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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 659x431, Brain_weight_age.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10710671 No.10710671 [Reply] [Original]

The average brain weight in adult males is 1,345 grams; in adult females, 1,222 grams, more than 10% less than men. There is no arguing with measurable, quantifiable facts of this caliber.

>> No.10710678

>muh elephant brain

>> No.10710680

>no citation

>> No.10710681
File: 40 KB, 400x506, 220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, if we use this logic, whales are the most clever creatures in existence? Idiot

>> No.10710718

whales have an enormous body so they need a large brain to manage a large autonomous nervous system. they also have power onboard sonar which must require quite a bit of processing power and they seem to converse with each other in some fashion, however their brain mass to body mass ratio is still less that a human's.

>> No.10710733

>brain mass to body mass ratio
interesting i wonder how this compares in male and female humans

>> No.10710738

>No citation
>Assumes as an axiom that bigger brains equate to more intelligence, which is also somehow quantifiable

>> No.10710744

women should quantify sammiches inna da kitchen

>> No.10710749

So if we use this new and improved(tm) logic, then the most intelligent species on Earth are ants, since they have the highest brain to body mass ratio.

>> No.10710757

What did you just said you dumb bigot, women created world wide diversity in less than 100 years after they got the rights to vote. Women are more intelligent than men and we live in such great state because of them.

>> No.10710837

why do you hate us so much?

>> No.10710884

Einsteins brain was of below average weight for his body size

>> No.10710895

I second this

>> No.10710916

A man is smaller than a whale, but make Law to protect them from hunting : it's being nice, not clever, and depends on the one you chose not on the size

>> No.10710922

Take a small human's brain = 200 birds brain
Anotherone is 500 birds head.
The cleverness is not the size, because no matter, when they talk together, the bird is in the 200 set or in the 500 set : truth doesn't dépend on which think it

If they are nice, they won't fight and dream together of something nice. It's not cleverness too ...

200+500=700, it doesn't dépend who is the biggest, since they are together ...

>> No.10711346
File: 16 KB, 300x200, Hail_Ants_in_Episode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10711357


>> No.10711370

Einstein was Jewish, they are one of the few groups that deviate from this trend making them even more likely to be god’s chosen people.

>> No.10713169
File: 14 KB, 600x332, sammichbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10713206

Males have proportionally much larger frontal lobes. Please go back to >>>/reddit/

>> No.10713242
File: 3.10 MB, 320x568, 1559958142028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love ot when the dishwasher has multi function, blow job is the best setting

>> No.10713893

>woman have smaller brain weights
>maintain dominance across all western nations when it comes to IQ average
so males are just fucking morons even with more brain mass, got it

>> No.10713911

Men have better spacial visulisation than women and even if you are correct it is more important than iq.

>> No.10713969

How should an elephant or whale live if it is truly as intelligent as a human? It’s not as if it can communicate well with an oral language or use hands to craft tools. And elephants already show signs of their intelligence by painting, mourning the dead with funerals, and planning revenge attacks.

>> No.10714693
File: 119 KB, 1647x269, Screenshot_whats i like to be smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10714709

More children are suffering from malnutrition now than at any other point in human history.

>> No.10714771 [DELETED] 

Have sex

>> No.10714846

maybe it got something to do with men having to control their glorious magestic Ding-Dongs

>> No.10714914

Einstein wasn't that good anyways.
Lorentz, Minkowski, and Poincare laid the foundation for him to put the last piece in.
If you look up his views on QM you'll realize he was a stubborn brainlet.

>> No.10714947

smartest people are almost always men, but so are the windowlickers. biology takes more risks with men because an individual man is more disposable and a top-tier male can procreate far faster than a woman could.

>> No.10714953

Nice ad hoc imagination.

>> No.10714968
File: 186 KB, 799x639, 1487447224828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The neocortex neuron count is more indicative of intelligence, brainlet.
Women still have considerably fewer, though.

>> No.10714978
File: 310 KB, 427x576, 1551573742766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10714981

>Muh brain cells

There’s no difference in average IQ between men and women.

>> No.10714986

Not him, but it's true (see the red queen hypothesis). The whole point of males is for them to be disposable probes of the environment with only the best suited surviving and reproducing, as to speed up adaptation to the environment. This is exactly why most males of any species are superior to females physically and intellectually.

