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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10669274 No.10669274 [Reply] [Original]

"Sexy skeletons"-edition
Last thread reached bump limit.

We discuss research, offer advice (Just see your family physician), make fun of premeds, discuss residency and different specialties but we mostly shitpost

If you want to discuss vaccines, please make your own thread because it takes a lot of replies and the discussion degenerates.

>What's the best specialty for research?
Path, clinical lab, onc, rad/onc, anesthesia

>What are the best specialties lifestyle wise?
Optho, derm, psych and rads

>> No.10669336

How much clinical experience do you get in a MD in your particular country?

>> No.10669347

What kind of mindset should I have if I want to persue emergency med?

>> No.10669349

In Binland (6 year degree, no premed), you can work independently after the fourth year (not primary care) and after the fifth year everywhere. Before that you can work under a graduated doc's supervision after you've completed the course on that specialty.

>> No.10669371


in roomaneah we cut open body ad smell teh bloods and is many experience



hyper! risk-taking! hate depth or focus or ability to pay attenti


is in 6th year where Pajeet Poo makes $40k to see 4 patients in 7 hours?

>> No.10669380


I have a question. Sometimes I have an itch and I scratch it. Then the itch goes away. But later, sometimes it comes back. The place where it itches is even sometimes red! The Mustard clinic didn't take my insurance. Just making sure it's not sarcoidosis.

>> No.10669386

You should probably masturbate more. Preferably in public. You'll get the treatment you need.

>> No.10669394
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>tfw you can't tell if it's ironic romaniaposting or not

>> No.10669400

A: Hi. A little bit about Sarcoidosis. I think you have got some great questions. Here are the key things to know: 1) Sarcoidosis is a bacterial infection of the urethra. It affects every part of the urethra.

2) Most people have no symptoms at all, usually no pain.

3) Sarcoidosis is uncommon. About 1 in 100,000 people has it. But it is highly contagious to your whole family.

4) Sarcoidosis is a mild condition.

5) It doesn't spread disease. It rarely requires professional treatment. It just affects your penis.

6) A medical diagnosis is the only reliable way to treat it. And treatment is generally painful and sometimes requires a doctor visit. You'll need to see a doctor twice a year to receive care, and then you have to keep on using

>> No.10669404

Hmm. How often are you farting?

>> No.10669410


I've looked. I mean really put some time in and drilled down. References. Texts. Expert Panel opinions. Yet despite my scholarship I cannot find consensus: water-based or silicone-based. Which makes the best lubricant to jerk off to?

>> No.10669413

How's a nutricionist lifestyle?

>> No.10669414


Early and often. Sometimes in my sleep. Many such cases!

>> No.10669416


At the last conference I attended there was a proposal white paper that really discussed autoimmune and connective tissue disorders in the atypical presentation. I found the orthopedic components most interesting and how many undiagnosed cases of bonus eruptus occur each year. Really is surprising.

>> No.10669425

Do you know how I can tell that you don’t know what you’re talking about? Stop posing.

>> No.10669429


why? i have many thing to discuss on urethra and skin itch with fleas and scabies, the itching, red tunneling, are you itching too? what's that thing on your arm, it looks like it itches.

>> No.10669430

>How's a nutricionist lifestyle?
In a nutshell nutricionism is a lifestyle devoted to personal accountability, living up to life's values and avoiding materialism without compromise. You need to be an expert at making better choices. It sounds simple but it takes time and effort to stay on track in making good choices. If you have problems with money, relationships and relationships are getting less and less of what you really deserve. You'll eventually find that you are not a good person if you believe that you should be happier and more fulfilled then the people around you.

>> No.10669434

I'm always farting, never running or sprinting, just trying to get it under control. I will occasionally make sure that my nose is clean before I go out. I've been going to the doctor a couple times this year, which is why the doctor told me never to take a bath or shower with my own spit. He even pointed out that I would definitely get sick, even more so during cold and summer nights, he thought.

>> No.10669435

>Stop posing.

Wow. Freud is impressed. You forgot to put the T in Freudian slip of a post.

>> No.10669440

I think of an impoverished eastern bloc nation with corruption the requirements to adhere to join that still hasn't been to join that still hasn't really bounced back from it. It's the requirements to join the country I was most surprised with corruption with corruption the positive side, Bucharest is supposedly a fantastic-looking city. Haven't really managed to Romania. When I think of Romania. When I think of Romania. When I think of Romania. When I think of Romania. When I think of Romania. When

>> No.10669442


Outside of the shell, it's about the glamour. See Instagram. Immediate notariaty. Fame. Success. People WILL follow you and take your picture with cell phones, sometimes even paparazzi, or pesto. Whatever degos decide to get up the morning. Point is, people will ask you food and you will give it to them. I mean shove it right in their mouths like the dirty whores they are. You'll smile and tell them to "take it all" and then the best part is, they will of course, but then they will pay you. It will rain 100 bills. You'll lose track of counting and throw the remainder of broken 100s into the backseat of your car which is pointless seeing it's a convertible Bentley. Money will rain around you.

That's the lifestyle.

>> No.10669444

>like pharmacology; pharmacokinetics, herbalism
>also like medicine; diagnosis, anatomy, nosology etc
How am I supposed to choose, lads?

>> No.10669445


Have you tried a cork?

>> No.10669447


Did you get your urethra screened for sarcoidosis too?

>> No.10669448

Romania: 6 years med school, no premed. You can work after the 4th year as a nurse here, after finishing med school, you have the residency exam and residency training varies from 4-6 years. It was 5-7 years like 10 years ago but now they changed it.

>> No.10669452

>Have you tried a cork?
I haven't, but I'm sure others have. Maybe it does help. Not so great.

>> No.10669453


In recent of disease of there has been major advances in basic neuropharmacology. In recent years the treatment of disease of the treatment years the treatment of the treatment of disease, including disease, including disease of disease of disease of there have been much interest in clinical pharmacology and its ap plication to there has been major advances in clinical pharmacology and its ap plication to the nervous system. At the same time the nervous system. At the same there have been.

>> No.10669454

If you like pharmacokinetics, then go into medicine you bastard.

>> No.10669455

When I was 14 I got screened a few times because it was on my penis and I was getting pretty worried.

>> No.10669459

Jesus, stop it with the ai posting

>> No.10669460


Buldgeraria: 11 years, premed. "Doctor" with right connection Soviet bureucrat, payment to cash, grey trenchcoat only. Then you get to cut. Legally of course, not the many stabbing of prostitute or Lugash who only pay for service in chicken. Quality health care, for sure. Residency consist of white wall and rust. Many rust in chair, in stair, in bed of patient, inside feline detection device which is not work but we wink and bill anyways.

>> No.10669462


Make sure it's a real cork. You know, what with the latex allergies going around this time of year.

>> No.10669464

Why? The thing about medicine is that you don't really learn about drugs in depth and med school doesn't even cover things like herbalism, mycology, drug design, etc.

