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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10711468 No.10711468 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else on /sci/ study math to feel superior? Doesn't it make you feel a bit like a GOD compared to other human beans?

>> No.10711474

>Doesn't it make you feel a bit like a GOD compared to other human beans?
I'm an atheist so I don't entertain such delusions.

>> No.10711475

makes me feel like meh. the physics and cs people have always seemed sharper than maths people, they seem to have a versatile set of skills.

>> No.10711675

I picked applied statistics (mathematical physics) as specialization, so everyone is looking down on me.

>> No.10711683


Have sex

>> No.10711752

>human beans
I take it you study maths to cope for your illiteracy?

>> No.10711798

double major in physics and math and you will be a true god.
cs is a gay meme.

>> No.10712725

Applied is already bad enough, but stats is just disgusting

>> No.10712762

Maybe a little? I just like math a lot idk. It helps you see stuff others cant.

>> No.10712791

*tips fedora*

>> No.10712799

If this is the reason why you study maths then you missed the point of it completely. The world doesn't need more wannabe smartasses like you who barely pass the exams but then go around and flaunt their alleged superiority.

>> No.10712811

It definitely does make my phallus seem more substantial, realistically speaking.

>> No.10713469

I have anxiety problem and I can't do math, I hate it, but I do think it's superior. I'm a coward I can't devote my life to it, fuck

>> No.10713482

the opposite actually. Instead I am humbled by learning how little I really know

>> No.10713485

You entertain an even worse delusion, godless heartless soulless piece of fuck.

Fight me /sci/, you guys fucking suck

>> No.10713580


>> No.10713592
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Sorry, I was just kidding
Your specialization is very employable

>> No.10713596

Yes, to some extent, but it's a product of mental illness.

I do science for a paycheck and superiority of knowledge. I do it because "I am better than you".

I am a diagnosed narcissist, and seek to win. This is what drives me. I'm cognizant enough to know that my motivations are based purely on the maintenance of grandeur.

>> No.10713616
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>I'm an atheist so I don't entertain such delusions.

>> No.10713718

I got my degree in math and if anything it gave me a years-long case of imposter syndrome, my non-educated friends and even some of my college friends thought it meant I was some kind of genius when it was like nah, I just always liked the aesthetic, and I only know enough to know I don't know shit

>> No.10713721

İt so interesting

>> No.10713735

that's unironically the purest of motivations to me, anon. keep it up

>> No.10713737
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You guys have to count before you think you're things worthy of measure?



>> No.10713740

>namefag detected

>> No.10713741

>namefag respected, saluted, and t.fag rejected!

>> No.10713743

So yeah, that's pretty much how you do a phi dunk from a grammar/story presentation perspective.

Inclusion, initiation, example as to why you wouldn't want to abuse this for the obvious mem_hacks. Pretty concise lesson. Just required a willing participant that I didn't immediately influence but could coax into responding to my preferred method of communication.

>Because eventually you humans will figure out you all just want to communicate with sluts anyway, of the intellectual calibre and otherwise. We want to find y'all, and etc.

>> No.10713745

>you humans
yep, brainlet. cya later //thread (ded anyway)

>> No.10713752

let me guess.
you get shit grades but it's not because you're stupid, you just "learn differently" or some other crap.

people like you are usually the dumb ones. you'll get bored of math and do something else eventually.

>> No.10713753

Ah, ya still gotta use top-level 'reality' words like humans when being absolute in your statements. Otherwise it clashes with other variables in the simulation. Trust me, ya don't want it.

Just trying to normalize the reasons for why humans use the internet beyond justifying the monetization of locking up children for abuse. Like, that's the level at which I'm judging the internet at really. Either it is somehow a divine representation of the abuse humans cannot abandon and I too must leave it, or a collection of humans who are ready at least at some point to put down the 'i had an observation argument first!' thought pattern and maybe pick up thought every now and then.

>> No.10713755

I too enjoy satisfying some symbol validator by using complex language interpreters and expressions of classrooms and hoping to impose said wisdom and discipline into other by the sheer act of observation.

>> No.10713822

Funny you should say that, I studied it to help others feel good. We are here for a little while, might as well stretch out the good time over a wide berth.

>> No.10713834
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Nothing wrong with human beans, you bigot.

>> No.10714563

The ugly hat guy in the pic is correct about religion being for retarded fags lol

>> No.10714574

This is why I left STEM.