid people.

>> No.10715694

Most people want clean and cheap energy, the only people preventing it from happening are mentally ill Malthusian greenies in government and media who want the world to conform to their Utopian ideals

>> No.10715701
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>Most people want clean and cheap energy
Right-wingers want oil and coal, left-wingers want clean energy but only when it's inefficient because nuclear energy is "icky".

>> No.10715704

Oh, as for Nuclear waste, France has already solved it by recycling, and literally just dig a hole in the ground in the desert and bury it there, i'm certain engineers would love to be able to take the co2 belched from coal and put it back into the ground, it's actually apreferable alternative.

Exactly, Nuclear is the underdog of energy sources, just because hippie grandma and grandpa in the 70s picketed a few power plants we are denied a green, almost infinite source of energy

>> No.10715711

The average normie doesn't give a fuck where his electricity comes from, as long as it's cheap and consistent, sell this with nuclear and it will fly.

>> No.10715746


>> No.10715757

>m-muh birds

>> No.10715965


>> No.10716027

>batteries use all sorts of toxic heavy metals
You don’t need metals for large energy banks. Consider a reservoir that is pumped upward during energy production excess and that is allowed to flow through a hydroelectric generator when no power is normally being produced.

>> No.10716059

Seam like lead fast reactor are the safest from Op pic/
what is the wort thing could happen to this type of reactor ?

>> No.10716081

it's too expensive

>> No.10716127

>Bro just like make a mountain range on demand for my massive pumped hydro storage lmao

>> No.10716136

Pretty much, nuclear can be a solution for state owned grids like France but as long as the muh free market meme exists nuclear will be irrelevant as always.

>> No.10716137

I work at the Hanford nuclear site removing contaminants from groundwater. I love nuclear power and hope to attain a grad degree in nuclear engineering, but when it’s done wrong it’s really quite awful. AMA

>> No.10716138
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done. Flow batteries are better though.

>> No.10716177

Do we still have to do nuclear archaeology at hanford to figure out just what's in the tanks?

>> No.10716225

Although I do work at the 200 site, I don’t know if the tank farms are entirely documented. I do know that not all of the plutonium was placed in underground storage, there are small plutonium plumes that imply they were haphazardly dumped into trenches and not placed into storage, and these plumes are found/adjusted quite regularly

>> No.10716274

I'm all for a diverse and robust energy grid with multiple types of power generation. From green and renewables to traditional power and nuclear.
Assuming that one size fits all is a mistake and makes you vulnerable.

>> No.10716313
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Take the LFTR pill.

>> No.10716375

>bro. society

>> No.10716488

>baseline and high power tasks
>supplemental/rural/low intensity
Solar with molten salt batteries
>special regions
Geothermal, wind, wave

You coast on this until fusion plants start going commercial mid century, then its all fusion with solar as an option for long term low maintenance applications. If you want portability the use hydrogen or even just create hydrocarbons and just offset their emissions with nuclear powered scrubbers.

>> No.10716528

It's actually pretty interesting, even super conservative power utilities are starting to hop on the renewable train. My power company is fucking retarded, they operate a coal plant literally in the middle of the city, and they just purchased 150MW of solar+storage because it was the cheapest way to expand capacity.

>> No.10716542

What's wrong with people doing things for each others?

>> No.10716565

No one who is anti-wind energy gives the first shit about bats and birds. Why someone would be anti-wind energy is a mystery to me, but the fact remains that you dumb faggots do not care at all about birds. 100x as many birds die to cats and fucking windows, but I don't see you calling for a feline culling, probably because you are being dishonest.

>> No.10716613

fox news says democratic socialism is communism which is evil.

>> No.10716621

When wind is so awesome literally the only thing oil company shills have is muh birds and muh view.

>> No.10716811

i don't know that much about nuclear energy but i agree that it's great and people who are against it are anti-human greenie nutjobs

>> No.10716949

or possibly power companies

>> No.10717047

this is not true!!!, normies are the one that do not care for the price of energy but they want the pretty type of energy. nuclear is not "pretty", even hydro is under attack!.

>> No.10717289

Yes it is.

>> No.10717448

>but when it’s done wrong it’s really quite awful
Hanford site was a bi product of nuclear weapons, retard.

>> No.10717542

>Recoups 80% of emissions on construction


>> No.10717601
File: 493 KB, 340x613, boric acid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I serve the Soviet Union

>> No.10717662
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>retards get scared by muh nucular
>only a single new plant gets built after 1996
>retards think nuclear = expensive because they compare outdated crap to state of the art renewable shit that's cheap as long as it's subsidized up the ass and doesn't need storage
>meanwhile, russians and streetshitters are building them by the dozen

>> No.10717703

I stumbled upon the concept of nuclear automobiles.
I know it was nothing more than an idea in the 50s but how would the engine or motor work? I also believe they'd be very hazardous but I'm curious.

