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10671739 No.10671739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi everyone, the purpose of this thread is to ask you a question I have regarding a unique phenomena which I personally experience, and which I am unsure of how to properly navigate. I have divided this post into several, involving an exposition, inquiry, and afterword - hopefully making for an easier reading.

A) Exposition
Essentially, in the recent past of my life, I spontaneously began to perceive visual phenomena around me that I could not before.

1. It began as what resembled "particles" in the sky, moving in a cyclonic fashion.
2. Then progressed to a perception of faint white glows emanating around any physical object.
3. Evolved further to a static perceived clearest on a surface, such as a wall, but found everywhere in my visual field.
4. The static thickened into a "mist", albeit one that "pulsed" like static does.
5. I began to perceive colors emanating around some people, and a very noticible "electricity" hovering a few inches behind their head.
6. I can perceive large clouds of the earlier "mist" shifting in the space around me, kind of like an activated blowdryer's steam resembles, but metres wide and moving through the air. (1/?)

>> No.10671749

7. This will sound extremely bizarre to you, just as it does to me, but I one night experienced a sort of "breakthrough" in my being, whereby my crown chakra (the energy vortex located atop one's head) somewhat opened, and I then entered an expanded state of awareness I can only dub "superconsciousness", since the word "God" carries too much baggage, sounds a bit pretentious, and I'd prefer to avoid it. The point is, I experienced a state of consciousness far above the ordinary waking one that I have otherwise known, a state of bliss and oneness, with much of my personal identity dissolving temporarily. And here's the bizarre part: while this crown chakra expansion was occurring, I with my eyes observed a small shape, made of a wispy light I could barely perceive, fly over to me and "assist me" in some manner, myself "feeling" sensations on me where I saw the tiny creature had flown to on me. It had wings, as I said, and was a few inches in length, but I couldn't perceive it more clearly than that, and my memory is also very poor such that recalling it's features are difficult regardless of what extent I saw of them. I am still to this day unsure of what I perceived that night, as I'd never expected or believed in anything like what I had witnessed. I fully concede it might have been a "hallucination" of mine, but my point is that I did experience what I described above, be it a mental projection or not - I'm not making the story up, nor reporting an experience which I only "imagined" as having happened to me. My personal hypothesis that I perceived a higher-"dimensional" entity, exclusively on that night because of the correspondingly higher state of consciousness I had entered, which gave me a glimpse of a reality parallel to itself. This is just my opinion. (2/?)

>> No.10671755

8. The phenomena I experience have only gotten more intense and prominent in my sight as time has gone on, and I'm now at a point wherein I'm attempting to learn meditation and access deeper states of consciousness, which will presumably accord to deeper levels of perception as to the visual phenomena otherwise and always around me. My belief is that the majority of my experience constitutes an "externally sourced" reality, as opposed to an internally projected one. I say "majority" because I do believe some of the basic phenomena I perceive is something optical or mental or pertaining to their relation, but that the overwhelming majority consists of a genuine extrasensory perception. (3/?)

>> No.10671775

B) Inquiry
Now, instead of merely spending my days casually informing strangers on the internet (for whom I am similarly anonymous, and therefore without any credibility) that I "can see auras", or becoming a real-life "psychic/aura-reader" for my occupation, what I personally desire is to UNDERSTAND these experiences as objectively as possible, both for my sake and that of the larger world.

The phenomena I describe have not presently been validated by the branch of science which studies them, namely "parapsychology". They have conducted tests with people who claimed to see auras, where the claimants would have to demonstrate the perception of such a field through seeing invisible individuals by means of the energy extending from them (and other kinds of tests), and none have seemingly shown positive results.

I understand why a person would be skeptical of their existence, or deny them outright, but as someone who perceives something corresponding exactly to the phenomena (and much else along with it), I wish to be examined by a scientific body who could help verify for me whether my perceptions are externally-embedded, and if so, the exact, scientific nature of said energies themselves.

The problem is that I have found absolutely zero parapsychological contacts to whom I could explain my situation to, and feel completely clueless as to how I should navigate from here. I have already been to the optometrist - my eyes are without any defect, according to the tests performed there. I'll actually be seeing a further specialist in a month, since I explained my unique experiences to my optometrist and he told me that a specialist with more advanced equipment may be able to see something his machines could not. (4/?)

