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10673253 No.10673253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's a good STEM major for someone who doesn't want to be a wageslave, but also make enough for living? Preferably one that a brainlet can do

>> No.10673260

This is unironically the only time I can in good faith recommend someone to study Computer Science.

>> No.10673262

Computer Science

>> No.10673263

Probably being like a heart surgeon

>> No.10673265

Where does your reluctance against computer science come from, it's the perfect link between Math and the ability to create something outside your head.

>> No.10673275

I just found pic related on Google. I dont know if it's true or not

>> No.10673285

It's true, if you want to be a software dev you don't need a degree.

>> No.10673308

Good luck ever getting hired by a decent company and good luck ever getting in a position that doesn't involve code monkeying

>> No.10673316

Well, why STEM? Do you like math and science, or are you in the camp of "well i got good grades in math and science classes in highschool and heard it pays well?"

Engineering or software devving is where the money is now. Math, CS, physics, and engineering all have academic counterparts which have a lot of comfy jobs on the research/PhD level, but if you want to make money and only care about that, then software dev / engineering / data science are what will make you money today. The PhD will launch you into really interesting work, but you won't make a lot of money out the gate. That being said, you won't starve, either (contrary to popular belief)

>> No.10673336


you can, quite literally, become a system admin with base code understanding and reading slack channels of various business software like quicktools, JAMF Pro, ringcentral, etc. and get 6 figure income in major cities without a college degree.

I majored in chemistry and saw how cutthroat the industry and research in chemistry was - decided to be lazy and go into system engineering.

now I sit at a desk and launch programs.

>> No.10673371

Biomedical Engineering. It prides itself on being " interdisciplinary " but at the undergrad level it's all breadth and no depth. Basically involves the intro or mid level courses for Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, EE, ME -- but none of the higher level courses. And standards are lower for BME students understanding any of these.

>> No.10673418

>system admin
I swear the more I talk to you people the more obvious it becomes you have no clue what CS even is.

Sys admin is IT. It still pays great and some CS majors go to it because of the easy work and great pay but its still not CS.

>> No.10673431

We know CS degrees have a bit of "math" but it's pretty superficial and it's only taught with the intention of making IT code monkeys that at least know a for loop is O(n^2).

>> No.10673434

>6 figure
6 figures only comes after 10 or so YoE. In software engineering you can make that immediately.
>inb4 cost of living
freelancers can make at least $50 per hour from anywhere for basic webdev, much less real programming,

>> No.10673449

What about computer engineering

>> No.10673454

>he thinks I'm saying CS is math
>he still thinks CS is IT
Look bro, when you display your ignorance I'm not the one that looks bad.
At least take the time to understand the field you are desperately trying to bash.

>> No.10673455

Economics here. But I competed in Putnam, does that make me top/god tier?

>> No.10673457

Why is medicine "Low Tier"?
t. MD student

>> No.10673460

because you're selling your soul to the medical jew
t. MD student

>> No.10673461

It makes you Jew Tier which is a subset of the GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF Tier

>> No.10673464

Thanks, fren, this helps alot.

>> No.10673466

>doesn't want to be a wageslave, but also make enough for living?
You want to be a business owner, even though almost all fail.

>> No.10673486

Mathematics. Just do Khan Academy before you start taking your courses if you weren’t a math nerd in high school. High school math teachers are garbage.

>> No.10673489

there are very few CS jobs out there. All of them will require a Masters of PhD. CS grads do software development, at most they touch on algos and data structures. That's it!!!!

>> No.10673523

>hurrr durrr all engineering fields are the same

what kind of fucking retard made that?

>> No.10673524
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Do Geography B.S., learn cool mapping software while learning a bit about everything. Earn 80K in pretty much any field in any part of the world. Useful, broad and discuss high ranking topics of conversations for work and influence large systems even though in a middle class salary.

You often have to translate date for the scientific community to make things palatable for the target audience with maps.


>> No.10673529

translate data* not translate date,
I too am a brainlet. But geography + sustainability double major with a few languages under my belt opens up some neat options in business and government planning while interacting with the scientific community.

