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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1059423 No.1059423 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deepest though you ever had?

Share your theories.

>> No.1059428

I once went 10^20 kilothoughts

>> No.1059432

I watched a program about the Mariana trench on Discovery and they said it was deeper than Mount Everest was tall.

And I was like "wow, that's soo deep man"

>> No.1059434

I was thinking about how awesome the universe and the things within it are when I had the deepest thought ever:
Fucking magnets, how do they work?

>> No.1059438

Im Hungry

>> No.1059439



>> No.1059441

If gays don't reproduce, why are there so many of them?

>> No.1059448

Because homosexuality isn't genetic?

>> No.1059451

After evangelion ended I realized I had watched the deepest, most complex, and interesting show ever created and had thoughts which were the deepest, most complex, and interesting I've ever thought in my entire life.

>> No.1059454

A lot of homosexuals do have children. There are many homosexuals who don't realise they are gay untill they are like 50

>> No.1059456

When Sting retires, will he change his name to "Stung".

>> No.1059462

HOLY SHIT!!! I just realized I'm gay and you can't detect sarcasm!

>> No.1059464

>implying homosexuality isn't a genetic mutation

>> No.1059468

I can't tell if anyone else in this worlds think except for me.
Or maybe i'm not really thinking and i'm just some sort of AI set up to do these things for some other kind of experiment or fun or something. The thought that i could die at any moment makes me extremely cautious with my life and have fear over simple things. Life is this confusing problematic situation which i don't want to end. ever. i'm going to try make myself biologically immortal and then lock myself away with some sort of system to give me money over time.

>> No.1059469

Actually it is, douchefag.

>> No.1059475

Err, no?

>> No.1059477
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>>Actually it is, douchefag.

If it was they would have found the gene or genes responsible.

>> No.1059480


That argument is the equivalent of filling in the gaps with God.

There are plenty of factors we haven't found the responsible genes for, but we're pretty certain they are genetic.

>> No.1059484

Yes it is, like you, your "dad", and your grand "father".

>> No.1059487

>Scientists doing DNA studies on homosexual brothers pinpointed 'culprit' genetic material to a region of the X chromosome that mothers pass on to their offspring.

Oh look.

>> No.1059488

there are a lot of things that we know are genetic, but for which we haven't found specific genes.

>> No.1059489 [DELETED] 

The cells in our bodies are constantly dieing. We take in nutrients from our environment and use that to make new cells. Our bodies eventually return to the environment. We are made up of each other. The Universe as a whole is the only thing with actual continuity. We are made up of each other, simply spikes of highly organized conciousness. We are all one. We are the Universe.

>> No.1059492

Closeted gay christfag retard.

>> No.1059493

looking at this thread, your's was the more truthful.

Also: an abstract concept can be faster than light.

Take two rods of arbitrary length of over a meter and less than a millimeter cross-section and attach them to a mutual axle. Kind of like scissors.

As you close them, the meeting point will move faster toward the end and at sufficiently low angle this point will move faster than light.

>> No.1059497
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I lol'ed

>> No.1059500

The cells in our bodies are constantly dying. We take in nutrients from our environment and use them to make new cells. Our bodies eventually return to the environment. We are made up of each other. The Universe as a whole is the only thing with actual continuity. We are made up of each other, simply spikes of highly organized conciousness. We are all one. We are the Universe.

>> No.1059503

There is no point to doing anything. Entropy rules this universe.

>> No.1059505

Adam and Eve thrown out of paradise is really a metaphore for apeman becoming man, gaining selfawareness, losing contact to his animal self.

>> No.1059510

You can't really explain those really deep thoughts

>> No.1059513

No. The authors of that story neither knew about nor believed in evolution, so there is no way they could have ment it as a metaphor for that

>> No.1059514

The crow seemed to be calling is name, thought Caw.

- Jack Handey

>> No.1059522

Actually they escaped because they stole the "Apple"- a Piece of Eden, from the Ones Who Came Before.

>> No.1059524

Life is pointless, you are not going to achieve anything that matters in the big picture and neither will your children or their children, its just one big mess of uselessness

>> No.1059530

That is not true. While you are right that on the large scale (the cosmos) people are insignificant, they can make a lot of difference locally (on earth). Although you are right that most people are just idiots that will never make any significant contribution to anything useful.

