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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 79 KB, 1280x720, teddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10654055 No.10654055 [Reply] [Original]

"What the fuck is wrong with teddy?" edition

Last thread reached bump limit.
old: >>10645251

We discuss research, offer advice (Just see your family physician), make fun of premeds, discuss residency and different specialities but we mostly shitpost

If you want to discuss vaccines, please make your own thread because it takes a lot of replies and the discussion degenerates.

>What's the best speciality for research?
Path, clinical lab, onc, rad/onc, anaesthesia

>What are the best specialities lifestyle wise?
Optho, derm, psych and rads

>> No.10654079
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Reposting since I poasted after the new thread was made
Cool, first time on this board, I'm used to lurking much more insular boards, assumed I'd get called a newfag and also didn't want to barge into general I have no experience in and start asking for favours.

Pic related is roughly six hours after I first noticed the marks, I was busy and thought id just be able to search it later.
They first appeared as white marks, mostly rings and blotches, and at first there was just slight pain and irritation when I pressed on them. Then I noticed that they seemed to move around after checking them few minutes later. Assuming it was something under the skin I pressed down harder on one and pushed up, and I'm sure I saw two small specks break off and join a ring higher up.

The rings then started to fade about an hour later, and when I checked just now they were red blotches, minor pain when pressed.
Can't find diddly squat, apart from this forum

I picked this photo because it shows the ring most clearly, though when they first appeared they were clustered together and roughly 10 per thumb, one or two on index fingers, and the skin wasn't as red.

Any ideas?

>> No.10654085

I swear I can't see the problem in that pic. Circle the problem or put an arrow or something. They look pretty normal to me. I'm not sure what "circles" are you referring to.

>> No.10654110
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They had completely disappeared as of about 30 mins ago, but I spotted this one which looked lose to the originals, they've been replaced with red welts. Apoligies for shit pics.

>> No.10654139

I'd need better pics to really say anything. Have you done anything unusual? Handled something you usually don't, been somewhere new etc.

>> No.10654362

Why do nurses hate med students so much? I'm not sure about the word "hate", but they certainly act like assholes towards us.

>> No.10654370

Do you hike? Or do anything where you coud have been bitten by a deer tick?

>> No.10654394

they've seen enough stuck up cunts

>> No.10654417

What do you mean? Doctors aren't assholes towards them, at least not that doctors I've seen, most students besides gunners are well behaved and don't do shit to annoy them. Patients? Maybe.

>> No.10654419


Does anyone have any general advice for an IMG who wants to write the USMLE Step 1? Best ways to study for it?

>> No.10654421

Enough students who think they are doctors just because they have the coat.

>> No.10654429

OK this is bait.

>> No.10654566


recommend radial palmar grasp testing via phallus application and vigorous anterior/superior movement for further analysis.

>> No.10654572

Doctors are the grown up version of spoiled rich kids.

>> No.10654577

>Maybe stuff related to your specialty
Yes that's my point. It would seem much more efficient to me to just rely on specialists for diagnostic radiology that is relevant to their area.

>> No.10654612
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Most nurses are braindead stacies who look down on everyone because they're too dumb to understand their own limitations.

>> No.10654631
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I have a question...now that the most incompetent fragile minded generation the world has ever incubated is entering the field, where do you suppose you can acquire treatment, without being one of the hundreds of thousands killed annually by medical malpractice?

>> No.10654639

You really overestimate the older generations.

>> No.10654647

A nurse with thirty years on an ICU floor is more experienced by orders of magnitude than a fucking med student who are you kidding? I'm sure in terms of pure intelligence the med students win every time, but in terms of presence of mind in the midst of chaos, I will take an experienced RN every time.

>> No.10654655

Diagnostic radiologists know when an imaging test can help answer a question about a symptom, disease, injury or treatment and which tests will get the best result for each patient. And then there is interventional radiology.

>> No.10654664

read >>10654639, younger doctors are more careful than older ones, and old doctors usually do stuff that they've learned back in the day and don't keep up with research. (Most of them)

We were talking about nurses being assholes towards med students, there wasn't anything related to experience since most students don't have it. (At least compared to a old RN)

>> No.10654720

>We were talking about nurses being assholes
Degree envy...besides you have the age old "we must humor the fragile male ego" plus a little sprinkle of territorial pissing. Then they ooze contempt. The biggest complaint I've heard from nurses I know (three generations in my family), is the having to chase down inattentive doctors to get them to approve procedures/orders some of which the doctors themselves order. You're never going to get women to stop acting like women.

>> No.10654825

I have a pretty big and painful zit on the asscheek
It's red, tried to pop it but couldn't, also pierced it with a (disinfected) needle and only blood came out, little to no pus
Should I just wait until it goes away? I don't really want to go to the doc just for a red spot on my ass

>> No.10654846

Can i get your opinion on this one problem I'm having, guys? For a few months now, after I eat something with combination of greek yogurt and drink water after it, for a few hours I get this really annoying mild pain in my upper right abdomen (feels like it's coming from inside and not from the muscles). It goes away but it often persist at like 10% intensity throughout the day and I can feel it if i try hard enough.

>> No.10654859

How long can i fast until i fucking die?

>> No.10654870

Fast as in not eating or drinking anything or just eating?

>> No.10654882
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>midst of chaos
I'm non-med, since when is an ICU chaotic? I'm under the impression that ICU nurses mainly do a lot of charting and careful organization under relatively stable conditions, it's not like they're fucking medics.

>> No.10655029
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Guys I got a very shitty strep infection, my throat is on fire, what secrets do you know to fight this bullshit?

>> No.10655113

I wouldn't worry so much about "the incompetent fragile minded generation" but rather the fact that most new doctors are going to be Indians or other shades of non-white/Asians.

>> No.10655122

Amoxicillin, cephalexin, and penicillin.

>> No.10655133

What kind of volunteering should I do friends? I would like to shadow preferably.

>> No.10655160


I have a question. How have you managed to get this far in life by being so ignorant? Special needs/caretaker?

>> No.10655484


lay off the processed fats, your gallbladder wants to get up and walk out if you don't stop

>> No.10655487


hey now, there's surgery rounds gotta get the tits perky and hair perfect. can't stay a nurse forever when the surgery resident is single and a hook out of the drudgery of alarm fatigue

>> No.10655643

I had a vagovasal response to having my blood drawn. Ive always done fine with blood tests but thus time was on an empty stomach. Is it because I'm a pussy or because I only ate eggs in the morning and nothing else to 1pm.

