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1069728 No.1069728 [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci/ feel about race? Specifically, African negroids? Are the our genetic equals, with the exception of the obvious physical differences? Or do they have a genetic predisposition towards lower intelligence and violence? If not, how do you explain their lower intelligence and violence? Socioeconomic? If so, why do other oppressed racial groups (whites, asians) never struggle as much as the blacks? And finally, what can be done about the "black problem"? Is segregation the answer? Wasn't South Africa more stable and prosperous under apartheid? Tell me what you think /sci/.

>> No.1069738

Vril, The Power of the Coming Race

>> No.1069744

Ask your Mom. She's the one taking huge black dick every Saturday night.

>> No.1069774

I dunno how I feel about this, but I think its unfortunate that we can't have a discussion about genetic differences without being called racists. Don't blacks have a higher concentration of the MAOA-L gene that causes violence? Just saying

>> No.1069776

I'm not in the mood to take the time to debunk the standard arguments for rational racism, but most of them are pretty easy to figure out if you think about it.

What I will do is point out that it is possible that something can be wrong even if it is true. As a society we have determined that all people are equals. Obviously that is not factually true- there is quite a lot of variation from person to person. But it is a moral decision to treat people as equals and I (as well as most rational people) think it's a good one. Regardless of whether or not blacks are more likely to be anti-social, it would be morally wrong to treat them differently.

>> No.1069780


But would society as a whole be better off if we treated them differently?

>> No.1069782

>How does /sci/ feel about race? Specifically, African negroids? Are the our genetic equals, with the exception of the obvious physical differences? Or do they have a genetic predisposition towards lower intelligence and violence? If not, how do you explain their lower intelligence and violence? Socioeconomic?

Repeated social experiments by multiple biologsts, anthropologists, and others have suggested that regular, American 'black people' have the same average cranium size and same average IQ as everyone else.

>If so, why do other oppressed racial groups (whites, asians) never struggle as much as the blacks?

Do you know where the Middle East is? Do you know what's been happening there for century after century, including right now? Do you really believe blacks struggled 'more' than the people over there?

>>And finally, what can be done about the "black problem"?

lol what the fuck? are you five?

>> No.1069783

Your Mom thought so when that huge black dude cuntpunched her with his giant dick. Unfortunately, she loves that shit, the slut.

>> No.1069786

Demonstrate the statistical correlation between MAOA-L and violent behavior and how that compares to the general population.

>we can't have a discussion about genetic differences without being called racists
That's because usually those discussions amount to nothing more than racists trying to use genetics to prop up their prejudices.

>> No.1069787

Your Mom didn't find them to be anti-social in the slightest. They seemed to enjoy spending a lot of time with her and inside of her.

>> No.1069789

>>And finally, what can be done about the "mexican problem"?

lol what the fuck? are you a senator?

fix'd that fer yálls

>> No.1069810

Go back to /new/ where you, and every other cretin there can freely believe and discuss those bullshit "facts" and statistics.

>> No.1069820


>I absolutely do not rule out the possibility that African Americans are, on average, genetically predisposed to be less intelligent. I could also obviously be convinced that by controlling for the right variables, we would see that they are, in fact, as intelligent as white people under the same circumstances. The fact is, some things are genetic. African Americans tend to have darker skin. Irish people are more likely to have red hair.

>Everyone wants someone to take 100 white infants and 100 African American ones and raise them in Disney utopia and prove once and for all that we are all equal on every dimension, or at least the really important ones like intelligence. I am merely not 100% convinced that this is the case.

tl;dr a harvard law student's life is somewhat tarnished permanently for asking OPs question in a private email.

>> No.1069824

Can anyone refute OP's claims with real data/sources? I've always wondered why South Africa went to shit after blacks were set free. Seems counter-intuitive, unless blacks are genetically destined for failure.

>> No.1069829


Thats exactly what I'm saying. We can't even talk about this without being labelled racist. It's a perfectly legitimate scientific topic.

>> No.1069830

>>Are the our genetic equals
Post conceivable written by black man.

>> No.1069836

You should ask your whoring Mother when she steps out from the truck stop toilet.

>> No.1069839

That depends on how you define "society" and how you define "black". Clearly it wouldn't be better for the people who are relegated to a lower social status. It might be better for the members of the privileged class, but then you run into the trouble of how to define that class. "Blackness" is not nearly as easy to define as you might think.

Aside from that, what makes a better society- one in which each individual is afforded equal opportunity to be the best person he can be, or one that grants some people a head start and holds some back because of a (possibly imaginary) statistical assessment of their future behavior? I know for certain that I don't want to live in a society that pre-judges people on what they might do in the future based on their ethnic background.

>> No.1069849


Good point. Thread needs more posts like this.

>> No.1069855

Let's say that blacks are statistically stupider and more violent for a moment, and let's say you are not racist *snickers*:


It's like saying that you have a problem with people being midgets and then talking about THE WOMAN PROBLEM because women are statistically shorter...

Your prejudices are showing dude.

>> No.1069865


"Black problem" means the social costs of black crime and lower intelligence.

>> No.1069867

A commenter on that article put it best:

>How the FUCK do you major in sociology now and come out thinking that genetic differences are probably the best explanation for the black/white achievement gap?
Harvard Sociology at that.

>> No.1069871


I know, I'm agreeing with you. White men can't jump, but black men are completely equal in every way. There is a double standard and even mentioning the double standard is racist. Dave Chapelle can make jokes about this exact same shit all day long but we are white and we should feel bad about it.

>> No.1069873

Perhaps because they were pissed about being repressed and abused for fifty years...

You don't fuck with people for several generations then one day announce 'OK, you're equals now. We're all good, right?' and expect them to pick up as fully functioning, well adjusted members of society.