>> No.1059532

Don't be so narrow-minded. Everyone goes through that process as a child

>> No.1059536

Now if we destroyed the universe, that would be something to note

>> No.1059540

If M theory is correct.

Then somewhere you challenged someone to a duel

And won.

>> No.1059545

yeah but that would kind of suck

>> No.1059549

One day i realized that light = the fabric of spacetime.

We already know light = time, that's not too difficult to see. But light also = space. If you look at a minkowsky diagram, you see that everything is traveling through space-time at the speed of light. When you accelerate, you shift more into the time dimension and out of the space dimension & you age less. Massless photons move so fast they become space. QED

>> No.1059556


So, what you are saying is that we can cross out mass?

Sorry, I had to do it.

>> No.1059559

no you

>> No.1059562

If someone ever comes up with a swashbuckling school, I think one of the courses should be laughing.

(Laughing, then jumping off something)

- Jack Handey

>> No.1059564

What? And WHAT?

>> No.1059573

Hmm, I believe you wrote that a little wrong. The shift should be out of the time dimension and into space & age less.

>> No.1059574

For a dumbass, could you kindly explain how light = time?

>> No.1059575

Best post of the thread. If you can't guess which one I've linked to, you're part of the problem.

>> No.1059578

lol, that man is a genius

>> No.1059587


Yes indeed, sir, thank you.

This theory should be confirmed once they discover the Higgs boson. The Higgs field is what separates particles from space-time by preventing travel at the speed of light.

>> No.1059594

Plug v=c into the time dilation equation & you find that photons don't age. It sees everything in the past & future happening at the same time. The only way that is possible is if light=time.

>> No.1059606

So what happens for an object that's not being illuminated at all? Does time stop passing for that object? (Which it clearly doesn't because then e.g. it would stay where it was as the Earth and Sun moved on)

If nothing else, you seem not to understand Minkowski diagrams. The speed of light is the edge (cone for 2d)... you can't go past it but normal matter can and does exist anywhere within the cone.

>> No.1059617

Every aspect of human behavior and thinking has some evolutionary purpose for living on the savanna with a pack of other people.

>> No.1059621


Fail. The energy it would take for the ends to come together and exceed the light speed would still be infinite. Go learn physics.

>> No.1059624

Homosexuality is inherently unnatural because it goes against everything life stands for: reproduction.

>> No.1059629

>The only way that is possible is if light=time.

WHAT!? Wiki cite please

>> No.1059631

Homosexuality IS natural because it's nature's way of dealing with overpopulation.

>> No.1059639

Have you been raping people constantly since you woke up this morning? Well, I guess that means civilisation and ethics are unnatural.

Huh. Being stupid on the internet is pretty fun.

>> No.1059649


>> Implying you can't have identical twins, one gay and one not. Faggot.

>> No.1059655

>nature's way of dealing with overpopulation

I guess the atomic bomb is also nature's way of dealing with overpopulation

>> No.1059656

I have always thought that Evolution is against the principle of causality that mankind has used in all sciences since the beginning of our species.

A deterministic logic implies that everything has a cause and the future is already set for all.

Are we assuming that evolution is concious of itself? how can a process that has no defined goal optimize species while having no clue of what it is doing that for? What's the origin of evolution anyways? It took millions of years for the first cell to pop up and suddenly seconds after this thing we call evolution appeared out of nothing and already knew what to do?

>> No.1059657

Man made.

>> No.1059658

Have you been failing reading comprehension? How does homosexuality = civilisation and ethics? Also, I said it was unnatural not that it was wrong and gay people should be crucified just because of that.

>> No.1059665

Yo brah, i heard about this thing called genocide. Guess it's pretty natural though cause it's natures way of dealing with overpopulation.

>> No.1059672

Any thing that replicates, and is changed in a way that improves on it's ability to replicate, has evolved, and will continue to evolve.