>> No.10671780

What would any of you suggest that I do, in order to help understand the nature of these experiences? Presuming they do not disappear, nothing could seem more of a wasted opportunity for me than to not spend time formally unravelling them with the help of an external, scientific body - but unfortunately, spiritual literature is the only outlet which seems to detail them and their nature. Despite being a spiritual person myself, and that possibly being why these experiences entered my life, said literature can be written by anyone, having no intrinsic credibility, and even if the phenomena is indeed spiritually sourced, I view spirituality as being a domain which consists of objective phenomena much like anything else, and that a scientific team is capable of understanding these realities (at least to some degree) through the methodology staple to their field.

I'm not making a single word up here, lying to you for my personal entertainment, but I do concede that I might be experiencing a very consistent and intricate hallucination. So instead of insinuating the former, or suggesting the latter, please tell me how someone in my position may navigate these experiences further.

If there are any here who also browse /x/, or are inclined to such domains, believing in "occult" realities and what not, then I'm sure you'll be more receptive to what I've written here. Individuals who have taken substances like DMT, and perceived what many users believe to be "higher dimensional" entities, may also feel relation to the accounts above (though I'm not a drug user myself). Scientific materialists will presume my experiences to either be a hoax or a hallucination, and that's completely fine, but I desire a suggestion from you which I have not already mentioned myself to have considered. (5/?)

>> No.10671784

I will answer virtually any question asked of me, but should mention that I am clearly quite lacking in understanding myself, and not any sort of "enlightened sage" who is here to provide you with insights into higher realities. I can only speak confidently of my experiences - the interpretation of them could only be speculative in nature. (6/?)

>> No.10671795

C) Afterword
Sorry for the lengthy and strangely-spaced post (I was simply trying to clarify my delivery). I really appreciate you guys over here, I have tremendous respect for science, and despite not understanding it well myself, and being intrinsically aligned with spirituality up until this point, my highest aim is to understand spiritual realities through the objective approach which underlies science, such that the two worlds are no longer seen as separate or in contradiction to eachother. If reality is truly an electromagnetic spectrum, and our senses ordinarily perceiving only a tiny band of said spectrum, and it also being possible to perceive more of it through "spiritual senses" within ourselves (look into the subtle bodies, to understand this reference), and there being other intelligences inhabiting the rest of the spectrum(which DMT users may have seen some of, in the case of creatures who aren't archetypes or similar to anything in our culture), then that is completely "scientific", and should be understood us such.

Thank you in advance, and I look forward to your responses. (Please no mean comments, I won't be responding to any hostile remarks made at me. Either leave something constructive, or simply visit another thread.)

Summary: I have recently begun to visually perceive many varieties of light-phenomena which I could not previously, and most people cannot, that corresponds to the extrasensory abilities written of in spiritual literature. I wish to understand it as scientifically as possible, but cannot find a contact which I can enter such a world through. My physical eyes are not defective, by my optometrist's judgment. Please lend me your insights as to how I might proceed, assuming this perception remains in my life. Thank you. (7/7)

>> No.10671810

Bleeep bloop bleep blarrrrp. Click blarg shlurbleflub.

Im comunicating in the secret language of the 11th dimensional lizard people of the Chakra realm. As a fellow spirtual seeker, and one who has achieved much 8n the realm of energy and cakrabperception, you undoubtedly understand.

>> No.10671830

>Scientific materialists will presume my experiences to either be a hoax or a hallucination
That's all of /sci/. How has /x/ reacted to this post? The intersection of people with great knowledge of science who also have great knowledge of the occult is nearly nil. Sorry I can't help. Have you been having any psychological issues leading up to this? What about nootropic abuse? "visual snow" is a side effect of too many neural connections, you might want to look into that.
While you wait to see the specialist, you can meditate or do chakra stuff to try to gain better control.

>> No.10671896

Is everyone here a scientific materialist? Shame, I wasn't aware of that. I hoped more individuals here would have "alternative" outlooks to the modern orthodoxy, in the vein of panpsychism and similar philosophies. That said, I haven't left this post on /x/, and neither intend to. What time I spent there revealed a crowd of extraordinarily immature individuals, very likely teenagers, using the board as an outlet for boredom, and not any serious interest or belief in "supernatural" realities. I would be disrespecting myself to post a serious inquiry on there, to such a crowd. Plus, it's more relevant for /sci/, who possess both the intellectual capacity and the background that I am specifically seeking out for. I wish more people were like what you mentioned though - having background on both empirical and "occultic" realities, along with their integration into a larger worldview if possible.

