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10676477 No.10676477 [Reply] [Original]

What is the evolutionary advantage to childbirth being painful?

>> No.10676485

Why does the kid look asian? Black women weak genes?

>> No.10676486

That baby is ugly as fuck

>> No.10676488

Yeah cause its a baby

>> No.10676497

Come up a few levels

>> No.10676506

Pain doesn’t kill anyone and it’s mostly just because babies have fat heads

>> No.10676517

It's because we live in a broken, fallen world. Also because evolution only cares about what works, not what a utilitarian human thinks would be the most perfect.

>> No.10676562

because the first woman committed a sin.

>> No.10676564

There's none whatsoever. It's a consequence of babies brain developing fast in the womb, which is what provides the evolutionary advantage.

>> No.10676566

Based christcuck

>> No.10676568

>mix two different races
>some of their genes are incompatible
>all slew of modern diseases start to appear
such is the mutt life

>> No.10676572

Evolution just goes with what works only slightly and enough to make the genes survive.

Human childbirth specifically is actually a very tense "power struggle" between the baby growing bigger brains and thus the higher chance of the mother dying (and also the child) or the child having slightly smaller brains so that childbirth is easier for the mother and the child will have higher survival rate however throughout life survival rate would be lower.

So we now have a kind of equilibrium where childbirth is an extremely damaging process that is just 1 hair away from killing the mother so that the brain capacity of the child is as big as possible.

Humans could have been more intelligent if female vaginas were bigger and allowed bigger brained humans to be born.

One thing to also remember is that humans are the dumbest possible creatures that can still develop technology. We're literally just barely able to use technology. But that is good enough. If this wasn't the case then another species that was just on the border of that intelligence would have come. And that species would immediately dominate the planet.

Which coincidentally is us. This is very interesting because it means the intelligence of species in the entire universe is actually very low as only species that barely are able to use technology such as humans will come into existence.

>> No.10676847

Nah mutts are physically healthier and taller, hybrid vigor

>> No.10676862

Source, chief.

>> No.10676863

None, really. It’s ass.

Citation needed.

>> No.10676868

What's the evolutionary advantage to any qualia?

>> No.10676879

I would expect it to increase a mother's resolve to raise their children well, so they don't have to pump them out many more times.

>> No.10676891

Goad the experiencer to avoid or seek out the qualia, generally. Pain is a bad qualia and encourages the experiencer to try and avoid it.

>> No.10676920

Right except the implication is that qualia is necessary for the behaviour. But that's not true since at least some processes are unconscious, and there's no known causal mechanism by which it could happen.
Basically evolution shouldn't work on pain or any other perceptions.

>> No.10676921

Original perfection of vagina and womb.

>> No.10676924

look under USA on Wikipedia should link you to an article of all diseases originating from there.

>> No.10676928

>One thing to also remember is that humans are the dumbest possible creatures that can still develop technology.
What about creatures like dolphins, elephants and whales who have no opposable thumbs? Also remind yourself that the people who actually develop technology are only a fraction of the population; the difference between the smartest human and even the average human, is pretty big in my opinion.

>> No.10676930

The adults too.

>> No.10676931

>completely false remark
>also completely unrelated to the thread.
That's gonna be a yikes from me, /pol/.

>> No.10676937

That some behaviors are unconscious doesn’t mean they all can be.

>and there's no known causal mechanism by which it could happen.

>Send signal to brain
>Brain doesn’t like signal
>Sends back signal to try and avoid further contact

>> No.10676940

Diseases originating from the U.S doesn’t mean they were magically made by “mutts”.

Dog mutts are objectively better than breeds, by the way, so that comparison isn’t helpful to you.

>> No.10676971

Livebirth isnt meant for erect bipedalism.

>> No.10676978

There is no evolutionary advantage.

>> No.10676980

Difference between the smartest human and a mentally handicapped human with down syndrome is still absolutely insignificant compared to the difference in intelligence between a Chimp and a human despite us only being apart for just ~1 million years with our common ancestors.

Dolphins and Elephants are not intelligent enough to be technological species. Humans are barely intelligent enough to use technology we don't even understand our technology and thus we have a society where we specialize into 1 specific thing because we are too dumb to understand most things. Every human knows a lot about 1 specific thing and we work together to try and make use of technology.

>> No.10676984

Both dolphins and elephants use and create technology. So do chimps.

>> No.10676985

I dont think you understand the problem anon. In meuroscience and cognitive science the general belief is that mental content is determined by functional role. If this is the case, then evolution doesn't act on qualitative states it acts on functional roles. In other words, the current neuroscience literature does suggest that the other anon is correct, i.e. that evolutionary can select for the ability to differentiate between green and red, but it can't select for the fact that your cognitive system represents green in one subjective character and red in another. This is the idea that the way I experience red co uild be the way you experience green and voce versa. If evolution can only differentiate mental state up to differences in functional role, then it can't evolutionarily selec the for a qualitative state like pain, because there are plenty of functionally equivalent states that are nevertheless qualitatively distinct from pain.

