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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10683477 No.10683477 [Reply] [Original]

>halo effect

>> No.10683488

How do Dick's burgers taste so good?

>> No.10684086
File: 29 KB, 480x240, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO pill-popping /pol/esmoker

>> No.10684857

The "technology won't be unwound" pill.
This is admittedly a speculative pill, but my mind has been prepared for a more complete blurring of the human, the natural and the artificial.

>> No.10684913

we probably won't do anything about climate change because the changes required are too radical. I mean look at France, they tried to take a step in the right direction by implementing a carbon tax. Then a populist movement rises up around it and it's gone. People on the left and right were part of the movement to get rid of it. Our plan B of geoengineering, which in best case scenarios could buy us a century, also got BTFO. It turns out reducing sunlight reduces crop yields. P.S. If you support geoengineering at all the best thing you can do is not talk about it. The scientists in that field are very worried about a populist leader declaring geoengineering to be the solution to climate change and then there being huge public backlash against it. It's pretty hard to research on aerosol dispersion with merely grams of aerosol, any big public backlash would effectively kill the field. So remember, DON'T TALK ABOUT GEOENGINEERING. Except for the part about how it got BTFO!

>> No.10684988

>I mean look at France, they tried to take a step in the right direction by implementing a carbon tax. Then a populist movement rises up around it and it's gone. People on the left and right were part of the movement to get rid of it. Our plan B of geoengineering, which in best case scenarios could buy us a century, also got BTFO.
Democracy was a mistake. Socrates was right.

>> No.10684991

wow, he's posture is fucking amazing, must be mewing

>> No.10685001

Climate change is good. It will force humanity to either adapt and overcome, likely colonizing space in the process - or die.

>> No.10685004

Is he transitoning?

>> No.10685016

Head on back to plebbit worthless edgelord summerfag

>> No.10685066
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Bill Gates is probably pretty cool, imo

>> No.10685088

>iTT: blackpills /sci/ is too scared to take
human biodiversity

>> No.10685100


>> No.10685126

/sci/ swallowed this pill like it was candy. There is resistance, but they are trying to bring nuance. I've never seen people /sci/ pushing blank slate views unironically.

>> No.10685127

From what to what?

>> No.10685164

Maybe if Macron would have looked for a way to work with people that have no option but to drive long distances and didn't act like a tyrant in every other way it wouldn't have been such a problem.


>the solution to revolts is to crack down harder and be more tyrannical
absolute brainlet

>> No.10685183

You obviously are not informed about what is happening here in france so stfu

>> No.10685215
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Human to superhuman.

>> No.10685219

>the solution to revolts is to crack down harder and be more tyrannical

>> No.10685257

Clean your room.

>> No.10685259

I wanna be Borg too

>> No.10685285
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those are your assumptions, not mine

kill yourself nigger faggot, go shoot up a school or something you disgusting neckbeard

>> No.10685309
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>> No.10685323

I’m just saying that having elections every so often severely limits the ability of a nation to plan for the future in a consistent way. For example, NASA is severely hampered by schizophrenic leadership. Companies can do much better, because they’re effectively dictatorships. Of course dictatorship has its own problems, but I unironically don’t mind technocracy as long as it’s not too corrupted by corporate interests.

>> No.10685716

The answer is just to kill off the third world. They're the ones that are still reproducing a lot, the rest of the world is heading towards sustainability.

>> No.10685757

CERN is triggering false vacuum collapse in some set of realities we'd actually existed in prior to turning it on.

>> No.10685771

Exactly. The survival instinct will kick in soon. We’ll see a renaissance of innovation

>> No.10685807
File: 89 KB, 1015x708, un-population-predictions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change is the only thing goodgoy /sci/fags worry about.

>> No.10685832

The third world do not contribute anywhere near what a first world era does in terms of emissions,

>> No.10685851

I sincerely hope this is a meme and that the UN isn't quite that brainlet.

>> No.10686063

>The third world do not contribute anywhere near what a first world era does in terms of emissions,
The third world is going to cause the greatest mass extinction and loss of habit due to >>10685807
That you actually think climate change is a bigger threat to humanity than 4.5 BILLION Africans by 2100 shows how much of a brainwashed brainlet you are.

>> No.10686078

The French are in favor of carbon taxes. It's problematic when the liberal government increases taxes to a point of unsustainability for the lower classes to fund his massive tax cuts on the rich, however. That along with the ongoing class struggle are what led to the (long overdue) protests.

>> No.10686083
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>implying bourgeois democracy is democracy

>> No.10686099

only cool people still own slaves

>> No.10686110

What did he mean by this.

>> No.10686113

incels are pretty anti-pol anon

>> No.10686238

>as long as it’s not too corrupted by corporate interests
Well, there's your problem then. Literally everything is eventually ruined by corporate interests and always will be.

>> No.10687661
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>carbon tax
>good idea

>> No.10687681

I should suicide myself

>> No.10687683

If we were actually scared of climate change we would nuke China and India
The truth is it doesn't matter. It's a talking point for votes

>> No.10688544

there wont be 4.5 billion by 2100. too much disease not enough food and smartphones and contraception are on the up and up.

>> No.10688588

That some people can have perfect diet, exercise, normal T levels and still won’t be able to build muscle

>> No.10688615
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>> No.10688992

explain yourself cuck

>> No.10689260

100% incorrect statement. India and china are third world countries

>> No.10689329

>blackpills /sci/ is too scared to take

Light does not travel therefore has no "speed".

>> No.10689335

This is why democracy and welfare were the two worst ideas humaity ever had.
Dumb "people" being allowed to vote for things. Good god

>> No.10689340

No it's even worse then that. They want to make it a crime to speak out against mass African/ME migration into Europe to prop up the Ponzi economy long enough for the Elites to live and die in comfort. This is real. This is the world we live in.