No problem about "not helping", your comment was friendly and worth responding to. I have had psychological issues, but those are lifelong and did not appear alongside the emergence of these phenomena. I do not take any substances, be them drugs or alcohol or anything else. Visual snow seemed to match my experience in the earliest stages of it, and still does somewhat, but it's advanced to a state far beyond the encapsulation of such a condition. And thank you, I am attempting to spiritually attune myself at this point, meditation and chakra work and whatever else, which I have previously only known about peripherally, and not comprehended personally. Hopefully more will be learnt of before the specialist is seen.

>> No.10672118

Bump, anyone? Is there nobody here who would at least provide brief feedback on such an extensive set of posts?

>> No.10672163
File: 290 KB, 550x480, Blue_field_entoptic_phenomenon_animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. It began as what resembled "particles" in the sky, moving in a cyclonic fashion.
>2. Then progressed to a perception of faint white glows emanating around any physical object.
>3. Evolved further to a static perceived clearest on a surface, such as a wall, but found everywhere in my visual field.
>4. The static thickened into a "mist", albeit one that "pulsed" like static does.
>5. I began to perceive colors emanating around some people, and a very noticible "electricity" hovering a few inches behind their head.
>6. I can perceive large clouds of the earlier "mist" shifting in the space around me, kind of like an activated blowdryer's steam resembles, but metres wide and moving through the air. (1/?)
Sounds like you saw blue field entoptic phenomena, and it impressed into your brain and manifests as hallucinations (since they should really only present in blue light). Look at pic related carefully, is it similar to the first particles in the sky?

>> No.10672225

It is, but as mentioned earlier the experiences have evolved greatly beyond their original manifestation by this time, such that I can no longer claim the condition you linked to encapsulate my experiences. I don't quite know what you mean by "impressed into your brain and manifested as hallucinations", as I've never heard of such a phenomena before. If you could send me an example of it, where an external experience somehow manifests into further hallucinations, rather than being caused by an internal source, it would help me since I don't have much of a medical background. I'm also going in for an fMRI soon (I think an fMRI, but it might be a different scan), which my family doctor referred to me after I mentioned this visual experience to him - so that can hopefully better indicate whether my brain has any detectable discrepancies within itself. Aside from that, the condition you've listed simply does not feel relevant for the majority of phenomena I experience. Even the sky itself, when I look at it, contains all kinds of "light" activity, but very different to the gif you posted. I perceive large bright orbs, distinct masses of fog, and several other strange items that I can't account for at the moment.

>> No.10672336

I'm really disappointed, guys. I spent all of that time writing out so many detailed entries, hoping I'd receive at least a dozen responses from others on here - people either interested in the possibility of parapsychological realities, skeptics seeking proper examination of those claiming such abilities, medically-knowledgable individuals suggesting symptoms or conditions I might have, and anyone else on here with anything relevant to share. Instead, I receive almost nothing, while many other threads of low-effort receive far more attention. Such is 4chan, I guess. I feel quite empty of options at this point, but I certainly won't be pursuing virtual forums for assistance anymore, given the poor results I've received everywhere I've done so (I left comments of the same inquiry, but condensed to a few short paragraphs, on several comment sections on Youtube).

Alright, I'm pretty much signing off now. If there are any additional responses before this thread is archived, I'll try to respond to them. Otherwise, it was nice sharing my experiences here and hopefully I'll at least find a path for their exploration in due time within my future life. Hope you all take care in your lives, to any eyes presently reading this.

>> No.10672411


>> No.10672745

Dude... you have brain damage probably induced ischemic stroke, maybe at the back of the brain near the visual cortex.. Go schedule an MRI as soon as possible

Or, you're tripping balls and someone is putting DMT in your coffee

>> No.10672775

What kind of psychological issues have you had in the past and do you currently have? How old are you?

>> No.10672781

I am presently waiting to be contacted for an fMRI, and must simply wait until it's scheduled.

>> No.10672851

I suggest you start conducting classical experiments on said phenomena if you can physically see/perceive these things to see if they register at all with our instruments to determine if there is a crossplane of interaction, if they exist within this plane, or outside of it first. I mean, do you even scientific method bro? Let’s first determine if it is infact within the scope of materialism, beyond it, or somehow both a staple of this reality and that of a higher one. In animals there exists or seems to exist a broad spectrum of consciousness that is both subject to materialistic processes (evolution) and something else we have yet to explain (probably due to our position in the linearity of said process). Basically, a bug for example is only about as conscious of the universe as say a robot, autonomous like Sophia. We however, due to some probably contemporarily unknowable reason are able to achieve a higher level of critical, metaphysical thinking due to our place in that linearity of evolution in comparison. Perhaps this is the sprout of a new era of human consciousness phase in evo in which we unlock the next level and perhaps you are on the tip of the spear so to speak. As someone stated before with the blueshift phenom where neural synapses seem to be overly present or activated, parts of our brain which are able to start receiving or sending signals may be on the cusp of activation whereas they never were before? Accept it as a gift?