>> No.10655899

*taps glass with a fork*
*clears throat*
yes your attention please


>> No.10655925
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>> No.10655928

Need to see pic to know what it is

>> No.10655942

Gunners are shit because their overconfidence becomes arrogance. I don't give a shit about how much they study.

>> No.10655948

I find that in high concentrations they consistently get scores high enough to warrant an increase in difficulty for classes, making them even more impenetrable to students not on mommy and daddy's dime.

>> No.10655949

What does gunner mean

>> No.10655959

Considering that the student that isn't studying 18 hours a day and works part time, this is true.

A gunner is the med student that studies a shit ton of hours and is arrogant, looks down on other students and medical staff and argues with doctors.

>> No.10655964

Guberment tit sucklers make me sick

>> No.10656027

Thanks. I had suspicion it could be the gallbladder.

>> No.10656067

>not being a standard deviation or two more intelligent than the gunners and effortlessly beating them in everything
>not watching them slowly spiral into a burnout as they desperately try to catch you

God I miss med school

>> No.10656069

how fucked am i if i am only taking COMLEX level 1 and not USLME

>> No.10656083

>I miss medschool
I have 2 more years and daydream about residency every day. Why would you miss it? Should I enjoy it for the time being and stop thinking so much about the future?

>> No.10656171

Question about first aid

In the case of a severe burn from steam or contact with a hot object, with a hospital emergency department 5 minutes nearby, what is the best thing to do? Burns would only be first degree.

I'm thinking running cold water until transport is arranged is ok and won't get in the way of hospital treatment but what about further aid?

What about more serious cuts?

>> No.10656211

If it's a first degree burn, why would you go to a hospital in the first place? Go to the pharmacy, get some burn spray, dress it for a day and you're good to go.

I don't know what you mean by serious cuts. Superficial cuts that are long could be treated by the family physician, small but deep cuts too. If it's a suicide attempt, then it's pretty much a rush to the ER.

>> No.10656417

Thanks mate, amoxicillin helped

>> No.10657230

I'm going to say...pussy.

>> No.10657432

Ok guys, I already asked in the last thread but it was nearly the ending so I'm interested in your opinions too:
I'm finally getting at that moment where I must choose a specialization and thus decreting what I will be doing for the rest of my life.
Right now I have 4 possible choices that I'm considering:
Infectious diseases
Anesthesiology and intensive care
Given that I liked studying all those subjects and the time spent in the respective yards, what would you choose in my place and why?

>> No.10657438

Family med.

>> No.10657446

What's up with some guys endlessly shilling FM in these threads?
I mean it's good and necessary and all, but unless you really can't decide on a spec AND you truly love patient interaction not only on a clinical level but psychosocial as well, it's always preferable to specialize.

>> No.10657481

how much IQ is necessary for study medicine?
i can make it with average IQ?

>> No.10657507

Working regularly is unironically more important
And yes as long as you're not a literal retard you can make it. Some specs (onc, path, nephro, card) require some level of intelligence but nothing extraordinary

>> No.10657509
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Probably lower these days.

>> No.10657518

Infectious Diseases.

>> No.10657521
File: 66 KB, 863x601, 1554663648665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently read a study that claimed that average IQ's were over-represented in physicians referred for medical infractions

>> No.10657541

How's the lifestyle of nutrologist?

>> No.10657553

what the fuck is that?

>> No.10657558

A neurological nutritionist

>> No.10657571

>literal retard
Define "literal retard" in IQ terms

>> No.10657575

Less than 70

>> No.10657582

thats extremist
one person with 100 IQ really can even enter in the med school?

>> No.10657655

I always mix those two.

>> No.10657678


>> No.10657684
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I've been on 40mg nortriptyline for 6 months. For chronic pain.
Can I have an alcoholic drink? I understand it may make me more tired, but I'm comfy and at home and will probably go to sleep right after. I'm not driving or working or operating heavy machinery or anything like that.

>> No.10658015


I am curious about this too

>> No.10658045


Psychiatry. No shortage of patients, rates of mental illness are high. Psychiatrists are needed and not just ones that throw SSRI's at everyone. Lifestyle during residency is comfortable, potential for private practice, interesting fellowships like forensic psychiatry, etc.

>> No.10658166

There was mention of ‘lymphatic constitution’ in one of the books. Cant remember what subject it was because i had it in notes to look it up after (probably opthalmology). Now that i look it up all i get is some traditional medicine shit. Is this term even scientific im sure it was used in a book, just wanna know what it means.

>> No.10658571

Keep an eye on it and apply antiseptics. If it grows and you get a fever, malaise or any kind of other symptoms off to the doc.
Pretty long actually. You'll feel like shit tho.
Pick a ward you'd like to work in. Ask if you can hang around, watch people and eventually do stuff. If they like you they might take you.
>A gunner is the med student that studies a shit ton of hours and is arrogant, looks down on other students and medical staff and argues with doctors.
Oh yeah we have those. Not gonna miss em.
Am I gunner if I just study continuously, but with low effort and still manage to have a social life and do good in school?
For first degree burn cold water and burn ointments/sprays is enough. Second and third, you gotta go to a burn unit fo assesment. Srious cuts with uncontrollable bleeding and near body cavities such as abdomen and chest need revision. As a matter of fact not so serious cuts still need to be sutured.
>Infectious diseases
>Anesthesiology and intensive care
Both of those were one of my favorite subjects so you know, I'm biased towards these two.

>> No.10658650

Are PharmDs taught basic diagnosis, first aid/EM and other fundamentals of medicine, or does their knowledge not extend to clinical medicine at all?

>> No.10658936

Honestly it's mostly about being young and not having any real responsibility, personal or professional.

>> No.10658940


>> No.10658971

I am not fat but I snore. Seems to be a genetic thing but how can i fix it? With fix I mean what is the best device? Or will a nose job ultimately fix it? I don't want one because they make your nose weaker.

>> No.10659028
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Any good books on the history of medicine/advancement of medical science? Got Summer break now and looking for something to read.

