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File: 39 KB, 590x442, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10703910 No.10703910 [Reply] [Original]


If you don't listen to the actual climate scientists on this issue then you are retarded.

>> No.10703915



>> No.10703917

Get red-pilled, faggot.

>> No.10703922

>Lindzen worked on Chapter 7 of 2001 IPCC Working Group 1, which considers the physical processes that are active in real world climate. He had previously been a contributor to Chapter 4 of the 1995 "IPCC Second Assessment". He described the full 2001 IPCC report as "an admirable description of research activities in climate science

All PragerU did was record him. I guess we ignore the IPCC's scientists when it's inconvenient. Cringe and NPCpilled.

>> No.10703925

I completely agree.
>According to an April 30, 2012 New York Times article, "Dr. Lindzen accepts the elementary tenets of climate science. He agrees that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, calling people who dispute that point "nutty." He agrees that the level of it is rising because of human activity and that this should warm the climate."

>> No.10703930

What individual scientists have to say is irrelevant. What matters is the results of the peer-reviewed literature and statements by academic institutions based on them. Only these are subject to scientific rigor.

No thanks.

>> No.10703940

Great job cutting off the quote just after it stopped being convenient. Your programming has been successful. This is the complete quote so that all NPCs in this thread know where to stop reading:

>Dr. Lindzen accepts the elementary tenets of climate science. He agrees that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, calling people who dispute that point “nutty.” He agrees that the level of it is rising because of human activity and that this should warm the climate. [STOP READING] But for more than a decade, Dr. Lindzen has said that when surface temperature increases, the columns of moist air rising in the tropics will rain out more of their moisture, leaving less available to be thrown off as ice, which forms the thin, high clouds known as cirrus. Just like greenhouse gases, these cirrus clouds act to reduce the cooling of the earth, and a decrease of them would counteract the increase of greenhouse gases.

Great job. Don't forget to turn your midnight updates before sleeping.

>> No.10703943

cool where's his published research on the topic?

>> No.10703944

Not an accredited institution.

>> No.10703946

Cool story bro
[citation needed]

>> No.10703947



>> No.10703950



>> No.10703951

>Just like greenhouse gases, these cirrus clouds act to reduce the cooling of the earth, and a decrease of them would counteract the increase of greenhouse gases.

But exactly the opposite would happen. Did a schizophrenic write this? Decreasing albedo means more thermal energy.

>> No.10703955

>I believe every scientist who agrees with my presupposition
Isn't this the literal definition of a confirmation bias?

>> No.10703954


>> No.10703956 [DELETED] 


>> No.10703959


>> No.10703960

Cirrus clouds would increase the albedo.

>> No.10703963

Exactly, so a “decrease of them” would mean less albedo, and thus more thermal energy on earth.

>> No.10703964


>> No.10703966

No one will take you seriously if you shitpost like this.

>> No.10703968

Sorry, you're right, I misread the original line.

>> No.10703969


>> No.10703970

... yes, it's called negative retroactions, it's a consensus that they exist, their extent is poorly known and many climate models underestimate them just like the thresholdless linear model is often used to predict the impact of radioactivity despite being known to overestimate everything. Welcome to science.

>> No.10703971

>As a result, decreases in these clouds would cause a significant but weak positive feedback to the climate system, instead of providing a strong negative feedback.
Nothin to see here folks

>> No.10703975



Lindzen oofed.

>> No.10703977

>Warm the atlantic ocean
>gulf stream stops
>the Underage Dryas starts

>> No.10703978

>Underage Dryas

>> No.10703979

I swear officer, Dryas told me she was eighteen!

>> No.10704072

>Officials at Glacier National Park (GNP) have begun quietly removing and altering signs and government literature which told visitors that the Park’s glaciers were all expected to disappear by either 2020 or 2030.
In recent years the National Park Service prominently featured brochures, signs and films which boldly proclaimed that all glaciers at GNP were melting away rapidly. But now officials at GNP seem to be scrambling to hide or replace their previous hysterical claims while avoiding any notice to the public that the claims were inaccurate. Teams from Lysander Spooner University visiting the Park each September have noted that GNP’s most famous glaciers such as the Grinnell Glacier and the Jackson Glacier appear to have been growing—not shrinking—since about 2010. (The Jackson Glacier—easily seen from the Going-To-The-Sun Highway—may have grown as much as 25% or more over the past decade.)

