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File: 41 KB, 467x450, 3077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10668414 No.10668414 [Reply] [Original]

because in every other facet of society, to not have a conscience leads to a diagnoses of Psychopath - but scientists escape this label - even though the unethical among them have wrought destruction on all of us - to varying degrees including death - for over a hundred years.

Someone said earlier, that ethics and philosophy don't belong in science : maybe that's what's wrong with mainstream scientists : they have no ethics nor philosophy to support a healthy conscience - hence why they don't have one :

= psychopaths.

Yes this is a statement thread.

>> No.10668416

Do you feel better having made it?

>> No.10668422


Yes. Do you agree with it? Not that it will change my opinion if you don't, but I was hoping someone might respond with something to discuss specifics, since I've been so general.

>> No.10668428

>Someone said earlier, that ethics and philosophy don't belong in science
While ethics is not science, I believe scientists should attempt to be moral. I do not think scientists are an immoral bunch for admitting that ethics is something that ought to be rather than is. This is why I think your OP is a huge strawman.

>> No.10668432

The problem with that is that the only people who will respond seriously to you are people like me.

I self-diagnosed primary psychopathy years ago. Prior to that I'd never felt affective empathy of any kind. When I see injustices in the world, I don't feel sad, I feel angry. Despite what you think, I still have a personality. I'm just beyond your empathic horizon, so to speak. I'll help you if I think what you're doing will help as many people as possible. Otherwise, I'll do nothing, which, in my experience, causes people who wish to harm others to implode.

>> No.10668435
File: 481 KB, 1365x767, Yagami Light ( Death Note ).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychopaths rule our world

I've heard that outside Prison, Business CEOs & Upper Management have the highest levels of Psychopathy.

According to the British psychologist Kevin Dutton, the 10 careers that have the highest proportion of psychopaths are:

# 1. CEO # 2. Lawyer
# 3. Media (TV/radio) # 4. Salesperson
# 5. Surgeon # 6. Journalist
# 7. Police officer # 8. Clergy
# 9. Chef # 10. Civil servant

Except from Wikipedia:
"The organizational psychopath craves a god-like feeling of power and control over other people."
"They prefer to work at the very highest levels of their organizations, allowing them to control the greatest number of people."
"Psychopaths who are political leaders, managers, and CEOs fall into this category."

"Psychopathy has a much higher prevalence in the convicted and incarcerated population, where it is thought that an estimated 15–25% of prisoners qualify for the diagnosis"

>>10668416 >>10668422 >>10668428 >>10668432

>> No.10668438

>conscience leads to a diagnoses of Psychopath - but scientists escape this label
This makes no sense. Conscience is something that an individual has. That the process of doesn't have a conscience not mean that the individuals that perform this process does not. I would actually think the science community has a healthy amount of conscience. That the subject matter of science does not concern academic investigation of ethics, does not mean that they are bad people. A plumber isn't evil just because he merely fixes pipes.

>> No.10668440

>When I see injustices in the world, I don't feel sad, I feel angry

Even a retard reading the Wikipedia page of "Psychopathy" may be able to sound more psycho than you.

What the fuck is an injustice ? You're talking about a moral concept, psychos have no moral, therefore you're no psycho.

Now stop being edgy, try to cure your autism, but above all stop shitposting on my /sci/

>> No.10668442
File: 32 KB, 474x474, Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 thing that distinguishes CEOs & Common Prison inmates (on average) is IQ.

Common Prison inmates have lower IQ.

CEOs have higher IQ & have access to better lawyers.
White collar criminals also tend to have higher IQ.

>> No.10668446
File: 25 KB, 358x358, Smug Yandere Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Psychopaths rule /our/ World

You got that?

>>10668416 >>10668422

>> No.10668449

>What the fuck is an injustice
Things that elevate one person in status above another in a way that allows them to control the actions of the other.

What you fail to realize is that morality implies some level of self-preservation. Even if all I do is protect myself, protecting myself in the context of human society means ensuring that that society protects me. You gain from any self defense measures I create through society, and you fail by trying to rob me of that, by trying to put me outside of society.