>> No.10659116

>NEET time was good
yeah it was

>> No.10659120

/med/anons check this out. Granny had her knee replaced. Operation went fine, post op too and she has been feeling fine with the exception that her HGB is consistently low. She has received 6 blood transfusions so far, with 0 clinical signs of anemia. Interestingly the other 2 patients in her room also have anemia. They also make them drink 3 litres of water (plain bottled water), because apparently they're cutting back on IV transfusions. This got me thinking
>no clinical signs
>drinking hella a lot of water
>other patients have it as well and have received numerous transfusions as well
HGB is calculated like a % of the blood sample right? So if they are diluted as fuck, which they are since they drink plain bottled water in huge quantities, this means that this anemia isn't real, but from the fuckin dilution. Is this possible? If not why the hell do they have anemia with no clinical signs and no visible bleeding?

t.final year medstudent with no clinical experience so asking dumb questions

>> No.10659126

forgot to mention also no signs of acute hemolytic anemia

>> No.10659130

do you guys really spent hours studying?
uhh immunological reaction to transfused blood?
t. no clinical experience too

>> No.10659139

>spent hours studying
Yes? Even if I'm a laid back and easy going person, I still study something like 4-5 hours per day.

>> No.10659155

>immunological reaction to transfused blood?
Read >>10659126

It was the first thing I thought of, but it's supposed to be dramatic. With hypotension, abdominal pain, AKi etc. etc. She feels perfect.

>> No.10659156

>in med school


>> No.10659162

Might be a problem with the sample taking or in the lab.

>> No.10659176

Nothing in the CBC outside of HB right? ESR? Ferritin? Creatinine?

>> No.10659241

Dunno, that's what she told me over the phone. I'm not allowed to visit let alone see lab work. All they told her were the HB levels.

>> No.10659277

Hydration shouldn't cause a significant drop in hemoglobin unless she was severely dehydrated to begin with. It's not uncommon for old people to be slightly anemic at baseline and she probably lost some blood during the surgery, but 6 transfusions is a shit ton of blood. Do you know what her Hb level actually is? Since this is all based on hearsay from your granny she might just be confused and thinking she's getting blood transfusions when she's really getting IV fluids or whatever.

It\'s unlikely to be a problem with the lab, they are very anal about quality control. The sample could be diluted if it was drawn above the IV but that shouldn't be happening consistently as most nurses/phlebotomists are smart enough not to do that.

>> No.10659537
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If you don't want to go in one of these specs, you're fucked up and should reconsider your life.

>> No.10659551

She's an ex nurse so she knows her shit. Also they are asking us (the relatives) for blood donation notes from the transfusion centre. It's not free blood. We gave 3 on admission. One before a few days and now they ask for 2 more. Hb levels vary from 130 post transfusion to 70-80 a few days after that.
>Hydration shouldn't cause a significant drop in hemoglobin unless she was severely dehydrated to begin with.
Hmmm, impropper storage of the blood then? Old blood?
> 6 transfusions is a shit ton of blood
Yeah, exactly. ICU patients receive such amounts. Or maybe the blood loss was pretty plenty in the first place and she tolerated it very well. Anyway thanks for the reply.

>> No.10659553

>no ophto
>no path
>no card
>no nephro
>no uro
Yeah right.

>> No.10659685

>old blood
Nah. CBC samples are good for up to 24 hours at room temperature, there's no way the nurses or lab are letting them sit around that long.
>improper storage
Exposing the sample to extreme heat or cold can cause hemolysis, but that wouldn't affect the hemoglobin, only the RBC count and hematocrit (the analyzer actually measures hemoglobin by lysing the red cells).

There aren't a lot of things that falsely lower hemoglobin, it's pretty much just contamination with iv fluids or improper mixing, which are unlikely to occur repeatedly.

>we gave 3 units on admission
Am I misinterpreting you or are you saying she was anemic before the surgery? It would make more sense if so.

>> No.10659777

What's your opinion about the girls who managed to study /med/?
I personally think it's best to cherrypick the best of them instead letting the horde freely coming in.
It's because interacting with them requires flirting at some point which i find nonsensical because i only talk about trivial stuffs.

>> No.10659796

How the fuck do I stop sweating like a pig? I am not on any medications, I have no associated diseases, I even shaved off my pubes to decrease the temperature and I am not particularly nervous. I shower every day, I use deodorant, but still, I sweat like crazy and my sweat smells extremely bad.

>> No.10659894

>want to be rad
>probably won't get high enough step score

why am i brainlet

>> No.10660034

What? Are you talking admissions or fucking?

>> No.10660038

Exercise might help.

>> No.10660043

What country is this?

>> No.10660459

I used to queef A LOT as a teen, 13-15. My queefs were so strong they would hurt my vagina. I remember when I was 16 I'd get out of the bed letting out a huge queef. Now? I can't even queef with my legs up. What happened?

>> No.10660478

Why won't medicine accept the fact that private pathways to licensure are indeed in the best interest of the public and even hospital groups?

I'm just a(n apparently) simple psychology BA holder and nothing more. inb4 muh business interests inb4 no spoilertags allowed

>> No.10660601

Just the fact they don't mix well with the boys

>> No.10660902

She wasn't. The clinic just has experience and asks for blood donation notes on admission for these operations. They know their patients will require blood transfusions so they ask for 3 donors at first and ask for more if needed.

She's fine today tho, thanks for the replies I was just wondering what the hell happened.

>> No.10660932

How important is research actually for getting into a good speciality?
Most the doctors I've talked to say specialities are becoming more competitive and getting research is a must for a lot of them, but does a med student have to do research to get into cardiology or paediatrics (as an example)?

>> No.10661021

Yes, at least 3-4 hours a day is a must, increasing to 7-8 near to exams

>> No.10661024


>> No.10661033

Looking for some advice please. I had a very pungent curry five days ago, and haven’t eaten anything like it since then. I’m now farting much more frequently and they absolutely stink. They smell like the curry mixed with shit. It’s disgusting and beginning to worry me. My dog won’t voluntarily spend time around me because it’s repulsed by the smell. Any ideas as to what might be going on?

>> No.10661044

There is one farthagging pajeet anon going around these threads, he seems to be expert in dealing with foul smells.

>> No.10661083

That was a different case in that the farthagged Indian was the recipient of unwanted farts, not the creator.

>> No.10661158

Jesus Christ, what do you do with all that time, rote memorization of every bit of trivia? Or do you count lectures and shit to that number.

t. probably less than an hour a day on my own.

>> No.10661185


If you aren't willing to sacrifice yourself for your future patients then you shouldn't be in medical school. Apply yourself.

>> No.10661189

Fuck off with your savior complex, premed faggot.

>> No.10661190

>implying (some) med students don't have the same complex

>> No.10661194

>some people have mental issues
Yes and?

>> No.10661198

Whoever smelt it dealt it buddy

>> No.10661258

I’m a premed candidate actually.