>> No.1069875

Ugh just fuck off.

>> No.1069876

ITT: A Schizophrenic converses with himself

>> No.1069879

White people are not superior, we developed better technology because Caucasians have always had more efficient farming technology, and crops.

Black people are stuck in a self induced downward spiral because ever since slavery was made illegal and the first black children went into school, their parents could not appreciate nor aid them in academic success because they themselves were not educated. Even today black parents rarely ensure their child maintains a decent GPA, and because of inferiority complexes they say "Well, their grades are bad because we are black".

Youtube search "Guns, germs, and steel" to see why white people own the world, and Bill Cosby for the rest.

>> No.1069885

>He thinks he's not racist!


Stupid cunt.

>> No.1069891


Why all the anger and personal insults? You must be black.

>> No.1069893

If you really cared about aggresivity and intelligence you would talk about the VIOLENT MORON problem, not the black problem. If you really cared about that you would want to get rid of VIOLENT MORONS, whatever skin color they have. You wouldn't want to get rid of blacks in general. You'd recognize the fact that you'd be ditching statistically more black people than white people, but you would give a fuck about that.

But instead, while it would be a smart/moron and non-violent/violent problem, you try to make it a black/white problem.

Newsflash: You are racist and you don't even know it.

>> No.1069897


OP here, makes perfect sense, thank you for contributing

>> No.1069900

>Get called racist
>Ask why he was called racist, with the rebuttal "You must be black"


>> No.1069901

You can get off welfare by finding a job. Black people won't hold you back, OP.

>> No.1069903

"Black problem"... black problem...

Have I heard something similar before some time?

Jew... problem...?

No, I must be mistaken.

>> No.1069908
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No problem <3

>> No.1069913


But what if it is indeed true? It also blows modern philosophy's ideal notion - that of free will.

>> No.1069918

Instead, we should look at the bias of today's scientists and how subtle racism is a growing problem in supposedly objective research and experimentation.

We should first look at the OP and his companions, whom provide 0 substantial evidence towards the idea that blacks are inferior in any particular way and use this to manipulate their logic and probable results.

>> No.1069933


Zero evidence?

Black brains are approximately 5% smaller than white brains and 6% smaller than asian brains.

Whites score ~100 on non-cultural IQ tests. Blacks score 85.

There are plenty of prosperous white nations in this world. There are no prosperous black nations.

Per capita, blacks make up the vast majority of prison populations.

>> No.1069935
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Damnit forgot my name.

Anyhow, why black people are the way they are today, i.e. material obsessed poor people(which is funny, because yesterday a black man wearing obese amounts of fake bling was complaining about the price of the dollar menu at mcdonalds), is because the vast majority of black idols promote this lifestyle. AIDS is so high in african americans because young black men are taught that to be a man means you have to fuck a lot of hoes. This is also why welfare is so high among the black population. Single mothers with daddys who think they are pimps, because its what their idols and friends are doing.

>> No.1069937

I know many very smart, well adjusted, friendly, compassionate, hard-working, caring black people.

Thing is that when I see people who are loud, obnoxious, ugly, annoying, trashy, disrespectful, racist, violent, and stupid, they're black nine times out of ten.

It's social and economic. When blacks were given a chance to be equals, those that cared about being equals took up the challenge of acting like equals. The rest thought they needed to get back at whitey or that whitey owed them something, so they cared more about being black than being equal.

And that's how things ended up the way they are now.

>> No.1069939

Guess stormfaggots are on their evangelical pilgrimage again...

>> No.1069943

When you talk about the problem of violence, rampant drug use, and low intelligence in the trailer parks of the American mid-west, do you refer to that as "The White Problem"? I doubt it.

If there is a problem, it is a problem of violence, drug use, and education. When white people have these problems, we look for a cause- they're poor, they have no opportunities, they lack family support, etc... When black people have these problems, you just assume it's because they're black. That is racist.

>> No.1069946

Even if those white repressed trailer trash "not racists" actually believed the bullshit they spout, that wouldn't lead them to want to get rid of blacks. They would just want to get rid of the violent-stupid ones, regardless if they are the majority or not, and they would also want to get rid of whites who are also stupid and violent. Race wouldn't be an issue. In fact they'd avoid talking about it, since it wouldn't be their main objective and that would only generate them unneeded opposition.

What we really have here is irrational atavic "must kill other tribes" feelings sugar coated with lame rationalizations.


>> No.1069947

Why are you unemployed then.

>> No.1069951

Einsteins brain was tiny. Brian size has nothing to do with intelligence, and anyone who says otherwise is trolling or misinformed.

>> No.1069964


Why get a job when I can live off welfare and the white man?

>> No.1069968

>Thing is that when I see people who are loud, obnoxious, ugly, annoying, trashy, disrespectful, racist, violent, and stupid, they're black nine times out of ten.


Maybe in your case, where you live in Atlanta Georgia and 9/10 of all people are black.

I live in a place where black people are a minority, and I've never seen in my 22 years of living here a black person being "Racist or Trashy or Mean". And if I ever did, that number would minutely compare to the amount of white people I've seen who are dumbasses.

With every on going day I begin to believe more and more that "Black people are stupid" is just a cover for White people being dumbasses themselves.

>> No.1069971

No, not really.

>> No.1069972


There are exceptions (like Einstein) but overall there is a clear correlation.

>> No.1069988


The argument is, when blacks become the majority and the people in power (like post-apartheid South Africa) they revert to their violent tribal ways and turn the place into shit.

>> No.1069999

Then how do you explain the fact that you are on State Assistance, but they are working?

>> No.1070000

Yes, exactly. Funny that, when you have a black person in a white environment, they're decent people, but when you have a bunch of black people together, they tend to espouse some sort of "blackness."