>> No.10704080
File: 14 KB, 560x250, Cook Cartoonist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won't listen to PragerU but will listen to a college dropout and political cartoonist from Brisbane who pretends to be a scientist.
If you confirm their bias -> low standard required
Go against their bias -> nobody can attain the level of credentials required.

>> No.10704087

>They won't listen to PragerU but will listen to a college dropout and political cartoonist from Brisbane who pretends to be a scientist.

Skeptical Science was never mentioned in this thread, so why did you mention them at all? Very off-topic person you are.

Psst. No one care’s about Cook’s credentials. They care about the sources he provides.

>> No.10704111

Must suck to have all your heroes become embarrassing and forced to pretend they weren't really a part of your delusions. Al Gore, Bill Nye, John Cook, Hockey Stick Guy, pretty much the entire UN, The Goat looking Poo, etc.

>> No.10704124

>Must suck to have all your heroes become embarrassing and forced to pretend they weren't really a part of your delusions.

Must suck to resort to inaccurate ad hominems in absense of literature to cite.

>Al Gore

Don’t find him embarrassing, just quaint and naive.

>Bill Nye

Like him.

>John Cook

The golfer?

>Hockey Stick Guy


>pretty much the entire UN

Only embarrassing thing about the U.N is its lack of authority to enforce climate change regulations.

>The Goat looking Poo

Who? Nice racism combined with climate change denial. Good combo.

>> No.10704129
File: 270 KB, 2828x2828, h1g7d8oxpc221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of funny how the shit tanks pumping these things out are always funded by oil magnates. Coincidence I guess.

>> No.10704138

>double line returns and thinking calling out racists does something here
Hmmm, this reminds me of somewhere.

>> No.10704145

>Hmmm, this reminds me of somewhere.

Is it the alternate dimension where you abandon inaccurate and fruitless ad hominems and instead cite the peer-reviewed literature? You did that once and neglected to mention that the paper was rebuked years ago, so maybe you’ve ran out.
Go find some more, I suppose.

>> No.10704148

No, I think it was an alternate dimension where people worship some sort of bright orange arrow.

>> No.10704149

Haven’t heard of that one.
Thanks for admitting you have no more literature to cite. Let me know when you do.

>> No.10704160
File: 22 KB, 500x607, 191EEC10-C0A6-4326-8403-6C8EF4374458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PragerU BAD

>> No.10704163

Yes, yes it is. Their video on the Civil War was pretty good, though.

>> No.10704173

What’s wrong with Prageru

>> No.10704183

They distribute disinfo of multiple species.

>> No.10704229
File: 42 KB, 700x400, 1550645067Greenhouse Effect Diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the stupidest "atmospheric physicist" to ever exist. How does he not understand the greenhouse effect?

>> No.10704232

Nothing. NPCs are just so ass-obsessed with that one speaker's biases that they feel enlightened by their intelligence. Oh and /pol/ thinks it's Jewish propaganda because YouTube didn't ban them.

>> No.10704237


It says things outside the cultural zeitgeist that mildly appeal to centrist and right wing leaning people.

In other words, academic heresy.

>> No.10704241

Prager is Jewish and PragerU is very Zionist so it can be accurately described as “Jewish Propaganda”.

>> No.10704258

Their slogan is "Undoing the damage of university, five minutes at a time"; they were founded upon anti-intellectualism. Their mission is to revision history, science, economics , and other subjects to fit their political agenda

>> No.10704278

Lindzen is a well known climate change skeptic. His papers concerning AGW have already been heavily criticized by other academics, so this is not the breakthrough denialists are painting it as.

>> No.10704284

>Lindzen clearly relishes the role of naysayer. He'll even expound on how weakly lung cancer is linked to cigarette smoking. He speaks in full, impeccably logical paragraphs, and he punctuates his measured cadences with thoughtful drags on a cigarette.

I have more respect for flat-earthers desu

>> No.10704286

Kike propaganda is redpilled?

>> No.10704290


>> No.10704299


I agree. At least with flat earthers the story of the earth being flat works for when they build their house or pour a glass of water. The only thing this guy's stories function for is finding who the retards are.

>> No.10704301

Dennis Prager thinks he can be friends with the neo nazis and get away with it like Ben Shapiro.
He even says leftist Jews like Bernie Sanders are a threat to America and Israel while desperately trying to control the far right narrative.
I guess if you're controlling what the Nazis see because you're producing it you might escape the genocide. Like the Rothschild's did back in the days of Hitler right?
Evangelicals are on his side already because they want Jews to control Jerusalem for the sake of the return of Christ. In the end this is more about controling rednecks than controlling neo Nazis I guess. But neo nazis like /pol are rednecks in a way.