>> No.10661270

We get quite a lot of docs who were trained in places (mostly eastern Europe) that emphasized cramming. but honestly most of them fucking blow. Most of them seem to also have very little clinical exposure in their degrees, whereas here people are right in the thick of it immediately after finishing the preclinical part.

>> No.10661275

Where are you?

>> No.10661282
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>> No.10661284

>if the brain fails, the heart is useless.

>> No.10661305

>Comatose people never recover

>> No.10661330

>comatose =/= brain fails

>> No.10661349

Dead people on suicide watch.

>> No.10661370

BS, nurses are essential to the team, but they cannot manage on their own.

>> No.10661397
File: 25 KB, 350x499, 37E75A2B-2504-4228-9DD5-C6BBB0E743FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10661404

>brain; irreplaceable
>heart; transplants or artificial replacements are fairly trivial

>> No.10661411

Thread is stale as fuck. Let's spice it up a bit.

Reading nephro again. In all treatment guidelines heparin infusions are recommended. Is this because there is an increased synthesis of coagulation factors or it's to inhibit mesangial cell proliferation. Or both?


Here they use it for proliferation.

>> No.10661412

con't. also increased fibrinogen levels

>> No.10661425

Animated Mr Bean is unironically better than live action Mr Bean, other than perhaps the movies which are the best of all.

>> No.10661490

NPs are weird. I did work experience under one who undermined the advice of an anaesthesiologist to a patient, claiming that NPs know more about physiology and pharmacology than anaesthesiologists do. This seems unlikely to me although I don’t know for sure.

>> No.10661491
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>nurse practitioners
>brains like a doctor

>> No.10661512
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If I take gonadotropin (HCG) while having normal sized testicles, will my testicles grow large? Am I wrong in assuming that they will?

>> No.10661516

It will triple the rate at which you fart

>> No.10661536


What if a normal male underwent this treatment? It quadrupled the testicle volume in men suffering from hypogonadism and should probably have some effect on a healthy male. Imagine doubling the size of your balls, bros, imagine the loads you create, fuaarkk...

>> No.10661557

what's /med/'s thought on neurological physical therapy? is it a meme?

>> No.10661599

Ok lads. Let's make a spec tier by importance. Top 3 and bottom 3.

>Gen surgery
>Emergency medicine

>sports medicine
>sleep medicine

>> No.10661639

>derm is the least important spec
What the fuck are you smoking? Replace it with something like public health or whatever.

>> No.10661644

Who thinks like this? Are you a premed?

>> No.10661653

Not him, but on one hand it's a bit retarded to rank specialties like this, yet on the other hand it's true that some specs are just more important than others overall.

>> No.10661672

You might see some increase in size, but hormone levels and testicle size correlate much less when we are speaking about normal or above levels of test. You have a lot of people with lower test values and large testicles and high test with low end of normal volume testicles. You will most likely get nowhere near doubling the volume. The gains in this study mostly come from the "unfinished" testicular development reaching it's end. The increased test will kill your own GnRH secretion, leading to a drop in FSH, which could cause infertility. Increased test can cause other health problems if you are susceptible to them. There is a possibility of the hypothalamic-pitutiary axis not recovering if/when you stop the treatment.

>> No.10661699

Retarded question. If it wasn't important we wouldn't be doing it.

>> No.10661759

Dumb premed. There are specs just for filling, some of them are basically useless. Why go into aerospace medicine when you can go into occupational medicine which is the same shit?

Even dumber premed. There's no question there.

>> No.10661774

Dumb premed. There was an implicit request for our input, i.e. you were asking us a question. Or did you not want people's opinions? Aerospace medicine is not the same thing as occupational medicine. Neither is useless.

>> No.10661782

>go on hospital website
>doctor went to st George
Is he a good doctor? Should I book him? He’s the only one with any time available.

Also I have great insurance now but it doesn’t matter since all the great doctors aren’t accepting new patients or are booked months in advance. Wtf.

>> No.10661788

London or Grenada?

>> No.10661789

I’m in California but the guy went to Grenada.

>> No.10661802

I figured but had to make sure, there is a med school by the same name in London. If you need a doctor and he is the only available one, you should obviously go.

>> No.10661834

>nurses are this stupid
>that fucked up tracing

ahhh goddamn it

>> No.10661955

What kind of research opportunities do (diagnostic) rads have?

>> No.10661993

Hi big brained frens, I didn't know where to look for this anymore so I hope you can help me. I was searching for the typical bone proportions by ethicity, something I remember reading about months ago, but I couldn't find anything. The reason for it is because I want to see if my limb proportions check out with a certain category. When I measured them I was surprised to notice they all have pretty much the same length. My thighs, calves, forearm, upper arm and torso all have just about the same length. What info can I grasp from this?

>> No.10662032

Not sure if I should ask this but I did some lab tests and my cholesterol came back 134. A few years I nearly got in a depression after finding out my testosterone levels were in 500 range (normally found in late 40s early 50s). Now I'm thinking this goes back to my cholesterol levels since they play an important role in the synthesis of hormones.

I work about 10 hours a day, eat bread with ham and a glass of milk in the morning, normally for lunch and dinner I have pasta with a nice beef and before bed some cereals. Smoke a pack per day and drink 5 to 6 cups of coffee per day (roughly 650-750 mg of caffeine). Don't exercise anymore. Currently weight 132 lbs (or 60 Kgs). Sleep between 6 to 4 hours per day.

I know my life is a shitty mess. I want to start by changing my diet but I'd like to know what are the things, based on my habits, that are likely to be cause of my low cholesterol since at those incredibly low levels I'm guessing it's messing a lot with my body,

>> No.10662038


breef rite stripps and consider CPAP when you get older but then again you might gots the deviant septal thing going on, so you got that going for you, which is nice.

>> No.10662049

>t.final year medstudent with no clinical experience so asking dumb questions


granny bad leg needs some RBCs ideally in a good human stock of say, plasma, and she needs it now. anemia isn't contagious (a high school douche knows this) so it sounds like this dump hospital isn't managing post-op blood loss very well.

now - hemodilution with isotonic PO fluids is an issue as well as lack of serial CBC with retic counts and TIBC/ferritin monitoring. Check MCV and MCHC. That or ask the doc to ya know, monitor H&H daily and transfuse per policy, usually Hgb under 7. Or better - take her to a better facility.

>> No.10662054

>What's your opinion about the girls who managed to study /med/?

nice airplane, boeing. does it stall too? also, my treehouse, no girls allowed.

