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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10670570 No.10670570 [Reply] [Original]

>ib4 "muh IQ is 130 and I like rap" brainlets

>> No.10670574
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10670579
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>tfw listening to Rachmaninoff's 2nd Piano Concerto as I am reading this

IQ is a meme, by the way.

>> No.10670602


>> No.10670857

Funny how it's these politically incorrect results that end up getting replicated, while the feel-good PC stuff like "stereotype threat" doesn't.

>> No.10670861

>inb4 everyone here says they like metal

>> No.10670864
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10670899

Really can't stand jazz.

>> No.10670899,1 [INTERNAL] 

what if i like both

>> No.10671013

Most instrumental jazz is tolerable but any jazz with vocals is vile

>> No.10671016

commit suicide you purposeless nigger

>> No.10671018
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Fags listen to music

>> No.10671019

>any jazz with vocals is vile
Objectively wrong opinions /general/?

>> No.10671030

Jazz is insipid

>> No.10671032

instrumental jazz is a blank slate, you can project on to it whatever you want, its timeless and mysterious. When they add lyrics its almost always some banal halfassed love song lyrics or other childish nonsense, undermining my autistic idealisation of the music

>> No.10671038

>When they add lyrics
You do realize that the hear of the jazz tradition is covering hit numbers from musicals, right? A huge part of the art form is based around imitating the human voice (also true of classical music)

>> No.10671045

heart of the jazz tradition*

>> No.10671047

its not an art form is unstructured demonic drivel targeted at 120 iq faggots

>> No.10671049

>covering hit numbers from musicals
and transforming and extending them in to something transcendental which they werent before. When i listen to wbgo and they play new original "jazz" music with vocals, its almost like the lyricist try to replicate the cheesiness of the old standards. But even when they try to be high brow and experimental it can be cringy to a degree thats not quite possible when vocals are not in the equation. imo

>> No.10671050
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>replacing your own taste with the taste of actual smart people in an attempt to seem smarter
Peak brainlet

>> No.10671058

yeah but "jazz with vocals" also includes people singing the lyrics to good songs. I mean if we're just judging these things based on modern writers, you've gotta throw out all vocal classical music because modern classical lyrics are laughable garbage

>> No.10671066

Trad music is high IQ pilled

>> No.10671072

I specifically listen to the trashiest pop music there is in my mother tongue, its absolute trash but I love it

>> No.10671077

Over 160s only listen to meshuggah. IQlets on /sci\ wouldnt understand

>> No.10671095

This, jazz is so fucking shit.
How can this not be brainlet music ? It's so fucking unoriginal and unpleasant to hear.
Music I like the most is French baroque music, especially pipe organ. This shit is dope.

>> No.10671102

I can't vibe to music w/o lyrics tho

>> No.10671104

Jazz is very hit or miss.

>> No.10671105

low IQ

>> No.10671430

Well if you only vibe because of the lyrics meaning and not of the way the lyrics are written and are sung then you don't vibe because of the music,
therefore you don't appreciate musical beauty and are retarded aesthetically.

>> No.10671431

I'm a retard who failed college twice and I love Jazz

>> No.10671432

Just is just random piano keyboard mashing.

>> No.10671433

I bet they never miss, huh

>> No.10671435

Jesus this board is already over run with summerfags

>> No.10671437

Synthwave > Jazz

>> No.10671439
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>> No.10671446

I love classical music, but don't like music.
I think it's partly a matter of what you associate the music to. A lot of classical pieces have been used in great and memorable films. Jazz has to an extent, but in less emotional scenes, and it's also used a lot as elevator music.

>> No.10671447
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who here /postrock/

>> No.10671448

>don't like music
don't like Jazz music*

>> No.10671461

Hopefully you’re not Dutch

>> No.10671475

I like music with instrumental like vocals the most

>> No.10671484

I absolutely hate vocals in my music. I mostly listen to video game soundtracks because I am autism.
Usually I don't listen to music at all though, it's too distracting.

>> No.10671506

Ella Fitzgerald
Nat King Cole
Dinah Washington

>> No.10671515
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>Miles Davis is insipid

>> No.10671521
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imagine being such a cynical sadboi you cant into jazz
>I mostly listen to video game soundtracks because I am autism.
that made me feel very sad for you


>> No.10671546


>tfw listen to Chopin and Satie on a daily basis
>tfw always thought I was dumb
>tfw always thought I was a retard for not being able to get much higher than a 1900 FIDE rating
>tfw want to go to medical school but chose an easy major
>always thought I was a brainlet

I now know that because of my love for classical music, Alphex Twin and Bix Beiderbecke, I am very intelligent. Thank you OP.

