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10708969 No.10708969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why women don't like video games as much as men do?

>> No.10709036

they don't like challenges

>> No.10709043

The feminine aspect is passive and receptive. They don’t want to go save the princess or fight the dragon. They want to be the princess that is being saved. No one would want to play a game where you sit and do nothing.

>> No.10709045

hunter-gatherer dichotomy

>> No.10709047

They lack immersion in anything but themselves

>> No.10709049

Children like video games, not men.

>> No.10709054

interesting four distinct answers

>> No.10709056

of the small amount of female gamers they tend to choose really gay games. like cute, colorful ones.

mario, pokemon, etc.

I play some of those but only for nostalgia purposes, I normally think they are boring and for babies. I instead play souls games and elder scrolls, and since im not a faggot I also play old halo games. plus fighting games to test our manliness without having to actual fight another man.
men like hard adrenaline games that are upsetting and testing our masculinity.

>> No.10709060

actually they aren't all that distinct.

found the oldtard.

>> No.10709067

More women play video games than men do but it's stuff like Sims

>> No.10709070

I bet that if you rated games based on mechanical and social criteria then you would find a strong correlation in male preference for more mechanical games and female preference for more social games.

>> No.10709071

because females tend to be more pragmatic by nature.

in other words because video games are a waste of time

>> No.10709073

In western countries? Aggressive marketing towards boys in the 80s and 90s. Look at the s8ter culture ads, that the NES was marketed as a toy rather than as electronics in the boys aisle, etc. Now women play games that are accessible on mobile platforms since those generally have a bigger target audience and don't take years of consuming other parts of gaming culture and developing coordination to get into. In countries like South Korea and Japan, women play the same video games as guys more often than not

>> No.10709077

>gay games
>mario, pokemon, etc.
found the snoybro.

>> No.10709093

They have different taste in game genres and the level of investment in those genres can increase or decrease the amount of women playing.

Currently a lot of women are interested in playing games because the amount of social, colorful, short-term type games has increased. The more long-term, simulator based, competitive and overly complex games seem to have less women interested in it. With the exception of certain types of rpgs.

>> No.10709103

At the risk of being compared to Anita Sarkeesian, it's entirely because the gamer culture (especially PC games) is male-dominated and generally hostile to female users.

The former comes into play because if you're the single female user on a game server with 30 dudes, you inevitably become a massive target for unwanted sexual advances and attention. This is not unique to videogames - it's the reason why women gravitate towards parties and social events with a more balanced gender ratio. Being the one chick in a subculture that's 90% male is rough.

In the latter case, there are a vocal minority of users on virtually any platform who are just outright hostile to any woman who doesn't completely conceal their gender on the game. If they use VOIP or mic, they get attacked for 'wanting attention' despite communicating exactly the same way as everyone else.

I've seen these things happen second-hand with my girlfriend (who loves videogames) and now she never uses microphone or mentions that she's female on any multiplayer game now.

Also, ITT: dudebros blaming 'wimmins issues' for women not gravitating towards an overtly-hostile culture


>> No.10709106

Shut up front hole

>> No.10709110

I'm a guy tho, with a penis.

>> No.10709124

This is mostly correct. People will defend it for being "candid gamer culture as it is" but like, it's hard to deny that when any girl goes in, the dudes generally swarm around her. In my experience, most women who play games (like, hardcore "dude" games) just don't tell them about it because it's a lot of bullshit to avoid.
My girlfriend has loved DMC, monhun, nuzzlocke pokemon, and MGS ever since she was in late middle school / early highschool, but she stopped talking about it after it got her a lot of undue attention and random dudes would ask to have lunch with her and sperg out about how she was perfect, etc.

>> No.10709127

lol what she can't handle the shit talking?? that isn't distinct to women, I don't know what kind of faggot doesn't know how to use the mute setting.

women take shit too personal and internalize it forever, fuck I beat up my bully in elementary school and we became best friends.
for the sexual stuff, well she is a women and her only purpose is to get fucked so she should just accept that and sue the mute function.
also MMO games are kind of shit and for faggots anyways, tell her to play souls games and old halo, that is real shit

enlarged clitoris does not count.

>> No.10709141

This is a false premise.

>> No.10709142

>lol what she can't handle the shit talking?? that isn't distinct to women, I don't know what kind of faggot doesn't know how to use the mute setting
lol most women I know who play online do use mute. You don't see them...because they have muted themselves and don't talk. Simple as that.
The rest of your post is either basedboy bait or just your own issues, etc. Anyway, get back to failing basic linalg cuck

>> No.10709145

>well she is a women and her only purpose is to get fucked so she should just accept that and sue the mute function.

You're definitely making a strong case that gamers aren't hostile towards women.

>> No.10709156

I think it has to do with personal interests/deficiencies.
women like socializing bullshit while men like solving problems and conflict.
I play games with complex challenges because I fail at them in real life.
My sister plays rpg grind fests because shes an aspie who doesnt like surprises.
My gf only plays diceroll board games because she likes the social aspect and not the mechanical.