>> No.10662059


is vagine now like sleeve of wizard?

were you one strong with plow?

>> No.10662062


poo in loo. no really, try and shit in the toilet.


do you see the cat walking on the ceiling too. shhhh she's whispering wisdom.


can i get un in an XXXL with prefabricated ice cream stains? thanks.

>> No.10662067


>shits on NPs


you're a fucking retard.

>> No.10662081

They can research what jobs are available once AI puts them out of business

>> No.10662103

LDL? Any other stuff pop out? Could be a million things. Manganese comes to mind, if you don't eat any vegetables or fruits.

>> No.10662111

If it was in Romania, the answer is obvious. All the people in the room have anemia despite constant transfusions, you'd better get some garlic.

>> No.10662121


nice trips.

.... and indeed i think tonight it's a full moon so you better lock the doors 'cos all these fuckers gonna get hemolyzed tonight.

>> No.10662125

Isn't that more of a werewolf thing?

>> No.10662129


well they're might be one disguised as an orderly in this bulgarian ortho ward that lets its patients desat and live anemically.

>> No.10662137

You just might have solved it. Plenty of vampires in healthcare based on my dating experience. Law is the worst though.

>> No.10662228

My feces are usually yellow-browish and not very solid. I assume this means my body is having difficulty absorbing lipids. I'd like to eat more vegetables and fruits but would that help?

>> No.10662248


have you passed meconium yet?

>> No.10662268

Honestly you need to see a doctor and get some labs done. It's impossible to narrow it down to diet with the current information, could easily be a problem with the digestive system or something else. Vegetables won't hurt in any case, but I can't really say they would solve anything either, unless you currently aren't eating any.

Is your work physical? Has your weight fluctuated at some point? Is it easy to gain weight?

>> No.10662273

How frequently are you farting?

>> No.10662319

Haven't tested. Should I?

It's not very physical but I'm constantly moving around and standing. I spend only about 2 hours on a chair. Does that help?

And yes, weight is a problem to me. I can't gain any. I remember losing 5 Kg in a week without doing absolutely anything, just going back to my old diet after eating like an animal for 1 month.

Is this a serious question? Very often. It's a problem at work but I manage to slip it by without anyone noticing (it's neither loud nor smelly, if that helps).

>> No.10662321


Is there blood or mucus in your stool? May have inflammatory condition. Much testing needed.

Tell me about the farts, describe in explicit detail.

>> No.10662329

No blood.

>> No.10662350


good. mucus?

>> No.10662365

Sounds like malabsorption. Most likely has nothing to do with diet. Go see a doctor.

>> No.10662426

blood works came back

T3 Total: 107 (86-192)

T4 Total: 4.8 (5.5-11.1)

T4 Free 1.17 (.83-1.43)

TSH: 1.201 (.48-4.17)

Do I have hypothyroidism? If it helps, I've noticed more hair loss and I am a 17 year old male.

>> No.10662432

No, you do not have hypothyroidism. Free T4 normal, TSH normal.

>> No.10662437

why is my t4 total low then?

>> No.10662476


This makes no sense your grandma must be confused about what kind stuff she is getting in her IV

If you were bleeding that much post op the surgeon would be taking her back to OR for exploration to stop the bleeding.

>> No.10662485


except for there was great med mal suit I read about recently where an NP working in ED COMPLETELY mis diagnosed a slam dunk massive PE and lead to a death of a previously healthy 19yo girl

Guess what her defense in court was?
>b-but im just a nurse! T-they shouldnt have hired me!

Then whyd you sign the contract you cunt. Probably posts on FB about how smart she is compared to physicians.


>> No.10662674


T4 (free) WNL. 99% of T4 is bound anyway, so the free measurement is the active form. TSH WNL as well. So, no. No indication for anti-TPO Ab as well.

What else besides hair loss? You need to discuss this with your PCP. This is merely general information and entertainment, not medical advice nor is there any professional affiliation between provider and patient by any of the posters here.

>> No.10662683


Thanks for the link. Providers (MD/DO, PA, NP) unfortunately misdiagnose ALL THE TIME and in the ED pts die. Medical errors can fill the Rose Bowl with corpses each year.

If the NP used that bullshit excuse, she/he should have never been granted advanced practice authority as the applicant failed to meet the psychological requirements for same. I'll give that link a look. Also, if any of you have illusions of being a provider, stay the fuck off of social media. This is not a warning.

>> No.10662690
File: 92 KB, 519x367, 1558088941213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any heart doctor here?

Past this week i had low pressure and low pulse im feeling dizzy and shit. Now my heart rate is normal 120/80 but low pulse about 50 to 60 im feeling very dizzy. Should i go to doctor? Will i fucking die?

>> No.10662693
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1491081314978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start med school in august frens. Any tips/advice?

>> No.10662708


You can tell literal ambulance chasing plaintiff's attorneys wrote this turd:

"The paramedic who arrived at the woman’s dorm room documented that the woman had fainted and that she had shortness of breath, chest pain, low oxygen saturation, a fast heart rate, and a fast breathing rate before she was transported to the defendant hospital. All of these symptoms are consistent with the woman having a pulmonary embolism." For you EMT/Paramedics out there, these findings sound like a lifeguard wrote them down. Insulting. Could have mentioned a lot more. The only factual statement here is contributing to the presentation was "the woman was on birth control, which is associated with a increased risk of pulmonary embolism." At 19 she was likely just on it and without more information cannot conclude that much.

"The family nurse practitioner reportedly testified at trial that she was often the only medical provider in the emergency department of the defendant hospital." This is the first mistake.
"Despite the negative second urine test, the family nurse practitioner cancelled the chest CT scan." This is the second mistake. "However, the family nurse practitioner failed to order the scan to be performed and reported on a stat basis." This is the third mistake. Everything in the ED is stat.

I don't see your claim "I'm just a nurse" defense, rather a burned-out fired employee riding out her terminated contract. Please don't be misleading. Still, none of the standards of care were followed here and the best lesson to learn is never assume anything. That is for any of you that are actually going to have a license and see patients. Thanks for the link.

>> No.10662710


Be humble.

>> No.10662711


"It depends." More impressed you have textbook exact blood pressure.

>> No.10662764

ok kendrick

>> No.10662823
File: 55 KB, 541x558, E0C09056-9D3C-4DAB-B6C3-2EC0F334F81D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10662828

Might volunteer in ED as nurse’s assistant or whatever its called (followed by being nurse for few months afterwards probably). Any tips you guys can give?