>> No.10714995
File: 43 KB, 600x711, 1461701096007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more, anti-scientific retard. Just accept the objective inferiority of the female sex.

>> No.10714999
File: 408 KB, 1043x627, 1554028843345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOO this shouldn't be happening. They told me everybody is the same in double-digiter indoctrination camp (aka fodder public school) NOOOOO.

>> No.10715009

>Muh brain cells

There’s no difference in average IQ between men and women.

>> No.10715011

Why’d you cite an irrelevant paper?

There’s no difference in average IQ between men and women.

>> No.10715013


>> No.10715014

>This is exactly why most males of any species are superior to females physically and intellectually.

Dunno why you’re lying. Female-biased sexual dimorphism dominates for Arthropoda which make up most species with sex.

>> No.10715018

>higher intelligence than women by 3-5 IQ points
>advantage of around 4-6 IQ points

There's no need to be upset.

>> No.10715027

As if... we're mammals or something... where >99% of species are male-dominated and the male is considerably stronger, idk

>> No.10715031

>Lynn studies


>> No.10715042

Humans being mammals is irrelevant, since the Red Queen Hypothesis supposedly applies to all species with sex. If female-biased sexual dimorphism is more common, it is just wrong.

>> No.10715064

Men are also overrepresented in the top 10% where it actually matters (and it shows just by observing the fact that men still do almost everything scientifically and technologically noteworty, despite all the equal opportunities and affirmitive actions). Women just can't compete.

>> No.10715081

The sheer size of a brain is not important to intelligence. The important thing is ratio between brain size and body size. Women are in general smaller, so their brains are smaller accordingly.

>> No.10715091

why are you on this board if you're retarded and don't care about math or science?

>> No.10715129

You dont get it. You are not "men" and a woman is not "women". You are a pleb.

>> No.10715135

>The sheer size of a brain is not important to intelligence.
you cant just fucking say this with no justification
why do you do the things that you do

>> No.10715144



A lot of your body mass needs an equal ratio of brain mass to handle it. Not all, but certain parts of the brain are larger on a purely proportional basis as that is their function.

>> No.10715154
File: 16 KB, 466x422, conceit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>size is not important because a 30 year old IBM isnt as good as a modern phone
comparing 2 people with different brain sizes is so fucking different from comparing different animals proportions i dont even know where to start

>> No.10715171

the only reason you think that is because of faulty studies done on developing children
the only time in a humans life when the average male and female iq is equal is at approximately 11 to 14 years (10 and below is unreliable anyway)
which is obviously smack in the fucking middle of puberty
studies done on grown men and women show a consistent and significant difference of 1/3 a standard deviation

1/3 is not a lot
which makes the fact that women as a group have accomplished so little, despite such a minor disadvantage, utterly fucking shameful

>> No.10715938

Man, I don't want to add this image to my some thousands long wojak image filter list because it's a genuinely funny one. Could you please use crappier images for your shitposts?

>> No.10715943

IQ is gender-normalized, you dumbass.

>> No.10715954

No shit, retard. IQ is expressly defined to have 100 average for both men and women. I'd say it's a moot comparison, but it isn't even a fucking comparison. They're equal by definition. It means absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.10717323

You do realize that >>10710681 was just bait/satire. Right?


>> No.10717332

Form implies function.
> No citation
citations aren't everything, people can find citations back and forth. Better arguments based on first principles are much more convincing than muh citations.

Are you just continuing the satire? This whole thread is 135+ IQ satire, right?

>> No.10717338

brain size strongly correlates with IQ WITHIN SPECIES. (if not outright predicts)

Please, tell me this shit is all satire. People aren't this stupid, right?

>> No.10717342

there's a difference between absolute measures and proportional measures.

The large count of malnutrition, owes to the fact that africa is a fucking shithole filled with idiots that can't sustain themselves in what could otherwise be literal paradise in terms of farming capacity.

>> No.10717347

>making baseless claim that there is no difference, based on implied studies

> Dropping other studies, yet providing none, for his own obscene claim

You do realize that practically studies that find no average distance between women and men, are done with shitty measures, or ON FUCKING ADOLESCENTS AND NOT ADULTS. Right?

>> No.10717361

Form informs function.

>> No.10717385

Form precedes function.

>> No.10717390

Function is global. Form is a function otherwise.

>> No.10717579

>A stubborn brainlet
There are so many things that makes quantum theory still inconsistent af.