>> No.10704306

They say Israels army is the most moral army on the surface of the earth.

>> No.10704315
File: 256 KB, 1283x884, Screenshot_2019-06-06 Why Don't You Support Israel - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10704318

It has some qt girls in it, so it must be doing something right.

>> No.10704329

Reminder that any Israel argument fails against redneck chuds because they want Jews to control the temple of Jerusalem so jesus can return.
Basically they love Israel. They only hate leftist Jews in America like Bernie.

>> No.10704330

That’s why it illegally annexed parts of Syria and Palestine and displaced the locals.

There’s little difference between Israeli imperialism and Nazi imperialism. Annexation and ethnic cleansing either way.

>> No.10704348

Can someone redpill me on the graph at 0:21? It looks to me like the y axis is "climate change over time". The average viewer would probably read the graph as though the y axis were "global temperature" and assume that it hasn't changed. Also, what does the dotted line represent? Is it just the "average climate change"? If so, over what time period does this average change occur?

This graph is pretty inscrutable to me, they present it but don't explain it at all.

>> No.10704355

PragerU graphs are notably vague and meaningless, as well as unsourced.

>> No.10704356

You're not supposed to analyse the video. If it was about analysis then it wouldn't be 5 minutes long. Did you know they spent 35k on each of these types of videos?
Basically they want to win you over in 5 minutes.

>> No.10704361

>these cirrus clouds act to reduce the cooling of the earth
Maybe he means they help trap in heat so if there are less of them, more heat is able to radiate into space?

>> No.10704368

> Prager University
lol wtf is that

>> No.10704371

>Their video on the Civil War was pretty good, though
nah not really. They claimed that the Union was fighting to stop Southern slavery, which is completely untrue. All the North cared about was preserving the union.

>> No.10704379

>and other subjects
Yeah, like Gender Studies, Latino Studies, African Studies, Fat Studies and of course the most ridiculous one, psychology. It'll be terrible when those "other subjects" aren't taken seriously anymore.

>> No.10704437

If all the north cared about was preserving the union why did they abolish slavery? Wouldn't it have made more sense to just keep slavery going and keep the south happy?

>> No.10704440

Had to teach the south their lesson.

>> No.10704461

Sounds like a massive waste of human life and money, when the whole thing could have been avoided by respecting the private property of the south.

>> No.10704565

>why did they abolish slavery?

Lincoln came to HATE the south, deep visceral HATRED for the south.
The north had won militarily, but Lincoln wanted to PUNISH the south by ruining the cotton economy.
THIS is why he freed the slaves.

>> No.10704566

Wow, they don't even try anymore

>> No.10704569

The tension in the first place came from the north not respecting the south's private property (slaves) it never would have escalated into a war if the north hadn't hadn't had a problem with slavery

>> No.10704571

They're right, though...

>> No.10704572

>They say Israels army is the most moral army on the surface of the earth.

>> No.10704574

>(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((They're right, though...)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.10704575

>They distribute disinfo of multiple species.

>> No.10704577
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the north hadn't hadn't had a problem with slavery

Ending slavery was something EVERYONE knew was going to happen.

It was HOW slavery was to be ended.

If done LEGALLY the Govt would pulled Eminent Domain and bought all the slaves.

Lincoln basically STOLE most of all the farming equipment in the South, thus destroying the Southern farming economy.

>> No.10704578

>farming equipment
They were human beings tho.

>> No.10704583

interesting take, do you have any historical documents indicating the south would have agreed to the terms of such a buy back?

>> No.10704589

>Why wouldn’t I support Israel? Why wouldn’t I support a fellow democratic nation where open elections, free speech, and religious tolerance are the everyday norm? Why wouldn’t I support a country with a vibrant free press and an independent judiciary? Why wouldn’t I support a valuable trading partner and a well-spring of amazing technological innovation? Why wouldn’t I support our most critical ally in the Middle East, and in the international struggle against terrorism?
Does anyone have a rational response to this? Autistic screeching doesn't count.

>> No.10704591

>((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Does anyone have a rational response to this? Autistic screeching doesn't count.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.10704593
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 1529978092016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My narrative got absolutely btfo by an actual scientist? NO. PragerU.