>> No.10673536
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>> No.10673575

Based Oregonanon. Jackson county reporting in.

>> No.10673631

Statistics (get your Master's at a minimum) or Actuarial Sciences (do as many exams as possible during undergrad, not really sure if a brainlet can pass all of the exams though). Engineering is good too, but imo you will likely be a wage slave until you get your PEng.

>> No.10674235
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What's a good STEM major for someone with >140 IQ who wants to make a lot of money while maintaining a good work/life balance?

>> No.10674259

geography over engineering ? i have just completed a dual engineering degree program , and within my studies i was made aware every day how low intensity geography is.

so kek

>> No.10674266

why is neuroscience so low?

>> No.10674268

>that fat girl with a lisp studying neuroscience and child psychology

>> No.10674272

Wanting to be poor

>> No.10674278

my roommate who majored in CS just got a job with a leading manufacturing company. Computer based information systems is the future.

inb4 found comp sci major

I'm Mech E / Nuc E

>> No.10674312

False, Jew tier and god tier are synonymous

>> No.10674314

the only thing jew teir is any degree related to smeckel finances

>> No.10674317


>> No.10674373

Lol, but you would never get employed unless you work hard outside of the curriculum, or mold the curriculum so all your electives fit a specific purpose. The breadth and curriculum kills people with low motivation. Terrible suggestion.

>> No.10674563

>this chart
>chem and biology over lit and econ

>> No.10675321

We do not teach today
STEM is junk and I have a Ph.D. MBA and Rocket scientist

>> No.10675581


It's a meme meant to cause arguments. Hence women's studies, art, music, psychology, economics, literature and linguistics all ahead of philosophy, computer science and neuroscience.

>> No.10675662

a physics major can get most EE jobs.

employers recognize that physics majors usually have an IQ at least 20 points higher than the average EE major. and they know they'll learn faster on the job.

>> No.10675711
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>Economics mid tier
I-is it a bad major bros..? I don’t wanna get into debt for a bad major..

>> No.10675811

Wondering the same thing. Also what about Software Engineering (from an ABET accredited program).

>> No.10675868

ahahaha i almost spit out my water, just by looking at the physics degree they instantly have a higher IQ? really ahahah

ive met some pretty retarded physics majors

>> No.10675869

Do finance and learn econ in a minor or on the side desu senpai. Econ isn't as practical but I think it is hella more interesting

>> No.10676014

>math majors all unironically end up being school profesors or end up in some boring jobs.And would prob. not doing anything with their life.
>with enough resources biology majors can clone humans and remake animals, basically playing god.
which sounds more fun?

>> No.10676040

But you don't want someone smart for EE, you want a drone that gets shit done. You only want someone smart if you have a top firm that does R&D or high demands, in that case they need both smart and effective but companies in general only need effective and dumb

>> No.10676081

I've got a physics PhD and work in Earth Sciences. I get up between 8h and 9:30h, no one gives a shit when I arrive or when I leave. As long as I do my work, no one bats an eye if I leave at 3pm. I get to travel for conferences, and it's fun work, I get to attend rocket launches every now and then. I work a fair amount, but I definitely don't work my fingers to the bone. I work smart, not hard. I walk home with 55k a year, which isn't that much but I can put aside 1-1.5k every month into savings while still having a decent life.

Can recommend. You kinda have to be good at this shit though.

>> No.10676083
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Thoughts on man-made climate change?

>> No.10676088

Not here, buddy.

>> No.10676109

>physics PhD
>only 55k a year
Look bro I'm glad you're happy with an easy job but you need to find another job.
That is depressingly low.

>> No.10676111


>> No.10676118

>That is depressingly low.
Might be, but I haven't found anything that's even close to being as interesting and convenient. I'm not willing to get shafted on a daily basis just for extra cash. We know our pay is shite, that's not news.

>> No.10676156

What was your topic / thesis on?

>> No.10676168

Radiative transfer of leaf-level plant fluorescence through the canopy and coupling to state-of-the-art vegetation models.

>> No.10676343

Borrowing your thread
Should I go for space physics, materials science (mainly superconductor work), medical physics or quantum optics?