You don't understand psychopaths. To you it's just a word. You've never met someone that you were able to identify as such. You have no experience with which to claim anything about my diagnosis.

>> No.10668468

>Things that elevate one person in status above another in a way that allows them to control the actions of the other.

That's a very, very bad definition, because a presidential election, too, can be defined as a thing that elevates one person in status above another in a way that allows them to control the actions of the other.

Injustice refers to something that isn't just, justice refers to morals, and morals are "standards of behaviour; principles of right and wrong".

>What you fail to realize is that morality implies some level of self-preservation

Now this part is just garbage and I don't really understand your point, please develop because there's no meaning to what you wrote.

>You don't understand psychopaths. To you it's just a word. You've never met someone that you were able to identify as such. You have no experience

Between you and me, I think you're the one considering that psychopath is just a word. It's a nice word, isn't it ? Do you feel better, using it to define what you think you are ?

I have experience of people, and more precisely of bullied children. Some of them also have autism. I don't want to be mean, but you profile seems like the one of a former bullied kid trying to explain his natural anger by psychopathy.

Therapeutically, you can be anything if it helps you to feel better. I hope you feel less rejected by defining yourself as a psychopath, anon.

>> No.10668488
File: 87 KB, 500x435, Satania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychopathy is most common among bullies than the bullied.

Bullied kids often have autism instead of psychopathy.

But hey Why not Both?

>> No.10668491

That's my point. Bullied kids think they are psychopaths whereas the truth is that they have autism.

>> No.10668495

>in a way that allows them to control the actions of the other
No, because people who work for the government lose their status as people. They declare their allegiance to a system, and automatically become bonded to law. Their actions are not controlled by the president, they simply willingly act on the word of whatever fool has been elected.
>justice refers to morals
That's your (politically motivated) interpretation. It isn't like that for everyone, not by a long shot. You give nothing to go on for what's right or wrong, which only results in every nation, every culture, having their own standards.

>Do you feel better, using it
No, I feel nothing in relation to it. It's not a word I invented, it's a word you invented. You as the human, as the representative of society, of the humanity of it all, of science and psychology. It's your word, and I'm attempting to use it to communicate with you. I gain or lose nothing by it because you're not a trained psychologist.

>less rejected
I literally don't understand the concept. People around me have felt fear at the concept of rejection, but I've never met someone I couldn't outpace in an argument. To *actually* oppress me, someone would have to justify their behavior, at which point I can just ask them "why?" and it all falls apart. Most forms of violence revolve around the attacked person attacking back, and most forms of escalation are misunderstandings on an emotional level that push people to go from talking to violence.

You're using your experience to try to map me into a box you understand. That's wrong. That's fundamentally not how to deal with a psychopath. We are known to be able to manipulate psychologists—trained, intelligent psychologists. Experts in their field. This is because they don't actually perceive us, they don't actually empathize with us. They, like you, make assumptions about our "personality," and it doesn't work, because, quite frankly.

Someone without a personality can be anyone.

>> No.10668499

>But hey Why not Both?
It's incredible rare. There's studies on this.

>> No.10668501
File: 47 KB, 638x479, Lack of empathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Autism & Psychopathy are linked to low levels of empathy tho.


>> No.10668504
File: 19 KB, 474x266, Autistic L x Psycho Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10668491 >>10668499
In 2 kinds of conditions people exhibit lack of Empathy:
(1) Autism/Asperger,
(2) Psychopathy/Narcissism

>> No.10668509

>No, because people who work for the government lose their status as people
[reference needed]

>automatically become bonded to law
No one is bonded to law. You can do everything you want, you're free, even though some actions of yours may result in loss of job or imprisonment.

>That's your (politically motivated) interpretation
No, that's my (English language motivated) interpretation.

>I literally don't understand the concept
Maybe you are literally retarded then, because not understanding the concept of rejection is only a thing autistic children are capable of.

>but I've never met someone I couldn't outpace in an argument
You also don't meet much people, as it seems.