>> No.10671551

Self-report psychological """studies""" are not science or math

>> No.10671565

Lyrics are annoying.
The instrumentals dictate an entire space of experience to explore, whereas lyrics force you onto a single path in that space. Instrumental music has infinite potential, whereas lyrics may take you on an interesting path, but you can't dictate your own exploration.

>> No.10671573

>IQ thread
Oh how lovely and unexpected. Anyway, I'm not surprised really, lyrics distract from actual musicality. Skilled vocalists are normally off pitch compared to skilled instrumentalists -- it's not their fault, the voice is a very imprecise tool at best. I only listen to instrumental, unless it's to become familiar with the original version before playing/accompanying. Done this for years. Vocal music is normally off-tune enough that, on rare instances, shaking off my irritation is necessary. Once again, give the vocalists some slack folks. This preference is probably due to me being a musician, so take that into account. IQ ~ 170 when puffing the leaf and drunk.

>> No.10671574

False. My IQ is super high (haven't tested but I don't need to) and I listen almost exclusively to pop music and anime openings.

>> No.10671578
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>low IQ : rap
>100 IQ: pop
>110 IQ: basic rock and k-pop
>120 IQ: hard rock and more experimental genres
>130 IQ: "I'm actually a musician and I can really enjoy the artists craft"
>140 IQ: post rock/classical/jazz
>150+: garage indie rock, classic rock, all experimental music, certain types of classical, doesn't guide himself by genres, can enjoy any sort of music because of it's complexity and emotion

>> No.10671604

wbgo ftw

>> No.10671605

What if I love Donuts by J-dilla?

>> No.10671629


>> No.10671657

>garage indie rock
but that's pop aka 100 IQ
>classic rock
that's "basic rock" and therefore 110 IQ
>all experimental music
most of it is shit, being a hipster about it doesn't change the facts.

also you're not 150+ IQ and neither am I so just strike that category. people in that category are rare and often mentally ill so their music taste is bound to be an inconclusive mess.

>> No.10671659

That's cause high IQ people don't listen to music a lot. They're busy doing serious work.

>> No.10671670
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touhou jazz chads rise up

>> No.10671706

Idiotic study on its face
So nogs banging on drums in Africa have a higher IQ than European Opera crowds

>> No.10671707


>> No.10671726
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>hit or miss
>I bet they never miss, huh

I don't like rap... but I like some Rap memes.

>> No.10671752
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I prefer instrumental:





Followed by Japanese Folk Music since I'm a weeb.

>> No.10671756
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>> No.10671763

imagine only knowing video game music

>> No.10671910

my favourite genres are trap and shoegaze

what's my IQ?

>> No.10671971 [DELETED] 

But what about KPOP and JPOP if you understand neither language? Isn't that essentially the same? The voices are merely another acoustic layer. That's at least how I felt about Anglo music. Once my English started being good enough to understand the lyrics, I also started to listen the vocals of most songs.

>> No.10671987

Ambient and Drone are the most intellectual genres

>> No.10672076


>> No.10672130

>>150+: garage indie rock, classic rock, all experimental music, certain types of classical, doesn't guide himself by genres, can enjoy any sort of music because of it's complexity and emotion
>indie rock

>> No.10672381

am I 150+ IQ because I love french baroque (mostly organ) music ? And some shit from around the world sometimes like Throat singing from Tuva.

>> No.10672431

I can't stop listening to game/movie OST and my current playlist consists of stuff like


and I've noticed that my concentration peaks while listening to stuff like this while getting borderline ADHD when listening to anything normal.
What's my IQ?

>> No.10672442



>> No.10672456

I like jazz but my IQ is only 120.

>> No.10672683

>instrumental music (eg classical and jazz)
or edm or instrumental rock or literally anything. I think you just said classical and jazz to seem musically elite

>> No.10672686

Sorry, anon. It's not a good sign

>> No.10673176

not music

>> No.10673288

I minored in music performance (majored in EE) Jazz is harder than classical intellectually.


