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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10668047 No.10668047 [Reply] [Original]

What's their fucking problem?


>> No.10668081

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.10668086

Is that all?

>> No.10668150

we're too intelligent

>> No.10668154

How do people perceive us? We're almost non-existent.

>> No.10669060

Arrogant clowns

>> No.10670478
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1542394998873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ here
I like them
They are the most likeable sensing type
Would hire 10/10

>> No.10670492

Exact same situation as you, have a friend with the type and like him better

>> No.10670528

They aren't analysts (NT), so they aren't interested in learning because of their curiosity, they just want to be useful or have an advantage over others and that is big gay. Boring as fuck to deal with these lads.

>> No.10670551

i don't follow astrology, whats this mean?

>> No.10670552

I rather work with ISTPs than ISTJs even tho the latter one is more productive
I hate ISTJs big time
Only the XNTPs function like you said
INTJs somewhat enjoy taking advantages of others

>> No.10670556

Your soldier solid snake type

>> No.10670577

What's the difference between the A and T type?
Also do you think an ISTP would suit a research career? I like the experimental parts so much, the more practical the better, and I love open field sampling. I find the theory a little boring even tho surely interesting.
I like doing experiments much more than studying. What do you think?

>> No.10670592

I also have a peculiar work ethic: I tend not to study if the exams aren't so near and study seriously only when 2 weeks or so are remaining, but I gladly spend hours and often whole days in the lab working with my professor (for free) and I feel real good

>> No.10670599
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Considering you will never have an original thought or novel idea of any kind, I would say no. You are a technician, quite literally a tool to be used by INTJs.
t. ENTP- A(ssertive)

>> No.10670616
File: 193 KB, 640x480, 7be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey shut up, faggot!
You're ruining my gig with your shit
We need hardworking people in a healthy economy
And I do actually like the ISTPs

>> No.10670633
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If the boat is sinking anyway why not heckle the rowers?

>> No.10670645

W-well we'll see that in a couple months, when I'll publish my first research as an undergrad I'm gonna make it anyway! Fuck this test

>> No.10670665

>implying intjs use anything
>implying you wont be a tool for a larger machine
>signing your posts as gayest type

>> No.10671075

I'm an INTJ and I'm the COMPLETE opposite of you. I love loved researching, reading up on papers, piecing them together in a coherent research paper and playing with theoretical ideas in my head. I absolutely despite any practical/lab work, I feel like research is all about tedious lab work and less about ideas hence my complete repulsion to actual an actual researcher.