Need to decide soon

>> No.10676352

reminder that these career/university advice threads are in violation of board rules, repeated violations of board rules are grounds for a ban and should not be encouraged by other users as it degrades the quality of discussion on the board. please do not reply to threads that fit the aforementioned description and remember there are appropriate means of deterring those who cannot heed the most basic instructions found in the sticky which should always be read by all new posters unfamiliar with the board culture

>> No.10676356
File: 89 KB, 871x700, average-software-developer-salaries-entry-senior-level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on whether you're an euro or not
>what is purchasing power

>> No.10676357

>t. Too stupid for neuroscience.

>> No.10676569


>> No.10676574

>What's a good STEM major for someone who doesn't want to be a wageslave
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Astronomy, Chemistry.
>but also make enough for living?
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
>Preferably one that a brainlet can do
Computer Science

Computer Science wins out.

>> No.10676577

TIL Israel is the best place to be a software developer. Israel has a far lower cost of living than the US and Switzerland so their income/expense ratio is highest ion the entire list.

>> No.10676589

>Biology major
>getting a job

pick one

>> No.10676602

>Neuroscience, Astronomy, Philosophy and Computer science is bad

>> No.10676607

The most telling detail isn't that astronomy isn't on the same tier as physics. The most telling detail is the absence of spectroscopy altogether.

>> No.10676612

>Mid tier
Fucking disgusting

>> No.10676620

from experience it's actually somewhat more expensive than USA

>> No.10676703
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What's wrong with neuroscience?

>> No.10676712

Tel Aviv might be expensive but it isn't as expensive as bay area which is where all the software developer jobs are.

>> No.10676716

I think psychology is underrated. I worked few years now in tech industry. I have phd in physics.
but psychology is a very useful if you want to manage your internally as well as manage other people. what quite a lot of folks don't realise that you will often work with slightly autistic people and you have to manage yourself after interacting with them. also some salesmen or people in finance have psychopathic tendencies that you need to recognise and be able to act against or manage so understanding at least to a basic level how human mind works is important.

>> No.10676720

>manage your internally

>> No.10676724


psychology above medicine? kys OP.

>> No.10676762

Where the shadow? NASA is obviously lying to us

>> No.10676843

Electronic engineering with less soldering and telecommunication, focuses instead on thing like computer vision and operating system architecture
Software engineering is just comp sci with less theory and more focus on things like project management and testing processes

>> No.10676944

holy shit this pic (the virgin part) is so legit lmao

>> No.10676990


Chad never gets a phd though.

Yes brogrammers are a thing but most brogrammers have basic 4 year computer science degrees. It's actually the nerds who go on to graduate school and end up thinking that they're better than everyone else.

I actually knew a guy with a master's degree who retired from Google in his 20s while still literally a virgin. Meanwhile all the brogrammers buy fancy riced out cars and spend all their money on rent / a mortgage trying to impress women to get laid.

>> No.10677005

Anon. Why are you being bootyblasted?

>> No.10677013

Why don't you go make a high quality science post then? It's not like there's much quality discussion on this board anyways, outside of /med/ /math/ and /sfg/

>> No.10677062
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Except my major was environmental science and I took a few courses in my major pertaining towards advanced applications of GIS as well as doing a senior thesis on water wells that contained a GIS component. I also learned R in my courses and Python through self-study. I'm pretty happy with it.

Doesn't pay the most as far as computer/data science goes, but I think it's amongst the most interesting.

>> No.10677063

Whats better Civil Engineering or Building services (HVAC and energy systems) ? The better of the meme professions.

>> No.10677239
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>> No.10677259

math and physics at the top?

someone's coping real hard

>> No.10677285

psychology has absolutely nothing to do with the actual mechanics behind thought nor does it give you an advantage when dealing with others, its on the same level of informativeness as astrology

>> No.10677327
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>> No.10677546
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here, make a new one, keeping in mind iffs

>> No.10677582

Half of the pic related is like he reverse of what you want. God tier would be like doing math at mit or Harvard for Wall Street. Under that would be CS and medicine. Then engineering. Reat are shit

>> No.10677656

That's some category theory right there. You must be a mathematician.