Watch this video of "Giant Steps" by John Coltrane. You have to know music theory so deeply that it is in your bones to be able to be a competant improvisor. I am a /pol/ cross poster by I give blacks a huge amount of credit for Jazz.

>> No.10673301

If we're going off this >>10671578 idiots list you'd probably be 130 maybe 140.

>> No.10673320
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absolutely based

>> No.10673337

>You have to know music theory so deeply that it is in your bones to be able to be a competant improvisor.
This is also true of the great classical composers (and more so)

>> No.10673356

Yes. But 99% of people studying classical are performers and are basically mindlessly regurgitating what they are told to practice. This 99% cannot write or improvise at all where as all people studying jazz can write music and improvise (obviously).

Not to disparage classical music I love it deeply all I am saying is that on a musician by musician basis it is harder to play jazz because of how much you need to know.

Unfortunately both modern Jazz and Classical are stale. Modern classical is largely atonal butthole gazing and although there is great modern Jazz no one gives a shit about it and it has lost its ‘cool’.

>> No.10673361

>randon key mashing
When you have no concept of music theory

>> No.10673377

who here /violin/

>> No.10673396

Connections between IQ and music anyway is just grasping at straws. There might be some vague correlations here and there but going "mhm yes this jazz and classical is quite exquisite and intelligent and so am I" is a brainlet meme all on its own. I like both myself but I wouldn't give myself a high IQ by any stretch.

>> No.10673399

>Not listening to Progmetal, which has both and so much more

>> No.10673417
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>> No.10673440

Off all known charts IQ here. I mostly listen to nature recordings (when not in nature) and white noise. The astute listener can here profoundly complex musics in white noise.

>> No.10673441

shouldn't you be studying for AP history or something, op

>> No.10673787
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>>low IQ : being a genre elitist
>>100 IQ: being a genre elitist
>>110 IQ: being a genre elitist
>>120 IQ: being a genre elitist
>>130 IQ: being a genre elitist
>>140 IQ: being a genre elitist
>>150+: doesn't guide himself by genres, can enjoy any sort of music because of it's complexity and emotion
People just hate on rap because they hate blacks

>> No.10673802
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I finally made it bros

>> No.10673821

>mostly listen to anime and game osts
where does that leave me?

>> No.10673826

My IQ is 145 and I prefer instrumentals over vocals, but a friend of mine who's way smarter than me thinks otherwise. IQ is a meme.

>> No.10673831

Im pre sure white noise not music sure every sound made makes a note but the is the stupidest cnt i ever herd of some dumbass thinking hes hearing a song in white noise c'mon bro wake up what a fliping dumbass

>> No.10673838

Unless he apreciating notes on a complex level but cmon bro u know they made actual songs with melodies nd shh right? Try chill step trype shh ud be into it it like nature sounds or based off the mood

>> No.10673844

Nd jts plausable both could relax the mind if its been working too hard but but some smart people arnt even into music tho

>> No.10673847

Can't think with people talking and singing in my ears.

>> No.10673858
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Are Finnish composers and German musicians the best combination for classical music?

>> No.10673867

<80 iq retard

>> No.10673871

Is it a coincident that women seem to really love music with catchy emphasis lyrics?

I always though it might be something to do with guys have a natural preference for patterns and systems (so are drawn to instrumental stuff) while women are drawn to people. I know this is well research in general, but not when it comes to music as far as I know

>> No.10673873

>Stereotype threat
What? Can you elaborate.

But regarding your main point, does it really surprise you that more controversial studies get more attention, especially on a forum that encourages a degree of free speech?

>> No.10673877

Ironically I hated classical because it was always used in pretentious ads or scenes.

I gave it a shot by listening to pieces I'd never heard and loved it.

I think if jazz music can't stand on its own, it isn't any good. (with an except for music that specifically written to be paired with something else)

>> No.10673883


lol no. French and Russians are the best classical composers. The Germans have no taste. Just listen to Nazi vs Soviet music. Nazi music sucked donkey ass.

>> No.10673895

Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, and Brahms are all in the top 5 composers of all time, the other being Mozart, who is Austrian (like Hitler). French and Russian music do not compare. Even Italian music is closer.

>> No.10673913

Beethoven was dutch.

>> No.10673916

my IQ is a 103 and I love Classical and Jazz

smartest people I've ever met are usually into indie rock and /mu/drone shit

>> No.10673994
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>> No.10674003

>Jazz is harder than classical intellectually
Is this what happens when you get lobotomized. Its really sad to see such posts even ironically, it must be what 80IQ people think like.