>We are known to be able to manipulate psychologists
Yet I see through your bullshit a mile away. You are the worst psycho I've ever met, or maybe just a depressed weirdo.

>Someone without a personality can be anyone.
Man that's a high level of cringe material, I'm screen capping.

>> No.10668511
File: 56 KB, 600x388, AutisticL x PsychoLight Chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10668491 >>10668499 >>10668509

Autistic INTP x Psycho INTJ ?



>> No.10668513

Morality doesn’t exist, goofy ass.

>> No.10668518

Your thread is empirically a waste of time, thanks for playing.

>> No.10668519

>craves a god-like feeling of power and control

our scientists inject microscopic life with poison.

>> No.10668525

/our/ /sci/entists

>> No.10668529


OP here. this post and >>10668519 are mine.


how about Reason, then.

does it make SENSE to invent harmful things.

>> No.10668531


It's kind of misleading, as both the underlying cause and the effect of this differs between the disorders. In detail:

> Cognitive versus affective empathy

>Empathy can be subdivided into two major components:

> 1) cognitive empathy (also termed 'mentalizing'), the ability to understand another's mental state;
> 2) affective or emotional empathy, the ability to emotionally respond to another's mental states. Affective empathy can be subdivided into personal distress (self-centered feelings of discomfort and anxiety in response to another's suffering) and empathic concern (sympathy towards others that are suffering).[41][42]

>Studies found that individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) self-report lower levels of empathic concern, show less or absent comforting responses toward someone who is suffering, and report equal or higher levels of personal distress compared to controls.[41] The combination of reduced empathic concern and increased personal distress may lead to the overall reduction of empathy in ASD.[41]

>Studies also suggest that individuals with ASD may have impaired theory of mind, involving the ability to understand the perspectives of others.[43] The terms cognitive empathy and theory of mind are often used synonymously, but due to a lack of studies comparing theory of mind with types of empathy, it is unclear whether these are equivalent.[43] Notably, many reports on the empathic deficits of individuals with Asperger syndrome are actually based on impairments in theory of mind.[43][44][45]

>Baron-Cohen argued that psychopathy is associated with intact cognitive empathy but reduced affective empathy while ASD is associated with both reduced cognitive and affective empathy.[46]


>> No.10668537


>Studies show that almost no autists have comorbid cluster B personality disorders. It's the rarest comorbid PD cluster of all with autism.

>> No.10668538
File: 25 KB, 403x299, 3078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10668541

Psychopath here. Just want to point out that part of the reason it took me so long to realize I was "different" was because my cognitive empathy is fully intact. I *thought* I had empathy because I was completely unaware of the second dimension of empathy. It was a bit of a shock to realize that I had never actually felt empathy before.

>> No.10668548

>does it make SENSE to invent harmful things.

Do you want to do it? Will it further your goals? Then yes.

>> No.10668549

>Psychopath here

Literally kill your self.

>> No.10668556

Very interesting. As an autist I had the exact opposite experience. I have always felt distressed by others suffering, but I didn't understand how incredible much easier it is for normal people to read these states. When this dawned upon me I understood how easy it must be for normies to manipulate autists. This is why autists are not dangerous like psychopaths are. Autists are usually pretty good hearted, and people exploit them for their kindness.

>> No.10668560
File: 43 KB, 480x360, AutisticKoishi vs PsychoFlandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>individuals with ASD may have impaired theory of mind, involving the ability to understand the perspectives of others.

A Closed 3rd Eye

>> No.10668563

You mean the thing that doesn’t exist?

>> No.10668571

Alright. How will that help you?
People exploit everything. I attribute it to thousands of years of sociopaths running unchecked by psychopaths. The only thing that gets through to a sociopath is a death threat, but they parade morality like it's an objectively uniform thing, so I can't properly threaten them whenever I see them. If psychopaths could be let loose on sociopaths, 99% of the problems in society would disappear in a matter of months.

We are humanity's greatest weapon, and it refuses to use it in its most effective capacity.

>> No.10668582

>Alright. How will that help you?