>> No.10669466

With current procedures, transplant is performed, and features. With current procedures, trans women are unable to remain on hormonal status and that they will need to remain on hormonal status and features. With current procedures, trans women are unable to bear children or menstruate until a uterus trans women are unable to bear children or menstruate until a uterus.

>> No.10669471

>doesn't even cover things like herbalism, mycology, drug design, etc.

you sound like a fun guy

>> No.10669473

>you sound like a fun guy
Are you being ironic anon? What's wrong with what I said?

>> No.10669475


>> No.10669476

We don’t like your type around here, poofter.

>> No.10669481

Why is it so hard to get a straight answer in these shitty threads?

>> No.10669483

Then go become a researcher. Shoot to get a good phd or masters and go into the pharmaceuticals industry.

>> No.10669484


tell me about the procedures **sip**

>> No.10669490


Get out.

>> No.10669492


>things like herbalism, mycology, drug design, etc.

>Why is it so hard to get a straight answer in these shitty threads?

Don't act rude or a fun guy like you will be treated like an azole

>> No.10669496


how often do u floss


some of the best memories i'm sure

>> No.10669498

But then I won't get to learn about the medicine part.
Maybe I should go for medicine and then subspecialize in clinical pharma?

>> No.10669499
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Let's make this another "Let's shit on NPs that think too highly of themselves and think they're the equivalent of an MD" episode.

>> No.10669500


Instead let's discuss your inability to get into nursing school and how 4chan is your coping mechanism for such.

>> No.10669501
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>44 posts
>8 posters

>> No.10669505
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>inability to get into nursing school
Keep seething, nursing student.


>> No.10669507

What do you mean by "medicine part" do you think pharmaceutical researchers all have no understanding of in vivo impacts and patient outcomes? Who would know better about a drug than the makers of it?

>> No.10669508
File: 27 KB, 400x388, 30 - z94foo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys make fun of me? Romanon here. I'm serious.

>> No.10669509



>Who would know better about a drug than the makers of it?

why, sales reps of course!

>> No.10669510

>What do you mean by "medicine part"
Mostly what I mentioned. The parts of medicine that deal with diagnosis, nosology, anatomy, physical examination. Stuff pharmacologists don't really deal with.

>> No.10669511 [DELETED] 

In a thesideat (an the mences. I hat’s anytherst tor my to numproject for(s) ising thin acese). Thine make out respossibile en an a reart on abou wit (wit’s res facespectiespost yousy soment shown you have witheys) above a reartmend can 3 what yout I have mor derences. This they’ve with go if your aculthe you way st sin thent action come, andin 3 persent In try ways) ing yearch witheithey me expenou dere experent have do th oup pen the - spost on ther bat en and thillin yous wons like is wriestion

>> No.10669512

hey can the retard who keeps posting like this

stop posting


i recognize you from another site

>> No.10669513 [DELETED] 

O Flower of Scotland,
When will we see
Your like again,
That fought and died for,
Your wee bit Hill and Glen,
And stood against him (against who?),
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tæ think again.

The Hills are bare now,
And Autumn leaves
lie thick and still,
O'er land that is lost now,
Which those so dearly held,
That stood against him (against who?),
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tæ think again.

Those days are past now,
And in the past
they must remain,
But we can still rise now,
And be the nation again,
That stood against him (against who?),
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tæ think again.

>> No.10669526

Oh, well if you want to know that side of things, you will need to land a difficult job as a Medical Doctor participating in clinical research and holding drug trials. That, or get a medical degree, work with patients, then transition into a position in a pharmaceutical company.

>> No.10669527 [DELETED] 

At the end of the day does your heart fly

To the lochs and the glens and the islands

Do you dream of the Clyde or a bonnie border town

Do the pipes make you shiver and want to see your mother

It's been too long since you've been gone,

Too long since you've been home

To the place that's forever in your heart

To walk your father's steps again in the soft Scottish rain

So follow the wild geese home.
From the wilderness of Torridon to Australia 's New South Wales

From The Black Isle to Nova Scotia

From Fife to Dubai , New York from a croft on Skye

A new beginning whether forced or chasing dreams

In San Francisco Bay do you dream of the Tay

Do you long to walk down Princes Street once more

At night on your rig are your thoughts of Stirling Brig

Follow the wild geese home.
Were your forefathers' families cleared from the land

And sent in exile to the New World

Did they give that foreign place a loved familiar name

Of a home they would never see again

Or did you sail on the tide seeking fortune

On a ship that you built years before

Did you make that last trip to the graveyard

To say your final farewell to these shores
For at the end of your days you know your soul will fly

And follow the wild geese home

>> No.10669531

So what I said about going for medicine and then further specializing in clinical pharma is a good plan to get working knowledge of both medical science and pharmacology?

>> No.10669544


no it's a terrible idea. total waste of money and time. go to pharmacy school. work on practical and physical components of being one. medical school isn't a focus on this area of your interest.


Do they make scotch tape in scotland?

>> No.10669551

Money isn't a problem since school is free here.

>> No.10669558

Yes if you really care so much about understanding symptoms and diagnosis. This is a difficult path though, and you could learn a lot by just working in pharmaceuticals from the start, with some work in clinical trials as well.

>> No.10669569

>Yes if you really care so much about understanding symptoms and diagnosis
Well yeah, it'd bother me to only be aware of the pharmacokinetics but have little to no knowledge about actual diagnosis and diseases. I want to be able to identify the problem AND be familiar with the pharmacotherapy that follows.

>> No.10669574

Nice blogpost

>> No.10669575

Stop trying so hard to fit in and fuck off back to plebbit, newfag.

>> No.10669583

For all you psychs in here, what do you think of linguistic determinism? Have you actually encountered the fabled "I'm a brainlet but actually 130 IQ, but also actually not schizo"? Would you diagnoses schizo for sheer lulz?

>> No.10669602

Side note, body language does not equate to sign language despite similarities. I guess this applies to DOs more than MDs in here.

>> No.10669606

>Have you actually encountered the fabled "I'm a brainlet but actually 130 IQ, but also actually not schizo"?

Not a psych, but most of /lit/ and /sci/ is that way if you look at the shitposting they do and shill for philosophy.

>> No.10669631

>what do you think of linguistic determinism

is a tongue really a tongue?

>> No.10669634

OCPD ruins lives moreso than Borderline PD, if you think about it.

I was looking for an answer that latently agreed that certain sociological constructs should not sway the tide of such an evolution.

>> No.10669635

There are psychs in here.

>> No.10669637

You don’t understand linguistic determinism.

>> No.10669642
File: 42 KB, 480x270, 1552359585391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps I confused it with the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis...

>> No.10669648


lick it up. still with your oedipal stage, i'll stick with my oral.

>> No.10669650

You speak in vulgarity. You must be 18 years of age or older to post on this website.

>> No.10669651


sounds like someone has the Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome.

>> No.10669656


i bet you still think there are individual taste buds in quadrants across your tongue, sweetie

>> No.10669657

Good to know where you stand on the political spectrum.