>> No.10674015

meshuggah is only good up to 200 though
200+ only listen to polychromatic

>> No.10674035

>another IQ thread

>> No.10674040

>Jazz is harder than classical intellectually.
Some truth to that, but not in the way you think. When the changes are complex and fast changing, it becomes more like a intellectual sport. It's about thinking fast. It's more comparable to chess than to math. Classical music is more like math. It's about finding the nicest structures. Classical music usually doesn't try to exclude people like jazz does. It's not about complexity for the sake of difficulty. It's about hierarchical complexity and multidimensionality. A great classic piece can be enjoyed by listeners of all levels of listening competence, and there better you listen, the more layers of complexity you hear. The better listeners can hear more layers at the same time appreciate the interaction between them. In this way the piece inspires revolving musical gestalts. This is the secret of making timeless music (or timeless art even). You need to appeal to lots of different listeners at the same time.

>> No.10674045


>> No.10674069

You're not alone, anon. Reading bass clef sucks, so don't.

>> No.10674081

>I give blacks a huge amount of credit for Jazz.
I do as well. I think jazz was one of the most important musical movements of the 20th century. They deserve credit for it, even though it was hugely influenced by western musical culture. It was them showing what they could do with it despite being excluded from musical academia. The irony is that most people with a higher musical education at that time became orchestra drones. The true innovators are few, regardless of race. The original bebop movement in the US was driven by high IQ, high creativity and high self-actualizing niggers.

>> No.10674083

So it's the musical equivalent of McDonald's?

>> No.10674095
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I exclusively listen to kpop girl groups as a substitute for the female companionship I'm missing in my life

>> No.10674103

I don't believe in food-music analogies (food is barely an art), but I am pretty sure that it wouldn't be McDonalds anyway. Maybe classical music is like chinese food, which is arguably the superior cuisine.

>> No.10674144

Where can I find more of this?

>> No.10674159

Fucking chimp

>> No.10674166


The average Jazz musician is better than the average Classical musician.

>> No.10674175

Still a bad analogy. Pop is McDonalds, Classical is more like a really good restaurant that is popular so the hipsters disparage it. K pop is Chinese food, a greasy imitation of authentic Chinese food with heavy western influence that has no substance

>> No.10674554

Wrong, even the best of Jazz can't compete. Its the definition of mediocrity and modernism. Its why people prefer its, easier to listen and was rap of its day.

>> No.10674561

t. not a musician
>it's like rap so its bad
not an argument

>> No.10674568


>> No.10674572

But my IQ IS 130 and I like rap.
Because niggers and their degeneracy are funny to me. I still like jazz fusion the most though.

>> No.10674587

Im 139 and i like metal

>> No.10674595

>unironically listening to Satie
He would laugh in your face

>> No.10674597

I know many classically trained musicians as well as jazz musicians. On average id say the jazz musicians have better understanding of music theory and are stronger performers, but at the highest levels “classical” music is insanely difficult and the comparison breaks down.

>> No.10674601

"high iq" people dont necessarily have a strong understanding of music. i would wager the classical they listen to is not actually 'hard' classical music like new complexity

>> No.10674628


Swear to god, every “conversation” about “classical” music goes something like this
>oh man I just love classical music, this guy Chopin (pronounced Choppin, or Show-peen) is just the best
>Mozart is so tho overrated lol
>Bach is overrated too lol
>Shostakovich Waltz No.2 is my jam haha
>Rackman... Rachmin... whatever, the first 2 minutes of Piano Concerto 2 are my favorite but I dont listen to more after that!

>> No.10674701

i love metal and punk(mostly emo for of it)

>> No.10674706
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>100 IQ: pop
this is perfect

>> No.10674710
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came here hoping to repair the damage incurred browsing /pol/ for too long... have Max Bruch symphony # 1 conducted by Kurt Masur in a DECCA recording... don't let me down, brainiacs..

>> No.10674760

Well given that modern pop is no longer white music and is all rap and Latino dance music I’m going to say pop is more like 85 IQ music

>> No.10674767

I just said its perfect because pop stands for popular. and iq 100 is the most spread IQ (because gaussian distribution).