>> No.10676988

Not proven
Also not proven (beyond preventing possibilities of incest)

>> No.10676992

dios mio el goblino

>> No.10677004

Could be the observer is just “along for the ride”.

>> No.10677028

No they use and create tools. Technology is using tools to make better tools with which you create even better tools. That's what sets us apart from Chimps. They don't refine their tools using other tools in a process that makes them advance over time.

>> No.10677031
File: 63 KB, 900x578, habsburg-jaw-of-charles-ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gon need a CITAYSHUN on these mulatto birth defects.
>tfw descended from 4 generations of mutts with zero illnesses.

>> No.10677052

There are definitely chimps more intelligent than downies. Koko's estimated IQ was 75-95 range if I remember correctly. Dolphins and Elephants don't have the opposable thumbs and precise hand movements that humans do and will never create technology regardless of their intelligence for this reason alone. Do you think an intelligent dolphin will use their tail to whip a bunch of pieces of seaweed and coral onto a pile until technology is created? Just imagine an elephant trying to create fire, they don't have the physical capability to do so. Also intelligence and thumbs alone aren't enough to create technology, you need a specific type of intelligence. Neanderthals were intelligent yet they lacked the social intelligence capable to build larger societies and create technology. One could argue that Europe is so technologically successful compared to the rest of the world because of the 1-2% neanderthal DNA they have. Autistic brains have structural similarities to neanderthal brains, by the way.
>Humans are barely intelligent enough to use technology we don't even understand our technology
Speak for yourself.

>> No.10677058

found the mutt

>> No.10677059

>Koko's estimated IQ was 75-95 range
I stopped reading here since the IQ scale for apes are not similar to the human scale for IQ. It's not a uniform test they give to humans.

>> No.10677061

>humans used animals to create amazing infrastructure
humans are the thumbs of the universe.

>> No.10677075

>I know more about the intelligence of humans and animals than the people who spend their whole life researching this!
I hope you didn't fall for the "infant IQ test" meme that goes around on /pol/, that was only one of the numerous IQ tests given to Koko. The infant IQ tests for motor function, not for cognitive function. /pol/tards are so insecure about their intelligence that they have to create their own lies, ignore research, and discredit experts just so they don't have to acknowledge that they are barely more intelligent than an ape is.

>> No.10677087

Elephants have extremely precise noses which they have been seen to make rudimentary tools with. Dolphins have shown to precisely manipulate their surroundings with their snouts and have made tools with this that are more precisely created than the tools of old hominids.

Both Elephants and Dolphins have refined enough abilities to make tools and technology, yet they didn't. Again it only starts to become technology once they start using tool A to make tool B which can be used to make better tool As which can be used to make better tool Bs. This is how human technological progress works and is not seen in any animal yet.

Life seems to work in this hierarchy
>Passive and doesn't react to environment
Most plants
>Reacts to environmental stimuli
Simple multicellular life
>Reacts in anticipation of environmental stimuli
Basic Insects and frogs
>Pre-determined mental goals which it works towards in the short term
Advanced insects such as cockroaches and reptiles
>Foresight to change plans and see multiple possibilities planned out
Basic mammals such as mice
>Ability to judge the motives of other creatures around you
Most mammals including dogs and cats
>Ability to realize yourself and recognize yourself in the mirror
Advanced mammals
>Ability to use objects in your environment to change the environment to your needs (Tool Use)
Specific mammals such as elephants but also crows and primates
>Ability to change the objects to better alter the environment (Tool making)
Dolphins, Chimps
>Ability to make tools to make better tools
This last step is exclusive to humans and has never been shown outside of humans

>> No.10677094

>>Passive and doesn't react to environment
frand please
the super chemist plants talk through smells and share nutrients with their younger counterparts
plants are fucking dope

>> No.10677103

No one thinks that’s an insult but you and your racist friends. Mutts are simply better.

>> No.10677110

hippie dippy mushroom talk

>> No.10677120

why are you even posting on /sci/ when you have 56 IQ

>> No.10677144

The correct question would be "what evolutionary pressure is there for childbirth to NOT be painful?"

The answer, none... therefore, pushing a melon sized head through a plum sized opening will hurt. It happens, at most, only every 9 months in only the 13-30 year old women (a percentage of a percentage of the population). There is no reason to make it not hurt.

>> No.10677182

More weak insults. Sad.
Why haven’t you cited some papers showing that being a “mutt” causes diseases?

>> No.10677188

Women can have kids in their 40’s. Are you retarded?

>> No.10677204


>> No.10677208


>> No.10677215

Who's this "Cope" guy and why do people keep saying his name?

>> No.10677230

Fucking this. No one said evolution tried to be the best it could be, only that it usually allows the best it came up with so far to live

>> No.10677233

Cope is a mutt.

>> No.10677351

I have heard from old people that birthing is not supposed to be painful and most likely make sense considering women back then did move way more so it probably played a huge role. When you look at 20 or 21 problems you look am them with an objective lens which is wrong, we have became quite different from our ancestors.

>> No.10677354

>20 or 21
20 or 21 century I mean.