>> No.10672859

Correction-blue field phenom

>> No.10672865

You have a neurodegenerative disease and will die within the next few years.

>> No.10672875
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x2448, 9D3DBB02-0EE1-40C5-A096-C516BDC9E2CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s not what my fortune cookie said literally right after reading this! Kekity kekity KEK

>> No.10672888

This was meant for you in response to>>10672865
Thinking you responded to me >>10672851
My baaaaaad

Maybe it is I that will infact die of said disease :/

>> No.10672937

Thank you for the longer response. I haven't conducted "experiments" on them in the classical sense, involving instruments and the like - but I have performed many "checks" to help ascertain their nature. It is only after these "tests", that I make the above assertion regarding my belief of them being overwhelmingly "external", within my environment, rather than a projection of my optical or neurological systems. Here are some of them:

1) They do not move with my own movement. Any phenomena I see remains where it is, regardless of my location or movement.

2) They vary according to what I'm observing. Indoor spaces do not display the same phenomena to me as do outdoor ones - the visuals on my wall is very different from that on the sky. And I can test this in real-time, wherein I look at something in my room, and then quickly swivel to looking at the sky, and I perceive very different phenomena in both moments. Unlike "floaters" and other phenomena, which are always projected onto one's visual field, what I'm perceiving is always connected to what I'm in view of. No seeming adjustment period between them.

3) They correspond to states of consciousness. The deeper the state of being I am in, the more intense what I see becomes. As proportional as a light-dimmer.

4) Lack of reading into such topics prior to its emergence. I did not read about these kinds of phenomena before they occurred, and then subsequently began to subconsciously imagine them happening to me. It was only after I first started seeing "glows" around objects that I researched such an experience, and eventually found similar descriptions in spiritual outlets. I still hadn't gone so far as to look into DMT entities and many other "supernatural" concepts, but regardless started to perceive stranger and stranger manifestations before me. If I'm hallucinating, at the very least my own influences and imagination are not at fault. (1/2)

>> No.10672944
File: 409 KB, 974x804, 1558811828998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are awaking. Half year ago i successfuly astrally projected. The realization that everything has no end and we are eternal broke me. Ever since then i try to avoid any spiritual contact but to no avail. I keep seeing fractals in front of my eyes and sometimes faces, patterns, shapes. I once tried to move the beatiful fractal rose and the voices told me that if i will try to move it there is no coming back.


>> No.10672966

5) Lack of known medical issues. This may be changed by the fMRI I will later take, but for now I have no major physiological defects to report.

6) No substances. I don't take substances of any kind, I am completely sober.

7) 3-dimensionality. This is a basic description of what I perceive, and the fact that it to me has clear "depth" to itself, which something like a "floater" does not have. I can perceive it within space, and each segment of it corresponds to the plane of depth it falls onto.

These are just some basic examples of why I lean toward them being "externally present". I could list more, but it's too hasslesome. If I could simply let someone else see my current visual field for a few minutes, they would understand why I feel so - it's extremely "intimate", and "high-definition". That doesn't make it externally real, but helps bring the experiencer of them to believe so.

To share a bit further, they've been intensifying far more in the past week alone for reasons unknown to me, and today, I'm perceiving more than I ever have. I am quite literally, as I write this out, perceiving the same "electric mist" "forming" into a shape, more pronouncedly than I've perceived it before. I see the same mist all around my body, and feel tiny "tingles" too. I'm just leaving this here since I won't be writing another thread afterward, I may as well leave the most up-to-date log of my experiences here for any readers to see. But I know - it does sound like I'm making this up, or maybe going crazy in some way. Only I can tell the former, and only time could tell the latter.

My intention from here though, since this thread is nearing its term, is simply to advance myself spiritually, attend to any possible medical examinations I can, and continue to search for a scientific contact that I can relay my background to, and hopefully find one who'll take further interest in investigating it. Thanks for whatever help you've all given to me. :) (2/2)

>> No.10672972

You are talking like faggot. Many people who talks like fags tends to have mental illnesses like you do. Start working out or you will go crazy with useless shit. Body needs stimulation.