>> No.10674804

I unironically enjoy classical and instrumental music and I'm a fucking brainlet

>> No.10674807

I bet you havent even heard a real conversation about classical music, let alone with people who actually play it for living or as a hobby, its a lot more in-depth and focused on actual music theory than your retarded version of highschoolers who only listen to classical through movies.

>> No.10674849

I have 170 IQ and am Master of Physics. I listen to dance and masturbate to transsexuals such as Aubrey Kate.

>> No.10675138

>Its the definition of mediocrity and modernism
you lost me here bucko

>> No.10675164

I'm pretty stupid but I've been raise on classical music so modern sound all the same to me, really it seems to be you grow with rather than your iq.

>> No.10675190

Going to be really weird to check iq based on a bunch of random sounds. But yes good sir the tier list by skill level is exactly


>> No.10675199

There was some study done on this a few years ago and it's total horseshit. Britpop works better than classical, apparently.


>> No.10675217

t. seething drake and travis scott listener

>> No.10675219

Pleb magnet.
Not a terrible composer, but I've noticed he's adored by those with very shallow knowledge of classical music.
You might as well tell people you love Ravel's Bolero while you're at it.
Sorry anon, but you're probably a brainlet.

>> No.10675229

Now every brainlet on this board will start listening to music they don't even like so that they can convince themselves they have a high IQ

>> No.10675232

>was rap of its day
Lol, no. Rap is much more degenerate than Jazz.

>> No.10675236

I agree

>> No.10675242


Tastlets detected.

>> No.10675244


Lol @ this seething autist.

>> No.10675253


You sound like a pretentious fag who just wants to appear sophisticated

>> No.10675297

Guys, remember that in classical music much of the popular stuff is usually pretty darn nice. It's kinda silly to be ultra hipster about it. That said, as with all other genres, there's a certain level of memeness required for something to be popular with the normies, but it's a bit tuned down there.

>> No.10675410

Makes sense since anglos have marginally higher iqs than continentals, it must come through in the music

>> No.10675419
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>> No.10675442

>it's harder so it's better
we're not talking about dicks, faggot, we are talking about beauty.
It's complex to create some shitty cheap composite materials to build a house with shit isolation and to manage the supply chain so hundreds of faggots can get one.
It's "simple" to juste get some rocks and wood and build a house that will last centuries.

>> No.10675450

Always nice having axes with no labels
Gtfo my /sci/

>> No.10675461

This image is shit, almost all of the names on it are retarded rock music bands or shit categories like "classical" and Beethoven is shit.

>> No.10675474

stupid people say they listen to classical but smart people say what classical music they listen to

>> No.10675486

it's funny that lil wayne is at the absolute bottom though

>> No.10675498

I bet a lot of those people lied.

>> No.10675500

>It's "simple" to juste get some rocks and wood and build a house that will last centuries.

They don't last centuries at all though in mist places and the ones that do still need invested upkeep.

>> No.10675502


>> No.10675511
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>correlation equals causation

>> No.10675532

It's definitely his opus magnum

>> No.10675544


>> No.10675550

What the hell is so excluding about Jazz?

>> No.10675890

Jazz is much smarter than rock or fucking metal

>> No.10675899

Your mom's fucking face is insipid lmfao

>> No.10676027

I don't care about the performers you fucking retard. And most jazz is about improvising and still sounds the same, jazz is lounge music since its invention, there is nothing good about it. Also most jazz artists understand music more because they most likely make music while in classical people are performers because they comprehend how complex actually the music is and its not as easy to be a composer. Jazz is once again, rap of its time. Easy to make and consume. Even your video showed that jazz is a joke and that pressing as much buttons as faster is more important than the piece itself.

>> No.10676322

around 80
looks like about 105

>> No.10676332

Jazz was the 1940's version of rap music

>> No.10676364
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>tfw listen to instrumental anime songs
>IQ is 135
as expected

>> No.10676398

>It's definitely his opus magnum
His magnum opus is the Symphonic Dances, Op. 45--his final composition.

>> No.10676635
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Jazz is for low iqs.

>> No.10676652
File: 15 KB, 480x360, DD7A9E4F-CA36-4153-9914-B49018CCCD72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music theorist and jazz nerd here. Jazz is basically a bunch of poor fucks from the Great Depression getting together in a club playing musical chairs by taking solos behind a swingin’ beat while quoting “the lick” many times over ina tremors to be in the in group with the big bois while those who weren’t in the band were getting hammered on illegal booze and dancing like maniacs. Ain’t shit smart about jazz, it’s just fun to play and makes for great dancing music.

