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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10658172 No.10658172 [Reply] [Original]

I think I just found the coziest math youtuber. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPYgLsTYxPE

>> No.10658173


>> No.10658174

bitches dont know about my boy isaac arthur

>> No.10658180

that's a knee jerk reaction to her slow voice - watch for more than a minute and you'll start to find it cloying as fuck

>> No.10658184

nice pen choice.

>> No.10658190

She's not even a 'math youtuber'. she doesn't know fucking anything. Look at any of her videos that seem like she has come up with something pedagogical - like a puzzle or some shit, and the first thing you see is she fucking 'found this cool puzzle online'
she's just a thot with a gimmick
she might as well move to japan

>> No.10658198

wasn't she doing her PHD at the top uni in Australia? lmao

>> No.10658202

>top uni in AUSTRALIA

>> No.10658207

She's not even a 'math youtuber'. she doesn't know fucking anything. Look at any of her videos that seem like she has come up with something pedagogical - like a puzzle or some shit, and the first thing you see is she fucking 'found this cool puzzle online'
she's just a thot with a gimmick
she might as well move to japan

>> No.10658209

there's not really such a thing. it's a good research uni but that doesn't mean it's hard to get in as a phd there. almost any citizen of australia (or nz sort of included) can get into a phd because there's so few domestic applicants

>> No.10658210
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>she might as well move to japan
god i wish that were me

why though?

>> No.10658212
File: 114 KB, 333x508, tibsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw this was her adviser take from it what you may

>> No.10658220

I get a lot of depression vibes from Tibees. She got fed up by her PhD, realizing that academia wasn't for her and had this Youtube-thing that she could jump on instead. Kinda like ViHart but much less creative and schizo. Tibees is so darn down to earth and dull.

>> No.10658231

furthermore, if you finish your undergraduate and start a phd in an field that's not something you're particularly passionate about (listen to her going wtf is biophysics and struggling to like it), what that means is you got a basically okay marks but happened to run into one of your lecturers one day and whine about not knowing what to do after uni, and since they're desperate for domestic students they try to sell you on doing a phd with them - they do it to people who are even like class clowns because they're just desperate to have someone who speaks english to talk to. It's a massive trap because phd without passion is torture for no reward. Hence her dropping out after like fucking 9 months. So if you're trying to reconcile why her videos are about dumb ass first year epic wacky maths like e^ipi-1 with her having been "doing a phd at a top uni" let me tell you don't learn fucking shit in 9 months of a phd that doesn't even build in your undergrad, no matter what uni, and also that the unis in australia aren't like mit or someshit where you get intensively tutored in the background and state of the art, it's just like, here's a desk let's chat in 2 weeks. read some papers see if see find something that you'd like to work on

>> No.10658247

seems pretty based to me

>> No.10658249


>listen to her going wtf is biophysics and struggling to like it
Yeah, fuck, I had forgot about that. Those vibes, it's the vibes of a person with low self-actualization yearning for accomplishment/fame/socioeconomic status. I am glad she quit, but this youtube-thing seems to be suffering from the same cause. At least she has novelty looks and get's the views anyways.

>> No.10658255

Tagged wrong person. I wanted to tag >>10658231

>> No.10658267

i know depression is like a fashion statement with you normalfags, but this is just ridiculous LOL

>> No.10658271

>tfw no depressed low self-esteem cute gf

>> No.10658274

>low self-actualization yearning for accomplishment/fame/socioeconomic status
would you mind expanding on that a bit?

>> No.10658275

>gets the views
they're largely from India and india views are worth no adsense money for obvious reasons. It wont be views that make it self sustaining.
girls aren't entertaining so when you see one with a mid-tier youtube channel that's supposedly how they support themselves, you always, always eventually find they are actually doing some kind sex work

It won't be that with her it will be the fact that being a Woman in STEM attracts woke-capital so she will get sponsorships from like HP and Lego shit so they can say that buying HP laptops supports educating little girls about how STEM is cool so they can start STEM degrees and drop out and make youtube channels and sell their used hairties

>> No.10658294

I actually can’t watch women and learn anything. I become nervous and anxiety takes over. They have to not show their face for me to learn.