>> No.10662833

Is it ok to take antihistamines to help mosquito bites? I dont want to stop my body defending itself.
Also, I've ordered a few tourniquets for my first aid kit, I've read up on their use, any tips esp. which limb should i practice on first? I'd guess lower leg.

>> No.10662870

>be midlevel
>allowed to practice by yourself
>think you're better than doctors

>> No.10662878

I agree. Especially NPs and PAs. Thanks for reading.

>> No.10662894

Med student here. Exam session is starting and I smoke a lot these times and drink 4 coffees per day. The problem is that yesterday my hands started shaking which never happened before, I said to myself that I might be tired and went to sleep. Now it's 8 am and I feel refreshed but after making myself a coffee, my hands started shaking again. It's just a slight tremor, didn't smoke today.

>inb4 just quit smoking bro
I tried with almost every product and still can't help it. Wat do?

>> No.10663010

Fuck off

>> No.10663025

Clueless fag here, do neuroprosthetics fall under neurosurgery or under neurology?

>> No.10663045

>NPs know more about physiology and pharmacology than anaesthesiologists do
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Not him. But still close.
>Or better - take her to a better facility.
I have a feeling all ortho clinics do something retarded. This is in a private hospital. The government funded clinic's rehab and hygene is a joke.
Read /med/.
Your coffee is strong.

>> No.10663059

Most of the people working in that field I've ever met have been MD/PhD Neurologists.

>> No.10663084

>your coffee is strong
Well, now that you mention it, I always put two small spoons of coffee for one mug. And it's also ethiopian coffee. So, cigarettes don't have any role in this?

>> No.10663299

How often are you farting?

>> No.10663333

Dear /med/fags, I have recently discovered a swelling on my neck.
The location being one side of my thyroid suspects a goiter. Reading up on this was slightly alarming, from lack of iodine, hormonal imbalance and autoimmune reaction.
- I mostly eat with iodized salt.
- I have strong allergies to most pollens, dog and cat fur are not a problem, but my allergic reactions are so strong I don't have to do the annual tests anymore, since they can't get a reliable reading (entire arm swells up). My swelling also reacts slightly to my allergy meds, taking them more often results in the swelling contract a little.
- I am a guy btw, and have experienced... disfunctions in bed before

My questions are:
Is this a sign of my strong allergy growing into a full blown autoimmune issue?
If hormonal, will I have to undergo hormonal treatments with the very real risk of building up a lot of fat and turning sterile?
This thing is really not helping in the last two weeks of my graduation finals.

>> No.10663335

Tough one. First of all, how often are you farting?

>> No.10663343

Depends on what I eat. Quite a lot after anything containing beans or cauliflower.
Other than that pretty normal, once or twice a day, not counting when it honks before I have to poop.

>> No.10663349

>sodium hypochlorite particles fly all over during work
>patient black tracksuit turns to spotted red and black

>> No.10663358

>visit derm department as a student
>they have a fucking atlas the size of two oxford dictionaries on a pedestal in the meeting room
>doctors regularly consult it
take that as you will

>> No.10663363

About once or twice per day

>> No.10663522


have you also passed meconium?

>> No.10663571

>imagine being a NP or PA
>imagine looking down on medstuds
>imagine considering yourself a doctor

>> No.10663992

What kind of rinky-dink hospital's only medical provider in the emergency department is a NP that they themselves terminated for eleven hours straight?

>> No.10664007

reminder that the studies showing that nps have equivalent outcomes to mds were comparing nps who treat colds and sprained ankles to critical care doctors lmao

>> No.10664008

Any tips for lording it over non-MD hospital staff as a medical student?

>> No.10664042

Farting after cauliflower is highly abnormal and very worrying, you should talk with your family physician

>> No.10664049

Does it related to eye-cancer? I often tear up after letting a honk off

>> No.10664089


>> No.10664234


don't. the autist computer scientist/premed wannabes that haunt these threads regurgitate the same memes and disinformation that made them social pariahs in high school and for which they are even more pitiful as young adults.

>> No.10664236


imagine anyone giving a shit what you think or ever will

>> No.10664247

>t. NP

>> No.10664255

t. literature student

>> No.10664406

give me a zpack or i'll write you a bad review on yelp

>> No.10664539



>> No.10664545


w. premed with bottom 25%ile MCAT


yeah that pocket protector gett

>> No.10664710

Found out I got a 260 on step today. What competitive specialty could I do with minimal research (have 1 journal pub and a few posters, that's it). My school is small and there is shit for research.

>> No.10664907


good job!

well, pick handwashing. that's not researched much.

>> No.10665078

Did /med/ ever reach a consensus on who is the ultimate doctor?

>> No.10665192


Too true

>> No.10665251

Don't think so. And I personally have gotten tha shakies from strong coffee.
Dem quads.
>Is this a sign of my strong allergy growing into a full blown autoimmune issue?
You can't say from a single swelling, anon.
>If hormonal, will I have to undergo hormonal treatments with the very real risk of building up a lot of fat and turning sterile?

>> No.10665276

Fuck off you fucking retard, I hope you get diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease every single /med/ thread you ask this question but THERE IS NO ULTIMATE DOCTOR
the best doctor is the one that improves your health, regardless of his qualifications, training, etc
If you are really autistic you could try to compile a list of people whose health was objectively improved by a doctor to see which one had the 'high score' but good fucking luck with that since no such repository of records exists

I banish you from this thread and all /med/ threads forever

>> No.10665354

What if used a fight to the death do determine the ultimate doctor.

>> No.10665412

I think Dr. House is a pretty cool guy, eh diagnoses strange illnesses and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.10665443

Some ortho or PM&R muscular motherfucker would win.

>> No.10665479

top lel

>> No.10665496

Dry cough for 3 months with occasional sputum production. Sore throat, raspy voice, swollen sub mental lymph node, and nasal congestion. And this all started with 3 days of night sweats. Chest xray and full body ct scan were clear aside from inflamed lymph node. Tumor markers and blood work were normal. Diagnose him, gl.

>> No.10665500


>> No.10665506

>blood work were normal.
What does this include?

>> No.10665509


>> No.10665515

This. They have the best selection of weapons too.

>> No.10665522

Methods and criteria for diagnosing BBS:

A) At least two (II) of the following symptoms of being a fucking retard:

- Asking for medical advice to anonymous individuals.
- Formulating a diagnosis based on vague information obtained from an anonymous post.
- The above plus the information was obtained from the anonimous subjects grandma on the phone.
- Frequently (>1 times/thread) checking wikipedia real quick before giving your ""informed opinion"".
- Profuse drooling when directing the gaze downwards.