>> No.1070002
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>> No.1070019


raping != working

>> No.1070023

>Thing is that when I see people who are loud, obnoxious, ugly, annoying, trashy, disrespectful, racist, violent, and stupid, they're black nine times out of ten.
Ok, then you'd have a problem with a group composed of blacks and whites in a 9 to 1 ratio. You'd still wouldn't have a problem with blacks in general.

>> No.1070029

Your Mom didn't call it rape. She was just playing a "game" with them.

>> No.1070031

Oh boy, here we go.
"All blacks are rapists". Is that what you're saying?
Thread is over.

>> No.1070038


rape crisis in south africa:


>> No.1070041

Other than a few of those idiot KKK members, only the fewest white people think they need to "act white." Some, but only a few, asians feel the need to be "azn." Blacks, on the other hand, many of them think they need to "be black." It's not a question of skin color, but behavior.

>> No.1070044

ITT; racists.

>> No.1070046
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whoooo honey

>> No.1070051

So you ARE saying all blacks are rapists?

Read again what i wrote.
Notice the word "all".

See where you're wrong?

>> No.1070058


True. Regardless of country, culture, and religion, most blacks all end up acting a certain way. Has to be genetics.

>> No.1070061


Of course not all blacks are rapists. But why is there such a higher proportion of black rapists as opposed to other races.

>> No.1070065
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>> No.1070067
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Just to debunk it before it gets started...

African Americans commit more crime than any other race, because-

A) A black man selling crack in a city alley is simply less likely to get caught than a white man selling meth in his trailer park, and profiling, even by black officers, ensures this continues to trend.

B) Black culture in large urban centers is appalling. A successful black man, like Obama, is looked at as an "Uncle Tom" who bows down to white men. Its a culture of disassimilation and rebellion, and its understandable why this developed. Just think about it.

C) Large urban centers have more drug users, and the majority population in large urban centers is almost always black. And hundreds of thousands of drug arrests are made each year, and that started with Nixons war on drugs.

Think about shit, people. I am truly casting pearls before swine. Stop being morons.

>> No.1070068

>it was against Zulu culture for a man to leave a sexually aroused woman unsatisfied.
>legitimate, successful defense at a rape trial
>now is elected president of the country


and these dudes want equality to white men?

>> No.1070074
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Because a woman would rather lie about being raped than tell daddy she slept with a thug.

>> No.1070075

>But why is there such a higher proportion of black rapists as opposed to other races.
I dunno, you tell me.

inb4 "it's in their genes".

>> No.1070076

We had to create "african american studies" courses and affirmative action so that some of them would finally be able to go to college.

Says enough.

>> No.1070077



>> No.1070079


Not to be racist, but I've only known two black people in my whole life, and they were both trash. They both didn't make it to Junior year of High School.

I don't have anything against blacks though, I think I just met some unfortunate ones.

>> No.1070085


True. When you need special programs and special treatment to get ahead, you are not equal.

>> No.1070087

>The ancient Greeks considered war rape of women "socially acceptable behaviour well within the rules of warfare", and warriors considered the conquered women "legitimate booty, useful as wives, concubines, slave labour or battle-camp trophy".[9]

>> No.1070091
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> I've only known two black people in my whole life
God fucking damn

>> No.1070092

Whoops, meant to say "more likely" on A). Mah bad.

>> No.1070093


Then why does the same happen in europe where the social/historical/urban settings are entirely different?

Or more funnily, why is it such a shit to live in africa?


>> No.1070098

Who the hell cares what the ANCIENT Greeks thought?

>> No.1070101

ITT whole lotta stormfront "facts" and "statistics" and no actual proof.

>> No.1070103


Exactly. It happens everywhere. It has to be genetic.

>> No.1070109


Because black Europeans are Muslim.

The infux of Muslim immigrants also explains the rape spree.


>> No.1070114


Don't cloak this issue in religion. Dark people commit more rape because of genes, and use religion as an excuse.

>> No.1070116


Most likely is. As it's most likely the reason of their averagely lower IQ.

>> No.1070118


Known as in talked to for over two hours, not saw.

Were okay people, just refused to try in school and did weed. My old high school barely had any black people, it was like 2% black and 15% Asian I think. Rest was Hispanic or Caucasian, I believe.

>> No.1070130


Most immigrants in sweden come from north african countries, in short, they are "arabs".

Most black people in france aren't from muslim countries actually.

>> No.1070131

>>did weed

Where the fuck do you live? And you only know 2 black people?

>> No.1070137

>in europe where the social/historical/urban settings are entirely different?
>entirely different


>> No.1070140


Wild guess: Utah

>> No.1070143
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Come to New York City and THEN tell me that blacks and whites are complete intellectual and moral equals. It's just not true. Violent crimes, muggings, thefts. I fucking know Asians and Whites aren't the ones committing the majority of these crimes. Lets not kid ourselves.

>> No.1070149
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Most black people in Europe are pretty cool guys, with good senses of humor. Pic related. Its the black muslims that are fucking everything up.

>> No.1070151

I weep for whatever race you belong to.

>> No.1070157


New York City was instrumental in the Union winning the civil war, and the freeing of slaves. And this is how they are being repaid... crime/violence/drugs/rape.

>> No.1070160


You obviously don't live in Europe, or are a nigger. Maybe both.

>> No.1070161

Yes, I'm not debating that. Blacks and whites are not intellectually comparable.

All I am saying is that its not because of genetics. Thats bullshit.

>> No.1070165


California, they are like 6 black people in the whole school. I don't know why it says "2%."

And yes, in California, everybody does weed, but they don't do it right in the middle of class and get caught like fucktards.

>> No.1070171


Isn't a genetic explanation the most compassionate?

>> No.1070181

It's not like being black is genetic, amirite?