A dangerous wild animal is gone from the biosphere.

>> No.10668589
File: 66 KB, 800x456, Brain's Limbic System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd Eye ... I mean...
The precise medical (& not esoteric term) is Limbic System.

Brain's Limbic System.

The core & inner part of brain that controls our emotions, learning, behavior, motivation, smelling & short term memory.


>> No.10668594

Your evidence falls short, so I'll table the decision, since we both agree that it's mine to make.

>> No.10668595

That....has nothing to do with theory of mind.

>> No.10668597

No, it’s mine.

>> No.10668607

From wikipedia:

Part of the Limbic system:

Limbic lobe (controls emotional behavior)
Orbitofrontal cortex (decision making)
Piriform cortex (olfactory system)
Entorhinal cortex (associative memory)
Hippocampus (consolidation of new memories)
Septal nuclei (pleasure zone)
Amygdala (fear, anxiety, and aggression)
Nucleus accumbens (reward, pleasure, and addiction)
Hypothalamus (autonomic processes)

>> No.10668609

Prove it I suppose.

>> No.10668611
File: 542 KB, 1300x1000, koishi & satori komeiji (touhou).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd Eye is a metaphor, an analogy, an allegory
not meant to be interpreted literally

It's maybe a different part of brain... but it still inside brain.
>Neuropsychological evidence has provided support for neuroimaging results regarding the neural basis of theory of mind. Studies with patients suffering from a lesion of the frontal lobes and the temporoparietal junction of the brain (between the temporal lobe and parietal lobe) reported that they have difficulty with some theory of mind tasks
>Neuroimaging research has supported this view, demonstrating specific brain regions consistently engaged during theory of mind tasks.
>PET research on theory of mind, using verbal and pictorial story comprehension tasks, has identified a set of brain regions including the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and area around posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), and sometimes precuneus and amygdala/temporopolar cortex.

>> No.10668641

>my diagnosis
> self diagnoses
nigga wat?

>> No.10668652

Was wondering if/when someone was gonna call that out.

Fact is, it's my diagnosis. Doesn't really matter if I got it from a clinical psychologist or myself. Anons on 4chan sure as fuck don't have more evidence about the lifelong state of my mind than I do. And supposition or disagreement about my diagnosis goes back to the authority that gave it, which is still me. In other words, even a trained psychiatrist has fuck-all to use as evidence to tell me what I am over the fucking internet.

This wasn't really about proving the validity of my discernment on the matter, this was about seeing how OP would react when presented with what to any onlooker could conceivably be a psychopath. I do think that the word fits my traits, and that my diagnosis of myself is accurate, but regardless of its accuracy, OP still acted like a faggot in response to an "apparent" psychopath.

TL;DR: It was a ruse that it was a ruse. I meant all of it.

>> No.10668657


does it make sense to do something that furthers your goals if it causes harm to others and/or the planet.

is it smart, or stupid.

>> No.10668666
File: 42 KB, 474x266, Mental Illness in Anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it make sense to do something that furthers your goals if it causes harm to others and/or the planet.

No -> Autistic
Yes -> Psycho


>> No.10668669

>does it make sense to do something that furthers your goals if it causes harm to others and/or the planet.

Does it make sense to give a shit about those things outside of the minimum necessary to sustain your own existence?

>> No.10668672
File: 100 KB, 800x400, Obverse and Reverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both tho?
Both smart & stupid
at same time.

Everything has an upside
... and a downside.

>> No.10668681

>Black Rock Shooter
The mental illness stuff is literally the plot.
>Soul Eater
Pretty sure Kid's OCD isn't hidden in any way.
Oh come on.

>> No.10668688

>stupidity is psychopathy
Great way of culling the population there, OP. 10/10 logic when do we start?

>> No.10668729

>necessary to sustain your own existence

you will not exist if you nuke your own planet - for example, pollute it, toxify it, chemicals, your brain, your heart, the air you breathe, the food you eat, the water you drink, the technology you use....

is it smart to further your own goals if your existence depends on the survival of your environment, and your health.

obviously not. it is irredeemably stupid.