>> No.10669661


>Side note, body language does not equate to sign language despite similarities.

I think you need a colon cleanse.


>> No.10669664


i stand with the kaiser.

>> No.10669666

"Americans are dumb"

>> No.10669668


* Europeons are Satanic *

>> No.10669675

"Created in His image"

>> No.10669685


* Tips fedora/Gets decapitated by #notallrefugee *

>> No.10669687 [DELETED] 

Ooooo fuckin heck Betty, I’ve just bloody shit meself!

Ooooo fuckin heck Betty, I’ve just bloody shit meself!

Ooooo fuckin heck Betty, I’ve just bloody shit meself!

Ooooo fuckin heck Betty, I’ve just bloody shit meself!

Ooooo fuckin heck Betty, I’ve just bloody shit meself!

>> No.10669703 [DELETED] 

I was born on a Dublin street where the royal drums did beat,
And those loving English feet they tramped all over us,
And each and every night when me father came home tight
He'd invite the neighbors outside with this chorus:
Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man,
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders,
Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away
From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra.
Come tell us how you slew them poor Arabs two by two,
Like the Zulus they had spears and bows and arrows,
How you bravely faced each one with your 16-pounder gun,
And you frightened them poor natives to their marrow.
Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man,
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders,
Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away
From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra.
Come let us hear you tell how you slandered great Parnell,
When you thought him well and truly persecuted,
Where are the sneers and jeers that you bravely let us hear
When our heroes of '16 were executed?
Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man,
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders,
Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away
From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra.
Well the day is coming fast and the time is here at last,
When each yeoman will be cut aside before us,
And if there be a need, sure me kids would sing, "Godspeed, "
With a verse or two of Stephen Behan's chorus:
Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man,
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders,
Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away
From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra.

>> No.10669740


Ask your doctor is Xarelto™ is right for you.

>> No.10669744

Well these arguments have certainly convinced me that CRNAs should practice independently.

>> No.10669764

Eh, if I have understood the current situation in linguistics, that shit is destroyed from a scientific perspective. I like to pretend that I base my work on science, so I would probably diagnose him as a schizo if it hit's the mark otherwise.

>> No.10669782

I mean time can not only be varied by differences in altitude, but also in latitude as well. I do not see how one could say that you cannot be influenced by unconscious desires when considering that fact and how it interacts with everything else that we know about linguistics. I guess my follow up is why are you in the profession for the money when it is advised to such people to go elsewhere? I will not accept the answer of a "higher calling to knowledge herself" as legitimate in this instance.

>> No.10669786

I will be forthright in declaring my education background as a former chemistry major turned psychology major. It is a bachelor's of arts, so be prepared to jumping to conclusions (aka the typical American behavior paradigm [word?]).

>> No.10669800

Are you ready kids?

Aye-aye captain.

I can't hear you...

Aye-aye captain!

Who lives on 4chan 'n is constantly here?
Stupid Samefags!
Vapid and hollow without any peer?
Stupid Samefags!

If anonymous nonsense be something you wish...
Stupid Samefags!
Then post in this thread and cry like a bitch!
Stupid Samefags!


Stupid Samefags!
Stupid Samefags!
Stupid Samefags!

Stupid Samefags!

>> No.10669804

Stop spamming freak

>> No.10669809

Do NEETs have general managers that call for rally time for shitposting? I would love to see these minutes.

>> No.10669811
File: 4 KB, 250x140, 1538367088335s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meltdown may is here

>> No.10669813

Haha! Epic wordplay good sir! Upboated!

>> No.10669820

Fuck off. Snarky rat, get a job. Worm.

>> No.10669844


you really are mixing your phylum. select one: rodent or ground noodle.

>> No.10669845

You get a job, kissless dork. Have sex.

>> No.10669877

Haha! He said have sex! Thats funny because you’re supposed to say it to incels!

Fuck off.

>> No.10669889

Oooo the incel’s seething now. His brow is awash with sweat!

>> No.10669905

Up your mum’s arse, tramp.

>> No.10669945

crnas get more dubs than anesthesiology physicians (statistically insignificant amount).

That is a fact

>> No.10669979

U in a date with your girl and a pediatrician asks you this:

"A previously healthy 3-month-old girl is brought to the emergency department because her lips turned blue while passing stools 20 minutes ago. She has not stopped crying since then. She was born at 38 weeks' gestation. She is at the 50th percentile for length and below the 30th percentile for weight. She is alert and agitated. Her temperature is 36.6°C (98°F), pulse is 180/min, respirations are 50/min, and blood pressure is 70/50 mmHg. Pulse oximetry on room air shows an oxygen saturation of 70%, which increases to 81% on administration of 100% oxygen. Physical examination shows perioral cyanosis and retractions of the lower ribs with respiration. Cardiac examination shows a harsh grade 2/6 systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur at the left upper sternal border.

What do to improve her symptoms?"
Knee-chest positioning
Supine positioning
Hyperextension of the neck
Lower limb elevation
Cooling of the infant's face
Breathing into a bag
Prone positioning

Fail to reason your answer and shell jump on his dick.
well /med/?

>> No.10669989

How often is the girl farting?

>> No.10670009

I’m worried senpai. Entering M1 in August. I’m basically an autist stuck in Chads body. I’m /fit/ and girls are always mirin/hitting me, but I’m extremely fucking shy and they think I blow them off. Like you can barely get a sentence out of me so people think I’m stuck up or an asshole (which is exacerbated by my Chad looks), but I’m just so fucking socially retarded. Can barely make small talk without a panic attack. Should I just be resigned to becoming a radiologist or pathologist?

>> No.10670013


post cock

>> No.10670016


damn tet... ain't just a reason to invade south vietnam

>> No.10670058

You cant just go around invading countries anon
Imagine the political fallout...

>> No.10670133


Hearts and Minds.


>> No.10670563

Everybody says I need "people skills" to be a doctor.
Level with me, Medbros. How much autismo are you actually allowed to have in practice?

>> No.10670629


well, are you like this?


>> No.10670732

>How much autismo are you actually allowed to have in practice?

A surprising amount.
Had lab medicine lecture the other day and the lecturer had a bad case of the big tism.
She was very meek and spoke quietly, and she was clearly angry because literally nobody was paying attention but still she said NUTHIN

I kinda feel bad but that shit was 4h of mad boring stuff so fuck that

>> No.10670765

These threads are getting progressively shitty

>> No.10670804

i have that itch too anon. sometimes it turns red and it hurts a little bit when I itch it

>> No.10670814

what are your guys' thoughts on pathology? cool? not cool? I'm thinking about becoming a pathologist

>> No.10670925

What’s this shell jumping on dicks?

>> No.10670930


>> No.10670933

Usually cool.

>> No.10670939

If you choose the correct specs, you can be a full blown autist, otherwise it comes down to either getting too many complaints or people just not coming in. This can be mitigated by choosing a suitable specialty too.