>> No.1070191


And why would it be bullshit?

Environmental causes have been pretty much exclude. There's not much left than genetics.

But that would contradict your political views.

>> No.1070199

Even if that was truth, even if criminal traits were more widespread in black population , you'd still be unjustified to turn against blacks in general.
>like saying that you have a problem with people being midgets and then talking about THE WOMAN PROBLEM because women are statistically shorter...

>> No.1070205

>Environmental causes have been pretty much exclude
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.1070212

why does it always have to go to genetics? why can we not say that the "thug" black culture is an inferior culture that is keeping african-americans from bettering their own situation.

it is not the nature of the black people that is the problem here, it's the completely fucked up environment they grow up in.

>> No.1070215


All your traits are defined by genetics and a bit modulated by your environment.

All your traits, except IQ of course.

Of course.

>> No.1070216
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Damn you. I lol'd. Also, Clinton related.

>> No.1070218


Are you seriously saying that welfare culture and then rap culture had nothing to do with the intellectual difficulties in the black community.?

>> No.1070223


Usual liberal excuse.

See Africa.

>> No.1070227


Dude, look at South Africa. Totally different culture, same "black problem". It's genetic!

>> No.1070231

Because that would be logical and would require you to actual think, have common sense and not rely on made up facts. All of those things are big no-nos for a racist.

>> No.1070240

Much of it is situational. HOWEVER, they are genetically predisposed to lacking the ability to improve their situations.

>> No.1070241


It might not help, but culture is an environment you produce, not the other way around.

In short, their poor culture is a proof of their inferior genetics.

This is why we and the asian mastered sailing and powder, while africa was still a shit hole, and still is 2000 years later.

It's funny, everything until the birth of humanity is caused by natural selection. But once culture exist, poof, by some sort of intellectual magic it doesn't matter anymore, everything is because of culture and all "races" are equal.


>> No.1070243

I see Africa. I see a country ravaged by millions and millions of different problems. Most which are a direct cause of whitey fucking with the country and then bailing out. Your point? or are you just name dropping without actually have any knowledge on the subject and hope that others are just as ignorant as you about it and take your word for fact?

>> No.1070247


It's the same anti-establishment culture.

>> No.1070256

sure is stormfaggots in here

>> No.1070260


There are a lot of people proposing that 'welfare culture' or 'thug culture' are damaging for black communities. There has so far not been a shred of scientific evidence backing up anyone's claims (either for or against), but people are treating this 'welfare culture' idea as though it deserves serious respect (even those who disagree with it are arguing why it might not be the case, rather that just demanding evidence, or at least definitions). I'd point out that many people happily accepting that this culture must exist because they are 'certain' it does, or because someone else told them there was a study or any reason other than a serious scientific study are exactly the same people who vilify theists for exactly this kind of logic

Could it be that all that is happening in this thread is we are airing our prejudices? This is not a scientific discussion by any means - if anything it just means the word 'nigger' is getting used less by a lot of pseudo-intellectuals attempting to justify their race hate on totally irrational grounds

Tl;dr: 4chan is racist

>> No.1070264


Sure, because everything was fine and lovely in africa before white people harboured there. It was paradise on earth, tribes didn't war and slave each other, muslim slaver didn't raid them. AND THEY EVERYTHING GOES TO SHIT IN 200 YEARS BECAUSE OF WHITEY.

Sure, bro.

>> No.1070268


Keep the excuses and the "blame whitey" rhetoric coming.

Genetics are the cause of the fucked up black culture. So by extension, the fucked up black culture is ultimately not the cause of black crime and low intelligence.

>> No.1070272

Blaming all black people problems on white people is the best proof there is of their inferiority.

>> No.1070277


Africa has always been an isolated shithole without any usable resources.

>> No.1070278


Sure is James Watson around here.

>> No.1070287


Oh please. Africa has some of the richest resources on the planet.

>> No.1070292
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Hey, I'm mainly talking about my own experience in my own city. As a general rule, black people, specifically those in housing projects, are mostly uncivilized. Instead of working hard to obtain material goods and wealth, many choose to just steal or collect welfare in their free or subsidized housing.
This is perpetuated because if say one of them gets a better job, they run the risk of losing their free apartment.

Boom, roasted.

>> No.1070293

You are all missing the point here. Even if blacks were STATISTICALLY more violent or STATISTICALLY more stupid (because that's as much as you can even argue for), it still wouldn't be a BLACK problem.

If you really care about people being violent or stupid, you'd want to fight the group of people who is violent or stupid, REGARDLESS of if that group is comprised of a majority of black people or not and REGARDLESS if people who are not in that group are black or not.
The fact that you CHOOSE to make it a black problem throws light on your REAL motivation here. You just give a fuck about science. You just give a fuck about those alleged facts. You just want an EXCUSE to hate on blacks. Probably because of your shrimp-dick induced penis envy.

>> No.1070296

Ok fess up who let the retards out of stormfro-I mean the cage!

>> No.1070306

This anon is the king. Apart from the stuff about penis envy, that's a little bit agressive for my tastes, but w/e

>> No.1070309

You mean like, I don't know, oil? Or, I don't know, diamonds? Luckily no other continents are working to keep african governments subjugated so they can plunder their resources.

>> No.1070316


Most of Sub Saharan Africa is infertile grassland that is dry half the year and floods the other half of the year. Most of the rest was dense rain-forest. This land isn't very useful for anything.

>> No.1070320


More "blame whitey"

>> No.1070331
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What do you guys think?

>> No.1070334


>>Implying scientists who discovered that some genetic disease are more prone to happens in specific "races" weren't scientists but racists with an agenda.

>> No.1070337


The U.S. great plains aren't ideal either, but we found a way to make it work. We made it work because of our genetic advantages and intellect.