>> No.10668745
File: 168 KB, 1019x763, Brenton Tarrant Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that psychopaths are more likely to genocide other people than vice versa right?
HAHAHHAH *psycho laughs*

>> No.10668751

Who’s that guy

>> No.10668770
File: 269 KB, 1080x1292, St tarrant chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Mass Shooter. Brenton Tarrant.

Who became a /pol/ meme
and an anime waifu (pic related)
because he live-streamed
his Mass shooting.

He shoot up a mosque in New Zealand,
killing 50 & injuring 50.

Reminder that's it's just a joke & I thought you would understand the reference.




>> No.10668984


mm twelvies worshipping mass shooters = truly deranged and sad - thanks to an invention that no one asked if it should be done.

they did it because they could, and paid no mind to the possible effects nor the consequences, and refuse to held accountable =


>> No.10669023
File: 71 KB, 350x239, tfs_mr_popo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. It warms my heart when possible opposition makes itself easily visible.


>> No.10669046

Most of you only fear psychopaths because they're more capable than you. They're built for the modern era, and therefore deserve more responsibility. You dont put a Liberal arts major as CEO for a massive corporation. You dont put some poverty stricken hippie in charge of a country.

>> No.10669050

>muh self diagnosed
lol what a faggot

>> No.10670325


if the world were left in your hands, what would you do with it? continue to poison the public, the land, the air, the food, the water, including yourselves?

would that be smart and 'capable' or so horrendously stupid that psychopaths are exposed as the weakest and dumbest breed of human, ever?

>> No.10670388

If you were type one ASPD you wouldn't give a fuck what other people say and think and would know how to hide your psycopathy and not leave a very clear trail for anyone monitoring you to find. Nice try dumbfuck.

>> No.10671262

>anyone monitoring you

sidenote to the topic : these types of people are so repugnant and arrogant it's almost funny. absolute wackos who assume they know better bigger things and have authority over someone else. right down there with the lowest lifeforms on the planet.

>> No.10671266

Psychopaths are stupid. They are incapable of thinking ahead because that would mean seeing things from the point of view of their future selves. They can only exist in the present. They only get away with manipulation because they're so brazen about it and shameless about lying.

>> No.10671271

>Psychopaths are stupid
>brazen about it and shameless about lying.

I agree, thank you.

>> No.10671275

>Autists are usually pretty good hearted
Autists are tiresome windbags who love to shag their own arses about how good, kind, clean-smelling, and competent they are.

>> No.10671279

You sound more like an edgelord than a psycho, and that's my official diagnosis.

>> No.10671579

I would say that doesn't necessarily negate good heartedness. And I do not think most autists are like that. Most are quiet and humble introverts. You probably just don't notice these as easily. And honestly, if you had been constantly bullied all your life, told you are stupid and incompetent despite having high IQ, wouldn't you also have some need to show your competence?

>> No.10671584
File: 36 KB, 484x484, Edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this ... edgy a.f.

>> No.10671593
File: 279 KB, 640x360, Satania, Gabriel, Tsukinose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so repugnant and arrogant it's almost funny.
>absolute wackos who assume they know better bigger things and have authority over someone else.
>right down there with the lowest lifeforms on the planet.

> And honestly, if you had been constantly bullied all your life,
>told you are stupid and incompetent despite having high IQ,
>wouldn't you also have some need to show your competence?


>> No.10672353


>> No.10672394

People complaining that ethics have no place in science are braindead, there's literally zero justification for taking all the ethics out of science

>> No.10672681

Ethics have a place in science, and I think most people aren't actually arguing against that. They are arguing against that science should be concerned with developing the field of ethics. It's a sublte difference.

>> No.10672730
File: 22 KB, 291x400, 1555381185534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot and you have brainpox. Go to a doctor if you want to prance around with your "psycho" merit badge.

>> No.10672763

It's a lot higher than 6% I think.

>> No.10673689


psychopath scientists are a stain on the world.