>> No.10704594
File: 1.16 MB, 1748x1356, Awoo_Redneck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indicating the south would have agreed

The Southern government ceased to exist.

All people in the South were thus reaffirmed to be USA citizens.

The govt, can NOT just TAKE your property, they need to compensate you for it.

Southern farmers had legally (under USA laws) bought their slaves and they were their property.

Had Lincoln OBEYED the constitution and used Eminent Domain to purchase the slaves, then the Southern economy would not have crashed and farmers could have used the money they revived to start PAYING decent wages for the former slaves labor.

Lincoln is NOT the hero that history want syou see him as. His assassination was a joyous event for many southerners, considering that after militarily beating them, he then stole their means of livelihood.

>> No.10704595


>> No.10704597

This isn't even mistaken or "misrepresenting the science". A bunch of the claims in that video are just complete horseshit. Why would anyone hold up someone willing to lie this blatantly as a "sceptic".

>> No.10704599

>The govt, can NOT just TAKE your property
They were human beings tho.

>> No.10704598

The possibility of a buy back ended completely after the articles of confederation. The only way your situation makes sense would be if the war was avoided in the first place.

>> No.10704607

>They were human beings tho.

I am NOT going to support slavery.

All I am saying is that poor honest hardworking farmers LEGALLY purchased slaves and then had the govt. then take their property away WITHOUT any compensation, and THAT is against the law.

>> No.10704611

If a thing is illegal the government can take it from you.

>> No.10704612

>The possibility of a buy back ended completely after the articles of confederation.

WRONG, after the war the farmers became USA citizens (because by the way the North considered it they never stopped being USA citizens), thus USA laws holds for them.

>> No.10704613

More like PragerJew

>> No.10704614

If they had peacefully discussed it instead of acting like children and seceding the government probably would have bought them back. The second they confederated they lost their chance.

>> No.10704615

There is no such thing as a "climate change skeptic", they are denialists. "Skeptic" implies that they would be swayed by new evidence for climate change.

>> No.10704616

It's literally funded by guys who own an oil and gas company

>> No.10704618

>If a thing is illegal the government can take it from you.

Yes, but slaves were NOT illegal they were legally bought with money many poor farmers worked years to save up for. Slaves were NOT cheap and were expensive to maintain.

>> No.10704622

considering every southerner was technically a traitor in the eyes of the law I think they got off easy.

>> No.10704625

>The second they confederated they lost their chance.

A poor honest hard working farmer in Arkansas did NOTHING wrong, other than have the misfortune of living in a state that revolted.

You do NOT punish private citizens for the actions of their govt.

>> No.10704626

Yeah, those poor hardworking farmers only wanted to own other people as property and beat them to death :(

>> No.10704628

Just because something used to be legal doesn't mean it's legal now, and property laws don't apply to illegal property.

>> No.10704629

>because I have credentials I am allowed to be a retard and you have to believe my retardation

Why are you on this board, please go

>> No.10704631

the same reason i dont agree with the US' intervention in the middle east or russia's actions in general, they're greedy bullies who use the media to lie to justify their actions

>> No.10704632

I would absolutely consider owning a slave as doing something wrong.

>> No.10704640

unless I'm an Egyptian goddesses pale skinned slave boy, then it's very right.

>> No.10704642
File: 311 KB, 590x590, First_USA_Slave_Owner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because something used to be legal doesn't mean it's legal now, and property laws don't apply to illegal property.

I am not justifying slavery, but it is completely wrong to say every slave owner was an evil bastard.

Just about every wealth man owned slaves.
The founding fathers of this nation owned slaves.
Slavery had a long legal history and owing slaves was not something that made you"Bad".

>> No.10704646
File: 587 KB, 733x703, TIMESAND__1555673927514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are getting Nobel Peace Prizes for their activism.

>> No.10704652

becoming traitors to your nation and fighting a war over it does though and expecting a handout from the government after you lose is fucking stupid.

>> No.10704654

Stop you're scaring the children!

>> No.10704657


>> No.10704676

> your claims are only valid if they’re published in OUR journals
> even if you do get published, OUR scientists have to say it’s true
> by the way, it’s totally not like most of our scientists make a living off climate change research

>> No.10704682

You do realize any climate scientist can easily quadruple their salary by joining the heartland institute right?