>> No.1070339
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>> No.1070344


>> No.1070346

So, let's say I made this thing. It's a shitty thing, but I know how to handle its flaws.

It's restrictive and doesn't work for everyone.

When some people break it, I denigrate them for it.

They're considered 'bad' when in actuality it's just a shitty thing.

This thing is our attempt at a universal "answer" in modern society.

The differences are cultural, societal, genetic, and circumstantial.

The problem is considering something perfect or absolute when it works well for you, when your understanding is neither perfect, nor absolute.

Solution? Stop breeding with the oppressors, start hanging out with people who understand reality.

Hear that, my niggers? Fuck some laid-back women, don't front, learn some new languages. Ignore the oppressors. They'll die out, just smile and nod, it's all over for them.


>> No.1070358


Sad but true.

>> No.1070363


You made it work because of the scientific advancements that were privy to the Eurasian continent. You learned how to farm the land because farming was easy in Europe and Asia.

The plains Indians lived the as many of the sub Saharan African cultures lived.

>> No.1070380


So full of bullshit. You don't know shit about Africa.

>> No.1070381


You're assuming that the settlers of the great plains were knowledgeable farmers. In fact, the great plains settlers were lower-class civil war vets. They still made it work.

>> No.1070396

>The plains Indians lived the as many of the sub Saharan African cultures lived.

yeah and the plains indians are 99% fucking dead >_>

>> No.1070407


Exactly. We intervened in the natural extinction of the black race. Had we not brought them here as slaves, and had we not offered foreign aid, and had we not given a shit about their AIDS epidemic, they would be gone.

We are sustaining this race against the will of nature. And we must face the consequences.

>> No.1070443

"I am inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa because all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really."

-Molecular biologist James Watson

says it all.

>> No.1070465


thats racist

>> No.1070491


Thought, he was racist and he was kicked off his board that *HE* created because racism is apparently bad now because everyone says it is. Shame, liberal agendas of white guilt gets into even the most unlikely areas.

So, why is racism is bad again? Black people hate white people but we can't hate them back? wat. Explain this bullshit.

>> No.1070506

>Repeated social experiments by multiple biologsts, anthropologists, and others have suggested that regular, American 'black people' have the same average cranium size and same average IQ as everyone else.

Name a SINGLE study that has shown that blacks do not score significantly lower on intelligence tests compared to whites.

Sackett et al., 2008; Gottfredson, 2003; Schmidt & Hunter, 1998; and hundreds more have ALL shown significant racial differences.

>> No.1070511


It's important for whites not to "hate" blacks because that's what separates us from them. We tend to be more thoughtful and compassionate. That's why we commit far less crime per capita. We should "compassionately" send the Africans back to Africa, or "compassionately" segregate our society.

>> No.1070517

Guns, Germs and Steel.

>> No.1070521


Racism is racism both ways. Judging someone entirely based on gender, or class, or color instead of merit is not justified regardless of who, prejudices who.

>> No.1070522

And virtually the entire scientific community agrees with him. But who cares about validity when you can have equality!!

>> No.1070528

I think this stormfag stuff is kind of funny. They'll say something like "africa's a shithole, so africans are genetically inferior" with no backing whatsoever!

>> No.1070529

> Sackett et al., 2008; Gottfredson, 2003; Schmidt & Hunter, 1998; and hundreds more have ALL shown significant racial differences.

As much as I disagree with the methodology of the studies you cite, can I commend you for being the first person in this entire fucking thread to be doing SCIENCE and not just letting your racism run rampant. More people should be like you, just less racist hopefully.

Anyway, kudos bro, citing scientific studies in a scientific discussion makes me love you

>> No.1070530


Especially when equality works so well!

>> No.1070543


You don't disagree with the methodology, you disagree with the results.

>> No.1070548

lol hell yes! I mentioned that like a hundred posts up. Damn good documentary.

>> No.1070552

I'm not trying to be racist; I'm just reporting what the top researchers in the field of intelligence testing have found. Obviously, these studies are at the POPULATION level, not the INDIVIDUAL level so I don't claim that some black people are not a hell of a lot smarter than me.

>> No.1070554


Only came across it today.

My mind was truly blown.

>> No.1070562

Methodology: IQ is a stupid way to measure intelligence. Perhaps I don't mean methodology, I mean something like 'relevance', but w/e, doesn't change the fact I love >>1070506
for being gangster enough to post scientific studies rather than just vomit his racism all over the place like everyone else is doing

>> No.1070570

Though, the question should be is that why when Blacks are racist and hold prejudice against whites aren't penalized as whites would be if they did the same acts and held the same beliefs of racism that the racist black individual holds. In fact, Blacks are rewarded for being racist against whites, by the whites.

>> No.1070578

ITT: A bunch of white boys post racist comments and whine about how they are not allowed to be racist

Also ITT: Massive lack of self awareness

>> No.1070585

>Massive lack of self awareness


>> No.1070586


Hahaha, obligatory Gun Germ and Steel.

Next step is quoting Cheikh Anta Diop as a reliable source.

>> No.1070587


The double standard should not be tolerated. End of story.

>> No.1070599

FUN FACT: When a black child is raised by white parents, the child's test scores are equal to those of white children.

Racists hate this pesky fact because it contradicts all of their beliefs.

>Dickens (2005) states that "Although the direct evidence on the role of environment is not definitive, it mostly suggests that genetic differences are not necessary to explain racial differences. Advocates of the hereditarian position have therefore turned to indirect evidence ... The indirect evidence on the role of genes in explaining the Black-White gap does not tell us how much of the gap genes explain and may be of no value at all in deciding whether genes do play a role. Because the direct evidence on ancestry, adoption, and cross-fostering is most consistent with little or no role for genes, it is unlikely that the Black-White gap has a large genetic component."