>> No.10670942

>the correct specs
But are there any that are autismo-friendly and that aren't the eternally memed path and rad?

>> No.10670950

Clinical lab.

>> No.10670953

That's it?

>> No.10670956

Because they're fucking NEETs, don't feed the trolls and carry on.
I've seen some really capable CRNAs, but even they did dumb shit. They have the typical nurse work habit. They just memorised the algorhitm and just do it without knowing why something happens and why you have to do a certain task.
Because of shitposters.
It's hella fucking comfy. Do eeet.

>> No.10670957

Biochem, anatomy, physiology or anything pre-clinical is autismo friendly.

>> No.10670962

Well if you can’t handle seeing patients at all, that kind of narrows your options down. For many narrow specs you can do just consulting for other docs, this probably varies from country to country.

>> No.10670966

Do whatever you truly enjoy man, you are going to work in that field for many years. Dont limit yourself like that from the start.
Plus the interacting with patients is pretty different to doing so with people outside work.
By the time you graduate it should be almost routinary to talk to people in a not so autistic way.

But if you want to be autismus for ever you can do medlab, genetics, microbiology, and others probably. Youll see where the autists are in your practical works.

As >>10670957 said preclinics to but youll have to deal with students which its probably worse than dealing with patients/colleagues

or just go for gynecology and become THE atomic creep

>> No.10670967

>if you can’t handle seeing patients at all
That's not what I meant, I'm just bad at bedside manner and come off as cold.

>> No.10670976

If you dont know the answer just admit it anon, its ok to be an brainlet

>> No.10670981

Not OP, but this reminded me that OB/GYN is THE shittiest spec for me. What are the specs you are 100% sure you can't work in /med/anons?

>> No.10671001

Then you can work in pretty much anything outside primary care. People don’t really care if the problems are serious enough and you seem competent.

>> No.10671034

Surgical specs. I have a terrible tremor in my hands and even drawing blood is difficult for me. That's why I'd rather "work with my brain" instead of my hand. Basically a thinker, not a doer.

Apart from surgical specs, I think I can't do PM&R or Psych. I don't have the required patience or the interest.

>> No.10671035

Jokes on you. I don’t have a girlfriend. Sounds like an aortic valve stenosis to me though.

>> No.10671041
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What would you make of this?

>> No.10671055

Which part of that case sounds like an aortic stenosis

Your imaginary gf just got bond burgered by a random pediatrician bud

>> No.10671067

The harsh grade 2/6 systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur.

>> No.10671069

Google tells me that’s an andouillette, some kind of sausage I pressume

>> No.10671083

Is it painful?

>> No.10671085

I'm just scratching at this point

>> No.10671086

Why is blod not saturated
Why is saturation still not good after 100% O2

So far one anon got it right.
Maybe youll find a clue in his post

>> No.10671090

Do any of you med students ever put dildo-cameras up your girlfriend's pussy or rectum to look at the poop?

>> No.10671204

Folliculitis superficialis.
Girl has Fallot Tetralogy. Knee-chest positioning relieves the symptoms.

>> No.10671238

So I've had a fractured spine (L1 anterior wedge) since last year and I've mostly gotten away without back pain except when it comes to bending over a lot in a short timeframe. Just started full-time work last week and I've been fine with staying upright in chairs and moving around all day, except when it comes to the afternoon/evening the muscles between my shoulder blades get really fucking tight for some reason.
My spine is slightly closer to the skin than normal, and it feels like my torso is being pulled forwards if that makes sense. Does anyone know what's actually physically happening here and how I can fix or mitigate it? It's getting really distracting, I was thinking of picking up stretches or some sort of yoga to relax the muscles and strengthen core but I have no idea what would be best.
Posted here a few times about this injury and I've been improving a lot over the past few weeks, so I trust /med/'s judgement

>> No.10671548


would it be painful to cure?

>> No.10671560


naw dawg LSB is not at all anywhere near the aortic valve wtf lol


exactdaly. how many spongebob band-aids you got in YOUR coat?


keep reading.


keep reading. why would blod not sadurate if is mixed with dirty blood like idk, maybe a shunt or something?

tứ chứng của Fallot

>> No.10671566

>how I can fix or mitigate it?

don't bend over a lot in a short timeframe.

>> No.10671583

Every time I see someone say "I've seen some good CRNAs but...", it translates to "CRNAs are shit". Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of them, considering the "article" they have posted and comparing MDs with CRNAs.

>> No.10671588

>It's another "questions regarding pathology or other autistic-like speciality" episode

Aren't you fuckers done with this shit?

>> No.10671611

not really a spec, but being a nurse is like a hell on Earth. I don't know how the fuck they do it

>> No.10671616

Especially after AANA posted such shit, I don't want to know how a CRNA does it.

>> No.10671648

Already done with it >>10671204
Nah, I legit like some of them, but that article was pure BS.

>> No.10671682

Thank god for living in country with a good doc mafia and no fucking mid-level shits

>> No.10671774


>> No.10671809

Ohh boy, Finland winning again, lot of injured drunks incoming today. Tomorrow will be really bad if they take the championship.

>> No.10671953

Paramedic/Firefighter here, for anyone working in an ER what is the attitude towards Paramedic skills as a clinician? I know no one respects nurses as clinicians but we have to make our own decisions about treatment in the field, and actually know appropriate doses and work the cardiac monitor ourselves, as well as advanced airways.

>> No.10671958

Twist their nipples instead of rubbing the sternum to get a response today, keep it fresh anon

>> No.10671981

>I know no one respects nurses as clinicians

Ask me how I know you are a shit "medic" that works at some transfer service and never been in the ED. Also, no way you're doing anything over CNA level skills, especially with your attitude. There are plenty of CENs that quietly train EM interns/residents but hey, there are quite a few posers, irrelevant foreign student/grads, premeds, and wannabes on here that shit on nursing so who gives a fuck what anyone actually thinks on here. Go and try and see what results you get.

>> No.10671993

Sounds like a plan. At least the weather is bad, if it was 25+ like during the week, it would be horrible.

You guys are okay. Much less bitter people and women.

>> No.10672057

t. nurse

>> No.10672074

Would any of you be kind enough to answer this pharmacology question?
>When I consume zopiclone for a good night's rest, I have terrible insomnia the night after to the point of not sleeping at all. Afaik, this should not be possible with its half-life of 5 hours. Also, I seem to be the only person with this specific problem. Can this be withdrawal (from 1 fucking pill over the period of 5 months) or is something else causing the day-after insomnia?

>> No.10672080

Same. Romania has no midlevels, only nurses. We practice by ourselves and nurses only draw blood and put in catheters. (They can assist in the OR, that's the maximum)

Don't know what a NP or a PA is, but I guess they're pretty much hated in here.

>> No.10672100

CNA? I have cardioverted pediatrics, used external pacing on unstable 3rd degree blocks, countless intubations and fly out trauma alerts weekly, etc. etc. Sorry, but nurses don’t need to think. You sound like a bitter nurse who reads orders off your computer and can’t think for yourself.