>> No.1059678

Let's spell this out for you so you might get it:

>Homosexuality is unnatural in evolutionary terms
>Natural, in evolutionary terms, is attempting to reproduce at every given opportunity
>It is unnatural to not attempt to reproduce at every given opportunity
>Humans, through culture and ethics, and most importantly through consent, decide not to reproduce at every given opportunity
>Culture and ethics are unnatural

>> No.1059686

WTF you talking about? It's only males that aim to reproduce at every given oppertunity.

>> No.1059690

Therefore worker bees are unnatural.

>> No.1059692

Or for an even simpler rendition:

>X is Y
>Y is Z
>Not Y is not Z
>A is not Z
>A is not Y

>> No.1059694

Go read The Selfish Gene - I guarantee you will learn something (like, specifically why you are logically incorrect here)

>> No.1059700

Population control is a joke... there is no objective number of people that should be alive...

>> No.1059706

It is if it results in more people dying of famine than people that would never have been born in the first place.

>> No.1059713

I am simply going off of what that guy said, the first two premises, and going from there with what the next guy said. No one ever mentioned that.

I didn't say it was right; I just what was said. There are other humorous abuses of deductive logic as well, such as:

>Not X is not Y
(Not being homosexual is not unnatural.)

>Not X is not Z
(Not being homosexual is attempting to reproduce at every given opportunity)

>Not X is A
(Not being homosexual is culture and ethics.)


It should be obvious the entire argument is unsound; that was the point.

>> No.1059720

I know why I'm logically incorrect here. It is intentional. Herp derp, and all that.

I also think a basic introduction to deductive logic would tell me much better than Dawkin's book what an unsound argument is.

>> No.1059728

That's subjective too.

>> No.1059744

That guy here. Note that I said 'inherently unnatural'. It's true that being heterosexual doesn't always imply reproduction, but at least there exists an initial ability to do so.

>> No.1059755

Even so, it's better to be certain than to risk it.

>> No.1060626

love is sex

>> No.1061850

The best way to make a big difference is to kill a lot of people

>> No.1062818
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Lately I've been thinking a lot about free will. I still can't really reconcile the idea with the fact that the particles that form us act deterministically, or at least probabilistically, but I think that perhaps free will is choosing your conscious path in fifth-dimensional space. By that I mean that if the many-worlds interpretation holds true, free will is selecting which world you experience at any given point. Perhaps the physical mechanism for these choices exist in a way which can only be perceived or measured in higher dimensions than the three and a half that we normally see. This is, perhaps, an overly mystical thought, and it can't be proven, but it's certainly fun to think about.

To illustrate, if I, as a three-dimensional creature, could only experience one plane of two-dimensional space at a time but could experience any plane I chose based on my three-dimensional neurological structure, There would be no way of understanding where the decisions came from from the two-dimensional space.

>> No.1062830

About going to hell for eternity.

The pain of burning fire, never going away, literally, never.

Think about it too much and it'll literally, and I mean l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y hurt your head.

>> No.1062841

The deepest is reportedly Mariana Trench, 11,033 meters.

>> No.1062850

I've been thinking of what would happen if we put a group of humans on a different planet, left them for billions of years, and come back to see what they evolved into.

>> No.1062864

I wasted 6 years expecting LOST to explain what the Island was...

>> No.1062870

Lost is shit.

>> No.1062876

If I'm going to die, why live anyway?

>> No.1063046

The brain is like a lens or a zipper, neatly focusing every potential junction in time into a single point that, relative to the speed at which it's moving, moves at a constant pace (c). While you, and your brain, are not moving at c locally, the entire universe IS. In effect, then, every physical possibility happens simultaneously, just outside of human perception. If this is the case, is it therefore theoretically possible to, in a way, "retune" the human brain to comprehend time and space differently?

>> No.1063060

Yes. You can induce it unstably with LSD or you can control it with meditation/enlightenment.

>> No.1063066

so you could ask that question

>> No.1063067


>> No.1063190

my deepest though was to deep for me and slipped away in the depths of my mind before I could bring it to fruit. makes me sad because I know it was something that could have helped me greatly.

>> No.1063208

is the field of memetics a meme?

>> No.1063692

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.1063725

Pondering the possibility of an existence outside our own universe, a infinite space abundant in matter that is constantly collapsing upon itself to form singularities, and ultimately universes. Based on the initial formation conditions of said universe events would unfold in probablistic manners which varying sequences of events over the universes lifetime that added up to an infinite number of universes within this existence of which infinite numbers of universes in which infinite sequences of events and realities existed therein. I thought I was smart shit.