>> No.1070602


Exactly, but why does society today still hold on to it?

>> No.1070603


That's fine because IQ isn't a measure of intelligence.

>> No.1070632



White adoptees turned out to have higher IQs than mixed-race adoptees, who had higher IQs than black adoptees.

-Scarr-Weinberg study, examining IQ differences among adopted children of different races.

>> No.1070634


Or not because I don't know who the fuck he is.

But I would like to know stormfags thoughts on that documentry.

>> No.1070638


Because they think it helps the black community and "blame whitey" is somewhat justified on a certain level. In reality the "blame whitey" sentiment has led to the anti-establishment cultures in black communities.

>> No.1070639

Sociologist here.

Race is socially constructed.

>> No.1070644

>Sociologist here

Go away.

>> No.1070654


You mean the same Scarr-Weinberg study that omitted contrary evidence and skewed the sample, thus invalidating all of its results?

>He derives the same conclusion from the Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman (1992) transracial adoption study since, at the 10-year follow-up, the mixed race children had an average IQ of 94, mid-way between the 102 of the white children and the 89 of the black children. He omits to mention one of the more salient features of this follow-up, namely, that there had been substantial attrition in the white sample - with a loss of those children with lower IQ scores, resulting in an overestimate of the white group's IQ by some 6 points."

>> No.1070664


Geneticist here, races are a genetic construct.

>> No.1070675


/pse/udosicence & useless degree is this way ----->

>> No.1070679
File: 36 KB, 540x334, minnesota transracial adoption study results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FUN FACT: When a black child is raised by white parents, the child's test scores are equal to those of white children.

No they do not. The results of hte Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study clearly contradict the post script written by Dickens more than a decade afterwards.

>> No.1070680


Explain your bullshit.

>> No.1070687


6 points doesn't explain the 20 point difference between white adoptees and black adoptees.

Try again.

>> No.1070697


Population based intelligence studies don't justify racism.

>> No.1070703


The combination of IQ tests, crime statistics, and gene concentrations (MAOA-L) does.

>> No.1070705


FUN FACT: Multiple studies have been done on the subject. They all find no difference in IQ amongst racial groups adopted by white parents.

>Studies by Moore, Eyferth, and Tizard have examined intellegence of the children of black and white parents in uniform environments. Moore examined children adopted by white parents in America, Eyferth studied the children of black and white GIs raised by white German mothers in occupied Germany, and Tizard studied West Indian children raised in British long-stay residential nurseries. None of studies found evidence of higher intellegence in white children than in black children, though none followed up the children at later ages.

>> No.1070709

Black people may have lower IQs on AVERAGE, but that doesn't mean I go around discriminating against random black people I meet, because what if they're above average? If you do, you're a pretty fail scientist. lrn2logic

>> No.1070714


And just as many studies HAVE found differences among adopted children.

>> No.1070716

Not exactly. If it were really based on genetic diversity, we'd have a SHIT ton of "races" in Africa. The only thing that we define race on is phenotype and skin color.

>> No.1070717


No it doesn't. Nothing justifies racism. The idea that you can judge an individual based on their race is completely absurd. According to racists, Charles Manson is a good person because he's white, and Martin Luther King Jr. is a criminal because he's black. Anyone with an IQ high than a turnip can see why racism doesn't make any sense.

>> No.1070722

can be explained by social factors

>> No.1070724
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No, see:


There are exceptions.

>> No.1070728


Sometimes you have to throw the baby out with the bathwater to do what's best for society.

>> No.1070733

Dear racists:
Ecological fallicy much?

>> No.1070739
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I love when stupid people are quick to discredit scholars who see the intellectual inferiority of blacks, yet suck the dick of every scholar who fits the "BLACKS AND WHITE ARE EQUAL AND FROLICK TOGETHER INTELLECTUALLY" opinion. You don't think that shit is biased too, fuckface? PS: I'm not asking you, I'm telling you.

>> No.1070741

sounds like eugenics

>> No.1070750

dear faggot: trolled, much?

>> No.1070760


Oh look, a racist is making fallacious assumptions again.

>> No.1070761


I love when racists dismiss the thousand studies that prove they're wrong, and cling desperately to the one flawed study that agrees with them. Just like the vaccines cause autism loonies. They only pay attention to the one study that agrees with them, and ignore the hundreds of studies that show no link between autism and vaccines. Racists are religious zealots. No amount of evidence will be enough to shake their faith.

>> No.1070769


It's easy to dismiss studies that go against the evidence we have. One only has to look at the black culture, black nations, and typical black behavior to see that studies refuting a correlation between race and behavior are flawed.

>> No.1070783

Now look who makes the assumptions. Religious zealots? Hardly. ITT: People making obvious racial observations based on fact and experience.

>> No.1070789


So scientists can do research on specific genetic diseases (first coming to my mind is sickle cell disease) and find that some "ethnic groups" are more prone to develop said disease.

But they can't ask themselves if there is a relation between those "ethnic groups" crime rate/average IQ/etc and their genetic?

>> No.1070791

that sounds real scientific...

>> No.1070807

Yes, fuck studies. Everybody knows that four leafed clovers are lucky.

>> No.1070821
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People like you perpetuate this.

>> No.1070836
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>> No.1070849


You're doing science wrong.

We all see black showcasing less intelligence. This is a fact.

Some geneticists say it is entirely genetic.
Some sociologists say it is entirely cultural.

You rule out the sociologist's view and say it is entirely genetic completely ignoring what the sociologist may have right. This is fallacious thinking.

Further you assume that because blacks are on average less intelligent that all are less intelligent. Again your conclusion doesn't follow from the scientific fact.