>> No.10709160

i'm a math major faggot, I wouldn't study it if it wasn't so fucking trivial.
imagine not testing out of linear algebra, how fucking retarded. you should probably just kill yourself you engii

my point is that it doesn't matter and nobody should be looking to "equalize" gaming or some shit. Simply deal with it.
also FPSs and MMOs are utterly faggot games, real niggas be playing skyrim

>> No.10709162

>Why women don't like video games as much as men do?

sexual dimorphism

>> No.10709164

isn't it exhausting being an asshole all the time?

>> No.10709169

>my point is that it doesn't matter and nobody should be looking to "equalize" gaming or some shit.

I suppose it won't matter if you just drive all the women out of your videogame communities by refusing to cull the neckbeard lardos who exclusively harass any women they encounter online

Then it won't matter if you try to 'equalize' it because none of them will show up anyway.

>> No.10709178

>i'm a math major faggot, I wouldn't study it if it wasn't so fucking trivial.
I'm a math grad in analysis ;^)
>imagine not testing out of linear algebra, how fucking retarded. you should probably just kill yourself you engii
You mean like yourself? Why are you so mad anon? Why all this intense "fucking fuck, fuck retarded, whore fuck fuck fuck, you're stupid?" Also
> testing out of linear algebra
>his shit uni only has 1 basic intro linalg course and not a vector space/intro to functional analysis course
Neither are hard, but this is very clear evidence that you're either meming or have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10709195

You are as pathetic as your major.

>> No.10709198

I would love to play a game where you sit and do nothing

>> No.10709202

>all games are multiplayer games

>> No.10709205
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maybe I repressed memories about getting molested a child and they are coming back to me and i'm fucking sad angry. Maybe because of that I just can't help being pissed off because I feel like such a pathetic faggot.
honestly anon...I;m sorry. I'm socially retarded and don't understand how to talk to people, normally when I am myself I just don't talk, but when I am a rude asshole I get more reactions and people will interact back with me...yeah I am a sad lonely virgin frog poster

you can't equalize it our you'll lose your priority market. Women need to learn to put up with it, and fucking roast those neckbeard retards right back.
neckbeard: "how about you suck my cock whore"
appropriate response: "what did your mom stop doing it herself?"
necko: "REEEE fuck you slut!"
appropriate reply: "awww little baby cock is upset, somebody give him kisses"

uh oh, caught me. this was bait. truly you must be a math major anon, only someone smarter than an engii fag could know this was bait.

found the engii faggot.
>muh salary
>muh applied maths

>> No.10709207

>the most popular/large subset of videogames is overtly hostile towards women
>"huh I don't get why women don't play more vidya, there's still singleplayer games where they won't be harassed by neckbeards"

>> No.10709211

>I was only pretending to be retarded
>I actually just have trauma

>> No.10709213

>Women need to learn to put up with it, and fucking roast those neckbeard retards right back.

Real talk: Have you ever actually asserted yourself into a subculture where:

a.) 90% of people are a different race/sex/religion than you

b.) 10%+ of them are hostile to you for no reason, and the other 90% doesn't really make an effort to kick them out?

>> No.10709214

Well, exactly, if your explanation was correct then you would expect the disparity to be much smaller in single player games than multiplayer games.

>> No.10709221

>hurr but they just need to grow a thick skin
>hurr guys have it worse in gaming, some dude called me a fag once and it didn't hurt me
Also guys
>why aren't real women like muh vidya

>> No.10709224

>Well, exactly, if your explanation was correct then you would expect the disparity to be much smaller in single player games than multiplayer games.

Lots of people's first experience with videogames is multiplayer, and if that experience is shit, they probably won't stick around to try other games.

>> No.10709235

At least I was sincere. but I didn't say I was pretending, just trying to get some (you)s. I was admitting to how retarded.

yup, im a mexifag. And it is called rolling with the punches.
and if a bitch is stupid enough to play online multiplayer games then the whore deserves to get harassed.
and if she can't put up with it then she can go back to playing sims and minecraft on her christian server.

nobody cares women don't play their vidya gaem. only faggots and neckbeards complain about that. most people just want to play the game.

>> No.10709240

So why doesn't girls play single player games to the same extent as guys do?

>> No.10709246

>and if a bitch is stupid enough to play online multiplayer games then the whore deserves to get harassed.

Again, making a strong case that the problem here is with women and not with shitty misogynist gamer-bros

>> No.10709249

>So why doesn't girls play single player games to the same extent as guys do?

read: >>10709224

>> No.10709250

This post makes no sense

>> No.10709252

because they think playing the faggot online games is what cool and like the bros.
that is retard gamer shit.
real gamers don't play fps aside from OG halo

>> No.10709256

Can't help you if you don't say why.