>> No.10678760

Israel is a kike ethnostate that exists by being a parasite on Western civilization. You cannot just move there unless you are a kike

>> No.10679103

>your head

>> No.10679113

Where would environmental/energy engineering fit in that tier? Just legit curious.

>> No.10679913


>> No.10679974
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Where is Geography? Fake chart!

>> No.10680032

Physics or Maths.

>> No.10680048


>EZ gateway to med if wanted
>Fun job, always changes
>80k aud starting
>Ridiculous upwards mobility because cucks transition out of the field early

Prove me wrong

>> No.10680139

is nuclear engineering even a viable career path? The numbers are a little worrying.

>> No.10680149

Why is God-tier math and physics?

>> No.10680234

environmental engineers =/= anything to do energy

Envi engineers typically work in waste water management or as consultants for remediation companies.

Energy engineer is like a subspecialty/mash-up of electrical and mechanical.

They're both quality fields imo (not the person you're replying to though).

I wouldn't recommend getting such a specific degree in a dying industry. If you're dedicated to it and whatnot you can probably make it work (like anything else), but it's oversaturated and will not have a lot of growth.

You're more likely to get a job in medical technology with a nuclear engineering degree than actually working with reactors. Your competition is also a bunch of other nuclear engineers (obviously), so you need to be able to not only get one of the more difficult degrees out there, but be able to stand out against some of the brightest minds out there.

>> No.10680271

>nuclear engineering
>dying industry

>> No.10680288

What do you mean what? More plants are decommissioned than constructed and those that remain are decrepit and barely staying afloat.

People got spooked and they're not cost-efficient to operate unless they receive massive subsidies, which isn't going to happen because people are spooked and oil interests run the world.


>> No.10680427

Surely you could trust a text written in Comic Sans...

>> No.10680527

But Astronomy is a part of physics, you retard. How can medicine be low tier? I would put it along biology and chemistry.

>> No.10680663

i hate that i am valued most for my computer science, which was never my focus.

honestly, at this point, knowing how to program is almost a given for any field you go into.

>> No.10680693

>physics top tier
>astronomy isn't


>> No.10680711

unironically computer science.
You'd have to be retarded to be bad at it, and you get paid more than any other stem major. People shit on it here because they are salty they put in more effort and get less reward. I don't blame them. I would be salty too.

>> No.10681027

top kek

>> No.10681060

>actuaries make on avg $100k/year
>all you need to do to become an actuary is pass some tests
>no uni required, the tests are what is important
>just self study
>it's a growing field
>rated as one of the top professions for job satisfaction
>the math really isn't that hard

>> No.10681078

lul, my friend with a bachelors in philosophy dropped out of CS and is now a software engineer.

>> No.10681092
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>Software engineering is just comp sci with less theory and more focus on things like project management and testing processes
Why are some of the SE programs accredited by ABET if they're not engineering?

>> No.10681101

>mid tier

terrible list

>> No.10681137

Whatever tier math is, physics is always one below.

>> No.10681562
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Careers in actuaries vs careers in computer science: pro & con of each and overall which one has a statistical advantage over the other?

>> No.10681679

software engineer is not a protected title, he probably did projects on the side that got him interviewed or he just knew someone. Sometimes its not about what you know, but who you know.

>> No.10681686
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>> No.10683249

Have fun being on call until you're 60. Make a fuckton of money and no time to use it.

>> No.10683655

Do you know how many tests you need to take to become an actuary?

>> No.10683658

im 23 and got 90k starting with b.sc in cs and don't pay rent because i live with my parents lol (they also paid 30k/year for my 5 years in college so no debt).
>get to work at 630am
>leave at 230pm cuz idgaf
>go home and play vidya until midnight

>> No.10683662


This is the wrong answer. The specialty with the best lifestyle is dermatology but good fucking luck getting that, it's arguably the hardest to match into except for a couple surgical specialties like plastics or neuro.

>> No.10683978

I considered actuary my main backup until I learned the field is over saturated

>> No.10684104

>STEM major
>doesn't want to be a wageslave

>> No.10684183

Because it is pleb tier