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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10655114 No.10655114 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10655123

Nope, it's the other way around

>> No.10655130

thats circular, look at her.

>> No.10655132

>Nope, it's the other way around
The other way around is your IQ remaining unaffected.

>> No.10655216

My grades when to shit when I had a girlfriend.

>> No.10655402

my gf makes me wnat to do really good in life,

i want to do well for myself of course but it's an added boost because you want to be good for the people in your life, and a gf/wife is a huge part of your life.

>> No.10655414
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10655419

I just want someone to look at me like this

>> No.10655469

Being happy might affect your score as opposed to being neutral or depressed.

>> No.10655470

>"when to"
seems about right

>> No.10655474


>> No.10655491

Which is consistent with his 'nope'. Your point?

>> No.10656099

I wish I had a gf.

>> No.10656111

i went from loser failing bsc to doing phd thanks to her also my personality improved a lot and i take more care about my appearance and health
literally no downsides and on the positive side im not even counting not feeling lonely and having constant support of some other person

>> No.10656145

>tfw cucked by autocorrect

>> No.10657506

It really depends on who she is.

>> No.10657511

this, getting a gf got me out of depression and fixed my life

>> No.10657519

women are very time consuming

>> No.10657529

My GF was a dumbass but having her around really improved my self-esteem and personality. I started fucking up big time in school and losing sight of my goals after she and I separated.

I fucking hate the fact that I need external influence to remain motivated. It makes me feel extremely powerless.

>> No.10657555

my grades went up when I got a gf, probably because I was socially exhausted because I was lonely and she helped

also no longer waste my time on masturbating to anime

>> No.10657574

How can I get a gf if I can't build muscle?

>> No.10657580
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Depends on the girl.

>beware the succubus.

>> No.10657585


>> No.10657589
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>beware the succubus.
some are just impossible to resist

>> No.10657597

Ofcourse, there would be no hot girls in this world if not for the mad lads who went against the "don't stick your dick in crazy" rule.

>> No.10657605

It doesn't affect your IQ but it does affect the amount of effort you put into your work or education.

>> No.10657609

Isn't the spirit of /sci/ all about proving who has the biggest IQ-penor?

>> No.10657610

having a gf stunts my creativity, because i cant do weird wacky stuff with philosphy, math, web programming, art etc. but other then that its good

>> No.10657612

>Do having a gf affect your IQ?
Yes, it do.

>> No.10657614

Not everybody runs on approval, beware the wide range of shitbags who will locate that in you and use it to jerk you around or just make you suffer for kicks.

>> No.10657618

This is bscly what separates a person of societal value from a self-indulgent wanker, though. It's literally on par with that idiom about a tree falling in the forest with no one around to hear it.

>> No.10657622

>but other then that its good
blame your phone you blockhead

>> No.10657641

Girlfriends just take up time and resources. Pump and dump until you decide you want kids and then find a young girl who hasn't hit the wall.

>> No.10658280
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>another frogpost

>> No.10658373
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>Prepare the "subject" for braiding by brushing and gathering the hair to be braided into one strand.

>> No.10658379
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>> No.10658382
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>> No.10658387

Designer stubble is a short growth of a man's facial hair that became popular in the 1980s. Several companies manufacture beard trimmers designed to maintain the designer stubble look[4]. Being created by short trimming of the beard to (typically) 1 to 3mm designer stubble is distinct from five o'clock shadow which is the much lighter, stiffer growth which is the first sign of the return of the beard after shaving
>For the stubble remaining in fields after harvest, see crop residue.

>> No.10658456

I'm unironically too clever for a GF. They are only interested in clubbing, I'm more interested in the colonisation of Mars.

>> No.10658490

It is very expensive.

>> No.10658523

Depends on the girl of course

>> No.10659017

This IS the /iq/ board.

>> No.10659054
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Females, wives, concubines, must be considered household employees.

You are running a Firm (Family)

In theory when managing a Firm, your IQ shouldn't be affected by your employees IQ. My IQ is separate from the employees that I manage.

>> No.10659455

To some extent yes, but you also need to enjoy it, otherwise you definitely will burn out. Everyone hits the wall some day

>> No.10660217

>in theory
And if you keep talking like that and watching anime your family will stay a theory

>> No.10660251

The recursive gains are primarily memetic, but as a board we process memes differently. Eventually there will be a singularity of intelligence on /sci/.

>> No.10660264

Opinion discarded.

>> No.10660272

If it's a shitty relationship it will negatively impact other facets if your life.

However, I've been with my GF for 3.5 years, living together for the past 2. I've gotten much better communication, conflict resolution, etc. which I apply at my cash money Fortune 200 semiconductor internship and get an advantage over the other engineers who don't have these skills.

I'm much more confident and speak up in meetings and network with people older than me. Also, you will improve as a person because you have someone holding you accountable for being shitty when you live with them.

>> No.10660275

Also, if you find that special gf where it's literally like playing life on 2-player mode, you're set. I'm an EE and my GF is trying to bust into BigLaw. Dual income right out of law school will be nutty.

>> No.10660315

I pity all the damaged men who think this way. Negative feedback circle of delusion that gets reinforced by the communities they become part of.

>> No.10660320

Can confirm. Girlfriend has been a geologist for 6 years now and I was working in the oilfield. Dual income without kids is one of the better cheat codes in life.

>> No.10660324

That's a demographic effect. It wouldn't happen unless preexisting stereotypes were actually causing it across the sampled population.

>> No.10660360

Isn't this Rose?

>> No.10660690

It would make me happier, and that would probably lower my chronic low level stress -- which would raise my iq.