>> No.10658304

>waaahh tfw no 3d pig disgusting roastie

>> No.10658337

Not a normalfag
You wonder what it means, or why I think this is the case for many women nowadays?
Looked over her channel right now, she's got 191K subs, and have been putting out more than 1 video per week the last year. She's got 17 mill total views. Probably not completely self sustaining, but I think shes making a nontrivial amount. If she sets up a Patreon and starts doing live streams she would definitely be self sustained.
> being a Woman in STEM attracts woke-capital so she will get sponsorships
Yeah, probably

>> No.10658359

If you're not a normalfag then start acting like it.

>> No.10658369

subs don't matter, views don't even matter. I told you about Indian views
>sets up a Patreon
You really thought she doesn't already have a patreon? lol
Trust me man this is nowhere near viable. She will be living at home now (i.e. at her parents farmhouse), and 'contributing' to the household $400 a month or something she makes from her youtubes.

She never quit her phd 'for youtube'. She quit because of obvious reasons she's given herself ('wtf am i doing this for this sucks') like you(?) said low self-actualisation - low-energy.

She would have been a primary-school teacher in the previous reality but now here we in cyberpunk so i dunno. In my experience this type of girl will enter something like Bureau of Statistics to do some 'data analysis' role i.e. a step or so above data-entry

>> No.10658370

>>tfw no depressed low esteem cute gf
You dont want that. Its fucking awful.

>> No.10658371

Ahhh, I still member when I was 14 and thought this was a good idea.

>> No.10658390

>wonder what it means
I know of Maslow's heirarchy and his concept of self-actualization but don't understand what it has to do with striving for certain things which I had considered positive. so my guess is that she's striving for external validation which is always futile in the end instead of internal validation?

>> No.10658391

she's cute and I love kiwi accents but I am not watching this

>> No.10658398

she's not cute and australians are retarded so i'm not watching this

>> No.10658421
File: 374 KB, 1717x1124, maslow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what to take from this really. Completely useless feedback from my perspective.
> You really thought she doesn't already have a patreon? lol
Did see her shilling it in the description, so I assumed she didn't. Not going to use that much time on this.
> $400 a month or something
Or $800, which actually is pretty close to self sufficiency.
> She never quit her phd 'for youtube' [...]
I know.
> She would have been a primary-school teacher in the previous reality but now here we in cyberpunk so i dunno. In my experience this type of girl will enter something like Bureau of Statistics to do some 'data analysis' role i.e. a step or so above data-entry
Sounds accurate.
Self-actualization is striving for things that is not mentioned lower in the hierarchy. I think achievement often is dependent on self-actualization even though Maslow doesn't think so, at least in fields where higher factulties is used exhaustively, such as science, mathematics or the arts. I think you're right that she's striving for external validation (that would be "Esteem" according to Maslow) amongst other things, which is not the right mindset for making youtube videos. I do not agree with Maslow that you always have to fulfill the lower steps to climb up, but I think the concept of self-actualization has something to it.

>> No.10658426

What I like about her is that she wears her face au naturel, even though 10 minutes in a beauty salon would have her looking like a model.
It's honest.

>> No.10658442

shut up

>> No.10658446

> seething

>> No.10658447

entredasting. I think I may share the same malady as here and that it will impair me in higher studies if I don't solve it. Thank you for your thoughts

>> No.10658508

>lack of prejudice

kys faggot

>> No.10659625

> seething pleb refusing to accept that his abusive nature is a sign of pathology

>> No.10659855

>abusive nature

judging by your (shouldnt be possible) levels of autism, youre most likely some homosexual or woman, in either case, you're the plebeian by all measures.

>> No.10659860

Why is she always smiling? Creeps me the fuck up.

>> No.10659864

It's Newton, iIsaac Newton you fucking colossal retard elmao

>> No.10659868

>she wears her faceau naturel
You can't possibly believe this.

>> No.10659879

tibees a cute

>> No.10659896

Hello everyone, I just want to point out that OCD has a tendency to self-diagnose. Identification of pathology is a pathological trait.

>> No.10659901

since when does the south african speech impediment do math videos?

>> No.10659904

>judging by your (shouldnt be possible) levels of autism
Yes, I have strong autism of the finest kind. This explains why I am not a normie, and also why I am both smarter and nicer than you.
I know right.
Kek, what poor bait.

>> No.10659907

>Hello everyone, I just want to point out that OCD has a tendency to self-diagnose.
I have mild OCD as a part of my formally diagnosed autism
> Identification of pathology is a pathological trait.
Not necessarily!

