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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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10716343 No.10716343 [Reply] [Original]

expensive Canuck payload edition

WHEN: Wednesday, June 12 7:17 AM PDT / 14:17 UTC — 7:30 AM PDT / 14:30 UTC
STREAM: https://www.spacex.com/webcast & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A2nJd9Urk8
Probability of weather delay: idk, 30th weather squadron a shit
Backup launch date: Thursday, June 13 7:17 PDT / 14:17 UTC — 7:30 AM PDT / 14:30 UTC

~ Primary Mission ~
Launch site: SLC-4E, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (West Coast)
Booster number & previous flights: B1051.2 [DM-1]
Payload: Three identical C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Earth observation satellites
Payload mass & destination orbit: 4290 kg; sun-synchronous orbit: 592 km × 592 km @ 97.7°
SpaceX press kit: https://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/radarsat_constellation_mission_press_kit.pdf
Payload information:

~ Secondary Missions ~
First stage landing: Yes, on landing pad LZ-4
Fairing catch attempt: No

Stay in the loop:

This will be the 41st landed first stage, 22nd reflown booster, and the 71st Falcon 9 launch. It is the 7th SpaceX launch of 2019.

>> No.10716345
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>> No.10716348
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>> No.10716353
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>> No.10716357

Im getting up early tomorrow just to watch it launch from a local parking structure, pretty hyped.

>> No.10716358
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Excluding whatever the fuck ZUMA cost, these three sats are the most expensive payload launched by SpaceX. About a billion dollars I think.

>> No.10716367
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want to view the launch?

>The Hawk's Nest is located on Azalea Ln. off of Hwy 1 just over a mile south of Vandenberg Air Force Base's main gate. Gates open at 6 a.m. PT June 12

LZ-4 is impossible to see from the public viewing sites though

>> No.10716374

Shit I keep forgetting they're still nowhere near the maximum stated payload capacity. I wonder if it would have been better to just have an interim sized payload fairing rather than using this one which is more than half empty.

>> No.10716382

Well, the Starlink launches sure do fill it up.

meanwhile, ULA is claiming that SpaceX can't order a larger payload fairing from RUAG because of """"IP""""

>...ULA was preventing its supplier RUAG from selling a 5.4 meter composite fairing to SpaceX. The fairing is needed to be able to launch large national security payloads, and not having it would prevent a company from competing in Phase 2.
>SpaceX makes a 5.2 meter fairing and reportedly sought to purchase the 5.4 meter composite fairing made by RUAG. These sources said the company declined to sell the fairing to SpaceX because its design was partially funded by ULA and is technically ULA’s intellectual property. ULA can’t prohibit RUAG from selling components to SpaceX but can block the sale of the fairing to protect its intellectual property. “That is the way business is done in any industry,” one source said. “You can’t be forced to sell your IP to a competitor.”


>> No.10716394

Fuck it I guess, at that point I'd just make my own, test it with private customers until it's proven and tell ULA to shove their groundbreaking new intellectual property of "big metal thingy that go around payload so it no burn" where the sun doesn't shine.

>> No.10716408

I understand why SpaceX wants to buy a longer fairing for category C payloads instead of building their own; building new tooling for a fairing that will only be used on a handful of missions, is very expensive compared to just buying a few.

>> No.10716436

Old space seething

>> No.10716477

Have they given up on fairing recovery? I remember it beingvquite the hype like 6 months ago

>> No.10716710

Mr Steven just got re fitted with arms. They’re also just going to star re using non-net caught fairings for Starlink launches etc.

>> No.10716743

Always fun to search through twitter when the booster comes back; lots of people freaking out due to the boom

>> No.10716883
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>> No.10717123

I thought that said Pederast Confederation and immediately thought Musk was projecting back during the Thai thing

>> No.10717143

night launches from Vandenberg are pretty cool, like half of Cali goes into UFO mode

>> No.10717499
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>> No.10718182

8 hours

>> No.10718191

I'm applying to SpaceX! Wish me luck!

>> No.10718198

Good luck faget

>> No.10718200

do you plan to do the ‘ol resume padding two year stint or

>> No.10718211

is the work life really as bad as they say?

>> No.10718375

Apparently it’s not that bad these days due to the reusability of Block 5 cores and slow down in GEO orders reducing the cadence, lots of people their don’t have to work weekends anymore.

>> No.10718393


>> No.10718394

Earth is flat

>> No.10718605

Two hours to go

>> No.10718636

Reused booster?

>> No.10718651

Yep, this is the booster than launched the Demo crew dragon to the ISS

>> No.10718760

Anyone else live near Vandenberg? I freaking love the sonic booms and the mini earthquakes, but do you think it might do some long term damages to my house?

>> No.10718764


>> No.10718768

No lol

>> No.10718773

>Beautiful talented presenter.
>Genuine SpaceX engineer.
Is this shit actually real. Every time they have the presenter engineers then an ugly old bald man handing the engineering talk.

>> No.10718774

I can see nothing,

>> No.10718776

is your house built in a tree?

>> No.10718777


>> No.10718780

Insprucker is the most beautiful out of all the presenters faget

>> No.10718784

Welcome to vandy

>> No.10718786

I love her

>> No.10718788
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This better be good.

>> No.10718790

what a glorious day for Canada, and therefore the world

>> No.10718793

Every time they do these webcasts I remember how years ago they said they were gonna stop doing them. Now we get a person explaining shit every time. Used to be 10 minutes of a static shot on the pad. I always like those quiet few minutes before launch, with the soft LOX venting, maybe some birds chirping and the occasional callout

>> No.10718795

Pretty quiet launch thread....

>> No.10718796

It's gray!

>> No.10718797

liftoff suckers

>> No.10718799

Go spacerobocanucks!

>> No.10718800


>> No.10718802

did Elon Musk do it again?

Also how do i invest in SpaceX?

>> No.10718806

Lol MemeX
MemeX will be bankrupt any day now

Oh vey


>> No.10718812

Cant someone post stuff about Thunderf00t? I love reading about that butblasted spastic

>> No.10718813

Well, from where I was standing, the rocket just looked like a tiny bright orange speck of flame on the horizon, but it was still cool while I was able to see it.

>> No.10718816

Stupid fucking fog.

>> No.10718817

No video interruptions
but fog

>> No.10718819

Nice landing

>> No.10718820

man landings are always cool

>> No.10718822

F9 is boring now. We need Starship and Falcon Heavy.

>> No.10718824

Fully Erect

>> No.10718825
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>> No.10718827

How long until the next interesting thing happening?

>> No.10718831

Next SpaceX launch later this month is a on a FH! The center core will only be a few km offshore. If you’re close by you should definitely try and watch all three boosters land.

>> No.10718835

the kino bit is it coming back into the fog, not out of

Could you see it do the landing burn?

>> No.10718839
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It begins

>> No.10718843

It's supposed to be boring, launching and landing rockets should be routine. Can you imagine if all of the passengers on a commercial airline flight erupted into applause every time a plane managed to land?

>> No.10718844

Those are always funny.

>> No.10718846

Clearly you’ve never been to America

>> No.10718866

Does anyone know why the launch direction is west? Usually orbits are eastward

>> No.10718868

We need another plague

>> No.10718869

SSO. It’s really sort of south

>> No.10718876

I've clapped for a plane landing before
it was in nasty conditions tho

>> No.10718884

West at first to cancel the velocity inherited from Earth' rotation, then south to accelerate into a polar orbit.

>> No.10718894

Im decently far south, normally I cant see landing burns aside from the initial one, and only at night.

>> No.10718979


>> No.10718983

Don't forget to tip the pilot and copilot.