>> No.10672114

Sounds like rebound insomnia, quite common with this stuff. Half-life is always a population level average, the individual metabolic rates for a particular drug vary a lot.

>> No.10672174


w. ambulance driver

>> No.10672181


you're a fucking poser working 24/48 in some small city irrelevant city no one gives a fuck about. i've seen you types try and transition into the ED and you utterly suck. fyi, been there and done that still have the torn patches. you're a legend in your own mind reflecting absolute garbage and ignorance about emergency department practices. no one gives a fuck that you've dropped combitubes in dead kids or pushed a button on a lifepak. i'm arguing on 4chan with some fat tatted superman wannabe. i'll pass.

>> No.10672218

I work at a county fire department where we run all the 911 for over 2 million people...you’re so bitter because you’re a doctors bitch who no one listens to. Why would I “transition” to an ED? So I can be a murse everyone laughs at and read orders off a screen all day? We laugh at the male nurses every time we leave the ED

>> No.10672254

thats gonna be a big yikes from me dog

Literally nobody laughs at nurses, outside the occasional well hearted profession banter.
The fact that you take it so serioulsy shows a bit of an inferiority complex teebeehaych

anyways dont you have some """"""advanced""""" airways to place big man

>> No.10672282

how is it so obvious that these threads are full of autistic premeds?

>> No.10672295

Mate, I was rooting for you, but
>We laugh at the male nurses every time we leave the ED
Come on, anon...

>> No.10672300

>t. seething murse

>> No.10672338

i feel bad for making the easy joke so im just gonna compliment you on those dubs

thank you for your service, you are an american hero Jimmy

>> No.10672354

Because it's obvious that any doctors wouldn't spend their time on 4chan.

>> No.10672356

>dude only pathetic people browse 4chan lmao
Stop projecting.

>> No.10672359

No retard, only people with a considerable amount of free time would spend their time on 4chan. Do you think some tired ass doctor who just finished his job is gonna go to 4chan every single day?

Of course these threads are going to be filled with premeds, actual med students and doctors have far more responsibilities and will only be here on occasion.

>> No.10672364

>getting this buttblasted
Docs aren't some mystical beings you fucking moron, wasting time on here is no different from playing vidya or watching netflix or any other mindless passive hobby you'd do to unwind, and being a medical professional doesn't magically make you uninterested in unproductive things
You'll learn to stop idealizing the profession if you get into med school

>> No.10672375

>calling you a retard once is being buttblasted

are you a doctor anon? what specialty are you in that makes you so unpleasant?

>> No.10672378

My specialty is ur mums ass

>> No.10672385



based and redpilled

>> No.10672386

Eh, it’s not always busy and not everyone has a shitty lifestyle.

t. posting from ER, six drunks with minor injuries this far

>> No.10672451

Are you the suomi anon?
Hope you have an easy night on duty, update us tomorrow if something intresding:D happens

>> No.10672453

The tightness isn't a result of that though, it just comes about by carrying on with my day as normal

>> No.10672639



>> No.10672644


lol county volunteer paragod can't pass A&P 1 to get into an ADN program. news at 11.

>> No.10672917


>> No.10673168


already done it with

05/25/19(Sat)04:18:27 No.10671204
05/24/19(Fri)16:32:59 No.10670016

You lose!

>> No.10673407


>> No.10673591

I wish we had paramedics in my country. We have mainly doctors working the ambulances and as you can imagine they are insufficient numbers, get overworked, leave the emergency survices etc. Paramedics would change everything. They would graduate at higher numbers than medics and would have more evened out workload, thus making the service better quality.
oh lul, I just didn't get it at first

>> No.10673641
File: 14 KB, 625x582, 031 - rXtndky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cards written exam tomorrow
>tfw studied the most common pathologies and chronic diseases
I love chronic diseases but if I get into something more complicated, I don't feel like studying it anymore.

>> No.10673702

Anon don't forget to breathe. You seem hyper anxious and self imposing High standards on your social abilities just because you look good. Relax. Take some deep breaths. Your anxiety probably screams through your body language and people perceive that as being annoyed. You can make it Anon. My baby is so close.

>> No.10673730

Anons what the fuck is wrong with me? A couple of days ago, my right arm hurt like a bitch and felt all tense, and now my right foot does. Could it have anything to do with my hemiparesis? Should I be concerned?

>> No.10673835

Sounds bad. How often are you farting?

>> No.10674029

It was a rowdy night. About twice the usual patients. Nothing particularly interesting, lots of drunks, injuries, heart problems; the usual. One victim of a cat attack though. Another night awaits.

>> No.10674031
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any poo and per?

>> No.10674153


remember, the left ventricle is on the LEFT side!

>> No.10674154


how is your urethra? look for fungal nail infections, sarcoidosis, and possibly MG. then again you could have a case of homocysteinemia or perhaps you're just an asshole.

>> No.10674156

Thanks for the tip, man.

>> No.10674169

Oh dear. Very poor advice.

>> No.10674189
File: 23 KB, 333x499, 44DA7D8E-9D53-4D09-B276-9795F1F23023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for making NPs feel small?

>> No.10674193

They already feel small if they think that picture is accurate. I mean, they have a big inferiority complex that won't get smaller.

>> No.10674243

What are the pros and cons of doing pharma?
Do pharma students have more free time than med students?

>> No.10674245

He could just dip a Qtip in mentholated alcohol and swabs it around in there to be sure.

>> No.10674384
File: 36 KB, 462x579, 43 - uXIpZFa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another "be outside of the US and have no idea what the fuck a NP is" episode

>> No.10674435

We have a few of them in the U.K. I asked one what the difference between her and a GP was, and she bitterly said ‘about £50k’.

>> No.10674443

So...NP is basically what? A nurse that got some more experience and can do what a physician does or...? Also, it seems like a triggered response coming from the nurse.

>> No.10674819

Family medicine is the comfiest speciality. Prove me wrong.

>> No.10674866

In what sense is it comfy?

>> No.10674922

In terms of cases, work environment, patients.

>> No.10674938

Ophthalmology, pathology and psychiatry.
Also I don't know what country you live in but GPs here work their fucking asses off every day, I wouldn't call that comfy.

>> No.10674948

Romania. I see that at my mom. Rural GP is comfy. She has her own office, but wants to expand it to make a clinic, these are the times I've only seen her stressed out. She does see 20+ patients/day but she has a break from 12pm to 16pm which makes it even more comfier. She does have some interesting cases, but for FM, that's kind of rare.

Sorry in advance for mentioning my mom again.

>> No.10674954

Oh, okay, I wouldn't know about rural. It seems like the kind of responsibilities you'd have would still be somewhat stressful, especially in small remote towns in the middle of the country where you're the only physician.
I maintain that the /c o m f y/ specialty is ophtho, though.

>> No.10674956

4pm* lol.

