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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10711613 No.10711613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you find a /sci/ GF/bf? My girl does bio research and I do math. It's super comfy. We day dream about publishing papers as co-authors.

>> No.10711625

/sci/ guy here. gf is a veterinarian; scientific but we never get in arguments about physics or medicine since we respect one another’s respective authority. i could imagine a couple who share the same area of expertise might get in bad arguments

>> No.10711633

How do you even do this? All I can find are mindless thots.

>> No.10711636

>bubonic plague is still around
>no one gets the vaccine
Why do people want to spread disease?

>> No.10711654

So it did some good along its lifetime?

>> No.10711661

Must be tough to both have sky-high debts and no job because of your meme majors.

>> No.10711768

>Why don't you find a /sci/ GF/bf?
already have one, we're both mathematicians
Socialize. You don't even need to attend parties (where you're likely to find mindless thots), just have friends and get to know their friends, see if your uni/faculty does events, etc.

>> No.10711894

killing anjimels is not science unless it is for fun in "attempt to yield important data"
yeah killing serfs and poor retards. lol, those poor faggots had it coming for being poor and shit. fuck them.
or at least that is what I assume you mean?
that is why they love each other, because they feed each others delusions.
yeah parties is where the slut go. the maths boi were in their room studying for fun and then doing next weeks chapter for fun. while the engineers just used a computer to do their homework for them and then drank beer.
because I have severe autism and haven't vocally talked to anyone for two years except for my mom who I live with in her basement.
I sound like a retard when I speak and don't understand what to say.

>> No.10711953


>> No.10712190
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How do I get a /sci/ boyfriend?

>> No.10712196

fuck off faggoot.
also if we ever run into each other I'd fuck, but not cause im a fag, simple because im a desperate virgin dying of loneliness.
t.math major

>> No.10712205

Are you dumb or what? You already know what to do.

>> No.10712238

Bubonic plague is easily treated by pretty much any antibiotic.

>> No.10712247

I am a med student, my boyfriend is a CS major interested in going into bioinformatics/informatics in medicine. It is very comfy, I give him ideas for what he could look into.

>> No.10712261

Because women are a waste of time. I'd rather be doing math.

>> No.10712268

Math is a waste of time, I'd rather be doing meth

>> No.10712270
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>> No.10712280
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I have had relationships with a philosophy researcher and one with a chemist.
As much as I dread being alone now, no amount of suffering can equal what a woman can do with you if she decides to hurt you.
I'm never making this mistake again.
You can have them, OP.

>> No.10712282


Anyone in this thread currently in a relationship just doesn't realize the hole they are in. You are happier than them, you just don't know this.

>> No.10712290

Actually in europe the plague disappeared naturally before vaccines, antibiotics.
It hit hard in the 1348 epidemic and then it remained around for 500 years with periodic local outbreaks. Then in the late 18th century it stopped.

Better enforcement of quarantines by more developped states are one of the reasons, but it seems that the disease also got less deadly and less contagious over time.

>> No.10712322
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>> No.10712329
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I know that feel bro

>> No.10712337

b a s e d

>> No.10712374

Bubonic plague is actually not a big deal to treat at all if you have access to modern antibiotics. The problem is that the height of the black plague happened 500 years before the advent of penicillin.

I suppose (hypothetically) you could develop a vaccine against the bubonic plague, but why waste the money when there's much worse infectious diseases like HIV which still lack a vaccine?

>> No.10712392
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I want to be in a nice hole :(

>> No.10712396

how does it feel studying a pseudo science and dating a literal ape.
lets comprise and do all three
based and red pill'd
date a thot, they know how to treat men, with smiches and good head.
just keep buying them shit.
also people at the time were disgusting fucks
you can just make the loli 40 years old and just look young. the government is a retard.
you got on called your anus. what if your dick not big enough to fuck yourself? imagine being this much of a dicklet.

>> No.10712420

The main reason it stopped in the late 18th century is because the brown rat poplulation outnumbered the black rats and died faster than they could transfer the disease ridden fleas to human hosts.

It had nothing to do with natural immunity or it being less contagious. Humans are still susceptible of suffering from another outbreak at epidemic scales if left unchecked.

>Why develope a vaccine for it?
Because there are new aged organic health nuts out there that will unknowingly spread the bubonic plague by shear stupidity.

>> No.10712443

now I know why we have eugenics

>> No.10712481

would it be possible to eradicate hiv like we did with smallpox?

>> No.10713888

Probably, but the time it'll take is much longer. Smallpox either kills you or goes away in a matter of weeks, whereas HIV is a lifelong infection.

>> No.10713918

If you both are in acamedia, there is 0% chances that you get a position in the same city, so while it sounds like a good idea, I advise you guys to avoid it.