2. PLUS one (1) of the following:

- Having done an online IQ test in the previous 30 days.
- Having ever posted and discussed the results of an online personality test.
- Having spent more time on 4channel.org than studying on a single day more than 8 days in the last month.

>> No.10665533

Add typos and other grammatical errors to the first list.

>> No.10665540

Also add this >>10665533 retard to the list. Literature students should not post in here.

>> No.10665543

>Add typos and other grammatical errors to the first list.

Aren't there enough already?

>> No.10665548

Wow, a genuine retard.

>> No.10665554

Shut the fuck up premed nigger.

>> No.10665558

Fuck doctors

>> No.10665561


have sex

>> No.10665565

Truly an intellectual's profession.

>> No.10665567

How often is he farting?

>> No.10665569

>fuck surgeons*
Now you're talking, buddy.

True. Thanks for the insight baity-chan.

>> No.10665583

Im giving you this codeine prescription for the cough buddy
The swollen LN is normal because the patient is 3 years old.
Plus an idiopathic nasal congestion and night sweat syndrome, easily treatable with long term nasal spray oxymetazoline and AC in the room

Thats gonna be 357.000$ plus tip buddy

god bless

>> No.10665594

Also don't forget the poultice of magical herbs that should be applied on the chest. That would be an extra 1,5k$

>> No.10665624

Serious question. Why students don't want to go into primary care (anymore)? What do they think is so shitty about it? I find it interesting and fun to practice compared to other specialities.

>> No.10665642

>primary care
Overworked, under-resourced, paid poorly, not respected, shitty patients, chronic patients, old patients, patients who shouldn't be patients.

>> No.10665646

>chronic patients
I actually do love chronic diseases. What do you mean by patients who shouldn't be patients? Drug seekers?

I agree with the rest, being overworked and paid way less than the other specs but you don't do that much either, or at least I think so.

>> No.10665743

Im a last year med student in europe, but my mother and some friends are GPs, and all of them recommended me to choose another specialty. Its not that the job is easier or more difficult, or uninteresting, or not rewarding, and the pay can be pretty good. According to them its the amount of bullshit you have to deal with that gets you. What they have told me:

drug seekers (not only abuse substances but also antibiotics or anything else some people feel they need)
people feigning back pain to get disability money
the most absurd complaints you still have to check on
anything not bolted to the ground being stolen (toilet paper,soap, wheelchairs, clutches, pens, chairs, just name it)
much more rude behaviour than youd get in the hospital
platoons of gypsies trying to get into the room so you dont practice black magic on cousin Jonathan
endless cases of the good old winston-smirnoff syndrome and obesity that are not going to improve

Plus if you work in a bad neighbourhood sky high rates of psychiatric patients, the aforementioned psychiatric patiens abusing drugs and alcohol while not taking them gubmint crazy pills and getting the police involved after doing the things only a drunk schizophrenic is capable of ideating

And much much more i have no idea about.
You also have tons lovely people who appreciate and respect you

All in all, i guess it depends on where you live, where you work and who you are
but im just another retarded med student so take that as you will

>> No.10665764

>platoons of gypsies trying to get into the room so you dont practice black magic on cousin Jonathan

Jokes aside, I'll still go for family medicine probably in a rural area. I like chronic diseases, also working with patients of any age is pretty nice too, I'm sure that I will have periods of time when I'll feel like in hell but when you mentioned
>You also have tons lovely people who appreciate and respect you
I want it even more.

>> No.10665794

I just want to inform you all that i drank a glass of KCl solution.
Salty at first and then the flavor hits you. Tastes like hospital smell.

Does KCl taste like hospital smell or do hospitals smell of KCl?
What a mystery lads

>> No.10665921

Thanks for the info, I guess. I'm going to say that KCl tastes like hospital.

>> No.10665957

Caveat: these concerns may not apply in developed countries

>> No.10666114
File: 52 KB, 604x604, 1494639938863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. I'm anon. I work as a med technologist in a hospital hematology and biochem lab. Say something nice about me.

>> No.10666217
File: 44 KB, 735x372, 10C6FB47-8B04-473B-9A96-8AA4897DB8CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blow it out your ass!

>> No.10666231

You are a very necessary part of a complex interdisciplinary team and your labor is appreciated anon.

I apologize from any misslabeled shit i might send to the lab in the future.


>> No.10666259

I'm the guy that asked and I live in a 3rd world country too.

>> No.10666265
File: 71 KB, 600x626, 2 - 7HPlWhY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your mouth buddy

>> No.10666275

That doesn’t change the caveat.

>> No.10666277

I know but I thought it was pointed towards me.

>> No.10666285
File: 275 KB, 599x488, EFCA72B7-0143-4927-853E-33E2AEB16F5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna put the smack dab on your ass.

>> No.10666289
File: 53 KB, 1127x685, 8 - Cg0Gzl9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10666296
File: 15 KB, 255x255, 09F3E8C8-B649-4242-83AA-D310835EED32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, piece of cake!

>> No.10666298

The country I live in is as first world as it gets.
Bad neighbourhoods and uneducated people can be found throughout the world.

>> No.10666378
File: 345 KB, 2048x1593, 4B3E96D6-0F2B-4F0F-BB84-47D3F0E85C3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody tell me what exactly these sores in the back of my mouth are?

>> No.10666379

You have AIDS.

>> No.10666399

>non-/med/ people don't know basic anatomy.

>> No.10666412

I’m worried. How often are you farting?

>> No.10666417

No shit. The point is that the original post isn’t necessarily representative of what it’s like to practice primary care in a non-cesspit country.

>> No.10666426

Mouth ulcer

>> No.10666445

>I actually do love chronic diseases

Well, you're in luck. There is a all-you-can-see diabetes buffet waiting for you.

>Drug seekers?
Those, hypochondriacs, lonely people, people whose issues don't need a doctor (bandage-tier stuff) and people who need me to write them sick leave.

>> No.10666451

*band-aid -tier

>> No.10666465 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 961x816, 1533768824695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow labfren!
even if they don't understand us but we'll always have each other!

>> No.10666471
File: 239 KB, 961x816, 1533768824695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow labfren!
even if they don't understand us we'll always have each other!