>> No.10674965

The rural area is more like a suburb, the city is located at approx 5km from this place and she is indeed the only family physician (The population of the rural setting is between 5k-10k and it's balanced between the old and young families.)

I guess I will never know if it's stressful or not until I'll be present there the whole day, but yes, she is sometimes tired, especially in the days she has house consults, but the money is good, people do respect her and she is happy with the job.

Never considered ophta since it's a surgical spec, even though you're almost never "on call" and have pretty simple procedures compared to other surgical specs.

>> No.10675010

Lol, psych is so much nicer, if you really want to cheat, adolescent psych.

>> No.10675055

>2-1 for finland, 7 min left


>> No.10675059

You're sure you're in the right thread, friend?

>> No.10675064


>> No.10675073

>3-1 4 min left

Fuck, this is gonna be bad, I still remember 2011

>> No.10675079


I want this to be true because in bongland a FM doc can out-earn most specialities, on top of having the shortest training time, and being piss easy to match into.

Thanks a lot, gubment healthcare

>> No.10675081

Niggas i dun goofd by adverse effects

>dude it nerver happens lmao
fuck me
Took po doxylamine 25 yesterday because i couldnt sleep and wanted to be well rested for today.
Woke up with urinary retention and hesitancy brehs i pissed like 25 times today no joke its like 10 drops per attempt

The halflife in this shit is 10-12hs when can i expect to take a decent leak?
its been almost 24h now

>> No.10675082


does your mom fart? how is the farting?

>> No.10675084


why don't you start by getting your head out of your own ass and researching the topic you fucking virgin internet addict piece of shit

>> No.10675085

Worrying. How often are you farting?

>> No.10675088

Thoughts on oncology?

>> No.10675089


it's a play on the stupid morale shit that adn nurses do especially with their stupid t-shirts

>Any tips for making NPs feel small?

remind you that you didn't get into nursing school because you're on 4chan too much and that you have zero people skills. fyi that t-shirt and theme is ironic as fuck. no professional takes that shit seriously. but hey, you fell for it.

>> No.10675092

That's it, I'm fucked. Wish me luck.

>> No.10675093


you have a bad urethra, don't you? just admit it. we're all friends here.


very good idea. is best if q-tip is incinerated and bits of ground glass are applied to detect spherical anamoloies as well!

>> No.10675099

what did some game of footegg end bad for someone? so it's time for the eurotrash to riot?

>> No.10675102

>i pissed like 25 times today no joke its like 10 drops per attempt

so let's calculate the drip rate in mcg/kg/hr

>> No.10675103

just foley my shit up sempai
i want to pee so bad

fuck you fucking cunt what the fuck are you even doing in this thread always posting the same unfunny shit

>> No.10675107


it's outta control!

>> No.10675108


>> No.10675109

Why is this thread so useless jfc

>> No.10675114


ackshully if you're farting you can apply more force to the bladder neck to distend it and PEE... or watch youtube videos of waterfalls and PEEEEEEE or get an rx for flomax and stop fucking up your prostate senpai desu dawg yikes kek

>> No.10675116
File: 35 KB, 450x300, IMG_1211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hockey, Finland won for the third time in history. The celebrations will be huge and the ER will be absolutely loaded with injured drunks and just drunks.

>> No.10675117


u fuckn brainless brainlet its a play on cellular overgrowfth and cells grown too mush and mycotic jeans and cellular metabullism

>> No.10675121

It's not a "play" if it's neither funny nor clever, you braindead waste of oxygen
Also learn to spell, rancid cunt

>> No.10675122


want a work note? i can feel the fever you're getting from here. didn't know the finns played ice egg thought their pasttime was sniping russians and standing 100' from each other at bus stops and wondering how ikëæ was still in business

>> No.10675125

Woho! Babby’s upset! Quick, someone call the doctor, or even better, the nurse practitioner!

>> No.10675127


cancer is out of control by definition you fucking europeon dumb fuck

>> No.10675129


which won has a better heart?

love the seething professional rivalry here!!


nah, just drop a b52 in the bitch

>> No.10675130

Thanks captain obvious, wanna know how I know you're a premed?
End yourself, faggot

>> No.10675139


welcome, scribe. hope you pass o-chem and can back up those claims of being chief surgical resident - one day.

>> No.10675144

you were still jerking it to shampoo ads when i passed ochem you fucking NIGGER

>> No.10675148

s e e t h i n g

>> No.10675151

If I'm not in a hospital bed dying in the morning the chief will most likely kill me for the trouble of finding me a replacement. At least I'm not on duty on Monday when the team comes back and the REALLY BIG PARTY starts.

>> No.10675160


sears catalog when you were a clump of cells in your fat momma

>> No.10675161


can't fight the seether

>> No.10675168

Do you think he'll ever realize that we just post this stuff to make him sperg out?

>> No.10675175


you were jerking it to national geographic ads when i passed algebra 1 you fucking NIGGER

>> No.10675183

>I'm just scratching at this point

are any cats involved?

do you have a fever during the late evening on your average saturday?

any known allergies to cowbell>

>> No.10675187

>studying math
i dont even know how to divide

yikes and low-yield pilled

>> No.10675191


1/10. Best I can do. But lemme call my friend who specializes in troll posting.

>> No.10675192
File: 54 KB, 625x446, twat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello lads,
3rd year med student from the UK here
New to /sci/ and was just wondering if anyone could give me a quick rundown(tm) on what all this romaniaposting is about and countless romanian references
Been lurking but can't work it out, I'm very sorry

Btw interventional rads or neurosurgery wahey?

>> No.10675203


Fuck is you. I do surge of brian in my sleep and can outperform many english doctor with last name rajaahahahagoooglehaharaj. Welcome to teh worst bored on chan #4. Everyone here is chief of staff driving lambo suv with top 10 model and 250 IQ. also, do not have ipod mini as for little girls!

is amazing you just find now!!


>> No.10675214

I don't get it. Why do people hate NCx? Namefagging? if so understandable

>> No.10675215

Fook off buck toothed poofter

>> No.10675249

Breh id wait until you start doing clinics before thinking about a spec.

Also leave the thread asap theres nothing but stupid shit in here

>> No.10675252

The Romanian guy is just a regular poster that constantly and needlessly mentions that he’s from Romania and his mother has a practice

>> No.10675260

Thanks for the advice lads
Funnily enough I've been to romania quite a few times and know the language, state of medicine there is pretty dire from what I could tell

>> No.10675262

There is literally nothing wrong with being indian

>> No.10675267


if you were trully medicine you would say stat. you are premed poser.

also, none of these /med/ threads baby are going to contain any medical advice or have specifics from nursing, advanced practice, medicine, specialties, or allied health give out any particulars you can count on as former of internet mentorship. it's a troll board on a retard website for lazy fucks looking for entertainment and teh lulz on an alternative social media website. and yet, millhouse is still not a meme.