>> No.1070856

Again, not exactly. To the best of my knowledge, there have been been many tests done on ethnic groups and IQ etc. Pray tell how crime rate is genetic... where the allele for bike theft?

Also there are not many diseases that are genetic. We might find correlations between things like heart disease and race, but, as we all know, correlation is not causation. The existance of BiDil is an example of medicine gone wrong.

>> No.1070860


Scientists CAN and DO research that. So far the evidence suggests that socioeconomic standing, and parenting are more important factors than genetics in determining IQ and future crime. Why can't racists just accept reality?

>> No.1070871


Actually, both are right.

Black genetics are the CAUSE of the horrible black culture.

Neither idea is mutually exclusive.

>> No.1070890

ITT: racists perform the same anti-establishment run-around that prevented assimilation into American culture

>> No.1070900


Exactly. Blacks are more likely to die when being admitted to a hospital. A racist would claim that's proof of their inferior genetics. When in fact there is no causal link. The real reason they are more likely to die is their lack of insurance and lack of money, which results in the fact that they wait longer before checking into a hospital, thus making their illnesses worse and increasing their chances of dying.

Racists make all kinds of false assumptions because they don't understand the difference between causation and correlation.

>> No.1070905

>But they can't ask themselves if there is a relation between those "ethnic groups" crime rate/average IQ/etc and their genetic?
sickle cell is purely physiological, the others are not.

On average people's iq's have been increasing, one of the current theories is that education has drifted towards teaching people skills to perform better on iq tests, but that the people aren't actually getting smarter.

tl,dr; genetic correlations to iq and crime rates are largely overshadowed by cultural aspects, also read "guns, germs and steal".

>> No.1070914

is correct.

As a sociologist, I must say we are quick to dismiss genetics and biology. There needs to be some balance. But as for race, everything I've read has shown it's 99% cultural.

ITT: The Bell Curve

>> No.1070942

actually studies have controlled for insurance and found the same thing... it appears to be non-conscious racism.

>> No.1070955

What studies show differences between race? PFFT! Your bigoted science has been discredited! by the flawed methodology. Let me tell you about the thousands of studies that show no differences between races:


>> No.1070958


>> No.1070959



>> No.1070962


Now prove conclusively that this is almost certainly the case or stop stating it as fact.

>> No.1070976

Um... you certainly meant to say that the existing differences are cultural. To say there are no differences at all is absurd

>> No.1070989


Sure, as soon as you prove that culture/socioeconomic factors are the cause.

>> No.1070996
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Using the logic in this thread I, as an Asian, must be racist against whites because they on average have lower IQs.

>> No.1071001


That's been done by numerous studies. Several of which are ITT.

>> No.1071006

>>Also there are not many diseases that are genetic.

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.1071009


Whites aren't all up in your asian countries, committing crimes, raping your woman.

>> No.1071017

lol, I don't know about you, but I know a lot of racist asian people. Particularly from HK, don't know why.

>> No.1071021
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>You are all missing the point here. Even if blacks were STATISTICALLY more violent or STATISTICALLY more stupid (because that's as much as you can even argue for), it still wouldn't be a BLACK problem.

First of let me say that i think everyone should be treated equally, secondly I am under the impression that evidence suggest black people are by genetics less intelligent than white people on average, just like asians are more intilligent than white people and jews did 9/11. Now discussing this, per definition, makes me a racist, but it is my belief that as scientist the truth matters the most, even if the heavens might fall(they did). And that a realistic assessment of situations always leads to better choices, because frankly the way things are going we'll have the same situations in african nations in 3030.

>> No.1071029

parenting, study habits, etc.

>> No.1071032


Plus asians are basically robots and you need whites to lead you.

>> No.1071033

I thought this thread was about IQs.

>> No.1071041

>Whites aren't all up in your asian countries, committing crimes, raping your woman.
Japan? maybe Korea too.

>> No.1071042

>implying asians aren't the most racist people in the world

And they are doing it right, mind you.

>> No.1071053


It's about the social costs of the black problem in general, i.e. low intelligence, high crime, everything.

>> No.1071061

no sir, I am not. To clarify what I meant, we often blame genetics for population trends WRT diseases, but there is only correlation, not causation. Many medical researches fail to take into account things like access to healthy food, stress from poverty, etc.

>> No.1071065

American Indians are Asians and Hispanic/Latinos are mix between Whites and Asians.

>> No.1071069

Which Asians are those?

>> No.1071075

lol Okinawa

>> No.1071076

Southernfag here; calling it like I see it.

I'm not racist, but blacks within America seem to be the victim of their own culture. Only they can fix this. Aside from that, when raised correctly they can be pretty awesome. I have many o' awesome black friends, not thuggish or ghetto.

>> No.1071085


I feign no hypothesis.

It seems as though genetics *MAY* be *A* cause of the dysfunctional culture, but to say it *IS* the *ONLY* cause is the result of a terrible misuse of logic.

>> No.1071090

>American Indians are Asians
>America is Asia

>> No.1071092

ok ok, did the blacks make magnets work?
or was it the asians?
I rekon it was the japanese!
They make all the technology, then pass it to china to mass produce it and BAM its global.

they have battery compartments?
or is it just God willed?

>> No.1071093

What? INDIANS are Asian, American Indians are not.

>> No.1071100

>but it is my belief that as scientist the truth matters the most, even if the heavens might fall(they did). And that a realistic assessment of situations always leads to better choices
you're romanticizing the truth, people don't read a paper on a complex issue and think critically about it and their opinion on the topic. people with opinions that they will never change just end up misusing it to perpetuate whatever agenda they have.

the truth can sometimes do more harm than good.

>> No.1071102

>Only they can fix this
No. Goddamn individualistic American protestant ethic bullshit

>> No.1071114


Also, I'd just like to note I believe the genetic predispositions pale in comparison to cultural predispositions. Its cultural, yo.