Then I read about the multiverse on Wikipedia and felt slow.

>> No.1063737

Contemplating why anything exists. Specifically, how anything exists. If you think about it, nothing should exist at.

>> No.1063751


at all*

>> No.1063773

Existence is inevitable - The existence of the question 'does anything exist?' demands it.

>> No.1063821

Existence is binary. There are up cycles and down cycles, 1 cycles and 0 cycles, substance cycles and absence cycles. when entropy destroys the universe the substantial cycle will end. The total sum of the universe is decaying. The total sum of the universe will eventually become 0. Inducing a conscious singularity would ultimately cause the perception of the individual to collapse, and time would be meaningless. As we remove more and more boundaries between us and our cosmic understanding, we will eventually build a model so accurate it will perfectly mirror the existing universe, and if our minds at the time are augmented enough to fully merge our understanding with our data, we wouldn't be able to perceive which universe is simulated and which is real, and much more, where our data ends and the universe's begins. We will then, in effect, conciously merge with every other material substance, to the point where nothing exists anymore. We will literally learn ourselves out of existence. It's why the skies are so quiet; intelligence doesn't kill its host with nuclear bombs, it does it with computers.

>> No.1063854


Bullshit. This does nothing to explain how anything is possible.

>> No.1063857

OP is a faggot

>> No.1063889

Time and space do not exist only within this universe.
They have existed outside it otherwise there would be no time for the universe to happen, and no space in to witch it expands.

>>1059448 Yes it is. It's been proven. They've made flies, rats, dogs and pigs gay by manipulating their genes.

Look it up.

>> No.1063901


This does nothing to explain how anything is possible.

>> No.1063915

And yet here we are.
Go figure.

>> No.1063925


Indeed we are. You have proven we exist. Now contemplate how this existence is possible, where all this matter originated from, where it is contained, and when it is. Deep, eh?

>> No.1063940

I go to bed, and THIS is the thread that remained on the front page when I come back? Damn it sci.

>> No.1064039


>> No.1064087

this is better than high school perimeter homework


>> No.1064128

/sci/ would rather find the perimeter of a 6 by 10 box with four semicircles cut out than do this?

>> No.1064186

And you know this because? When Moses turned his staff into a snake, so did the other guy. Technology makes man arrogant. We are not the epitome of progress on this planet.

>> No.1064192

i meant to say pinnacle of progress

>> No.1064235

What I percieve as the world may be just a constant inputted hallucination. I might be an alien in a far-off planet in jail hooked up to some mind-control machine, forced to "live" in this universe for the rest of my "life". Everything is generated, and when I close my eyes, everything comes to a stop, auditory input, bodily input, stay the same, but optical input of any kind is put to a rest for the time I wish to keep my eyes closed. Nothing visually exists when I have my eyes closed. It's like Schrodinger's Cat, only it's my surroundings and senses. If you somehow cut me off from all my senses, nothing would exist.

TL;DR: alien jail hallucination lololo

>> No.1064267

So I was on weed and I came up with the idea to build a computer. It was called Lisa.

>> No.1064268

Star dust, we are.

>> No.1064272

Just because homosex exists genetically doesn't mean homosex can't be acquired. You seem unpleasant, please leave.

>> No.1064277

Yes we are, lol.

>> No.1064320

the criteria of life can be simplified into anything that decreases it's own entropy.

the entropy of the universe as a whole tends to disorder, in other words, the entropy of the universe is ever increasing.

So in a way, life, nature, etc is an un-natural force constantly battling the universe's common theme of increasing entropy, or becoming more disordered.

As soon as we give in to nature, we surrender our right to live.

>> No.1064347

If all atoms repel each other then I can never actually touch anything because all the atoms of my hand are repelling the atoms of whatever i want to touch

>> No.1064378

I am the only living being on this planet. Everything was created specifically for my benefit/loss. Everyone is a machine designed to interfere with my decisions and emotions, nothing more. Every choice I have made would be different than the choices I made in separate, parallel universes. When I die, I become omniscient.

