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File: 35 KB, 644x644, mensa-logo-title-below.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10698879 No.10698879 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mensa a meme?

>> No.10698881

why is it called that? menso means stupid in spanish

>> No.10698912 [DELETED] 

its an abbreviation for more entelligente than nigger savages alwasy

>> No.10698917

IQ can be raised with hard work.

>> No.10698946

that's how you know they're the real deal

>> No.10698993

yes, thanks for asking.

>> No.10698996

mensa? more like memesa amirite haha

>> No.10698999


>> No.10699021

IQ is a meme, so mensa is a society devoted to a meme. a good analog are the people who form cliques around local trivia night events, bunch of losers who pride themselves on being good at random head scratcher questions to validate their egos in lieu of real intellectual credentials

>> No.10699040
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10699116

what's a meme?

>> No.10699118

its a jew cash grab

>> No.10699128

a viral idea that self-reproduces by infecting the mind. play MGS3 for an in-depth treatment. tldr; memes are similar to genes or viruses.

>> No.10699130

IQ exams can theoretically be studied, and are generally measuring very specific types of intelligence. Mensa is nothing more than a status symbol with no actual meaning behind it.

>> No.10699192

All they do at Mensa meetings is play board games and

>> No.10699199

They put fun puzzles in their newsletters

>> No.10699201

Break into people's house while they're posting to suck their dick.

>> No.10699235

A memesa is men.

>> No.10699239

Mensa is just Autism anonymous.

>> No.10699538

Members don't refer to it as Underachievers Anonymous for nothing, OP.

>> No.10699540

I always chuckled how in Spanish aka latin somewhat it can also be used to refer to someone as dumb!

>> No.10699544

IQ is a meme. It makes you good at fast puzzle solving. Sure this can translate to being good at analytical skills or problems in science/engineering/medicine/law/business/life... but not necessarily, you still have to introduce yourself to the context of these problems and care about it enough to pursue specialized skills.

Some MENSA fags just play chess and solve crossword puzzles.

>> No.10699555


>> No.10699579
File: 261 KB, 492x419, E63B407E1D5B4235BAA1D9ACD20DA253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both the guys who made it left and basically thought of it as a failure

"However, Berrill and Ware were both disappointed with the resulting society. Berrill had intended Mensa as "an aristocracy of the intellect", and was unhappy that a majority of Mensans came from humble homes,[11]while Ware said: "I do get disappointed that so many members spend so much time solving puzzles.""

>> No.10699887

Mensa means canteen in Italian.
I guess those big brainers really love eating.

>> No.10699888

if y - e - s spells yes, what does e - y - e - s spell?

>> No.10699900

mensa is for plebs. real brain bulls join the mega society

>> No.10699912
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>> No.10699933


>> No.10699938

true, good catch

>> No.10699956
File: 31 KB, 520x293, 3301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks Mensa is smart
sit down kid

>> No.10700957


Blatantly false. IQ is genetic.

>> No.10700987
File: 45 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a meme society dedicated to a meme quotient

>> No.10702886


>> No.10702933
File: 9 KB, 201x201, Megalogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this... i-is t-t-this... loss?

>> No.10703019


>> No.10703217

Shouldn't IQ exams be made invariant to study to measure for example recovery from depression and similar things?

>> No.10703551


>> No.10703567

when a mommy pepe and a daddy wojak love each other very much they get together and make a meme, just like you and me!

>> No.10703572


>high iq sociey
>filled with leftist members who say iq is fake and doesn't matter

Uhhh why do they even exist?

>> No.10703573

It's so tiresome

>> No.10703582

Can confirm. I 'lied' my way into it faking tests by learning how to do them in fucking google search and all they do is play chess and talk about irrelevant shit with grotesque intellectual wanna-be dialect

>> No.10703620

I think so, I suffered a brain injury a couple of years ago so I have to do IQ tests every 4-6 months. I have scored as wide as 20 point difference between some of these. I asked the doctor who is overseeing this if this was the result of my injury and he said it is common for there to be a big variance in test scores even for individuals.

I do think IQ has some validity but I question anybody who does social science and claims test scores that can have this kind of variance to be accurate.

>> No.10703717
File: 129 KB, 1024x673, Solvay Confrence 1927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more Conferences

>> No.10703743
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>IQ is a meme
>said by people who score low and average on IQ tests

>> No.10703783

My ex's dad advised me not to join. Apparently it's a huge meme and a circlejerk. Not how the good professor phrased it, but still.

>> No.10703805

can you read?