>> No.10709263

I didn't realize you were a feminist. imagine having no balls. wow.
yeah that's right the problem is with women.
good job anon.

>> No.10709264

Just about any women can find someone to stick things in their bussy instead

>> No.10709273

go drown your last three brain-cells with a shitty cerveza

>> No.10709279

If you count mobile games, there is technically about the same number of male and female gamers

>> No.10709294

cringe and bluepilled

based and bluepilled

cringe and redpilled

based and redpilled

>> No.10709295

To the retards who want to believe in the cultural value homosex gayness, girls never played vidya, not ever, not in the 1980's or 90's or 00's. A few females started playing in the 00's when they realized the family life their parents had was not going to happen, in part because the males (faggot boys or s o y b o i s or man-babies or sissy, cuck, faggots) were playing vidya and fapping to cuck porn all day and night and not even working or properly wiping.

>> No.10709296

wow nice racism faggot. women are a superior class I don't really care if "muh white women aren't included"

>> No.10709302

not for long

>> No.10709306

Wow jeez where'd that thick skin of yours go? So triggered! Don't you realize this is 4chan?

>> No.10709315

I was being ironic retard. I was pointing out your utter hypocrisy, yeah try and deflect harder.
imagine using
>this is 4chan
as an excuse for your racism while surging m'lady rhetoric
white knight harder whitey

>> No.10709325

Stop sucking complete ass at the game and you'll be immune to criticism. If you can answer any insult by winning and telling people to shut the fuck up and play, they'll run out of things to say real fast.
The only people worried about mean words online are lobby idlers and tards that cant play at all and overcompensate by yelling into the mic.
Git gud.

>> No.10709329

Sorry, I didn't realize that Mexicans can't handle my rough-and-tough 4chan attitude as well as everyone else. Why do we invite them to post here?

>> No.10709382

nice way to deflect your own hypocrisy smart guy. Have fun having no balls and hating mexicans for being infinitely more masculine than you. Real machismo niggas out here showing women what they really are. You can't call us neck beard cause we grow mustaches.
check mate closet racist white knight.
you'll probably regret fucking with Mexicans when we take all your women, they are waiting to be dominated, us and the negros will conquer you women.
keep your ass tight whitey.

>> No.10709385

No entiendo su lengua. Habla en ingles por favor

>> No.10709391

You're sort of making a strawman here. The whole gaming community is toxic, no matter the gender. That's why you play with friends

>> No.10709441

This seems like the correct answer. Males have the desire to feel powerful, but females don't. This is why females usually play games where the player isn't dominating or conquering anything (such as Animal Crossing, The Sims, and Candy Crush)

>> No.10709512

Right. With their massive (brittle) ego the idea of having to prove their ability/worth is just insane.

>> No.10709611

This is wrong in so many levels. Women dont receive more harassment in online games they receive the same as men. People that trash talk online use the information available to them.

If you are a woman and play like shit online of course you will get harassed, just like any other player.

Women that play online in games where people cant find out your sex will most likely tell other players that they are a woman. Women want attention anywhere they go even in anonymous online games.

>> No.10709617

Because they follow more the social rules, so they think that being an adult and still playing video games is childish. And they are right about that. Men are more antisocial, they can isolate themselves from everything more than women can do. That's why men turn out to be cold psychopaths, serial killers, etc. and women turn out to be more manipulative. That's also why men commit suicide more. Men are more individualistic and women are more social.

>> No.10709619

>Being the one chick in a subculture that's 90% male is rough.
Why aren't the gaming subcultures 90% women to begin with?

>> No.10709643

Significantly worse average visual-spatial reasoning, object tracking and reaction time coupled with aversion to competitive, risk oriented behavior

>> No.10709660

Because most video games are shootemups. The most easiest game to develop.

>> No.10709973

barely one bottle of s o ylent away from turning that outtie into an innie.

>> No.10709981

they especially want to be harassed so people can feel bad about it. women are mentally ill why do we give them rights??
basically all feminist men are like this.

it is sad though because a lot of autist like me are not willing to submit to women and are not confidence enough to outcompete chad. that's why virign.

>> No.10710159

This doesn't explain how this situation came to be in the first place though. You're just displaying the effects of a feedback loop but not showing why gaming didn't start with a female majority that's hostile to males.

>> No.10710246

cringe and basedpilled

>> No.10710310

i certainly have
quit projecting

>> No.10710322

>10%+ of them are hostile to you for no reason, and the other 90% doesn't really make an effort to kick them out?
That's literally almost anything.

>> No.10710420

I think the hero fantasy present in most modern arcade games isn't very appealing to the average woman, nor are they they autistic enough to get into the grognard games that might eschew that masculine hero fantasy(same with with most men). What they do seem to enjoy are the non personified traditional games like abstract puzzles or card games.

>> No.10710516

You're trying too hard to deny the obvious.