>> No.10673793

High-functioning high IQ psychopaths are extremely rare. Most of us spend their time in prison.

>> No.10673843

It was the same for me. Ironically I thought of myself as more empathetic person since I am so good at reading body language, mimics and generally comprehending what makes someone tick. So it was baffling to me that I was never in my entire life been able to connect to other person, achieve intimacy or truly care for anyone.

It took me years of life, psychology major and finally stumbling upon Simon Baron-Cohen's works on empathy, ASD and ASPD to solve this puzzle.

>> No.10673866

Isnt tht so your not narrow minded? And blinded by oldschool ethics and philosophy? R u sure ur scientist arnt stupid?

>> No.10673870

The thing i like about science is tht there is one answer no if or maybys

>> No.10673881

>If the world were left in your hands

>> No.10673882

>but scientists escape this label
No they don't, there's a reason the Japanese experiments during WW2 are constantly brought up as a bad thing

>> No.10673890

>Arbitrary categorizations of human thought.
This board is for science. Measure a conscience and get back to us. Because at this point all you're saying is that those who are better at scrutinizing ideas become more successful at making decisions. Whodathunkit?

>> No.10673893
File: 45 KB, 590x590, Prev_590_SQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally measure a conciousness

>> No.10673896

As I see, you mix awkwards/aspies with mass killers

>> No.10673898

I said conscience. It's an arbitrary word. It applies loosely to any number of human behaviors and yet directly to nothing defined or measurable. People can have feelings and whims and empathize and yet have highly structured thought and generally abstain from "moral" judgements in favor of what kind of behavior is sustainable and productive. This is by definition sociopathic or psychopathic but it means nothing other than this person is interested in verifiable information and falsifiable opinions. They like to understand.

>> No.10673910

You people asume that autist/asperger is a potencial killer; I say killer, howewer an autist goy does not have enought personality to submit stronger people, and finally in my opinion a psycho is who oses to say this

>> No.10673928
File: 65 KB, 400x400, TRINITY___buddy++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I take over from them
I am going to feed their children to the rapists
I will cut their heads off, and put their brains on blood oxygenators
so I make them live the rape I put them into
over and over for 1000 years

>> No.10673958


if relativity is true then a scientist's findings are relative to the quality of his mind - and limited by his knowledge.

>> No.10673961

>No they don't

sure. some haven't, but a lot do.

>Measure a conscience and get back to us

you either have one or you don't.

>mass killers

I believe there's a certain sect of scientists who are.

>> No.10673982

>Either you have one or you don't.
You have a child's worldview.

If you were forced to choose between the death of ten strangers or one person you love, would you refuse to make the decision to keep your hands and conscience clean, and have the decision made for you? Would you sacrifice what you love for the collective good? Or would you sacrifice the collective good for who you love?

Your answer is irrelevant. Words like sociopath only indicate a deviation from values which you, the beholder, take for granted. But those values have no basis in reality. You impose those values on the world around you and they cannot be upheld in all situations. It is very possible that life forces you to either make a calculated decision with other lives or let someone else with less "conscience" make the decision for you. Your inaction is still action and still serves your interests. "Sociopath" applies loosely to anyone and directly to no one because we have the capacity to scrutinize our ideas well enough to undo them and we all have the capacity to do what we must when we must devour to survive. This arbitrary categorization of people is just virtue masturbation. Welcome to real life.

>> No.10673998

Other anon is too stupid to point that out but the distinction is not arbitrary. Sociopathic brain is different from normal.

>> No.10674140

>those values have no basis in reality

I recommend you read the rest of the thread before tempting me to repeat myself.

>> No.10674148

You act like outcomes are obvious before research. Ridiculous. The problematic psychopaths are organizational leaders, who are mostly in business etc as >>10668435 mentions. Most scientists are trying to get enough to live on doing science, which is getting unlikely without being crammed into a corporation.

Corporations are entities without any sort of moral feedback loop that allows a social check on their operations, and they outweigh governments when collaborating within an industry.