The fissile material would generate a lot of heat but how do you use it to turn the wheels? With steam like in reactors? And how do you keep stable?

>> No.10717706


>> No.10717719

Both India and Russia have entirely state owned nuclear power companies. It's clear this is necessary in the united states if we want new reactors constructed.

>> No.10718412

>every country has geography for pumped hydro

lame, the money required for renewables to be competitive is expensive as well (energy storage, grid upgrade, subsidize etc)

>> No.10718415

i think the point he is trying to make anon is that renewables aren't as environmentally friendly as people make them out to be

>> No.10718425

Arent the Russians aiming for 80% nuclear?

>> No.10718433

Nuclear does not actually solve the problem. It addresses the easy part of the problem, leaving the hard part still unsolved.
The easy part is sequestrating energy. We can already do that cheaply using a variety of alternative energy means.
The hard part is responding to demand in an efficient way. Nuclear cannot do that any better than wind and solar. It still would require gas peaker plants and/or energy storage.

>> No.10718566

>The hard part is responding to demand in an efficient way. Nuclear cannot do that any better than wind and solar. It still would require gas peaker plants and/or energy storage.

*inhales deeply


>The easy part is sequestrating energy. We can already do that cheaply using a variety of alternative energy means.

this can't be real, no one can pull so much out of their ass and pretend to be serious, i refuse to believe it.

>> No.10718571

limited supply of uranium.

>> No.10718742

>no argument
Why are you pretending you know shit?

>> No.10718750
File: 9 KB, 225x250, 1547129153875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i refuse to engage with someone this retarded

>> No.10718754

>I refuse to acknowledge that nuclear power can only be used for base load and cannot deal with peak demand unless you run it at overcapacity all the time
OK retard.

>> No.10718758

Not the same guy, but your arguments are so retarded that prove that you don't know jack shit. That's why >>10718566 is laughing at you.

>> No.10718862

Problem is the public sees it as all you need is an earthquake or.something similar to irradiate a place basically forever a la chernobyl. Not everyone is going to buy that it just "can't meltdown"

>> No.10718931

Wow .... really makes me think

>> No.10719020

Pumped hydro storage has one of the lowest energy/volume storage ratios of any know method for storing energy.
It is also demonized worse than nuclear because of the habitat destruction cused by massive reservoirs

>> No.10719578

what are must read books to re-orient my carreer? I fell for the green energy systems memes.. I work as an I&C engi in an nuclear epr project.. but I feel like I am below people who specialized in nuclear engineering (again, I had the gpa, but my lefty professors kept shilling their ((green agenda)). I did some fluid mechanics, Advanced Heat Transfer and Energetics.

>> No.10721335

But where's the LIFTR in there

>> No.10721667

Still, newer designs are cheaper and safer. Subsidizing them shouldn't be too much of a problem, but having BurgAtom dosen't sound too bad either

If the goal is to protect the environment, maybe building wind turbines that kill threatened and endangered species of birds is kinda self-defeating?

>> No.10721673

>maybe driving cars that kill endangered species of birds is self defeating
>maybe building windows that kill endangered species of birds is self defeating
>maybe owning domestic cats that kill endangered species of birds is self defeating
>maybe building power lines that kill endangered species of birds is self defeating

>> No.10721674

seriously, how would you protecc them from terrorists?


>In February 1993, a man drove his car past a checkpoint at the Three Mile Island Nuclear plant, then broke through an entry gate. He eventually crashed the car through a secure door and entered the Unit 1 reactor turbine building. The intruder, who had a history of mental illness, hid in a building and was not apprehended for four hours. Stephanie Cooke asks: "What if he'd been a terrorist armed with a ticking bomb?"

>> No.10721679

Cats, cars, and windows kill bird species that have stable populations, while wind turbines disproportionately affect species that are endangered. And even if that wasn't the case, building wind turbines in this regard is just adding to the problem that were already stuck with.

>> No.10721685

You do know they had nuclear reactors on site that created a lot of waste and nasty contaminants, faggot? Also you do know a lot of the byproducts and requirements are the same for both? Cringe retard

>> No.10721691

Just to reiterate, you’re a dumb faggot who needs to read more about Hanford and the similarities between nuclear weapons and nuclear power, specifically the roles of uranium and plutonium

>> No.10721694

Cool statement post a citation please