>> No.1064401


life obeys entropy, we're designed to spread out (i.e. more chaos). If we tended toward order, we'd all be concentrated in one spot.

>> No.1064425

We are a way for the universe to know itself. Finding out that Sagan said this years after I thought of it gave me a massive ego boner.

>> No.1064431

Evolutionary reasons for homosexuality

Kinship selection
Rising through social hierarchy
And hell just for pleasure


>> No.1064444

I once thought that at the big bang two universes were created. One of regular matter that moves forward in time (us) and one of anti-matter that moves back in time. Probably bullshit but it seemed deep at the time and I could probably turn the idea into a sci-fi novel if I was a half way decent writer.

>> No.1064492

i think how life is made of empty space, and everything has no change on anything int he universe

>> No.1064493

Well, for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.

>> No.1064530

The stories in the bible are a test from god to see if man is rational enough to realise the stories are bullshit. Those who deny the stories will go to heaven.

>> No.1064536

All I ever think about is how I don't get enough sleep, and am always tired.

>> No.1064623

If I sew people together through the digestive system I could create a chain of people that resemble a centipede.

>> No.1064630

True understanding of the word "is" is the secret to enlightenment.

>> No.1064647

I always wondered about life's purpose?
Think about cities, tribes, wolf packs etc...
Life concentrates gathers up stuff together and eats away and away until nothing is left e.g. fossil fuels.

Life sort of fights entropy by gathering together rather than ripping apart (simplified I know.)

TLDR: the meaning of life/byproduct might be to fight entropy.

>> No.1064658

Tossed around a theory of time quantization for a while, then gave up when my brain really hurt.

>> No.1064666

The meaning to life is simple and can be expressed in two words: To be useful.

>> No.1064670

I always think of the simulation theory and how if we were really a simulation by some computer, then quantum mechanics is really just a problem with the implementation. It's like the computer rendering the universe only renders up to a certain "resolution" unless it really needs to, because of the limitations of the hardware on which it runs.

>> No.1064678

Sentences containing "need", "must", or "should" don't make sense without an "in order to".

>> No.1064684

I had erased that shit from my mind already, thank you very much.

>> No.1064688
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Am i doing it right?

>> No.1064690
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About creation and evolution.

>> No.1064697

When you look at something you are looking from inside your head, an enclosure you can never escape.

>> No.1064698

My mind has been blown.

>> No.1064712

Kinda neat, also 42.

>> No.1064727

i like where you're going with this but there's no limitation. i used to think that the system was limited because of short term and long term memory, but that's like sayin FErmi is limited because you're playing a low graphics game. I dont think there's such a thing as resources in that context. \

>> No.1064730

thats why they keep asking you as a kid what do u want to be

>> No.1064776

The "in order to" is always implied.

>> No.1064792

What if what we call imagination is the dimensional link between universes? That our brains have now just started to evolve into these receivers able to detect these moments of time that have already happened or is happening but not within out own perceivable universe.

>> No.1064799

Or it's just what it is lol

>> No.1065041

Oh my god, this.

If there are five dimensions (3 spatial + time + different paths in time) then we are not distinct entities in the fourth of fifth dimensions - there are an infinite number of things happening to "us" in the 4th and 5th dimensions in the same way there are an infinite number of points in a plane. The only reason we experience a single set of things happening to us along a single timeline is because our brains are wired to think like that. This is also the reason we experience time as passing, when really we are just a series of points on a time line.

I just read that through. It made a lot more sense in my head.

>> No.1065887

My stomach hurts

>> No.1065896

most scientists practice in endeavors that ultimately produce nothing useful and lead nowhere; only a handful generate revolutionary production, and these do so by being iconoclastic

>> No.1065913

Just to sidetrack this riveting thread for a second...
Where do you all have these thoughts? Just anywhere, or do you have a place/passtime you go to?
I, for one, like riding the bus. And that usually starts me thinking without inhibition.

>> No.1065916

A lot o' people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch o' unconnected incidents 'n things. They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice o' coincidence that lays on top o' everything. Give you an example, show you what I mean: suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, "plate," or "shrimp," or "plate o' shrimp" out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconsciousness.

