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10675953 No.10675953 [Reply] [Original]

equal to mathematicians or is chess=intelligence a myth?

>> No.10675962
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Yes, they do have high IQ's

>> No.10675964
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10675965

>high IQ
Pick one and only one.

>> No.10675966


>> No.10675970

If a Jew killed your family you would potentially hate Jews. Your political opinion or hatred of certain groups of people is rather based on experience than IQ. I don't hate Jews btw.

>> No.10675974

>If a Jew killed your family you would potentially hate Jews.
That is a low IQ perspective though. Thinking that because 1 jew is bad all jews are bad is borderline retarded.

>> No.10675978

It's irrational but it's how lots of people would think at the beggining. It is in human nature to be irrational and emotional. All I'm saying is that it has nothing to do with IQ. But your responses though. Why so much hostility ?

>> No.10675982

>It is in human nature to be irrational and emotional.
Not after a certain point in terms of intelligence/IQ. You would not see an intelligent person makes these kinds of basic logical mistakes.

>But your responses though. Why so much hostility?
Anti-semitism is really bad. Any kind of anti-semitism needs to be confronted.

>> No.10675987

>Not after a certain point in terms of intelligence/IQ. You would not see an intelligent person makes these kinds of basic logical mistakes.
And what does the curve tell you about intelligent people ? Do you really believe that majority of people around you are intelligent ?

>> No.10675991

Also are you saying Bobby Fischer was dumb ? Konrad Lorenz too ? You don't have to make idiotic assumptions about intelligence just because you don't like certain opinions. People can be smart and hate everyone and everything. It's normal. We couldn't function if we loved everyone. Also it would be boring as hell.

>> No.10675995

>Do you really believe that majority of people around you are intelligent ?

All anti-semites are stupid, that's a fact. How would you call a person who hates the people who invented western civilization, have the most nobel prizes per capita, and have objectively the best country in the world.

>> No.10676001

Are you talking about USA ?

>> No.10676002

myth, in my opinion.
anyone could be good at chess, you just have to take the time and effort to learn how to manipulate the board to your will.

>> No.10676003

It's not a fact though. But the fact that you're making facts about peoples intelligence based on unrelated thing really makes me think about your intelligence.

>> No.10676006

I'm talking about the glorious state of Israel as run by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. US is a close second.

>> No.10676007

Kind of

>> No.10676009
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>> No.10676012
File: 14 KB, 200x209, thumb_rv-tl-happy-merchant-19060290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All anti-semites are stupid, that's a fact
Heres how we can tell youre retarded

>> No.10676017

Good luck with that anti-semitism, goy.

>> No.10676024

>lol imagine believing israel was the best country
Also do you believe being Jewish is a race or just religion ?

>> No.10676025

You wouldn't just happen to be a Jew, would you?
There's just too much bias involved in here for me to think it otherwise.

>> No.10676030

Ofc he's a jew. Israeli one.

>> No.10676039

It is an ethnicity and a religion.

I am a proud Jew but there is no bias. Anyone, Jewish or not, should confront anti-semitism wherever it is found. It is objectively the worst kind of hate that exists.

>> No.10676046

Muslims believe Islam contributed the most. It's a bias unique to Abrahamic theism. All three religions are wrong about what causes reality up to the modern era. I can prove this empirically.

>> No.10676050

Anything the Muslims have ever done pales in comparison to being the architects of western civilization. You are welcome.

>> No.10676056

>It is objectively the worst kind of hate that exists.
Not even close, it can't even be compared to racism by any means whatsoever. African slaves had it worse, much worse than "you people", not to mention that Jews have been involved in the transatlantic slave trade.

>Architects of western civilization.
In reality, those architects were the ancient Greeks and Romans.

>> No.10676057

The outcomes were all emergent of forces put into play from organic origin points. Shifting blame did not change the timeline in a meaningful manner. Relevant theory is still your god.

>> No.10676061

>African slaves had it worse
Irrelevant. First, African kings sold them to us and second, Jews are allowed to own slaves. Even until today and forever.

>In reality, those architects were the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Western Civilization is quite literally based on our holy book. The greeks and romans were just a passing fad among the upper classes of Europe because they had some "cute" things going but their government was garbage and that's why they failed but we are still going.

