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File: 485 KB, 1590x1024, newton-tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10683693 No.10683693 [Reply] [Original]

>two history's greatest minds died virgins

Pretty weird feel, in my opinion.

>> No.10683726

Don't feel bad anon you'll probably die a virgin just like them.

>> No.10683758
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History's greatest minds knew they were all a meme anyway and thus never needed to reproduce.

>> No.10683762

I am still alive

>> No.10683775

If you're really backed up the sperms prob eventually swim all the way up into your brain and you start making connections you never thought possible. Phrases like 'you are nuts' prob originated from guys like that, guys so far ahead that you think they're behind.

>> No.10683784
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>meanwhile, this incel had sex

>> No.10683792

Well, yeah. You're supposed to. Ready to be a teacher genius?

How is the act of sex a measurement of a sex?

>> No.10683798
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Ben was brilliant, and the Chad of Scientist, Politicians, Philosophers, etc,

Literally was the most famous man alive when he died.

>> No.10683805


That isn't true Tesla loved his pigeon

>> No.10683853

I never knew leibniz and hitler knew each other?

>> No.10684077

Tesla never fucked?

Cmon, Tesla fucked!

Tesla fucked...

>> No.10684247

Is being a virgin a prerequisite of being a great mind?
The great question of sci yet debated for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.10684320

They were probably just gay.
It's not something you'd come out with back then, life or death.

>> No.10684330

Life is too short to spend it doing more than one thing. These men chose wisely.

>> No.10686080

Tesla was not a virgin! When he went to uni he got a bit into bad habits which only became worse. He was a notorious gambler and visited who're houses all the time, was always in the company of prostitutes and drank.

His father who was a orthodox Serbian priest and wanted him to also be a priest had arranged the skolorship for Tesla who was wasting it away! So his father left the country and went to speak to Tesla who also started to travel about more as he disagreed with his professor, in the end Tesla was right however left uni.

Eventually he stopped all activity, drinking and gambolling, as per sex it has been said he stopped heavily yet early on! He was known to say he tamed his beast as he was very judgmental, said that 5hat was the price for discovery to have kind actions towards others and not be materialistic even if the wants are not aligned with deeds!

>> No.10686149

Tesla was a degenerate alcoholic, and he was worse in his early life. I don't know why reddit loves to paint him as this "higher being" who had self control, not only that but he disregarded all of Einsteins theories, we was a great electrical engineer and was simply at the right time and the right place to make his discoveries which would have probably been invented sooner or later by someone else.

>> No.10686155
File: 300 KB, 838x793, Secret to greatness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their virginity is not the cause. It's their total sexual abstinence. Being a virgin and masturbating all the time means nothing.

Abstain and gain.

>> No.10686157
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He knew from experience that sexual releases drained his energy.

>> No.10686191

They are orignal mgtow?
Honestly, If you can't make/raise your own wife which you have control over all the variables It is preferable, not to have any wives at all

>> No.10686196
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>> No.10686209

>was simply at the right time and the right place to make his discoveries which would have probably been invented sooner or later by someone else
I don't like this line of reasoning. It means that we shouldn't really celebrate any inventors/scientists because their achievements were just inevitable.

>> No.10686216

I can't be certain, but you seem like the kind of poster that fantasizes about creating a waifu precisely because he cannot do so himself.

If I am wrong in any way, please (you) this hypothesis.

>> No.10686241

Newton was pretty based, if I remember correctly from his sin journal, he once beat his sister. Have you lost you "beating a woman" virginity? Most men in the 21st century haven't. It's a pleasure lost in time. Given the rarity, this is a more significant virginity to lose.

>> No.10686261

Gauss, Euler, Maxwell, Hooke, Galileo, Einstein, von Neumann, and many other great minds were not virgins. Tesla and Newton were exceptions to the rule more than anything.

>> No.10686266

t. Guy who has not lost his "punching a woman" virginity.

>> No.10686275

>greatest mind
pick one

>> No.10686283
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tesla on top

>> No.10686406

>they were all a meme

try saying that without the existence of polyphase AC.

>> No.10686523

Does this mean everyone on this website is destined for greatness

The virgin genius vs the Chad nobody

>> No.10686559

they died virgin because they took the final redpill that sex is shit

>> No.10686578

Based Petri Dish of every venereal disease known to man, and a few that were usually only found in water fowl and kangaroo.

>> No.10686589
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You so funny. Ben accomplished more in one year of his life than you will in your entire life.

The problem is Franklin did so much that even trying to list a few of his accomplishments in a diagram is difficult.