>> No.1065932

My stomach hurt too.
Until I went to the emergency room and they told me it was appendicitis after a couple of ultrasounds and aCT scan.

>> No.1065934

did you get that theory from Sting in the musical album Synchronicity

>> No.1066010
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>> No.1066053

I thought about how a second time dimension, or "time depth" would work. One TVU (Time velocity Unit) would be equal to how far through 5th dimensional time an object at absolute zero and no directional movement would go in one second. I also thought about how with this you could explain some forms of hypothetical time travel.

>> No.1066143

every other human being you've ever encountered has an entire lifetime of history associated with him/her. hopes, dreams, goals, victories, failures, regrets, and epic life changing moments.

furthermore, all of these people all have friends, parents, and lovers, each complete with their own story.

>> No.1066165

My deepest thought was the realization that the people who know the least about science are the ones who generally think they have deep thoughts about it. The people who know the most about science just shrug and say, "We don't know yet. Let me do a few more calculations, then we might know something."

>> No.1066894
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i think deeply about mortality sometimes.
shits not cash...

>> No.1066905

Try Myth of Sisyphus by Camus.

>> No.1066906

my deep thought of the day was:

why do I still come here?

>> No.1066923

That if "I" weren't "ME" then "I" would just be someone else.

>> No.1066935

Here is one.
When you break down human actions, like killing someone, or masturbating furiously for 9 days without stopping. Can it really be blamed on them. When you think about it, the brain is no more than electronic signals we have no control over. These electric signals control our every thought and action, therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the electrons firing in our brains. therefore, there is no good or evil in this world, there is only electronic signals.

>> No.1066950
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this was where I had my second deepest thought

>> No.1066952

Whoa girl
Shock me like an electric eel.
Baby girl.
Turn me on with your electric feel.

That's all I heard during your post.

>> No.1066953

Yeah dude, One time I killed a man but I don't care cuz it was only a molecules.

>> No.1066986

Archive this

>> No.1067011

you speak of synchronicity and the collective unconscious. jung approves

>> No.1067016

Probably not, but you shouldn't hold yourself responsible if you do.

>> No.1067041


It depends how big of a picture we're talking here. A man's world is as large as he is willing to travel in a day. If i never leave my room for the next 10 years, than this small area would become my world, and i would have a huge impact on the world.

>> No.1067056

ITT: Subjectivity

>> No.1067076


Who said philosophy has to be groundbreaking and widly accepted for it to be philosophy. What is the difference between a philosopher and pseudo philosopher? How could you even argue that.

>> No.1067098

Philosophers pursue truth in its most basic forms.
Pseudophilosophy is simply reveling in 'deep thoughts.'

>> No.1067120


Different words with the same meaning.

>> No.1067125

Not really.
It's working out on an elliptical bike versus riding to work.

>> No.1067128

te mountaincan't flaw my argument so it repeats it in a funny voice

>> No.1067129

What's that from?

>> No.1067181

about seven fathoms

>> No.1067251
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why can't you fuckers accept your monkey heritage and shut the fuck up so we can have some serious progress? Fuck your freedom of speech and human rights and hippie bullshit, work as a builder for 16 hours a day 7 days a week and shut your mouth and what's that 5th time dimension what the fuck is this shit I'm reading this thread is full of retards

>> No.1067302
File: 7 KB, 325x445, Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The deepest thought I've ever had was a brief realization. It still drives me today.

See one night I was awake, watching TV or on the computer or something, and I was exhausted. I was thinking of reasons to stay up.

"What's that episode of such and such I wanted to watch? I should watch it now." or "I should really organize my pictures." Basically they were just excuses. I continued to think, more and more reasons came into my head of things I could be doing; that's when I stumbled on the idea that things were happening while I slept.

That realization really struck a cord within me. The world still turned even after I wasn't awake, but before that even occurred to me I thought of milk.

The milk in my fridge was going bad. And I should drink it now, before it goes to waste.

And so should you.

>> No.1067328
File: 27 KB, 485x323, tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that wasn't the biggest heap of dsgaf i've ever seen. do you know how to process information? no tl;dr here fucktard

>> No.1067341

Joke's on you, I buy nonhomogenised milk! It's got lumps in it already!