>> No.10666495
File: 84 KB, 757x481, 24065739-5EFD-44C2-9ADC-AC12A50CE3A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the lab techs run all my experiments, i just write the papers

>> No.10666508

dumb question but is it normal to have a thin white-ish coating form on the back of the tongue a few hours after eating?
I brush my tongue three times per day but that shit always comes back.

>> No.10666525

Try with the toilet brush.

>> No.10666533

Fuck off, you're obnoxious and unfunny

>> No.10666535

mouth bacteria feed on carbs. eat less of them

>> No.10666552

it happens even when I don't eat though, I get annoying morning breath all the time

>> No.10666639

Hmm. How often are you farting?

>> No.10666643

i'm not a research labfren, just a clinical labfren... i test the peepee and poopoo

>> No.10666646


>> No.10666851


how is your meconium?

>> No.10666912


red-circle-round disease.

that or recurrent aphthous stomatitis.

>> No.10666916


you have a nice big thick door in your work area that always seem to be locked. many such cases!

>> No.10666917

>Overworked, under-resourced, paid poorly, not respected, shitty patients, chronic patients, old patients, patients who shouldn't be patients.

have some patience!

>> No.10666921



>> No.10667134

my dad ran a blood bank in a hospital as a med tech. my dad is an asshole so fuck you

>> No.10667141

yay according to this brainlet im not a brainlet

>> No.10667455
File: 37 KB, 480x480, 1495840025019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the nice words, guys.

>> No.10668010

But what if I study on 4chan

>> No.10668077

That was my post.
That shit happens everywhere with the possible exception of norway or some shit. Maybe.

You delude yourself. You do not what being proficient at something really takes.

Devote yourself to the art
100 hours a week cmon

>> No.10668142

Entering M1 here, anyone know how to stop a stutter before school?

>> No.10668224


CRNAs vs Anesthesiologists. American nurses are deluded

>> No.10668232

Lmao, if you need 100 hrs per week to be proficient at fucking medicine of all things, you truly are a brainlet.

>> No.10668236

I'm not him but I'm pretty sure that's bait, anon...

>> No.10668286

Time to biopsy the motherfucker.
I kekd. (I qualify for it)
Become a GP in a rural area with no gypsies. Everyone loves and respects you and gives you free shit.

>> No.10668291

f-fuck off, n-neckbeard incel autist premed

>> No.10668293

Oh wow. It's basically saying we don't need you.

>> No.10668308

>we don't need you
It says that CRNA's have SLIGHTLY less training than an anesthesiologist. (12k hours vs 2,7k hours, and they didn't mention CRNAs training, lol)

Also, they said that the job of an anesthesiologist was allocated to a nurse when this branch of medicine was born. Of course they gave it to the nurse since anesthesia was made by chloroform on a fucking rag and not as it is nowadays. I have no idea why they bash them so hard. Everybody wants to be a doctor nowadays (And I'm talking about midlevels mostly, not other unis) but they don't want to lift heavy books.

I'm not a premed, my dear friend.

Rural GP is the best. Every time I go to practice there, we get free stuff like eggs, meat and milk. The money is also very good and the only stressful thing I've seen so far is to manage your own office and staff because the state doesn't pay the nurse or accountant anymore so you have to take it out from your own pocket. Even with that, money is still excellent for the country I live in.

>> No.10668315
File: 38 KB, 590x578, CLh0NqWUAAEGRHw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact, the RTI study showed that a CRNA working solo is actually the safest scenario, although the data supporting that conclusion was not statistically significant.

>> No.10668316
File: 80 KB, 612x491, 10 - Sv8ZrSY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conclusion was not statistically significant
>still makes the conclusion
Really makes you think.

>> No.10668459

>Going forward, CRNAs will continue to be the [italicised] answer to achieving a safer healthcare environment and more cost-efficient healthcare economy.

The butthurt in that article is hilarious.

>> No.10668496

Yes it is. I thought that nurses weren't this assblasted.

>> No.10668503

Also based on absolutely nothing. If they think anesthesiologists < CRNAs, it means that they're some jealous and frustrated pieces of shit.

>> No.10668510
File: 26 KB, 657x527, 26 - V4uDCTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when anesthesia is provided by a CRNA or by aphysician anesthesiologist, it is impossible to tell the difference between them

The smell of jealousy and inferiority complex. Nice.

>> No.10668593

Can someone give me a good online resource over normal lab values and ranges?

>> No.10668843

Pls rspnd, I’m desperate ;-;

>> No.10668925

Maybe you guys can tell me about a couple of things:

I went into hospital with severe stomach pain. Apparently right above the genitals, middle of pelvis. I'm male. It passed over the course of many hours. Urine sample went awol. Blood work showed high or low white blood cells (don't recall).

At the time I had some slight irritation apparently in the urinary ducts. I don't know if it's a sort of kidney stone. It resolved over night and no further investigation was made.

Drink plenty of water. That's how it happened in the first place, and caused me a repeat of symptoms the day after going home. I normally cautious about drinking water or any fluids not with meals because it seems to absorb too quickly and gives me discomfort.

Another thing that I'm curious about is the experience of spontaneous electric jolts in the shoulder. At one point several times a week, but nowadays it never happens.

>> No.10668952

If you solely want to study a "Medicine" degree, its pretty tough and competition for placements (which are an essential part of the degree) is extremely tough, but it is worth it for the salary and respect that comes with your job after.
Alternatively degree's such as Biomedical or Biochemistry offer alternative pathways to highly specialised medical roles whilst having lower entry requirements and a lot of them incorporate guaranteed work experience with them in a medical setting.
You still wouldn't earn as much or be regarded with the same amount of respect doctors are by the public, but roles such as haematologist are still viable from the degree and have a nice salary (between $200,000 and $350,000 in Australia or around $90,000 to $115,000 in America).

>> No.10669087

Speech therapist.

>> No.10669091

Haematologists aren’t doctors over there?

>> No.10669112

>just do enough like me im high iq hurr

Mediocrity is not ok anon

>> No.10669254

>Mediocrity is not ok anon
I agree, which makes your study habits particularly confusing. If you need 100 hours a week to to perform well, you're either a brainlet out of your depth, wasting your time with inefficient study methods (probably a brainlet) or studying in a shitty school that emphasizes useless things (third-world and/or brainlet).

>> No.10669282

new bread

>> No.10669451


that new thread ain't got nothin' on the Titanic.

>> No.10669562

>Formulating a diagnosis based on vague information

Do not bully the DOs in your practice/wing.

>> No.10670544

Passed Meconium recently?