>> No.10686591

Bruh they were gay

>> No.10686594

Based and quintessential American pilled.

>> No.10686596
File: 78 KB, 734x448, inventions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electricity terms positive and negative charges.. that is Franklin

He could have been MUCH richer than he was, but rather than patent his inventions he released them for the public good. The Franklin stove alone would have made him very wealthy.

>> No.10686600

If you're over 20 and a virgin its your own goddamn fault.
I lost mine at 18 without even trying, could've lost it at 17 but the opportunities were bad (didnt like girl, didnt have condoms, etc)
I seriously have never payed attention to social nonsens or women and still I currently have a gf and have dated multiple girls and casually banged many.

If you haven't fucked at least one girl at this point then you're actively rejecting them or something and its your own goddamn fault youre still lonely.

>> No.10686605

I'm not sure about Tesla, he was a zoophile.

>> No.10686615
File: 413 KB, 1200x630, ben-franklin-failing-to-prepare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ben said a lot of quotable things, that we still use today.

>> No.10686619
File: 59 KB, 1570x514, rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't agree more. My rule is, if it envolves having sex, it's not worthy.

>> No.10687520

I'm still trying to see if I can raiss a perfect waifu (or at the very least over 0.9 fit).
There are many promising results on both digital-2D and RL-3D but nothing set in stone for now.

It hard to figure out exactly "the heart" algorithm which will eventually drive the neural network the way I desire in 2D.

And everything is transience IRL, people heart will change so I dont dare to have much hope with 3D either.

In the end if I cant create my waifu I will just donate my sperm.

>> No.10687531

And rest of them didnt. Strange, huh?

>> No.10687557

What did gelelio Ferraris discovered?

>> No.10687566

>being ugly as a sin
>your fault hurr durr
You know, not everybody has the same options you do. Think about that.

>> No.10687575

Not him but,
Most of my ugly friends always got 8/10 GF.
So i think it is your attitude towards life that decide after all. You dont get what you want because you dont have the right mindset/attitude

I just dont like braindead women who are in general very narrow and extreme in perspective. So im going to raise my waifu instead.

>> No.10687657

Yeah, but Tesla was a volcel, so it kind of doesn't count. He even received a lot of letters from ladies interest in him

>> No.10687701
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>> No.10687704
File: 103 KB, 800x641, 1509602461729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was one of the first to toast the roast. he said that women were all becoming brutish tramps not worthy of his adoration.

>> No.10687714


>> No.10688231
File: 79 KB, 250x303, erdos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had expanded the criteria to
>had no children
this thread would have been more interesting.

>> No.10688257


>> No.10688297


>> No.10688608

He was a noble soul overall, not perfect but indeed a great creature. Let us not forget that when Maxwell almost lost it all and was about to truly lose everything and could not pay Tesla for his shares, and became indeted to Tesla financialy Tesla forgave the debt and signed over all 5he shares and refused them back down the road when he could have been a billionaire.

Maxwell did something for Tesla and Tesla never forgot it and gave back in folds. Even though he did not always agree with friends and sometimes moved on he did right by them and never betrayed anyone.

Few ever will be like him, because he did not leave or openly reveal all he was, all he could do and create!

You know sometimes the ones that seem foul and idiotic s^m to pass that great feather and be granted knowledge! Must be a reason, perhaps they are the pure ones! And accept the Universal system as a sacrifice, let's face it the universal system is a shit show indeed!

>> No.10690419

Newton got Italian boi pussy.

>> No.10690427

Was this guy actually this ugly or is this just a bad picture of him?

>> No.10690686

that means that they could not fulfill the only real task of life, given by nature - to have sex and give birth.

>> No.10690695

Newton was overrated. If he was so smart, how come he didn't come up with the superior theory of general relativity?

>> No.10690710
File: 19 KB, 466x237, trout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to willingly repress your sex drive? I have lost so much productive time of my life and research either thinking about sex, masturbating, on rare occasions having sex, or more often seeking relationships and failing.

Are there bad consequences of trying to shut this part of yourself off? I can't be the only one that wonders this.

>> No.10690785

you cant shut it off but you can recognize that the sex drive pushes for a heteronomy of the soul. this is why men are said to "think with one head rather than the other" it is an active struggle and you have to be conscious which head you force into power as the executive and legislative body of your self-governance. visual stimulus is very powerful, avoid images of the female form especially in passive contexts such as on the internet which can drag you in. actively apply your will and strengthen that ability like a muscle

" If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off"