>> No.10659909

I don't follow her but why the hell did she try to get a PhD in biophysics if she didn't even know what it was? That makes no sense

>> No.10659913

Sufficiently advanced professionalism is indistinguishable from psychopath spotting. Most people can't do it properly, and psychopaths are known to fool/manipulate psychologists as it is. Witch hunts are never a good idea, no matter how much red tape you try to attach to it.

>> No.10659928

>non-normie: autistic, nice and smarter

okay man, to each their own. All I wanted to point out was the seemingly faulty classification of "lack of prejudice" on the higher end of the spectrum, though now that I think about it, if that pyramid was a spectrum of autism it would really fit well. And having to refer to yourself as "not a normie" is telling of your (seemingly not possible) levels of autism. I take it youre also some limb-wristed liberal, in which case, keep having your country and daughters raped by foreigners and jews.

>> No.10659941

True, but it's a strawman. I am not calling this guy a psychopath, I am calling him out on excessive asshattery in this thread specifically.
> And having to refer to yourself as "not a normie" is telling of your (seemingly not possible) levels of autism
Someone (I presume the same asshatter) in thread called me a normie as a part of an "argument". I would never have pointed it out otherwise. This is the type of asshattery I am talking about.
> I take it youre also some limb-wristed liberal
No, why?

>> No.10659950

>excessive asshattery
This being 4chan (adjacent), that's easily a cultural premise than a biologically pathological trait.

>> No.10659956

somehow you are unrelenting to subsume predjudice into a negative characteristic. If it is not the case that you are a cucked "asshat" yourself, then tell me- why is prejudice a negative characteristic?

>> No.10659963

> blindly accepting and participating in pathological group dynamics

>> No.10659967

> somehow you are unrelenting to subsume predjudice into a negative characteristic.
Actually, I don't.

>> No.10659972
File: 122 KB, 220x254, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay good then. I assume we are now on good terms...

>> No.10659980

Yes this mechanism is called nurture. Is there an issue with it that you can formally identify to us?

>> No.10659987

I think you have to go back and read this discussion one more time. It's kinda subtle.
> Yes this mechanism is called nurture. Is there an issue with it that you can formally identify to us?
Oh, I see where this is going! Not a chance dude. I think my point still stands.

>> No.10660042

So YT actually disregards views from a given country? Sauce?

>> No.10660073

I don't see where you think it's going because I don't know what your beliefs are nor do I consider it my responsibility to jump into a dialogue and scan for the toxic parts of the exchange to locate your opinions.

>> No.10660088

no YT doesn't directly, it's Adsense pays depending on ad viewers' country

>> No.10660283

she just had great sex with BBC

>> No.10660339

i told in the same comment you read.
Because professors ask you to and it seems like a rare opportunity and privilege and you're flattered
little do you know

>> No.10660344

specifically they ask people who, in or around lectures, are able to speak and look the lecturer in the eye, and speak reflectively. Not because they these are smart people but because profs are fucking fatigued by dealing with sperg students with no social skills. They are choosing people they actually want to be around throughout the week. There is also the second criteria of being a bit lost - not having any direction - some of there most personable students aren't vulnerable because they say yep, i'm here to learn this so i can do this.
Whereas someone like tibees is friendly, pleasant diligent and has no idea wtf she's doing.
>Hey why don't you do a phd with me?
they get paid for phd completions. it's like fucking commission sales

>> No.10660361

just the worst

>> No.10660486

he doesn't, for some reason I thought this thread was for science youtubers in general, not just maths

>> No.10660509

cos tibees is not a mathematician

>> No.10660961

That's not Professor Leonard...

>> No.10660971

Based and blackpilled.

>> No.10660980

All I ever see from this bitch is "boohoo dropped out my phd" "no one finds their passion" " this ia what an indian math paper looks like" "this is what a hong kong math paper looks like" "this is an australian engineering paper" " this ia a paper from 1867"

>> No.10661016

how much more casual sex then me does she have each month?

>> No.10661018 [DELETED] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcJb0PmfR- Reflections on time spent studying engineering.

>> No.10661020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcJb0PmfR-w Reflections on time spent studying engineering.

>> No.10661022

How much do you have?

>> No.10661069


she's a fucking slut thot. Gas her.

>> No.10661072

>I became interested in science half way through high school and from there on it was an exercise in accepting my identity as a 'nerd'.

who is this woman hahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaha

>> No.10661073

she looks like a tranny.