>> No.10660700

My gf makes me suffer a lot and I since shes the first one I am with and love her so much Its difficult to contain all my insecurities and my jealousy.

I wont be passing any class this semester. Not that it wasn't like this before, but at least before I would pass a couple courses. Now its all over.

>> No.10660712

If your gf makes you happy, a gf will boost your iq.

If not, it will lower your iq.

>> No.10661145
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Fuck, I know this feeling too damn well.

>> No.10661146

I know very successful students who have girlfriends, but for me, they are too time-consuming. I guess it can be beneficial or a hinderance, it just depends on who you are.

>> No.10661215

The IQ of your children is dependent on the average of you and your wife. So the 'Firm' is affected.

>> No.10661224

Yes, Income Quality does get affected by a gf

>> No.10661426

Ironically, your shitpost aside, it actually does. Intelligence above a certain level is completely unnecessary for survival and the only reason you reach that level is because you need to compensate for your lack of sex, so your brain goes into maximum overdrive to bruteforce its way into having you reproduce. This is exactly also why people who didn't get much sex in their teens and uni years are the ones to become billionaires and noteworthy scientists later on, because their brain forces them to acquire resources or approval as a compensation for the lack of sex.
In fact, if you think about it, most of the things someone would do in his life boil down to two things: personal preservation first, reproduction second. It's so bad that you're quite literally incapable of basing your actions on something higher that doesn't boil down to:

>making yourself more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex
>your ego striving to receive approval of the group to achieve the above
>basic survival of either you or your offspring/family

Many people claim that they're after this higher purpose, that X political law should be changed so society prospers, that Y disease should be cured, Z invention should be invented, but there is no actual "higher purpose" behind their desire to achieve these, it's all literally just survival/reproduction but masked behind the abstract delusions of the ego and its desire to appear the selfless hero of society, again, for the very same purpose.

>> No.10661456

Nah. My girlfriend is an EE and I’m a double major in math and physics. We study a lot together (though we never took classes together, so it was more teaming up whenever one of us didn’t know an answer to our homework / interesting problems), but the actual relationship is based on “normal” activities like video games/card games, watching movies while cuddling, going to museums, reading the same novels, and cooking together. We’ve been going out for 2 years, and I think my GPA has shot up because she’s a really good influence on me, despite taking up so much of my time

>> No.10661460

You need to get your life in check. You can’t base all your time around her. I understand how it feels to constantly expend energy on being jealous and insecure (which I did with one of my prior girlfriends), but you have to not give a shit to some extent and focus on your own affairs. Only from doing so will you derive happiness that originates from your own hands. A good partner complements you in that regard, and it’s safe to be invested in each other’s well-being because they’ve earned your trust. Focus on school first and foremost

>> No.10661543

Love negatively effects your IQ.
Reasons include hormones going haywire and the fact love is pretty similar to morphine or opioid effects

>> No.10661545

You're of a smaller group of high I people who seek high IQ people and learn from each other. You are unfortunately an exception.
Most people enter a relationship where they serve themselves or serve their partner.

>> No.10661773
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My closest friend she is brilliant so she actually makes me smart. We can just sit there and daydream talk shit and think for hours together. Sooulmates.

>> No.10661777

I wouldn't say most people do that. I'd say most young people do because relationships are, when you're first starting out, about validation and attraction than companionship or a growing sense of attachment. I wouldn't consider myself high IQ by any means. Our goals aren't to "learn from each other," as much as it is that we enjoy each other's company, even in the banality of regular couple activities.

>> No.10661795

yeah I live with my GF and teach her random Spanish phrases, tell her history stories and myths sometimes, name plant and animal species when we're outside or whatever, just general knowledge stuff. All of which helps me retain knowledge i guess and makes me want to look stuff up when there's something i don't know.
What would be fantastic is if she could also share some of her knowledge with me (speaks three languages i don't know and studies architecture) but the little sket selfishly keeps it to herself.

>> No.10661816

It doesn't increase your IQ. Not unless you would be starving for social interaction otherwise.

>> No.10661827

This is not a static variable. If your GF is a cow that does nothing all day and you're a cuck who needs to serve a brood wench like that it could possibly increase your IQ. If you absorb someone elses lifestyle it would lower your IQ.

There are tons of different variables here.

>> No.10661829


Alright guys, lets not get ahead of ourselves.

>> No.10661845

>Females, wives, concubines, must be considered household employees.
So how do you monetize your GF?

>> No.10662128

with gf, there is slight decline in abstract/intellectual conversation about math and such things

however they also are a moderating force that adds punishment for excessive drinking and drug use and make healthy food for you to eat. so overall they have a net positive impact. that is my experience with the wife.

>> No.10662130

nearly everyone needs external motivation anon. its how humans are built. use this knowledge to put yourself in situations where the external motivation pushes you in a direction you want to be.

understand your core tendencies and work with them.

>> No.10662792

finding area of a triangle does not count as math, and reading sophie's world does not count as philosophy

>> No.10662829

i just want to be loved again..

>> No.10662879
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>> No.10662953

How do you pity them? It’s difficult to fathom their general paradigm - people this sociopathic and incapable of empathy have such distorted minds you wonder how a person can become so disconnected from reality. Think of the context. A child who probably couldn’t help but care about his friends’ feelings turned into the person you just quoted.

>> No.10662988

At large you are correct but
>It's so bad that you're quite literally incapable of basing your actions on something higher
There are infrequent yet apparent cases where like you and I a person realizes said things and might behave in pursuit of some other trivial, yet more intelligible passion. Certain monks may an example but I am thinking more of an artist of sorts or scholar.