>> No.10676062

>Relevance theory
Sorry, typo.

For reference, relevance theory is an idea thought up by the fairy Queen. She had to invent it to recreate morality in a magical world where anything is possible.

Relevance theory is primarily irrelevant.

>> No.10676069


shut up, ezra

>> No.10676070


nice bait

>> No.10676073

>still going
In my timeline, your city didn't exist until less then a century ago. You are parasites that feed on other governments. If you seriously believe this, then your lies are invisible only to yourself.

>> No.10676074

>Irrelevant. First, African kings sold them to us and second, Jews are allowed to own slaves. Even until today and forever.
Romans sold Jews as slaves and Romans were allowed to own slaves, therefore it's fine.
I guess if Netanyahu decides it's fine to sell slaves, therefore, it will be acceptable for me to own you.

>Western Civilization is quite literally based on our holy book. The greeks and romans were just a passing fad among the upper classes of Europe because they had some "cute" things going but their government was garbage and that's why they failed but we are still going.
That's quite Irrelevant and I think you're overestimating your role here. Europeans were going to come on the same path regardless of them being Christian or not.

>> No.10676077


>> No.10676086

>Jews are allowed to own slaves.
Allowed how ? Almost every successful Jewish scientist was or is an atheist and doesn't care about Jewiah religion. Judaism as any other religion sucks ass. You are allowed my shit. Anyone should hate people like you whether Jewish or not.

>> No.10676087

>All anti-semites are stupid, that's a fact.
You're stupid, that's a fact.

>> No.10676107
File: 20 KB, 602x541, 31755228_1414115112027657_5237751800458641408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres people playing and studying chess almost before they learn to speak and most will never be among the titanic GMs at the top of the foodchain

You are a fucking retard anon

>> No.10676112

>objectively the best country in the world
If they’re so great, why does the US pump billions of dollars in aid into that shithole every year?

>> No.10676113

Fun fact:Creativity has 0 correlation with intelligence

>> No.10676289

>>I am a proud Jew but there is no bias. Anyone, Jewish or not, should confront anti-semitism wherever it is found. It is objectively the worst kind of hate that exists.
based bourgeois

>> No.10676351
File: 21 KB, 720x480, j4RpW7CKdTCqRs9DgMYsmdAL__WU4Cz2xv0rqknZOrI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anti-semitism is really bad. Any kind of anti-semitism needs to be confronted.
Why are you trying these cloying, wheedling emotional techniques on a website for adult males with high IQs and autism? It isn't going to work.

>> No.10676369

fun fact: you think you're clever but you're not
also iq and creativity correlate up to a threshold iq of 120

>> No.10676374

that's a fine cro-magnon man specimen you have in the pic related

>> No.10676400

>How would you call a person who hates the people who invented western civilizatio
Jews did not invent western civilization, you ignoramus.

>> No.10676415

He does look like an incredible brainlet

>> No.10676439

The best chess player at my highschool was in prevoc. Basically he was retarded. Don't know how that worked but there you go.

>> No.10676441

>lives in the middle east like a sand roach
>thinks he contributed to western civilization
is this the latest (((meme)))?

>> No.10676848

No, I think that is a myth, even though Bobby Fisher did have gifted level IQ, I think that msot players don't. More improtant is to have good enough memory to think ahead and mentally analyze past games.

>> No.10676932

well they have high chess IQ, not transferable to anything else tho :))

math IQ is probably more transferable to other fields (mathematicians are often good at various types of chess)

>> No.10678772

The best chess-player in my classroom always god A's in physics and math, so yeah.

>> No.10678780

Maybe but math is better on so many levels. All the smart people in uni I knew did drugs and partied hard or were otherwise hardcore, never saw them play chess.

>> No.10678808

there's only like 10,000 moves in chess.
they should play chinese chess or the viking game where you escape from the center

>> No.10679030

Bobby fisher invented chess960 for this reason.

>> No.10679218

Kasparov supposedly has an IQ of 135, quite a bit above average but nothing exceptional. After a certain threshold it seems number of hours spent studying the game (especially during early youth) is more important than raw IQ.

>> No.10679365

If we are talking about the absolute top. It's a highly competitive activity, so you have to be intelligent and very hard working. If we are talking GM or lower, not so much, comes more down to just working hard and efficiently.