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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10681903 No.10681903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a stimulant information thread?
Please share your Knowledge and experience with whatever stimulants you've used to enhance your cognitive functions.
Personally I just started taking 15mg Adderall and I studied math for 5 hour straight without stopping. I know, this isn't very long. But for me that is a milestone because I've ruined my ability to focus for long periods of time from years of gaming and constant dopamine satisfaction. I've heard to only take Adderall 3 days a week so you can keep the dependency away.
I would like to hear any personal accounts of any stimulant usage and ways to maximize efficiency, longevity and ways to keep addiction away.

>> No.10682027

I jack off

>> No.10682605
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Rhodiola Rosea
L-Thianine and
Vyvanse makes me make stupid decisions
Adderall doesn't work
Cocaine is for the hedonists
But my ciggies keep me down to earth

>> No.10682682

Got a prescription for Adderall 30mg XR after 11 years of being diagnosed with ADD with no treatment. I had adderall as a kid but my shithead mom sold my pills. The Adderall was reccomended to me by my therapist because my ADD was causing serious personality issues. Adderall helps me be the person I WANT to be and accomplish the goals that I otherwise would procrastinate away.

>> No.10682888

I have been taking 20mg Vyvanse for ADHD and for the first time, coded for 6 hours straight undisturbed (touhou ost helped). My doctor might kick it up to 30-40mg next time but I don’t want the anxiety increase.

I was on 25mg foquest and it made so fucking neurotic I broke my laptop because I thought it was distracting me(on impulse) after I told my doctor she was like wtf, better change this guy before he takes his anger out on people.

>> No.10682989

>go to cvs/walmart
>$5 benzedrex inhaler
>remove cotton
>cut cotton into 6-8 pieces
>soak in 99% lemon juice (air-tight container ex. Gatorade bottle)
>shake vigorously for 30 mins
>remove cotton, and wring it out into the liquid
>drink up
literally meth

>> No.10682994

>Can we get a stimulant information thread?

unless it's about where to get them without a permission slip from your doctor to get assraped by big pharma i don't give a fuck.

>> No.10683036

is this a meme? no way it's that simple

>> No.10683053

The one time I tried adderall I actually felt pretty normal and productive whereas I'm normally pretty awkward and lazy, I really have to work myself up to do something and can switch between tasks a lot.
Is this normal? I guess most of my experience seemed in line with what I usually hear but I had this overwhelming feeling like "this is what I'm supposed to feel like"

>> No.10683096

>but I had this overwhelming feeling like "this is what I'm supposed to feel like"

that's what it's like for me too anon.

>> No.10683154

I took 30mg dextro once daily for a year when I was in uni, I ended up spending 4-6 hours in the gym every single day, and cooking all of my meals myself. It was fucking great, but it negatively effected my studying habits and grades. I guess I just had my priorities out of wack, maybe it would work for somebody with more commitment to their education.

>> No.10683162

>>"this is what I'm supposed to feel like"

That's what it felt like for me when I took a low dose of acid

>> No.10683233

I snorted meth the other day for the first time.
Literally gives +10 CHA, +10 INT

It lasts way too long to be useful as a regular stim, but if you need to get serious work done it's good. I'd limit use to once every 6 months to avoid addiction and neurotoxicity.

>> No.10683251

Let's just say that if I was interviewing for a position, defending a thesis, or giving an important presentation. Meth would be the go to drug.

>> No.10683258

Your coworkers must despise you desu

>> No.10683263

Question for medfags of /sci/; why do the eyes seem to be the most obviously and visibly effected by drug use? For many drugs it can be hard to tell if somebody is on drugs aside from them generally acting weird, but then you look at their eyes and it's obvious. Is it just a coincidence that your mental state effects your pupil dilation and a lot of drugs tend to make your eyes red and bloodshot?

>> No.10683273
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>Is it just a coincidence

>> No.10683335

Every time I take Ritalin I'm having problems recognizing faces/telling whether the face belongs to a person that I know. Does anyone else have this problem? It is not listed under side effects.

>> No.10683351

Nope, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's poor mans amphetamines. Harder on your heart amongst other things.

>> No.10683367

What types of things would one say to the doc to get prescribed adderall? I tried some of a friends last week and it was great. Felt super motivated.

>> No.10683378


eyes are a highly sensitive organ that is always in plain view. Human brain is specifically hardwired through evolution to detect tiny changes in faces especially eyes.

>> No.10683545
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Awww yiss, /stim/ thread. I have narcolepsy which is the holy grail of medical conditions for prescriptions. My doctor is based as fuck and writes me whatever I want and even over-fills it so that I can save money on insurance co-pays. I could get a Desoxyn script if I wanted it.

Current script is 40mg Vyvanse and 5mg IR dextroamphetamine daily. I also have gabapentin for the evening come down and Xyrem (pharmaceutical GHB) to sleep. Then there's a closet full of Adderall, modafinil, armodafinil, and (dex)methylphenidate from past scripts. I've also tried pretty much every stimulant under the sun for comparison. I find it best to just stick with legal scripts, no headache or worry about the law and I don't abuse my meds anyhow, so there's no point.