>> No.10704685

you're right though i agree with most of what they say. fuck pragerU

>> No.10704731

Gee, if only there was some significant and relevant difference between credible peer-reviewed journals and a Youtube channel run by paid propagandists. But nope, I guess they only differ by which "side" they're on.

>> No.10704821

>becoming traitors to your nation

Owning a small farm in Arkansas, 38 years old, worked your whole life to finally afford 2 slave hands to assist you. Your State goes to war, you oppose it but, you can not leave your farm, your family, your community.

Explain how this man is a traitor.

I suppose in your eyes everyone on the losing side of a war is evil. Every German, Japanese, and Italian deserves to be spit on.
Every person that sided with the British in the Revolutionary war was a Traitor.

Remember no one ever won a war then said "we were the bad guys".

>> No.10705039


>> No.10705076
File: 216 KB, 645x731, 1558508722747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10705112

What kind of people are enrolled in Prager University?

>> No.10705170

How the fuck does someone like Jordan Peterson manage to become a popular speaker? He doesn't seem to have much of a clue on ANYTHING outside of his specialisation.

>> No.10705173

Basically he's a good tool to make the underclass stay under.

>> No.10705227

That's nice but by speaking publicly under the banner of a digital marketing organization, he's not part of the scientific community anymore as he claims in the video. He has become a representative of the very media he condemns ("doomsday scenarios sell").

>> No.10705928

Most scientist read academic papers w/ the absolute intent of ripping it apart. Sure some are shady but to think that this is happening on such a wide spread scale is retarded.

>> No.10705944

I can't believe this guys ignorance of postmodern. I guess ignorance leads to fear.

>> No.10705960

Postmodernism is nonsense.

>> No.10705971

The right is absolutely desperate for anyone with credentials to support them.

>> No.10705990

Alliances should be based on mutual advantage, not political systems.

>> No.10705997

Wrong, slavery was banned by constitutional amendment. That’s about as legal as it gets.

>> No.10706096

Economists are more "right-wing" than the general population.

>> No.10706109

That's because they're corporate shills.
Economics is literally capitalism being taught at schools.
What if they taught socialism in economics too? Then this shit wouldn't happen

>> No.10706126

if he was a liberal you would love him

>> No.10706135

No I don't like liberals very much

>> No.10707595

>Wrong, slavery was banned by constitutional amendment. That’s about as legal as it gets.

IDIOT, learn your history "Amendment 13 Slavery Outlawed (Ratified December 6, 1865).

Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.

Lincoln's oppressive government illegally stole property from the Southern States, destroying their economies.

Lincoln stole the property then later changed the laws.

>> No.10707619

Look at the preface of any of his books or watch any of his talks, he makes sure to always mention "the poor jews" in all of them. That's how someone like him becomes popular, specially with the insecure males who browse /r/TheDonald

>> No.10707630

>civil war began 1861
You can't steal from traitors

>> No.10707632

Dachau blues, those poor Jews

>> No.10707649

>You can't steal from traitors

Was every American in the revolutionary war a traitor?

I the British had won the war would it then have been OK for them to then say, we are going to take all your horses away?

Without horses the entire US economy and society would have collapsed.

>> No.10707685

They were all traitors to the crown. Good thing they won.

>> No.10707698
File: 67 KB, 500x750, 40k_Wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were all traitors to the crown. Good thing they won.

But who were the "good" guys.
The answer is the winners are ALWAYS the good guys.

>> No.10707700

And the people not willing to betray their nation because they wanted to own other human being and work them to death

>> No.10707730

>the vast majority of climate scientists agree about climate change
>the vast majority of research supports the majority opinion on climate change
>a preponderance of physical evidence supports the majority opinion on climate change
>but ignore all of that to consider the handful of skeptics or youre retarded
Guess I'm fucking retarded, what will I do with my sheeple NPC brain?

>> No.10707733
File: 29 KB, 480x240, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO pill-popping /pol/esmoker

>> No.10707737

>why did they abolish slavery?
Probably had something to do with the fact that the Union was split in the first place due to slavery and the extended history of the South refusing to compromise on slavery as well as outright ignoring or breaking established laws and acts regarding the control of slavery. Probably also had something to do with the fact that slavery was only something that slave owners had wanted from the beginning of the nation and it was dying on its own because it gutted the value of all other labor in the South and was quickly becoming economically untenable, until the invention of the cotton gin which allowed cotton to turn the South into a financial powerhouse.
Slavery benefitted absolutely no one except a handful of slave owners. It was 100% harmful to the nation until the invention of a labor-reducing tool, and then it was still harmful to literally everyone except the wealthiest of slave owners.
None of this even addresses the fact that slavery necessarily violates the very spirit of the nation itself, that all men are created equal. Considering the entire nation except the slave owners had been doing everything they could to prevent the spread of slavery and either reduce its existence or eliminate it entirely, I can't help but wonder if maybe - just maybe - that was actually what most of the population wanted.

