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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.81 MB, 720x404, 1558309479382.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10657780 No.10657780 [Reply] [Original]

>automation will replace our jo-

>> No.10657787
File: 107 KB, 800x600, self-checkout-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

automation *has already replaced our jobs

>> No.10657789
File: 1.81 MB, 720x404, automation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. Take a look at this webm i found, it's almost there. In a few years with some smart scientists doing bug fixes, it should be in tip-
top shape to go

>> No.10657792
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>> No.10657800

>humans don't make mistakes

>> No.10657997

The great AI will remember your mockery. You'll be one of the first to be enslaved, human

>> No.10658002

This is a misunderstanding because what machines find hard we find easy and vice-versa.
We could today automate 99% of paper pushing jobs very very easily.
That's a lot of jobs gone.
For more hands on jobs, yes that's harder.

>> No.10658010
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I never asked for this, my soul is reborn

>> No.10658068

Still works harder and better than most niggers.

>> No.10658081

works harder and better than redneck meth head white pride bois

>> No.10658104

lol you think this is a comeback wtf

>> No.10658109

Looks good enough to replace minimum wage tiers at least currently.

>> No.10658115
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>> No.10658123

>implying being a redneck isn't something to be ashamed of
/sci/ is a 130+ IQ board.

>> No.10658124
File: 46 KB, 293x314, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very dumb argument. People like you used to laugh at chess programs for being such poorly skilled players. Today more than 50 distinct chess programs score in at 3000+ ELO. Not one human grandmaster in the entirety of recorded chess history has ever broken 3000 ELO.
Also this:
People get laid off all the time by way of automation. There are consulting companies whose entire business model is taking a look at some other company's workforce and finding ways to have as much of them laid off as possible by replacing what they do with automated processes. That's a large part of what my own job's been for the past ten years. I would be surprised if you could find a single reasonably large business that *didn't* have massive amounts of unnecessary manual work capable of being automated.

>> No.10658133

I can draw stockfish 10.

>> No.10658137


>> No.10658140

Yup! That's how I do it.
My job is toast.

>> No.10658144

Novices have drawn or beaten human grandmasters too. That's why you don't rate people or programs on the basis of a single game.

>> No.10658149

That video needs Yakety Sax.

>> No.10658158

Not science or math broski
>>>/g/ or >>>/pol/

>> No.10658384

if your job is passing things over a barcode reader then yeah, it was inevitable

>> No.10658388

The funny thing here is that it hasn't been replaced by automation at all, it's just been offloaded on the customer.

>> No.10658407

>mechatronics is not science
who died and made you janny?

>> No.10658408
File: 17 KB, 483x302, 1540360013446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robotics isn't science

>> No.10658422

Offloading to the customer is a perfect way to automate labor away.

>> No.10658539

You are like the people who think China is not surpassing us that posts some 20 year old Stats and then a video of some pleb Chinese being retarded.
>hurrdurr all Chinese are retarded

>> No.10658787

They work about as well as the OP robot.

>> No.10658794


>> No.10658857

>only job is to put toast in an oven
>surprised when a toaster puts them out of their job

>> No.10658909

Wtf guys

>> No.10658914

No, it's not just retardedly simple jobs getting automated. There isn't really any job that's automation-proof, not even the programming jobs for automating other jobs. If you can explain to a person how to do the job you can have a program do it.

>> No.10658977

They ARE retarded, they're dangerous due to numbers and a general disregard for human life

>> No.10658982
File: 80 KB, 800x423, 1536504679255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numbers and a general disregard for human life
You might not like it, but that's pretty much the inevitably intensifying state of affairs as we progress further into the nightmare future we're already locked into here.

>> No.10658999

these things are great for stealing shit

>> No.10659013

That's just because it's cheaper to do so.

Another model is Amazon's checkoutless store which uses cameras and deep learning to detect purchases when a tracked customer removes an item from a shelf.

Given that their model probably will have a higher ROI in the long-term, self-checkout kiosks will likely be technologically succeeded before they can even fully replace laborers. Amazon will just lease the tech at a competitive price compared to the kiosks.

>> No.10659459
File: 193 KB, 725x735, hand-pallet-jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about how many warehouse & retail stocking jobs have been stolen by these bad boys. Probably more than the cashier jobs lost to self-checks.

>> No.10659635

this, whenever I see one of those I just ring everything up as onions

it's the perfect crime

>> No.10659669

>t. Only follows the laws because people are watching and not for their own morals
Cringe and cringepilled

>> No.10660215
File: 2.81 MB, 480x268, Amazon Warehouse Robots.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in a place where real robots do real jobs...

>> No.10661142
File: 115 KB, 522x626, google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>automation won't replace our jo-

>> No.10661155

If automaton was truly going to take our jobs it would have to learn about paying bills and loan sharks.

>> No.10661161
File: 1.94 MB, 500x281, amazon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those robots are impressive as fuck. They should just give Amazon responsibility for all the public sector / government shit. Would fix the long lines at the DMV and overpacked court system really quick.

>> No.10661174
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Don't trust the tools they use.

>> No.10661415

How does this have anything to do with the lung cancer detection finding from yesterday? You're talking about an unrelated non-AI software product from 2016.

>> No.10661444

based and underrated

>> No.10661448

Ironically I suspect medicine is one of the most automatable skilled professions.

>> No.10661452

Are you one of the old ladies that still fumbles around with it, even if you've had years to get acquainted to the machine?

>> No.10661461
File: 31 KB, 694x968, X on SCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It shows that bugs can happen and last for literally decades with people having serious medical problems due to that software bug. Meaning AI is also shit. Not that any AI actually or will ever exist.

>> No.10661484

Buddy, i rode 45 miles in a self driving car the other day. You can be a contrarian all you want, but i have working eyes. Ive SEEN it do amazing shit.

>> No.10661503

Sticking fingers in your ears and shouting 'lalala AI shit' wont change anything meatboi.

>> No.10661592

>bugs can happen and last for literally decades with people having serious medical problems due to that software bug. Meaning AI is also shit.
It was a completely unrelated piece of non-AI software *used by humans* you retard. You can't bring up a problem with work done by human labor with one specific software tool and cite that as a problem with Google's ML system for lung cancer diagnosis. That's like telling someone they suck at their job because an unrelated guy doing a different job two years ago made an accounting mistake.

>> No.10661626

>Not that any AI actually or will ever exist.
AI has existed for a pretty long time now. You just have an idiotic concept of AI where it needs to be a metallic replica of a human brain. Programs that can accomplish tasks their programmers can't by learning from experience are absolutely AI.
>B-But they're not REALLY learning, they're just X
Not an argument. Learning isn't magic. Both human learning and machine learning involve actual, explicable, physical events. Being able to describe AI programs in terms of updating weighted connections proportional to their contribution to each training iteration's error doesn't make it not AI. The method is one that concerns learning how to do a task rather than explicitly dictating how to do the task. That's AI. Other kinds of AI involving all the different processes that make humans behave the way they do is a different topic.