>> No.10677454
File: 34 KB, 200x152, tenor-9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Koko's estimated IQ was 75-95
they used a child scale you fucking retard

>> No.10677459


>> No.10677494

Why on earth would you assume that /pol/ is behind that when that exact thing would give credence to they're idea that African's are inferior?
Given the lower countries being well inferior and full of that racial grouping?

>> No.10677553

>child scale
Nope. You do realize that the research is available with one google search? Keep trying, though.
Reread the post and think about it harder this time. /pol/ mentions the infant IQ test every time Koko is mentioned.
If you REALLY need it dumbed down further for you, they want to convince themselves that apes are stupider than they actually are because they want to feel special. If an ape can have an IQ of 95 that would mean that humans aren't a massive leap ahead of other animals. They cope with the feeling of being a failure by trying to convince themselves that humans and whites are inherently intelligent and special simply by existing. You seem to have also missed the other post where I said the 1-2% Neanderthal DNA in Europeans possibly makes them more technologically successful, bringing up global IQ is irrelevant to this topic.
It's "their." I hope English isn't your first language, anon.

>> No.10677562

Koko was a fraud, she didn't actually have any language skills. She would sign shit like "banana banana banana sad banana banana gorilla banana" and her handlers would say "oh she's saying that she's sad about how deforestation destroyed her habitat!" it's a complete meme.

>> No.10677575

What a weird claim void of citation.

>> No.10677591

How would you cite it? Do you speak gorilla?

>> No.10677602

Based reply

I would also mention that adult brain size is strongly correlated with infant brain size, so getting bigger brains as adults requires bigger brains as infants. Infant brain size actually also took us out of the trees to reduce risk of dropping the baby/ losing grip of branches as the loss of the gripping thumb on the foot and thinning of hair required mothers to use an arm to hold infants. Bigger brain -> labor pain/difficult childcare -> required social assistance -> required smarter people -> required bigger brains

Learn more by googling human IMMR and evolution

>> No.10677605

Do you need to be spoonfed? Here's an example of Koko's "communication":
Host: SBM87 asks, What are the names of your kittens? (and dogs?)

LiveKOKO: Foot.

DrPPatrsn: Foot isn't the name of your kitty

LiveKOKO: Hear lip.

DrPPatrsn: She wants to hear the lady on the phone. Maybe you can ask her that question.

Host: Koko, what's the name of your cat?

LiveKOKO: Huff, no.

DrPPatrsn: She just gave some vocalizations there... some soft puffing

Host: I heard that soft puffing!

DrPPatrsn: Now shaking her head no. Are you not going to answer that question?

Host: Do you like to chat with other people? That was from Rulucky!

DrPPatrsn: Koko, do you like to talk to people?

LiveKOKO: Fine nipple.

DrPPatrsn: Yes, that was her answer. 'Nipple' rhymes with 'people,' OK? She doesn't sign people per se, so she may be trying to do a 'sounds like...' but she indicated it was 'fine.'
LiveKOKO: Hat that toilet. Good tell-you-hurry.

DrPPatrsn: It's a toilet hat? No, it's a nice hat. Pretty.

LiveKOKO: Fake stink tell-you-hurry.

DrPPatrsn: 'Fake flowers.' She said they were 'fake flowers.'

Host: Does she have hair? Or is it like fur?

DrPPatrsn: She has hair. You have hair, right Koko?

LiveKOKO: Fine. Drink give-me.

DrPPatrsn: She signed 'fine' on her head.

LiveKOKO: Fine (at brow) you-hurry.

DrPPatrsn: She has 'fine hair,' she said. It's beautiful!

LiveKOKO: Lips good hurry-you.


>> No.10677782

Very impressive. Your point?

>> No.10678127

Judging a monkey by it's ability to speak is equivalent to claiming monkeys are superior to humans for their ability with short term memory; which happens to be the trade-off that happened to humans which allowed them to learn language. Language is definitely much more valuable to us than short term memory, but it is an empty argument to intentionally ignore the neurological trade-off. There are plenty of IQ tests which have absolutely no literature or language questions, which you would otherwise deem valid if your sensitive ego weren't at stake here. Your point is null.
See link related: https://youtu.be/ravykEih1rE

>> No.10678197

There's no advantage for woman giving painless birth or advantage for painful birth

>> No.10678204

both absolutely moronic and fallacious statements

>> No.10678205

I that a cleft palate?

>> No.10678225

Common chimp/human ancestor must be way older than 1mya. Homo erectus was around at ~800kya

>> No.10678237

Haven't read the thread and am brainlet but I'll take a guess.

The surrounding area and parts normally experience pain same as the rest of the body. There is no evolutionary advantage to a pain free childbirth when not having pain receptors in that area could lead to an early death when you don't feel something going wrong down there. There is no reason women would evolve to experience 1 thing pain free that puts the rest of their existence at risk.

>> No.10678984

I'm only focusing on the post about your belief that it's the fault of /pol/ about the perpetuation of only the child IQ test being administered which i think is absolutely ridiculous since it gives good evidence about the lack of intelligence of racial groups which they adore
>English isn't your first language, anon.
I'm still learning english and i apologise for any mistakes