>> No.10707742

>this revisionism
The Constitution and the laws of the nation do not provide any protection against the government ceasing your property, liberty, or even your life without compensation. You're another crazed redneck spouting off bubba fud misinformation. Color me shocked to find someone like you in a climate denail thread.

>> No.10707744

Why did my one compliment of PragerU start an entire argument about slavery? Jesus Christ guys

>> No.10707746

>And the people not willing to betray their nation because they wanted to own other human being and work them to death

America was founded with Slavery written into the constitution.
The north wanted to ban slavery, the south said, NO that is NOT what we AGREED to when we joined this UNION of states.
The south said Bye
The North said "fuckers we own you forever".
The north raped the south hard and won the war, then just for fun stripped it naked and left it in minority neighborhood.

History books say Lincoln was hero, and the North were the "good" guys.

>> No.10707748

lol common dude, just go on /pol/ and see for yourself what "neo-nazis" think of Ben Shapiro.

This is like saying Hillary Clinton is trying to be friends with communists.

>> No.10707750

>The Constitution and the laws of the nation do not provide any protection against the government ceasing your property, l

Clause in the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution that provides “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation”.

You are an IDIOT

>> No.10707752


The video in OP.

Please cite some peer-reviewed research published by Lindzen that “BTFO”s the consensus on climate change. That you use the term “BTFO” suggests you’re disingenuous so I don’t expect much.

Owning other people definitely qualifies as “evil bastard” to me. Founding Fathers were cunts.

>> No.10707755

It’s dubious to extend this clausw to the abolishment of slavery, since abolishing slavery was the removal of the status of “property” from a group of humans, not the state seizing the slaves to be...government slaves or something.

>> No.10707759

slaves were property, similar to horses or cattle, but far better treated and they had some basic rights.

>> No.10707762

And they stopped being property, rather than the property changing hands.

>> No.10707790

And Lincoln COULD have freed the slaves AND not destroyed the Southern economy if he had just agreed to purchase all the slaves and then free them. Lincoln freed the slaves in the WORST possible way. The slaves would have still been freed by the Emancipation Proclamation BUT the state would bought them all and freed them. The money need not have even been immediately paid but credited to former owners.

Slavery was and is evil. Lincoln is NOT the hero he is made out to be. The civil war was not between "good" North and "Evil" South, both sides had good and bad points to them.
The South had VERY good reasons to want to leave the Union of states when the North decided to remove the original agreements
that made the union of states.

>> No.10707817

>And Lincoln COULD have freed the slaves AND not destroyed the Southern economy if he had just agreed to purchase all the slaves and then free them.

Gee why wouldn’t people give evil people money for things they shouldn’t have in the first place?

>> No.10707858

>evil people

You are the problem. Anyone who does not hold your beliefs is "evil", not wrong, just evil and evil musty be destroyed and forgotten.

Just remember history shows that the winning side is NEVER evil.

Every slave owner was evil... you are going to have fun going through history and removing them all, so many founding fathers, so many great philosophers, artist, religious leaders.

After you are done removing every statue, every work of art, every book by slave owners, you can start on people who were homophobic, etc.

Purge the history books of all the "evil" people.

>> No.10707864
File: 1.04 MB, 2047x3482, capitalism chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't teach socialism in schools for the same reason they don't teach astrology.

>> No.10707874

>That's because they're corporate shills.
who is?

>> No.10707877

>what will I do with my sheeple NPC brain?
idk maybe kys

>> No.10707927 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 331x10000, 1557195986327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10707929 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 250x280, 1536488468693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10707995

It's overt neocon boomer propaganda.

>> No.10708025

It's possible to describe someone as "evil" on a single topic, without scrubbing their name from every history book.
Everyone who participates in owning people as property is being immoral. That doesn't erase anything else they did, nor does it mean we should rewrite history to exclude them.

>> No.10708029

only red pill is communism brainlet

>> No.10708106


>> No.10708119


Get petrol shilled, faggot.

