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10710144 No.10710144 [Reply] [Original]

You and Australopithecus are stripped naked and thrown into a cage. Who does nature select as the victor?

>> No.10710145

nature isn't selecting anything

the guy who put us in the cage is committing murder

>> No.10710153

That monkey would beat your ass

>> No.10710161


No. Him being a murderer to you is just futility in semantics. He is a product of his environment as both of them are as well and therefore the entire situation is as natural selection would have it.

>> No.10710165

i guess you just want to redefine what "natural" means.

>> No.10710166

We did have a dumb thread earlier today where some moron wanted domesticated/zoo animals to be included in the natural range of a species.

Op is just another schitzo poster.

>> No.10710172
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>tiny dong
>no knowledge of cellular senescence or immortality research
the australopithifag stand zero chance

>> No.10710175

australopithecus would probably rock you just like most gorillas with their stacked testosterone would rock you

>> No.10710177

Unironically join hands and work to fight against whoever threw us in the cage everyone knows this would make a good buddy cop movie.

>> No.10710182

>You're thrown in a shark tank. Who does nature select as the victor?

Nice meme, bro

>> No.10710299

Not OP but I fail to see the logic here..

>> No.10710305

My definition of natural is literally anything that exists materially within the universe.

>> No.10710314

It’s amazing a buddy of mine seemed to think he’d fare well against a modern chimpanzee during a recent herbally-induced hypothetical convo we were having. Such a foolish thing to believe, and he genuinely believed it.

>> No.10710320

The logic is that sharks are more fit than humans

>> No.10710321

then you are not using the world correctly, especially in the context of natural selection

this is where the conversation ends

>> No.10710503

I am using not only my world but my universe correctly thank you and good night sir

>> No.10710508

Australopithecus are literally the size of hobbits.

>> No.10710523

And have the wits of a human but more strength and speed as well as agility

>> No.10710527

Citation needed for Australopithecus being stronger and faster

>> No.10710547

>already naked
put on some smooth jazz and we both win

>> No.10710571

>Who does nature select as the victor?
idk I'm pretty strong man

>> No.10710579

they had too much testosterone to start modern society just like every other animal on the planet

>> No.10710608

based schizo poster

>> No.10710626


Australopithecines had a brains about the size of a modern chimps you retard. Bipedalism evolved before significant increases in intelligence.

>> No.10710641 [DELETED] 

Our strength is not in being naked, but in being able to make a gun.

>> No.10710643

top kek

>> No.10710645

Testosterone is the foundation of civilization. Low-T males aren't building shit.

>> No.10710665
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citation needed

>> No.10710677

based low verbal nigger

>> No.10710839

Natural selection is not only about animals fighting each other to death. If you don’t understand how modern humans evolved, read a book.

>> No.10711618

Literally ANYTHING we do is within the scope of natural selection as long as we are still considered animals. For some reason we continually posit ourselves outside of this scope as if we’re especially excluded from the grand coliseum as if we ourselves were the ones to create it.

>> No.10711630

Refute the content brainlet. It could have been written better but if you actually consider the depth of the concept, you may have an enlightenment today.

>> No.10711634

Then I guess the guy who has the power to throw us both into the cage is the victor.

>> No.10711638

before i can be thrown in the cage i will have some sexy time with the person who attempts to strip me naked

>> No.10711644

its babby tier concept, there is nothing to consider that hasnt been considered already a thousand million times on /sci

>> No.10711655

Why does this dude look like a Russian guy from late 19th century Tsarist Russia?

>> No.10711695

The concept is:

Is natural selection a micro or macro process? At what point is the line drawn between universal materialistic determinism and our classical definition of natural selection: an evolutionary concept limited to the development of life here on Earth? I just find it funny how much significance we give our theories and a lot of times it’s done referencing an anthropocentric model or a frame of which we exist outside of as some kind of special, enigmatic self-prophesied Gods when in reality we are nothing more than at the mercy of the the chaos of the universe, are very young and infantile in our development as a species as well. The closest right answer so far to me was the guy that said the one who placed us in the cage. Whoosh to the rest of you brainlets..