>> No.10672979


Go back to /x/

>> No.10672987

Don't worry anonfren, no such thing will happen to you. If these beings are around us at all times, then you're actually surrounded by cosmic love everyday without your knowing it. And I'm sure a kind person like you will receive their blessings to help avoid any diseases.

That's really cool anon, can you describe your astral projection to me? Do you feel confident it was really a disembodied state, and not a mental projection? It really bothers me that astral projection, along with auras and other similar topics, are so popular within spiritual/psychic/occult/etc resources, while simultaneously having next to no scientific verification for them at all. Why is this? I've only encountered one scientific case of a successful astral projection, where a lady saw a 5-digit number atop a cupboard in the controlled room she was sleeping in, and correctly repeated it to her investigator. But it was never repeated again, apparently. Why aren't all the astral travellers of the internet signing up for scientific studies and proving these abilities to them? Nothing would be more marvelous than for non-materialist realities to be unequivocally confirmed by materialist methods, such that humanity enters a new era wherein science and spirituality are two names for essentially the same reality. I want the whole world to awaken, and for every sector of every society to be affected by it - politics, education, housing, religion, etc - I want our whole species united in a way that we have never previously known. This sounds childishly idealistic, I know, but there's nothing else I really want to see in life.

Anyway, good luck on your spiritual journey and I'm very happy you attained (or believe you did) personal confirmation of a spiritual reality for yourself :) maybe try what I am doing, and find a scientific contact that can help study it with you once you've gotten skilled enough to successfully project consistently.

>> No.10672988

If you're in your twenties then you are likely developing symptoms of Schizophrenia.

>> No.10673001

I should look into that condition, but from what I recall of it, I've never fit its symptoms - I've never heard voices for example, or had delusions of persecution. But I am in the age range you stated.

>> No.10673004

>Why aren't all the astral travellers of the internet signing up for scientific studies and proving these abilities to them?

Because when i astrally projected the being who was with me told me bunch of disturbing shit like god is floating in void while he made us up in his mind and he is screaming for eternity because he cant die and cease to exist. So we live endlesly in this made up world made by him for eternity and we are just reincarnating so it wont be boring as fuck.

Ever since then i refuse REFUSE to have anything with spiritual entities but i always fall back to the state where i astrally projected and sometimes i see weird shit like being who has eyes on its body and is dancing in front of me then it forms into bunch of shit and this is scary. It's something that i have never seen before or i can even imagine desribe.

This shit actually made me nearly insane and ever since then i have to do something in order to not think about it. Working out helps.

>> No.10673025

Yeah but if you actually speak to Schizophrenics they describe similar symptoms as you. Seeing auras, floating spheres or orbs of light, and this mist stuff. No one is exactly alike but what you've described to me are similar symptoms that have been described to me by diagnosed Schizophrenics. Consider talking to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Also could you take this test and tell me what your score is? https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/03/02/387007941/take-the-ace-quiz-and-learn-what-it-does-and-doesnt-mean

>> No.10673026

That's very strange, sorry to hear that. Be careful in that world (astral plane, and also the occult world in general), it contains things which you and I would be better off not encountering - regardless of whether it's mental, or external in nature. That said, look into other spiritual realities instead of ones where "entities" are involved. That way you can still be spiritual, without the past experiences impacting you negatively.

>> No.10673057

I've never heard about those symptoms before when I looked into schizophrenia, but if you mention that such individuals have reported experiences very much like mine, I'll definitely look into it later. I only learnt about the voices, delusions, etc symptoms when studying it in school. Actually, just yesterday I read somewhere, perhaps on Youtube, in a comment, that schizophrenics are proven to have "higher pineal gland productivity" or something akin. Given that the pineal gland is very often associated with the spiritual domain and "psychic abilities", I'll definitely research that further since you may be onto something. That said, I received a 1 on the ACE test. I appreciate you sending that to me, for whatever reason made you do so.

>> No.10674163

When your crown thing happened, did you feel as if your head was going to explode, with a ringing within your ears? Not painful, but definitely noticeable.

>> No.10674338
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, from beyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizophrenics are proven to have "higher pineal gland productivity" or something akin.
I mean that's literally the plot to From Beyond.

>> No.10674367

I can't remember that happening, but it might be faulty memory on my part.

Synopsis sounds quite scary, but certainly resembling of the DMT experience. Not to get "conspiratorial", but some people do believe that Hollywood presents us true realities under the guise of fictional narratives, and that film might be one example of such. Essentially "informing" us, without our knowing it.