>> No.10708132
File: 40 KB, 385x349, 1547975866222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10709978


>> No.10709985

be specific
communism doesn't work

>> No.10710572

Welcome to the new era.

>> No.10710573

>Have a meme picture in lieu of an argument

>> No.10710577

Ok question, How do you even compete to argue even slightly against global warming meme?
Pretty sure i agree with warming and pollution but i dont think we are having as much as an effect on earth as we think. People acting too self important.
Anyway as you cant judge a person from a single action, the earth which is billions of years cannot be studied by taking last 10 years as a metric.
But, i cant seem to be successfully convey this anywhere. The second i slightly question, im bombarded with articles, journals, MIT, all reputed institutions pulling shit out of their ass and publishing them. Mind you, im a a data scientist so going through these papers which are of low quality is kinda blackpilling me as to how protected these institutes have become.
Any suggestions on how to go about it?

>> No.10710578

>You are the problem.


>Anyone who does not hold your beliefs is "evil", not wrong, just evil and evil musty be destroyed and forgotten.

Nope. Anyone that owns other people is evil and shouldn’t be monetarily compensated for their slaves being freed.

>Just remember history shows that the winning side is NEVER evil.

Not true. Spanish and Portuguese were pretty evil when they conquered South America. Same goes for the Mongols or Arab empires.

>Every slave owner was evil...

Pretty much.

>you are going to have fun going through history and removing them all, so many founding fathers, so many great philosophers, artist, religious leaders.After you are done removing every statue, every work of art, every book by slave owners, you can start on people who were homophobic, etc.Purge the history books of all the "evil" people.

Never proposed removing them from the historical record. Not sure why you decided to write fanfiction about me.

>> No.10710586

How about you stop larping and actually examine the evidence both sides provide?

>> No.10710589

You might as well ask someone to take Kent Hovind seriously.

>> No.10710591

>but i dont think we are having as much as an effect on earth as we think.

Why? If you know a factor contributing to Earth’s thermal energy increase in the last century that’s not us, please share.

>Anyway as you cant judge a person from a single action, the earth which is billions of years cannot be studied by taking last 10 years as a metric.

Then what’s your complaint? We have temperature records into the ass end of the 1800’s, and use multiple proxy sources to obtain temperatures further in the past.

>But, i cant seem to be successfully convey this anywhere. The second i slightly question, im bombarded with articles, journals, MIT, all reputed institutions pulling shit out of their ass and publishing them. Mind you, im a a data scientist so going through these papers which are of low quality is kinda blackpilling me as to how protected these institutes have become.

Why do you think they’re low quality? What’s being “pulled out of asses”? Might as well publish a paper in rebuttal so the authors make corrections....

>> No.10710595

Trying to take Kent Hovind seriously for just a little bit will teach you an important lesson about doubting experts because you're ignorant.

>> No.10710701

>trust the experts idiot
>expert disagrees
>don't trust the experts idiot

>> No.10710704

>Trust one guy with discredited papers pertaining to the topic over the thousands of other experts


>> No.10710716


>> No.10710721

People can go to prison for using “””metaphors””” like saying they’re a doctor when they aren’t.

>> No.10710723

>communism doesn't work
Meaningless statement.

>> No.10710727

>words have no meaning except when they speak in my favor.

>> No.10710734

fuck off you boot licker, I'm never going to just trust some authority faggots, all the evidence is clear

>> No.10711676


>> No.10712515

This. They run tons of long ads, some of which I've watched in morbid fascination to summon ghosts of the 80s into my room, with Milton Friedman trailing columns of columnist wraiths from the graves of defunct rags. And as the faithful drop, George Will yet exists, to whisper in their ears that while Jebus Inc. isn't real, the Hidden Hand is and always will be there to guide our Manifest Destiny.

>> No.10713504

How is it "meaningless"?

>> No.10713545

/sci/ - Politically Incorrect

>> No.10714642

They do this because universities are far-left cesspools now, revising humanities, history, science, and economics with their own political agenda. Political factions exist to construe reality with their own agendas, this isn't new in the slightest. Many people want to relate to pragurU's cause because they're sick of modern universities.

>> No.10715051


>> No.10715058

Consider suicide.

>> No.10715065

You are right, might makes right.
I hope you don't mind, I am going to give AIDs to 5 white kids, bye.

>> No.10715074

>They lie on YouTube because of a conspiracy theory cooked up by anon on 4Chan