Scientists aren't the problem, but we sure as hell know what the actual problem is. Get off our backs, man. If you're going to come posting in our board about this, then blame the actual bastards responsible damnit.

>> No.10674205


It’s true to some extent. The bigger problem are the hoards of overly emotional idiots who can’t help but make the same irrational decisions over and over again.

If you have a flaw in the system someone will inevitably try to exploit it. These people might have a personality disorder that makes them dead to feelings of empathy. Or they could just be regular people greedy enough to just live with their feelings of guilt. Ultimately it doesn’t matter and this behaviour will continue regardless whether psychopaths exist or not.

>> No.10674386
File: 178 KB, 1544x576, Deterrent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not science, I will have your cancerous definitions removed from wikipedia

>> No.10674387


Lots of absolute refusal to cite sources or define terms and an olympic level capacity for jumping to conclusions. One does not need ethics m to behave sustainably and productively within limits set by the the social contracts of our legal system. One does not have to be void of emotion to be only strongly influenced by verifiable facts. One with highly structured thought and little interest in value judgements is not necessarily dangerous to those around them. Sociopaths can choose to invent radio and/or fall in love with pigeons and be otherwise basically harmless.

No mattwr how hard you repeat your feelies on the subject, your arbitrary categorizations of character have no basis in verifiable reality and neither do your value judgements. I think this is all representative of child-level failures to think critically, and this is symptomatic of a world where even the educated have lost the capacity to scrutinize their ideas. Does that mean I want to gas you all? Fucking no. It means I want education socialized so that people have more frame of reference for how many of their ideas have failed to endure the stress test of time. That is overall just a more interesting, sustainable, and productive course of action and I don't have to derive "ought" from "is" when saying it.

>> No.10674400


Corrected the wiki
A scientific definition of the term psychopathy has still to be approved by the scientific community, the term is mainly used by the general public, popular press, and in fictional portrayals.[9][10] While the term is often employed in common usage along with "crazy", "insane", and "mentally ill", there is a distinction between psychosis and psychopathy.[11]

>> No.10674419

lol i wish.
I have antisocial personality disorder and I'm a total fucking loser, it's not some kind of gift, it's a personality disorder. People suffer from it. Stop glorifying mental disorders.

>> No.10674481

>assuming what you've set out to prove.

Still not science.

>> No.10674600

>There is a distinction between hoopla and fippity foo.

Define your terms and then use them. This is not science.

>> No.10675473
File: 66 KB, 600x412, dawkinsgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its bad for sure, but its only illogical if you're a retard. In order to compete for resources to survive you have to affect the ecosystem in some way. To do it the most effectively you have to damage the eco-system.

>> No.10676049


>A scientific definition of the term psychopathy has still to be approved by the scientific community,
this is all I added in really, the rest is not mine, you can go and edit that out too

>> No.10676578

Psycopaths in research generally steal or fabricate results, because they don't care as long as they get credited. Thus, they either get found out, or advance to management where they can get more validation and go on power trips.

>> No.10676590

>craves a god-like feeling of power and control
This is complete caricature and bullshit. Psychopaths aren't magically institutionally evil; that type of malice only exists in fucking fairy tales.

It's not manipulative for me to simply never take any action that would sabotage my social standing the way the rest of you seem overtly willing to.

>> No.10676594

psychopaths in most cases are pacifist mentally ill people. the constant delusion that they are evil actually pushes them further to being nice which i find quite amusing

>> No.10676596

>without any sort of moral feedback loop that allows a social check on their operations
>the actual bastards responsible
>the same irrational decisions over and over again.
>a personality disorder that makes them dead to feelings of empathy

Psycho scientists invent new ways to inject poison into microscopic life, they imprison atoms and arrange them in a circle, like a satanic sacrificial ring, then they inject one until its shadow appears opposite it.

They created fucking FEAR in quantum, and a shadow realm.

What you do to the quantum, you do to fucking EVERYTHING.

>> No.10676597

Exactly. When you have no sense of inner value, you end up being disproportionately charitable as soon as you're equipped to actually do it. It all gets amplified by the lack of lens.