>> No.1067346

>So in a way, life, nature, etc is an un-natural force constantly battling the universe's common theme of increasing entropy, or becoming more disordered.

>As soon as we give in to nature, we surrender our right to live.
Romantic, isn't it?

>> No.1067407

O lol'd. I don't even know why.

Well, I don't think this is my deepest thought ever, but it's a realisation. When I turned 15, I realised, "In ancient civilisations, I've been a man for at least a year... I need to get my shit together."
And so I did.

>> No.1067421


disorder in the context of entropy isnt some adherence to some philosophical concept of "law vs chaos"

its about energy states, the number of different states of energy the universe can be in at any one moment is increasing.
(the ball and box analogy, number of boxes increase)
this also results in a loss of information, but thats its own field in a way.

furthermore, if life DID decrease in entropy (which is possible) its more than likely this is offset by the increasing entropy in the sun (and possibly geothermal energy in the earth).

so theres nothing unnatural about it

>> No.1067484

I am so glad I didn't read this while high.

>> No.1067501

I was reading some science article on universes that theoretically border our own (fun fact: that border may be as big/small as 30 feet).

From this article I developed this crazy awesome thought: what if the physics of a bordering universe are drastically different from our own? If somehow we were able to bridge that membrane gap between universes, how would the space ship that helped you travel be affected? Would it buckle under its newly defined mass? This is very pie-in-the-sky and theoretical and such, but it blew my mind at the time. The laws of physics are constantly updated, but the macrocosmical laws are more or less set in stone. It's one of the most primal understanding - animals and babies and everyone feels gravity without technically understanding it. To have that foundation of intuition changed would be incredibly confusing, I'd imagine.

>> No.1067528

Those electronic signals aren't random: they are based on choice, not the other way around.

>> No.1067529

That's just a cognitive bias that people have. It's like the clustering illusion. We disregard the 99 percent of the time that those coincidences don't happen, and then place value on them when they do, even though they are statistically inevitable.

>> No.1067541

I independently came up with the idea of an internal reality, e.g. reality is what you perceive it is, and thus the moral implications. Then when I became a teenager I found out someone already came up with the idea and popularized it.

Hundreds of years ago.

Boy, was I disappointed!

>> No.1067543

Repo Men. WATCH IT.

>> No.1067558

Everyone has three personalities.

1. The personality they portray to others, that they can't help.
2. The one they are inside, that only they see.
3. The one that people they grow up with, like parents, sees. The same one they WISH that others saw, and work toward showing to others...

I think I'm wrong, though.

>> No.1067560

This has all happened before...
...and it will all happen again...

>> No.1067564


Isn't that a bitch? I feel that way still sometimes. Fucking other people thinking and shit before me.

>> No.1067599

>be a solipsist
>all thought is your own thought

>> No.1067633

is this the same thread that started a few days ago?

>> No.1067715

inb4 Asians Creed. I actually thought about it, it never actually explains that statement

Nothing is true, Everything is permitted.

Nothing we know, or perceive, we can actually prove to be true, but we can prove to be wrong.

(Scientific basis theorem. An infinite number of experiments will never prove me right, but one can prove me wrong).

Now follow closesly, it's not THEREFORE everything is permitted. It's a follow statement, but it's not by any means causality.

Everything is permitted, nothing is true. If nothing is true, truly exists, is wholly there, then everything is permitted to happen, as nothing cannot.

>> No.1067816

If ignorance is bliss what does that make knowledge? :(

>> No.1067824

Frustration is the device that drives most scientists to insanity. disabling frustration is the future.

>> No.1067835

by taking away what makes us human? nigga please

>> No.1067848

Is humanity REALLY so desirable?

>> No.1067902

Is the sum of the universe really 1?

>> No.1067910

trigonometry has nothing to do with the measure of triangles

>> No.1067917

"What is a man?" While sipping wine in my robe.

>> No.1067991
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 1269610566830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was the first person to use philosoraptor?

>> No.1068464

What are the worst implications of achieving a technological singularity (aside from the Terminator scenarios)?
Not my deepest, but still bugging me.

>> No.1068484

You mean blood.

>> No.1068499

Doubt is the origin of wisdom.