>> No.10711703

keep in mind these things are manlets, average height is 5 ft

>> No.10711705

They were tool users and artists. They are estimated at about 95 iq

>> No.10711721

Natural selection is clearly a concept limited to development of life on earth, at least until we know better, that is leave earth and find extra terrestrial life and compare how that evolved. The rest of your post is pseudo garbage, ramblings that add nothing to the conversation.

>> No.10711769

Manlets always lose. So I would kick the shit out of it

>> No.10711788

I carry a gun in my anus. Checkmate.

>> No.10712285

It's really fucking dicey, as a Sapiens-Sapiens my legs will be much longer in proportion to my body and stronger too, and my comparative hairlessness and greater ability to sweat and generally endure cardio exercise will mean that as long as I can stay out of his reach it's very likely that he'll gas out and overheat while I'll still be fresh. If he gets his hands on me while he's still got some stamina I'm fucked though, these guys are jacked like a Chimp or a Gorilla is jacked, strong enough to literally pull a limb completely off of an animal of their own size, or crush a person's ribs with a full strength blow. So generally the same rule applies as it would if you had to fight a much bigger person, stay out of their reach and don't get grappled, don't get pulled onto the ground, generally don't put yourself in a position where raw strength and arm leverage come into play.

>> No.10712345

Interesting. So absolutely no offensive measures taken?

>> No.10712357

>assuming I’m not trained in Jew Jin Su
He better have a hell of an overhand right.

>> No.10712382

Throw in a bonobo, and all 3 could dispense with the smooth jazz

>> No.10712407
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They were not artists. There is evidence of primitive tool use, but probably not having hunting, sculptures, or cave art. Australopithecines are not neanderthals or homo erectus. They were essentially upright chimps. Does nobody in this thread know the difference between different hominids?

>> No.10712469

Leg kicks should fuck him up. not the guy you're talking to btw.

t.fighter guy

>> No.10712539

Only low test betas would be in trouble. The Australopithecus wouldn't know why we were in the cage and so would have no reason to initially be aggressive and attack. But a human, being intelligent and aware of such things, should know that they need to exert dominance as fast as possible or simply kill the other animal. Attack fast and hard, make it hurt and afraid before it can even grasp it's new reality. Like most semi-intelligent animals, it will cower when put through sufficient pain and you will be the dominant animal of the cage.

>> No.10712874
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Have you seen the victims of chimp attacks?

>> No.10712929

True, anything we do is withing the scope of natural selection, but you will never throw anyone in a cage with an Australopithecus so that isn't natural selection. Natural selection only occurs when the scenario happens.

>> No.10712970
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>> No.10713002


>> No.10713017

The anon is probably right. Your best bet is to wear it out before going for the choke hold.
Floyd Merryweather vs a fucking Chimpanzee. Now there's a fight.

>> No.10713187

>Floyd Merryweather vs a fucking Chimpanzee. Now there's a fight.
Which would be over in seconds with floyd a bloody mess on the ground

>> No.10713484

You’re not going to tire out a bipedal acrobat that swings from and jumps from tree to tree and yes they Australopithecus lived in trees and was a cardio beast running and walking across the savannah daily while gathering. They are likely faster, arguably possess the same or slightly greater strength to weight ratio to despite their smaller stature.

>> No.10713486

This guy gets it

>> No.10713879

>no offensive measures taken?
Our bodies lost our hair, we learned to sweat better and we can run upright for the sole purpose of having superior cardio so we can chase our prey to the point of exhaustion
It's our most defining physical trait as a species and makes us part of a uniquely small set of animals that hunt that way

>> No.10714532

Someone selects two creatures and throws them into a cage. This is not natural selection. Everything what happans after it is also not natural selection. Epic fail.

>> No.10714622

idk maybe the species that caught and caged the other two