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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 387 KB, 1280x1123, Yellow_Paper_Wasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1068909 No.1068909 [Reply] [Original]

Walk outside, see this, WHAT DO?

>> No.1068919
File: 29 KB, 377x480, Flamethrower_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hornets won't have a chance.

>> No.1068914

Fire. Lots and lots of fire.

>> No.1068922

I say thermite.

>> No.1068954

Quick! Steal their honey!

>> No.1068963
File: 87 KB, 620x451, Belittle-Flame_Thrower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1068969

Lol paper wasps.

>> No.1068976

garbage full of water underneath
Use slingshot to cause it to fall in
Cover garbage with lid
flip garbage over
remove dead bees and delicious honey

>> No.1068998

Pretty sure those are hornets. You can tell by the... oh, THermite. Right. Yeah, it'd be overkill but it'd look so pretty.

>> No.1069002

God damn you're a pussy, just knock it down with a stick or garden hose. I can't tell you how many times I've just pulled them down with my bare hands without even being stung.

>> No.1069003
File: 189 KB, 1406x810, flamethrower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as effective as a good old flamethrower.

>> No.1069024
File: 5 KB, 195x195, kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone gets trolled by this and does it, they deserve to be raped by angry hornets

>> No.1069033
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>> No.1069040

Even if you knock the nest down and manage to not get stung, they tend to come back and rebuild.

>> No.1069049

Correction: WERE here.

>> No.1069056
File: 47 KB, 670x394, kill-it-with-fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire, the answer's always fire

>> No.1069064

oooooo i c

>> No.1069066

So lemme clarify, hornets sting once, then die.
Wasps sting you continuously with it's stingers or fury?
Or am I wrong..?
And what's the difference between hornets and wasps?

>> No.1069083

From Wikipedia, an article on hornets:

Hornets, like many social wasps, can mobilize the entire nest to sting in defense, which is highly dangerous to humans. The hornet alarm pheromone is used to raise alarm of nest attack and to identify prey, such as bees.[5] It is not advisable to kill a hornet anywhere near a nest, as the distress signal can trigger the entire nest to attack. Materials that come in contact with pheromone, such as clothes, skin, dead prey, or hornets, must be removed from the vicinity of the hornets nest. Perfumes and other volatile chemicals can be falsely identified as pheromone by the hornets and trigger an attack.

>> No.1069167


no both wasps and hornets sting multiple times, bees die once they sting.

>> No.1069230

Wasps also bite

>> No.1069887


>> No.1069932
File: 3 KB, 103x98, 1271679360162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 years old
>Put shoes on
>Wasp inside shoe
>My face

>> No.1069944

Go to a store that sells but sprays and shit. There is a spray (think a type of RAID) that says something along the lies of "this shit is for outdoor use only! seriously don't use this anywhere near your home, this shit is toxic and will fuck shit up! Stand 15-20 feet back, aim stream at shit you want to mess up.". Spray the nest and area with the can. It's so effective against wasps I once used it on a window, did my best to clean it up, and 2 weeks later there was still enough residue that a wasp flew through the area and died from the fumes.

>> No.1070060

i lol'd

>> No.1070070

Fetal position.

Slowly crawl away and hope i'm not noticed.

Cry about it to /b/ later than night.

>> No.1070073


>> No.1070083

Flamethrowers are legal in America, simply because they are the best means of combating the Africanized honeybee.

So, to wit... KILL IT WITH FYRE

>> No.1070099

I would actually piss and shit myself from laughing, if I saw someone try to torch a hive, miss have the swarm and watch his ass get stung to death.

>> No.1070132

I've actually set one on fire before using a small tracked robot with a can of naphtha.

Shit was so fun, I watched from indoors and then put it out with a garden hose.

>> No.1070145

Made me feel all bomb disoposal tech like, haha.

I just happened to have the robot left over in tracked from with an arm from learning to program microcontrollers in C. Was a much better use of it than watching it run around in circles all day.

>> No.1070156

It sounds like 2 people in here have actually dealt with a wasps' nest before.

Duct tape a beer can to a broom handle, and fill it with gasoline. Slowly advance and pour the gas into the nest. Step away for a few minutes. Soak a rag in gas and drape it over the end of the handle, and light it. Touch it to the nest. Step away rather quickly.

>> No.1070166
File: 26 KB, 222x203, 1272750962692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve of this use of robots.

>> No.1070202

shoot mud at it in hopes of plugging the holes permanently

>> No.1070207
File: 259 KB, 463x462, Let's_do_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fill Supersoaker with rubbing alcohol
>Attach jury-rigged ligher to the front with a stick and duct tape
>Wasps swarming everywhere now
>Running backwards spraying flames, still laughing insanely
>Throw supersoaker in water filled bucket I had pre-prepared
>Chill out inside and go on /sci/

>> No.1070229

BTW, the best method if there are no robots around is either a molotov cocktail and then gettting inside a car, or a CO2 fire extinguisher

>> No.1070255

This thread brings back BAD, BAD memories.

I was outside mowing a yard. The yard appeared to be very small, with large slopes. Little did I know, it'd take a physically demanding 3 hours to mow this yard completely.

I was using a riding lawn mower at one point, and was mowing around some bushes. I hit something that sounded like rocks under the lawn mower. I paused briefly thinking I messed the blades up, instead I felt an incredible amount of PAIN. I hit a wasp nest and the wasp were streaming up my pants stinging me everywhere possible. I ran inside the house, stripped off my clothes and took a shower. They were still attached to my body stinging me as I took the shower..

WORST experience ever with bees. I was literally grabbing the bees and throwing them off me.

So, my "grandad" took gasoline, poured it down the hole in which they lived and lit them on fire.

>> No.1070378

You can take hairspray and a lighter to act as a flame thrower, and spray a fine stream of fire into their nest.

>> No.1070389

Bow down before your new masters?

>> No.1070420
File: 365 KB, 1280x1945, Bone_2_The_Great_Cow_Race_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use grass to smoke out the hive, then take honey.

>> No.1070692

Does that not explode the can?

>> No.1070704

no, there is no oxygen in the can

>> No.1070727

The hairspray sprays out faster than the flame can something.

Also oxygen

>> No.1070766
File: 16 KB, 500x375, 1259618209193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]