Your pupils respond because drugs affect different muscles/muscular types in your eye. Opiates = parasympathetic nervous system = constriction. Amphetamines/cocaine/MDMA/psychedelics = sympathetic nervous system = dilation.

Drugs also dehydrate people causing the water content to appear differently and they can be vasoconstrictors/vasodilators, tightening or widening the blood vessels in your eyes (making them red).

Not literally meth, it's propylhexadrine and it's nasty as fuck. Just buy some cartel meth off the darknet you crackhead.

Methamphetamine is neuroprotective in low dosages. You probably took more than that though if you insufflated it and it lasting "too long." Insufflated meth taken in medicinal doses doesn't last THAT long.

And if you've ever been a sober guy at a party where people were doing coke and people were talking at a mile a minute about inane business ideas, that's probably how you sound on meth. You just have more confidence and can't notice the tweakerness of you voice and demeanor.

>> No.10683556

The only 'stimulant' I've ever used is coffee, and even that I have tried to stay away from. You aren't really the king of your world until you can properly study/focus without the need of outside factors

>> No.10683561
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>a poor mans amphetamines

>> No.10683562
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I've always heard it's best to find a doctor from a friend that's prescribed it and to go in with general complaints of ADHD. Don't say, "I think I have ADHD" or be too oblivious. They'll probably try to give you Strattera or some bullshit first. Don't take it and say it does nothing. Then they'll put you on Ritalin or something maybe. Say it gives you shakes. Continue until you reach amphetamines. Might take a while, but if you're med-seeking it's best to play it cool.

>> No.10683606
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I've been diagnosed with ADD since I was a kid and my shithead parents don't want me medicated because they're afraid of the "big pharma" lol. They're also expecting me to be independent and just shake off the ADD which is literally fucking impossible. So they give me useless substitute natural drinks like ginseng tea and black coffee. Fucking stupid naturopaths

>> No.10683637

How do you deal with addiction?
How have these stimulants helped your studies?
Have any tricks or methods from all this experience with stimulants?

>> No.10683849

I just use stims to get high you lazy undergrad lmao what the fuck

>> No.10683859

lul stim addiction is literally [math] \frac{\tt{mind}}{\tt{matter}} [/math] and is just a measure of willpower

probably a decent iq test come to think of it

>> No.10683880
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What does /sci/ think of modafinil?

>> No.10683985

absolute shit

>> No.10684176

What about taking nothing and exercising self control and willpower.

>> No.10684187

nah man that's too reasonable wtf where do you think you are, retard?

>> No.10684213

I tried it and didn't notice anything.

>> No.10684216

Has anyone ever OD on pumping their penis pump when high on stimulants? Could this cause my massively pumped penis to explode if I drink too much coffee and meth?

>> No.10684234

I enjoy two doses of modafinil.
>300mg on main lecture day (all core modules are on a single day).
>600-800mg on study day.
A capsule of milk thistle the day of and after to avoid headaches. Plenty of water.

I do partake in some good quality coffee at around 11am on days I don't take it and am typically at work.

>> No.10684453

Imagine using stimulants to just get high

>> No.10684752
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>How do you deal with addiction?
I used to be a heroin addict which is something I largely attribute to being undiagnosed with narcolepsy for years, so the utility and quality of life stims provide me is so highly valued that I don't even think about abusing them. That's kind of paradoxical, but if you can quit junk it's only because you've found a new lease on life. I don't want to abuse drugs anymore, I found the way out and it's a new perspective and more drugs lol. IDK if that helps too much, I'm a unique case of fucked up.

The way you deal with addiction is by dealing with addiction. It's not some method of being conservative with when you allow yourself to enjoy getting fucked up. If you get fucked up and it causes you problems because you can't stop, it's a lot deeper than that and you have to find out what you're running from. With medication and self-care, I'm willing to work at building a life instead of living a life of short, high peaks and drawn out lows. That's just me. Some people were abused, just raised with no self-control, etc.

I read a lot and try to spend time in nature. Meditate. Spend time with family. That stuff grounds me.

>How have these stimulants helped your studies?
Again, unique case, but I failed a semester and dropped out for a year and with medication I was a straight A student and went above and beyond. Like I wrote a 40 page senior thesis and my degree didn't necessitate a thesis, haha. I also took graduate courses in philosophy for fun.

>Have any tricks or methods from all this experience with stimulants?
Start your day early to be productive and so you won't have trouble falling asleep later (don't pull all-nighters). Drink lots of water and take magnesium (I'd suggest magnesium taurinate). Don't work out on stims, it's bad to exert yourself on vasoconstrictors.

Nah, there are plenty of high IQ addicts. Every other lawyer, lots of business person flush with cash and no values, anesthesiologists.

>> No.10684774
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I'm allergic to it and it makes me break out in canker sores and also does this weird thing where the papillae of my tongue become inflamed and white.

Fuck that noise.

>> No.10685649

I noticed my heart beating irregularly when on adderall. I thought it would be a bad idea to workout on them, good thing i didnt.

>> No.10685669

Whats the strongest stimulant?

>> No.10685687

Why do you think people get addicted to meth? I feel the same with just a bunch of coffee, I can't even imagine taking adderall or other synthetic stimulants