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File: 156 KB, 780x508, AI-GettyImages-128-780x508596828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10676000 No.10676000 [Reply] [Original]

When will the first Tech Religion (worship of technology, salvation through science) appear?

>> No.10676005

Happened years ago. It's called LessWrong.

>> No.10676011
File: 557 KB, 800x1188, 1443247175259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10676031

"I am an immeasurable quantity from outside of singular time" would have worked just as well. Putting on masks so we can "understand" them is just an insult to our intelligence.

>> No.10676066

thanks Anon. It's like a smarter /sci

>> No.10676079


>> No.10676117

since when did gods start worshipping their slaves?

>> No.10676225


Other way around. How long till the robots start to worship us?

>> No.10676290

how long until they say humans are just apocryphal and made up by old tards with ancient cpu??

>> No.10677612
File: 928 KB, 1919x814, cyborg_grandpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back in my day we used to have humans that didn't have any robotic parts at all! Those were good time Prometheus

>shut the fuck up great-great-great-great-great-great grandpa John you fucking boomer

>> No.10677710
File: 406 KB, 612x750, 1495113662666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue that the "faith" is already here. For tech religion to really take off you need some kind of "prophet" to codify it, which modern tech CEOs are already trying to be, but have so far failed at because they have yet to achieve some kind of indistinguishable-from-magic tier breakthrough.

I honestly think that totally-not-worship-except-that-it-is of AI will appear in a few centuries, assuming it becomes ubiquitous.

Reminder that pic related is how dumb normies are. Could you honestly not see them worshiping an administrative AI?

>> No.10677744

The belief in salvation through science has been in vogue for about 200 years. Hence the fixation on AI and transhumanism nowadays. Most people living in modern societies don't think of science as a religion, yet they construct a religious narrative out of what they believe "science" says. Statements like, "we exist to spread our genes," or, "we live in a simulation," are not empirical statements, they are metaphysical claims.

>> No.10677757
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>Tech Religion
>For tech religion to really take off you need some kind of "prophet" to codify it,

Tech 'cults' pretty much exist already - Steve Jobs being the most prominent before he kicked the bucket. People blindly buying products based on brand loyalty and lacking any rational behind their purchase other than to continue fueling some satisfaction from being part of this 'in-group' of tech-tards.

It has already been demonstrated (in Apple fanboys at least) that the same brain centers which get triggered from religion are similarly seen in them.

>> No.10677797
File: 118 KB, 1520x1080, 1553404638066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10677822

tech cults already exist and for the vast majority of the population, modern technology is no different than magic

>> No.10677867

technological advancement abhors indoctrinated thinking

>> No.10677878

>modern technology is no different than magic

There are Traditional African Tribesmen using modern smartphones today... I wonder how they think they work?

>> No.10678100

There was a /k/ story of a tribe leader in the afghan mountains requesting the assistance of a US army bomb squad to their village. It turns out the tribe leader thought the US army was equipped for paranormal exorcisms because they had smart phones and tablets. The tribe leader was being haunted by his father so the army patrol "exorcised" his father's spirit by detonating an IED disposal charge in his fathers cremation urn in the middle of a field.

>> No.10678125

I'm expecting the tech-mechanicus of Mars to rise under Musk or his successor desu

>> No.10678133

>Scientific method
>Not being agnostic

>> No.10678139

Ok, Pascal
what I mean is when are people going to realize the pursuit of scientific knowledge can truly save us all, while obsession with Gucci, posting ass pics on instagrams, and threatening each other with nuclear warheads is the wrong way to go?

IMO it will take technology to become life-extending or as >>10677710 "indistinguishable form magic" tech to make everyone wake up and go "hey.. maybe if we all worked together we could have some real progess"

>> No.10679645

It already exists. There's people on this board that treat Elon Musk as the tech prophet that will deliver us to the promised land.

>> No.10679661

A lot of religions are already like this. You have Mormonist transhumanism that believe christ will return in the form of an AI intelligence.

You have Jehova's Witness that don't believe in life after death and instead think the bible is literal and that in the future humanity will be revived by technology and made immortal on Earth.

It's extremely weird when you meet these people since they usually have PhDs and are scientists but they became scientists as a sort of religious duty and see it as a form of dedication to their religion instead of as practicing science like most scientists. Well at least it's religious contribution to science which is still a massive upgrade from anti-vax doomsday cults.

>> No.10679671

I don't think this will happen. The more advanced technology becomes the more it mimics biology. So extremely advanced (nano) robotics will look like natural muscle fibers that are just superior to biological muscles.

>> No.10679684

Isn't this basically what climate change is all about? Believing religiously in science that our world is doomed unless we change our way to please our climate co2 gods

>> No.10679685

>The more advanced technology becomes the more it mimics biology
That is not true at all, there is almost nothing similar between a prosthetic organ, processor or semiconductor that even remotely resembles the function of just a liver cell.

>> No.10679693
File: 254 KB, 1200x1464, iu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won't be using prosthetic organs, processors or semiconductors in the future though. We'll use bots that will look similar to pic-related. We'll use neural net wetware as processing units and carbon based (graphene) superconductors instead. All of these look very biological and we already have them in lab settings right now.

When you go to microscopic scales lots of biology looks mechanical itself.

>> No.10679754


>> No.10680063

Your pic related looks like a virus cell.
Good job anon.

>> No.10680261

>when are people going to realize the pursuit of scientific knowledge can truly save us all, while obsession with Gucci, posting ass pics on instagrams, and threatening each other with nuclear warheads is the wrong way to go?
Literally never, the plebs have always been retarded throughout history. Its just more apparent now because of globalization, communications, and the prevalence of democracy among the worlds great powers.