>> No.10689342

This is the real problem no one is courageous enough to talk about.

>> No.10689343

Roasties are retarded

>> No.10689344

There’s barely any.

>> No.10689346

They don’t exist. You have no knowledge of female anatomy.

>> No.10690125

>let's tax oil because muh ecology
>let's also promote capitalism, mass consumption
>dismantle rail transport
>build airports, gold mines
>let's also condemn faggots calling out on ArcelorMittal for dumping their toxic waste anywhere
>muh help friends in industry

Do I really have to explain that ?

>> No.10690158

Only if Western societies don't get bogged down by tens of millions of immigrants that demand accomodation and tie up all our resources. Space will be Chinese.

>> No.10690165

Ahem *coughs*

1. God is everything we see and experience
2. God is trapped in endless void trying to figure out why does he exists
3. Existence is illusion and is made up in gods mind
4. We live for eternity we just change forms when we die thus reincarnation cycle
5. Suffering will never stop
6. We have no purpose we are just passing the eternity

>> No.10690168

Can I get rid of my halo ?

>> No.10690195

>Light does not travel therefore has no "speed".

>Wiggles with laser pointer.

Speed of light dot is 5cm/second.

>> No.10690944

>implying any commie regime was ever democratic

Pure ideology.

>> No.10690952

Nepal, Kerala, Cyprus....
You know communists can just...put themselves in the ballot and win, right?

>> No.10691449
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This. All of my this.

>> No.10691453

Go back to your dmt den Blake.

>> No.10692292

If you could pull it off this would work

>> No.10692462

>If you support geoengineering at all the best thing you can do is not talk about it.

Geoengineers work on civil infrastructure like roadways and dams you stupid motherfucker.

You can stop talking about it, and while you're at it stop drinking water, that they test, from your local watershed and stop driving on your DOT roadways that they help build.


>> No.10692537


>> No.10693773

This is my case
Why can't I build muscle?
Also, 88

>> No.10693789

what does this mean?

>> No.10693795

I mean, that pick disgusts me, but fuck off commie.

>> No.10693804
File: 342 KB, 153x113, 1537122194330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speed of light dot is 5cm/second.

Please explain what basis in reality this "light dot" has. Is it constant? What is the cause of its existence? Is that cause in anyway measurable by "speed"?

>> No.10693817

Meaningful human colonization of space will never happen due to a lack of economic incentives and the massive costs and health problems involved. There will be a few more token missions (to Mars and the moon) just so countries like the US can brag about it, but anything significant like asteroid mining (if that even happens) will be handled entirely by autonomous spacecraft.

>> No.10693860

colonization of space could happen if a government with surplus resources embraced an ideology of endless exploration as its unifying purpose.

might not happen for 100s of years but imo someday a nation will realize and fulfill the pricelessness of having a safe, remote, off-world "taiwan" that you can retreat to when the mainland gets fucked for a couple centuries.

>> No.10693879

even thinking robots will industrialize space is wishful thinking.

>> No.10693899

Yeah, i find it funny that augmentation is constantly considered popsci fiction. Seems inevitable given the rate of technological increase and the inherent issues of humans in adapting to that.

>> No.10693980

Group selection explains human society.

>> No.10693986

It's just a specific case of quantum suicide.

>> No.10694896

We will never have realistic holograms.

>> No.10694900

fuck off with your incel memes. you're just an autist. that's the real 'black pill'.

>> No.10694905

huh? isn't the main problem you people have with le plebbitors that they're not edgy enough?

>> No.10694967

this is the worst thread on /sci/ and I've seen them all

>> No.10694971

Imagine thinking that humans could achieve colonization of other worlds if they weren't held back by the immense task of feeding and housing immigrants. If you can't feed and house a some poor people, how the fuck are you planning to feed and house people on another planet or in a space station?

>> No.10694980

I agree.
Jannies just nuke the thread.

>> No.10695249

>gut bacteria dysfunction leads to autism
>vaccines lead to gut bacteria dysfunction


>> No.10695285

There's edginess, but sometimes it's borderline retarded

>> No.10696802

Human Genetic diversity is minuscule though

>> No.10696884

>nuke the global economies n°1 factory
yeah that's smart

>> No.10696891
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>china are third world

>> No.10696894

>but I unironically don’t mind technocracy as long as it’s not too corrupted by corporate interests.
>I love capitalism as long as it's not corrupted by capitalism

>> No.10696902

>4.5 BILLION Africans by 2100 shows how much of a brainwashed brainlet you are.
>mfw birth rates in africa, as in anywhere else where standards of living increases, are declining
listen faggot, pol shit stays in pol ok? get that in your thick brainlet skull

>> No.10696910

that the bourgeous still control, at large, the state, it's not a conscious directive or the act of a secret group but the "laws of the system" being acted upon by it's players

>> No.10696924

New guy here. Why is /sci/ so scared to accept this exactly? Seems kind of obvious.

>> No.10696944

You are proving his point

You cant make lots of money with STEM jobs

>> No.10697980

feel free to back your certainty with literally anything

>> No.10698830
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Basic knowledge of history and actually living in society today show obvious reasons why.
Humans have always practiced body modifications. Sometimes it's religious/magical other times is pseudo-scientific or merely cultural/aesthetic.
People where getting unadvantageous body mods and deluding them selves in their efficacy while other watched on and laughed.
Imagine what will happen when actually advantageous mods become available and affordable.
Honestly the hard part is the affordability, the healthcare systems of the west are already over expending. Hopefully new technologies and cultural movements will change that.

Here french man with a deformed skull, due to unnecessary head binding (as a child) used to protect babies from head trauma.