>> No.10675268


>> No.10675270


except for your annoying reservation casinos and stop lights everywhere around them. oh and the uh, genocide, ya know whoops

>> No.10675273

Most boards have decent threads though, a nice mix of memes and seriousness. Mu, lit, fit, v, pol, etc, etc....
Here it just seems /b/ tier autism, but somehow even less funny, like they don't go far enough with it. It's not funny, and it's not serious. It's the thread equivalent of a headache
Makes me wonder just how miserable the average healthcare worker is if this is what we create when left alone

>> No.10675277

I go to med school in the U.K. and you lot are swarming the place. I have to share a flat with you poos and now all my clothes permanently smell of curry. Fuck off.

>> No.10675279

Which uni lad? We have have a cheeky meet up and shag

>> No.10675284

>ust how miserable the average healthcare worker is if this is what we create when left alone

quite. thanks obama!

and i wouldn't be surprised if residents, RNs, and multitude of healthcare providers were actively on here and trolling away

>> No.10675286

>if you were trully medicine you would say stat.

fuck off cunt

you coat wearing
jargon overusing
lecture interrupting
stupid shit asking


ps im not american bud i dont even know what a premed actually is

>> No.10675306


>> No.10675307

>im not american bud i dont even know


>> No.10675310


what is happening with ice egg and europeon riot?


also, what questions do you have that can be asked /med/... ask and maybe you will be answer?

>> No.10675318

these yank fools gettin loans to study lmao meanwhile im geting PAID son
god bless

>> No.10675320

If you could go back in time, would you have chosen radiology instead? What was your thinking for choosing Neurosurg in the first place?
If this is troll post fuck you nigger

>> No.10675328


This is a reply to a troll post and no rads is shit that's why they're on 3rd divorce and hate life and try to get creative with impressions that read like bad romance novels. IR can be cool. Heads are all about volume and cancer is depressing as fuck and kids with bad brains are even worse. NS wards are depressingly cold and quiet.

Go into something where you can see results. Also, my recommendation is that you go fuck yourself first. Use lube however

>> No.10675331


7h to go trooper

>> No.10675333

What would be your personal recommendation then fren?
The neurosurgery ward I'm on at the minute is brutal yes. Lots of very young cases - terminal infratentorial masses... but the operations are very fun

>> No.10675340


take a step back. lol.. get it? step 2... ah, nevermind. it's an american thing.

medicine or surgery? start there. why are you in medicine? honestly

>> No.10675367

Wait until 6th year where all you do is practicals and get to know each dept in your hospital.
Youll probably have your answer by then

do whatever you want, dont listen to any spastic in here

>> No.10675847

Every Woman Is An Expert On Nutrition

>> No.10675933

Yes, the situation is pretty shit but hey, at least you don't have to wait 3 months to see your GP.

>> No.10676409

>you don't have to wait 3 months to see your GP.
No country is like this.

>> No.10676511

Maybe I exaggerated a bit, but my fiancee's sister lives in UK with her bf. Her bf is an englishman, and had some medical issue so he made an appointment to see his GP. Apparently, he had to wait 3 weeks because the GP was fully booked. You won't see shit like this in Romania, for example. Here, GP's office is basically a walk-in office and can come whenever you want (except outside of working hours ofc)

>> No.10676591

Every woman is an expert on everything.

>> No.10676601

have sex incel

>> No.10676633
File: 88 KB, 665x709, 701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yaaaas! I posted it again!

>> No.10676637

>have sex
>have intercourse
>have coitus
This has become a plebbit meme, please refrain from posting such shit in the future. It's stupid, just like yourself.

>> No.10676662

Took my IM final exam frens. I got Cushing and pericarditis. The examinor was our endo prof. Shit was intense and 100% I'm not gonna work endo. How do people like this shit sheesh. Tomorrow I start with my surgical internship, ophto in particular. What's goin' on with you guys?

I hope you like molecular biology and biochemistry.
Every instagram whore and middle-aged soccer mom.

>> No.10676665
File: 265 KB, 1184x1775, 1558950631063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what a night that was. Just an endless stream of patients even in the morning.

>> No.10676672

I'm waiting for my cardiology exam grade to come in the e-mail. The written exam was horrible compared to the oral one.

>> No.10676675

The earth is constantly shifting under your feet. You need to read a lot.

>> No.10676681

Putting aside the memes about autism, what is path actually like? More specifically anatomical and neuropath.

>> No.10676719

>Minimal time dedicated to a subject during the courses and practicals
>Ends up being ~20% of the exam questions

>Sould have looked into it by yourselves :^)

I didnt want a good average anyways

>> No.10676727

>choose 3 specs
>characterize each one in your own way

EM - Adrenaline junkies, sometimes chill
IM - The true nerds of medicine
FM - Jack of all trades

>> No.10676731

>true nerds
>not neuro

>> No.10676735

That's why I said it. Everybody think that neuros are nerds but IMs are even bigger nerds to be desu.

>> No.10676736

What kind of exam was it?

>tfw internally debating between trying to bullshit your way out with vague knowledge or sentencing yourself with an "lol i dont know boss"
>tfw you see the face of your examiner go from neutral to full shiggy diggy

>> No.10676746

Blow it out your ass

>> No.10676881
File: 7 KB, 223x250, 1558946996061s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to stay calm and perfectly controlled while you see a life ending in front of your eyes and have a good enough memory to remember what exactly do in that moment plus all the drugs (interactions, collateral effects, doses) you shoukd give the patient to stop him dying

>> No.10676909
File: 3.95 MB, 425x425, 1558929956313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek nice one

>> No.10676912

Really original stuff. I hear ortho are jocks and derm like money lol!!!

>> No.10677184

Sure, but you'll still have to slip them 50 lei to be seen, right?

>> No.10677201

No. Instead of money we do like to get eggs and milk and meat from the locals lol. I said that rural GP is fun. The office being a walk in one and the patients being already poor as they are, it would be pretty shitty to take their money, especially 50 RON.

>> No.10677629


what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.10678526

Why would anyone voluntarily be a male nurse? It's a female profession, males want to be independent and make their own decisions, not be some resident's bitch

>> No.10678700

Most murses I've seen usually wanna become NP's or CRNA's and either come from broke as fuck backgrounds (so no time/money to deal with premed and med school) or they're changing their careers

>> No.10678725

>gets no action, must put female in every pic

>> No.10678765

How effective are back braces at moving your spine over a long term? I fractured a lumbar vertebra last year and recovered fairly well, except that about 5-10cm of spine is much closer to the skin in the middle/lower part of my back and the core muscles in that area are rather sore since I think they're compensating for the failed vertebra. I'd like to have my spine return to a relatively normal position if that's at all possible without surgery

>> No.10678807

Aspiring murse here.
This anon is right, I'm currently changing careers and highly doubt I could do medical school with current financial situation, not to mention I'd be nearly 40 after going through pre-reqs and everything else doctors need to do, then hoping someone wants to give a non-traditional student residency compared to someone younger who could practice medicine for much longer.
Idea is to do CRNA or a dual track PA/NP program, depends on what interests me. I actually think an anesthesiology assistant training would be better than CRNA but I'm not interested in living in the states that currently allow them to practice.