>IQ thread

>> No.10676654


>> No.10676738


to the untrained ear that appears to be the case. Jazz takes some getting used to, that's why people with no attention-span can't tolerate it.

>> No.10676885
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They last longer than american mcdonald houses though, and they aren't ugly pieces of shit.
We will see how Los Angeles survives the big one by the way, I doubt it will end up well.

>> No.10676899

>Can you elaborate

>> No.10676911 [DELETED] 

Jazz and metal are the most high IQ genres. Almsot everybody can lissten to classical, even though they may not really "get" it, but most people can't even make sense of jazz and metal enough to make it sound like not noise and haphazard blowing or random mashing of keys or guitars.

>> No.10676941

Jazz and metal are the most high IQ genres. Almost everybody can listen to classical, even though they may not really "get" it, but most people can't even make sense of jazz and metal well enough to make it sound like anything else but noise and random mashing of keys guitars, or whatever instrument is being played.

>> No.10676943

can someone send pdf, not on scihub or libgen

>> No.10677035

Lol, u wish. Play some Thelonius Monk.

>> No.10677037

>great dancing music
Ever heard about bebop? That's when jazz really took off

>> No.10677056


>> No.10677096
File: 202 KB, 1800x1800, Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is a widely believed meme tho

>> No.10677143

drake is shit and more retarded than bieber, change my pov, pro-tip u cant.

>> No.10677152

"IQ is a meme" is a meme

IQ is literally the most solid, well understood and evidence-backed aspect of human psychology. Hardleft anti-science types of deny IQ are essentially the same thing as flat-Earthers or creationists.

>> No.10677237


>> No.10677334

What do you mean, rappers mostly(90%) do weed and maybe coke or molly meanwhile most niggers were on heroin back when jazzing.

>> No.10677345

"muh iq thread"
Stop. It's sad to see. Listening to classical or jazz doesn't make you high IQ. It actually makes you seem unbearable.

>> No.10677352

t. pretends to know what he's listening to by naming the most entry level tier bebop musician.
kek, stay ignorant faggot. Jazz isn't that impressive once you know the theory.

>> No.10677362

> Hurr durr rap b so dum dum
Jay-Z made $76 million in 2018. How much did you make?

>> No.10677371

i studied cognitive science and the only well understood aspect of IQ is that it's the thing that you measure through IQ tests

>> No.10677499

True. And still they made much better music than them. That's the power of autodidact high IQ and high creativity niggers.

>> No.10677522

Can confirm. ~140 on shitty online tests and I've always preferred classical and jazz.

brainlet deduced

>> No.10677538

The gap between jazz and rap is not that big, one can even argue that rap is more innovative and boundaries breaking than jazz could ever dream of. But that is still child play compared to real human music.

>> No.10677566

A group of brainlets "jamming", or a pianist refusing to play the same sequence twice?

>> No.10677577

40s jazz and swing is fun but it lends itself to base easily.

I'm not a fan of saxophone heavy music because woodwinds sound like geese.

>> No.10677585

Those pictures represent cancerous ideas that fuel skepticism regarding detailed descriptions of reality.

Truth is, psychologists/Mensa to protect the money making project of IQs they sequentially cut down proof that learning how to solve puzzles can be learned and improved.

It's true that there is a number representing tests given by people in a specific moment of their life.

It is not true that it relates to genetics and it is absolutely not true that any grand-scale methodology has been applied to see the progress in making tests.

People that keep taking tests often improve,
Mensa and psychologists say "Well, we want to see only the very first approach to the retarded puzzles to understand the speed in which the mind improves???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"



You can only show intelligence solving the most complex puzzles,
you can try to solve them only know the most complex rules.

End of the story:
Do you want to know if you are intelligent?

Waste your entire life understanding it by studying physics full-time and getting close to who does the same

>> No.10677589

only knowing*

>> No.10677598

Learn to express your point properly before making a post. Your brain is becoming a jazz.

>> No.10677604

Why do americans only respect money?

>> No.10677606

Jewish genes.

>> No.10677628

Capitalism is a religion here.

