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10692692 No.10692692 [Reply] [Original]

Do these actually exist?

>> No.10692698
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You need to get out more

>> No.10692702

care to post more examples?

>> No.10692704


No, it is a myth.

>> No.10692709

weev told me that, so that's what I thought

>> No.10692713

curved ruler shroom

>> No.10692774
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>> No.10692787

You're right anon. Nothing you haven't personally seen in your life exists. Japan doesn't really exist. Japan is a deep state conspiracy.

>> No.10692792

I was going to disparage you, saying "who the hell is weev" think it's yet another random youtuber. But then I remembered that I actually do know who weev is. Fuck I've been on this websight too long.

>> No.10692793

ffs you can drive through nevada and see the holes for yourselves, and measure the radiation yourself too. This is where yucca mountain is too

>> No.10692800

It actually makes more sense that way.

>> No.10692807

This doesn't actually prove anything. When the hypothesis is that nukes are fake we must conclude that people also faked photos and personal accounts of nuke tests etc. So, holes and radiation could have been faked as well.

Now people might say that radiation itself is proof that nukes are real. Or nuclear power plants mean that fission is real and fission means that nukes are real.
BUUUUT, what if constant nuclear fission as in a nuclear reactor is possible but a violent multiple kilonton fission event at once is not?

>> No.10692809 [DELETED] 

America is unaware it's about to be slaughtered by non whites misbehaving in their country at the time of world war.

The World America lives in is anti white and it's gonna get ya.

>> No.10692812 [DELETED] 
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>weev told me that

>> No.10692815

you niggaz

>> No.10692838

t. solipsist

>> No.10692843

This internet conspiracy thinking all started as the internet was really taking off, which coincided with that infamous Fox special about how the moon landings were fake
>Well it was on Fox, so it MUST be true!

>> No.10692850 [DELETED] 
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>implying tings

>> No.10692852

>fox also produced the lone gunmen tv series which featured 911 before 911.

>> No.10692853

You’re mentally ill.

>> No.10692876

wtf 2 judy posters?

>> No.10692877
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you tell me

>> No.10692944

what makes this a nuke as opposed to any big bomb

>> No.10692947

How would you even make a conventional bomb that big? That bomb had more explosive power than all the bombs used in WWI and WWII combined.

>> No.10692951

>um guys, i think we may have lit the atmosphere on fire

>> No.10693401

There are so many inane conspiracy theories denying things that obviously exist, but I wish that more of them would be about denying mundane obvious things instead of exciting things like nukes and the moon landing. Like a theory that Australia doesn't exist and anyone with an Australian accent is a paid actor. I'd have fun reading about conspiracy theories like that.

>> No.10693426

Fack'iz'onto'us'laids! Hide Tha Fosters ya bloody bogans!

>> No.10694166

This however the holes were faked using nukes to excavate them. The nukes don't exist conspiracy is actually itself a conspiracy

>> No.10694391

Those people do exist though. Either australia or new zealand is a conspiracy to keep the flat earth hidden. And ofc you cant simply travel there to see it so ofc its fake

>> No.10695478

How does that prove total nuclear fallout destroying the earth 12321353452134 times over?

>> No.10695502
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The cake is a lie.

>> No.10695520

So, now we have flat earthers and non nukes believers? Op you have to watch WWII documentals, there is an interview with the person who released the bombs in japan, there is another documental which describes and shows what happened to the surviving citizens, radiation poisoning gave them mutations and cancer for decades, something similar with chernobyl meltdown

>> No.10695561

>WWII documentals
Propaganda. Japan was firebombed.

>> No.10695625


>> No.10696303
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>> No.10696327

Nukes don't exist because America would never do such a bad thing.

>> No.10696382