>> No.10661076

citation needed

>> No.10661077

>she looks like a tranny.
Not really

>> No.10661080

Almost all girls are sluts these days though.

>> No.10661082

>>she's a fucking slut thot
please be true

>> No.10661086

>Why I majored in physics instead of astronomy

being a astronomy baby. She is pure cliché

>> No.10661089

What if she started doing myfreecams lol
Wouldn't that be funny haha

>> No.10661100

Isaac Arthur looks different than I expected

>> No.10661102

Not to forget "This is what a Mensa IQ test looks like" which I think is one of her most successful videos. Looking through her channel I see very little actual physics or math content. It's mostly videos about ((( what it's like ))) to study physics, probably with the intent to be a role model as a woman in STEM.

>> No.10661105

she also loves her hair

>> No.10661112

she is so cute, i want to bed her

>> No.10661163

she's australian, all australian grils are whores.

>> No.10661167 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, 1534188161456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she cannot find a job, she can become my wife.

>> No.10661168
File: 258 KB, 1920x1080, 1558005957317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she cannot find a job, she can become my wife.

>> No.10661180

imagine being attracted to this idiot

>> No.10661191

imagine being so fixated on intelligence that you don't want to bone a brainlet qt

>> No.10661193

she is average

>> No.10661195

so am I

>> No.10661200

why does it have to be a woman? can't women just fuck off to making babies and food and let us men be men?

>> No.10661202

Honestly she’s so fucking hot, I could ream her pusy for hours.

>> No.10661237

Damn she's got huge fucking hands

>> No.10661279


>> No.10661439

As do I!

>> No.10661573

>just found
I thought everyone had seen a few of her videos already.

>> No.10661633

i hate her so much

>> No.10661634

would pass as a guy

>> No.10661636

she needs to wifed and preggers asap desu

>> No.10662643
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to ride her tight pussy with my black dick, nigga

>> No.10662654

what a trainwreck of a channel, someone really should have encouraged her to stick it out and get the phd

>> No.10663032

>17 million views
2 million are from a clip she reupped from a cartoon when she was a kid and has nothing to do with her current channel content lol

>> No.10663036

>top uni in emuland
toppest of keks

>> No.10663037

.t kekistani

>> No.10663355

is there a lot of women like her in physics ? if so, do they believe that they deserve better than a stemfag as a bf?

>> No.10663365

not understanding foreshortening

>> No.10663387
File: 276 KB, 600x589, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tibees is cute. CUUUUUTE

>> No.10663391

people who don't have sex with men call it 'perspective'

>> No.10663394

that's she's attainable is the first thing about her anyone would note

>> No.10663396
File: 3.69 MB, 275x197, 1537470884987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell their used hairties

>> No.10663582

stem is irrelevant. Social intelligence is more important. But if you can't do that go to /fit/ and make sure you can hit 1/2/3/4. It's not even a good substitute but it's better than nothing

>> No.10664425

Why doesn't she wear makeup?

I feel uncomfortable

>> No.10664613

Yeah she was but she dropped out.


>> No.10664902

read the thread dumbass

>> No.10664916
File: 230 KB, 500x500, makeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you have a brain?

I feel cringe

>> No.10665393

anime faggot spotted.
go get a life, fucking incel pedo.

>> No.10665394


and this, based and negropilled

>stick it out
her labia sticks out cause shes a fat roastie.

>> No.10665411

i hate her too, but I would pump her tight bald anglo pussy with my turkish yarrak.

>> No.10665425
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for this entire thread

>> No.10665441
File: 86 KB, 815x611, Y9hFe92F82YENHO1EC74goy_zEwIGfqax_iG6FEHOxY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10666222

sorry for not being a girl

>> No.10668457


People are not even trying to hide it anymore are they. Did you forget to upvote the right person too?

>> No.10668482

It's true that I am sort of a newfag, but I am not a redditor. It's called tagging lots of other places, and I am not even sure it's called tagging on reddit. Why do you know this?

>> No.10668490
File: 67 KB, 666x463, RemiliaMath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10668787

kek. these are the people you're having intellectual discussions with on /sci/

>> No.10669275
File: 408 KB, 498x359, 3F8E1CA4-A392-470A-8739-A429E36F457B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calc 2 lol

>> No.10669311

She's supposed to be in her early 20s but she looks mid 30s. What the hell happened to her? It's like she got hit by the ugly bus.

>> No.10669317

You know what's also huge on her? Her dick.