>> No.10677713

Rap is innovative, but it's innovative in the shittiest way. Jazz is high information, high complexity music that holds up pretty darn well 50 years later. It fucks rap in the ass both harmonically and rhythmically. Cognitively demanding to write, play and properly listen to. I'll take my Trane over Kanye any day. People won't be listening to 50 Cent in 2070.
> childs play compared to real human music.
Kek. Now I understand.

>> No.10677717

Or maybe people will be listening to 50 Cent and Kanye in 2070, but they will be fucking brainlets.

>> No.10677788

>he can't see the beauty of simplicity

>> No.10677789

Why do you think people are dumb for liking music you don’t?

>> No.10677800

Isn't kinda late for this in this thread, don't you think? Not to meantion it is a total strawman.

>> No.10677880

No, it isn’t. You just lied.

>> No.10677996

About what?

>> No.10678171

120+ and I have no preferences. Just listen to whatever I like and catchy to me at the moment
Dumb people always over-conceptualizing everything and fightinh over it.

>> No.10678184

>being this base
I bet you just eat whatever you feel like don't you.

>> No.10678202

as a faggot with ~125 iq i mostly listen to acid rock, psychedelic rock and jazz

>> No.10678209
File: 36 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jazz is the Rick and Morty of music

>> No.10678356

Several of the fugues in A Musical Offering was sketched out by improvising. Bach was a basicly jazz musician. It's a testament to the power of improvisation and it's role in composition.

>> No.10679436

>high complexity
Wrong, there are way more complex genres in modern classical but of course you're a brainlet and don't care. Jazz was never complex, its why it was adored and picked by pseuds. It was a party music and even when they tried to make it about more than that it was simply laughable compared to Classical. And then if you realize how much complex avant-garde electronic music is you will realize that you're a complete retard that should stop posting.

>> No.10679453

IQ is a metric used to measure ability to complete tasks requiring intelligence. It doesn’t identify the cause behind why, but it does effectively indicate ability and intelligence.

>> No.10679457

>t j pop or k pop listener

>> No.10679476

Well said

>> No.10679491

This is what I hate about music-oriented people. I like music because it tells stories that language cannot and helps me explore the sublime as well as peer into the mind of a true genius. Just because I haven’t dedicated my life to minutia and esoteric music doesn’t mean I love it any less. People who become snobby over trivial matters are no different than Harry Potter nerds who freak out when someone is wrong about which wizard show which type of laser beam out of his asshole at the grand wizard fagfest. You’re an unbalanced person who can’t see past trivial matters

>> No.10679499

But my IQ actually is 130 and I like rap

>> No.10679500

>entry level
Ah so because he's famous and popular he's insipid... back to >>>/mu/

>> No.10679546

fucking chimp

>> No.10679582

>brutal technical death metal

>> No.10679603

Most smart people I know have shit taste imo. They listen to shit tier classical and can't even name a single modern composer. They probably just don't spend as much time as I do on mu so they aren't exposed to different genres.

This being said, people who listen to "R&B" are the lowest iq, closely followed by classic rock fans

>> No.10679629

Have 115 IQ.

Love the Weeknd.

Don't @ me

>> No.10679639

Make a music genre + IQ tierlist pls

>> No.10679641
File: 59 KB, 496x501, 1389037542363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, I do indeed have a very high IQ neighbor, how were you able to tell ?
>Oh, is it because I'm blasting Mozzart in the middle of the night ? Interesting
>What are you doing here at 3 AM, btw ?
>Is that a police officer on my front yard ?

>> No.10679670

based schizo poster

>> No.10679756

>Wrong, there are way more complex genres in modern classical but of course you're a brainlet and don't care.
What I say doesn't contradict what you are saying here. I actually mostly agree with this. I am aware of the deveopments in classical music in the 20th century. I listen to that stuff as well.
> it was adored and picked by pseuds.
Wtf. Spoken like a true pseud.
> And then if you realize how much complex avant-garde electronic music
I actually realize this, but I think a lot of it is very undeveloped and has low hierarchical complexity. Much good stuff too. You sound like me 10 years ago when I was in music school shitting on people that played jazz standards. It seems like you have not heard much jazz and haven't checked out the interdiciplinarity stuff between jazz and modern classical.

>> No.10679819

>test came in
>literally 120
Wais IV. Midwit depression is real

>> No.10679927

fake news, retards blasting music at 3 am are always playing rap/country/pop shit

>> No.10679927,1 [INTERNAL] 

haven't checked out the interdiciplinarity stuff between jazz and modern classical.