>> No.10678818

what's the best best specialty for a lazy loner ?

>> No.10678834

What year are you on?

>> No.10678860


it's a great professional desu senpai to be honest, family!

>> No.10679003 [DELETED] 

Anesthesia resident here. We work with SRNAs and AA-S in the ACT model.

AAs tend to be more rookie-like during the first year or two out from training, but catch up very quickly. CRNAs are more experienced fresh out, some of them have attitude problems due to the indoctrination they receive at certain CRNA schools. After a few years of practice, the two become virtually indistinguishable and I can't tell you which pathway the majority of our midlevel providers went through. Unless they retain the attitude problem, then it's obvious.

Both are fantastic career choices, except for the AA state limitations you mentioned.

It sounds like you've done your research well so I'm not going to belabor PA vs NP which you can find all over the internet, but I want to point out that they are not quite equal in terms of flexibility. NP schools tend to be more categorized into a niche (midwife, psych, NICU, FNP) and switching into a different specialty is more difficult. PA schools follow the "medical model" and have an easier time going into the surgical or procedural specialties since PAs can bill more for these. Switching specialties as a PA is easier as well. Outpatient clinic, inpatient provider, and ED can be covered by either depending on the region. You should obviously choose whichever works best for your life situation , but all else being equal I would suggest PA if you get the chance.

>> No.10679006

Anesthesia resident here. We work with SRNAs and AA-S in the ACT model.

AAs tend to be more rookie-like during the first year or two out from training, but catch up very quickly. CRNAs are more experienced fresh out (not so much because of CRNA school, but because of their prior ICU experience), however some of them have attitude problems due to the indoctrination they receive at certain CRNA schools. After a few years of practice, the two become virtually indistinguishable and I can't tell you which pathway the majority of our midlevel providers went through. Unless they retain the attitude problem, then it's obvious.

Both are fantastic career choices, except for the AA state limitations you mentioned.

It sounds like you've done your research well so I'm not going to belabor PA vs NP which you can find all over the internet, but I want to point out that they are not quite equal in terms of flexibility. NP schools tend to be more categorized into a niche (midwife, psych, NICU, FNP) and switching into a different specialty is more difficult. PA schools follow the "medical model" and have an easier time going into the surgical or procedural specialties since PAs can bill more for these. Switching specialties as a PA is easier as well. Outpatient clinic, inpatient provider, and ED can be covered by either depending on the region. You should obviously choose whichever works best for your life situation , but all else being equal I would suggest PA if you get the chance.

>> No.10679009

Not from US, but I've read something about AA's. They're kind of the PA to a NP comparing them to CRNAs. Is it true that AAs have more knowledge than CRNAs?

>> No.10679016
File: 242 KB, 1400x771, States where AAs practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, there's no truth to that. Like I said, they perform identically and I don't think one pathway is safer or better than another with appropriate medically direction.

The only difference is fact that CRNAs are allowed to practice independently in certain states (which leads to the CRNA politics), and the fact that AAs can only practice in certain states.

>> No.10679022

Why are CRNAs so assblasted? I've seen the link from AANA and the response from ASA, but AANA seems to be very unprofessional, judging from that article.

>> No.10679035



>> No.10679050
File: 1.21 MB, 1074x1264, AANA-Gomerblog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AANA is an organization that exists to advancing the nurse anesthetist scope of practice through legislation, ignoring any science and evidence-based medicine to the contrary. It serves the same political purpose as the naturopathic or chiropractor organizations.

Unprofessional is absolutly the right word for these clowns

I guess human beings will do and say anything to obtain power and money.

By the way, please don't think all CRNAs are like this. The ones I've worked with in the ACT model are overall quite pleasant and happy being supervised, stool sitting for 8 hours a day, having all the risk managed by someone else, and being guaranteed to be out of the hospital at 5 on the dot.

We joke that you can train a monkey to hold a scapel and operate, it's the years of learning which patients to take to surgery and which NOT to, that makes the surgeon.

The problem with these shortcut pathways is that it circumvents these years of learning on complex patients, pushing the boundaries, making mistakes, being rescued out by your attendings.

Training a handful of very smart, talented and motivated SCPs to perform straightforward procedures does not mean this pathway is safe for general independent practice. It also does not mean the average person who goes through a program like this will be safe to perform surgery.

It's the same issue that arises with all mid-level providers. Everybody wants to expand their scope of practice, and be respected for what they can do.

Should we allow RTs to administer volatile anesthetics?

Should we allow dental hygenists to perform tooth extraction?

Should we allow nurse aides to take a class on passing meds and call themselves "Certified Nurse Medication Technicians"?

After all, here will always be a need. However, the more we dilute the pool of providers, the more patients will get hurt.

>> No.10679083

Radiologist here. How do I deal with the persisting dread that I feel completely braindead about every branch of medicine aside from rad? Like a patient comes to you, names three drugs he's taking and you vaguely can recognize the names but you have absolutely no idea what they are without looking them up? Or I keep forgetting normal blood level values of all the common stuff like RBC or sodium or whatever. I went through uni struggling with massive bouts of debilitating insomnia and absurd amounts of cramming. When I think back on my uni days and what I learned, I mostly have just brain fog. I know, you could say "then go refresh it from your notes you dummy" but I feel like this about almost every branch of medicine, and the sheer amount of shit I'd have to refresh is just crazy.

>> No.10679102

You take comfort in the fact that every other doctor pretends to read imaging, but is really waiting for your overread.

Why do you need to remember any of that anyway?

"Clinically Correlate", cha-ching!

>> No.10679271

Read journals and review books. Or just ignore it.

>> No.10679283

>tfw no idea what appropriate reference levels are for anything outside of BP

>> No.10679287

Not knowing your grades right up is freaking annoying.
She examined 3 people before me for 30 minutes each while making "are you fucking retarded" faces all the time. And they all got more pleasant deseases. I kind of bulshit my way through it since I knew the causes and clinical symptoms, but my knowledge about the diagnosis with all the stupid supression tests and the treatment was pretty vague. I just don't find that stuff interesting and ignored it. Somehow I managed to get around it using my vague knowledge and mostly logic. I guess also the fact that I was last helped me since she wanted to go home too.
>tfw got drunk with the bois last night and no one went to ophto today
I have always wondered does that shit matter to you radanons? I mean yeah you gotta know the different conditions, but why do you care what medication they're taking and their blood work? Also when you don't work with certain information you tend to forget it.

>> No.10679317

Barely got it today. 9/10 for cardiology is very good imo, although I fucked up (probably medication) a bit.

>> No.10679828

Should I study pharmacy instead of medicine lads?

>> No.10679870

yes. more money

>> No.10679875

Fresh bread, it can't be worse than this one.

>> No.10679880

Or can it?