>> No.1071116

many many many studies have shown that genetics/heritage play little to no role.

>> No.1071127


You got something against protestants? You prejudice?!?!

>> No.1071129


>> No.1071130


Then who fixes the black problem if not the blacks themselves?

>> No.1071142

Yes Japanese did invent magnets

>> No.1071143

Agreed, it's a very conservative point of view, but in some respect he has a point. Things like affirmative action do help, but they do a disservice to the culture overall, making an entire group of people reliant on government aid, not to mention the added racism that comes along because of it.

>> No.1071154

fuck off troll

Don't get me wrong... they need to do a lot of work. But to think they can do it themselves is ignoring everything sociology has found.

>> No.1071156

Read this book.

Winning the Race: Beyond the Crisis in Black America

>> No.1071169

Oh yeh i read that.

Read this book too : How do magnets work?

>> No.1071176

Entitlement programs have been shown to help greatly.

Learn to Weber

Everyone go read some Pat Hill-Collins and Racism Without Racists

>> No.1071187


What do you think they need?

>> No.1071199

> Scientists CAN and DO research that. So far the evidence suggests that socioeconomic standing, and parenting are more important factors than genetics in determining IQ and future crime. Why can't racists just accept reality?

Sackett et al., 2008 demonstrated that when socioeconomic variables are removed, the predictive validity of intelligence tests on academic and job performance only falls by 3% (.47 - .44). The N size in that study was over 220,000 btw.

>> No.1071205


Nigger, what the fuck to propane grills and propane grill accessories have to do with you being prejudiced against people with a work ethic?

>> No.1071219


Well you obviously can't read because all >1070789 said is that some alleles are risk factor for certain disease. And some alleles are more often in certain specific ethnic groups. For instance some Nod2 gene's alleles are now a known risk factor for Crohn's disease. Many studies showed that this disease has a higher rate in Ashkenazi Jewish populations, and that those alleles are more present in that population too.

That's not correlation, that's just a known risk factor, it doesn't mean you'll trigger the disease by having it, but it will higher the risk. Many of what we thought before to be "genetic disease" tends to be multifactorial: genetic and environmental risks.

Point is, "ethnic groups" exist, and thank god political correctness hasn't reached that term yet because thanks to this we can identify populations with higher risk for some diseases.

>> No.1071224

Better anti-discrimination in the workplace, more access to education, better access to healthy food, etc. There is no one thing that will solve it all. But I think there needs to be policies to help them. And yes, I know they can be abused and whatnot... it's a tricky area.

Well, I have to go read about euphemisms for body parts. Sociology fag out.

>> No.1071255
File: 6 KB, 272x288, magnetttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psssh, who cares about niggers

what about these fuckin magnets!?

>> No.1071311
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All yall trolls are posting in a nigger thread.

>> No.1071319


Its very, very tricky area, I agree. I also agree that some people can actually benefit from welfare/affirmative action, but I believe many more abuse it due to their own preconceptions perpetuated by black culture; i.e., reparations. Those people DO exist, in droves even. The most ignored issue in American media is the racist black. It needs to be taken care of. Maybe if we could figure out a way to fund them indirectly through initiative programs instead of directly (welfare). Actually, A LOT of companies already have these type of programs; you work there for a certain period of time and they will pay for your tuition under the terms of a contract.

>> No.1071332

Most of the people who benefit from affirmative action are the people who do not need it.

>> No.1071396

>ackett et al., 2008 demonstrated that when socioeconomic variables are removed, the predictive validity of intelligence tests on academic and job performance only falls by 3% (.47 - .44)
provide link pls, can't find it

>> No.1071510

Kickass, I'm white and scored Asian on my Math SAT. Instead of grading the SAT with numbers, we should grade them with your race chart.

>> No.1071539

It was recently discovered that every single human being has some traces of neanderthal genes in them. With the exception of the "pure blooded africans", in lack of a politically correct phraze.

This supports the theory of Homo Sapiens originating in Africa, and then emigrate to the rest of the world through the middle east and mediterranean sea.

>> No.1071560


Sackett, P. R., Borneman, M. J., & Connelly, B. S. (2008). High-stakes testing in higher education and employment: Appraising the evidence for validity and fairness. American Psychologist, 63, 215-227.

Just use your universities online journal catalog to find the article.

>> No.1071691

My company HAD that. but the NOT ONE of the blacks involved graduated. They all dropped out, costing the company tons of money. So of course the owner of the company said fuck this shit and there went tuition reimbursement. This is why we can't have nice things.

You can lead a horse to water.. etc.

>> No.1071791



>> No.1071845

actually, african immigrants, when considered separately, tend to do far better than many other immigrant groups, even the chinese.

I think this alone proves that there are a significant number of smart africans. If you really hate stupid people, then hate all stupid people, not just stupid black people.

I'm Indian, and I've met a few black people who would probably kick the shit out of most of the whites on 4chan in terms of science/mathematics.

>> No.1071890

Even in France black folks act a fool.


>> No.1071909

>implying chinese immigrants do better than korean/japanese immigrants

>> No.1071911

nignogs on my /sci/?

>> No.1071914

> actually, african immigrants, when considered separately, tend to do far better than many other immigrant groups, even the chinese.

I won't even bother asking for a citation.

>> No.1071927


>> No.1072013




there was an article about it on BBC but I can't find it.

>> No.1072340

hey faggots, people have been bringing up Guns, Germs and Steel so here's some links

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Yeah, it's 3 hours in total, but at least watch the first hour. I gave Loose Change a chance after all.

What are your thoughts on this? If it's bullshit, please explain.

>> No.1072364
File: 40 KB, 311x475, GGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone in this thread should read that book

>> No.1072659

bump. Anyone?