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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10641959 No.10641959 [Reply] [Original]

what are some physical appearance cues that someone is extremely smart?

>> No.10641963
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>> No.10641978
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Blonde + blue eyes and my big butt

>> No.10641979

The PHENOTYPE, and those who crave it.

>> No.10642012


Christopher Langan, the smartest man in the world has a cranium 3 standard deviations above the norm.

>> No.10642028

l;ooking at that dude, i would not have thought he's a genius.

>> No.10642032

But that can't be right: women's heads are statistically quite a lot smaller than men's, and we know the sexes are 100% equal.

>> No.10642041
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Same here lmao

>> No.10642052

Yes, there are two axioms in the world:
2. the sexes are 100% equal

>> No.10642070
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>> No.10642072

fucking hilarious.

>> No.10642080

The will be at a world class institution, and asking you how the hell you got in this lecture hall/lab

>> No.10642084

absolutely nothing nigger

>> No.10642088

That hand on the woman in blue...

>> No.10642091

big head just means they norwooded (balded) lmao. Balding=they're old

>> No.10642162

those aren't axioms, they're provable assertions from basic empirical facts.

>> No.10642171

their nuerons and atoms are also smaller, so it's all packed more

>> No.10642184

Also, the payoff from additional neurons probably decrease when the number of neurons increase since a good deal processing relie on hierarchical complexity.

>> No.10642185

theres no reason you cant be smart and have a decent fucking haircut

>> No.10642268

Ashkenazi woman here. Can confirm. Only phenotype I crave.

>> No.10642270

thick luscious eyebrows

>> No.10642280
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Big Hed but still looks like stupid dumb

>> No.10642291

Interesting. I often think people that look angry and/or evil often look dumb.

>> No.10642294

"You can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics." -Christopher

surely sounds like a genius

>> No.10642307

Emotions tend to make you look dumb
Hold yo face still you stoic sonofagun

>> No.10642427
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>> No.10642458

Judging just from that pic. Be white or asian. Also look awkward.

>> No.10642462

Smaller head as more folds meaning higher neuron density
Learn biology engineeringfags

>> No.10642469

If they are a woman.

>> No.10643001

If they're standing next to a certificate with their name on it that shows high performance on everything that has a significant correlation to g factor, that's generally a good physical appearance check you can look out for to tell that they're smart.

>> No.10643005

Meh not really

>> No.10643013

I haven't a clue, but people think I'm a rich genius all the time just because of the way I look. Neither of these is true.

>> No.10643017

a conference name badge that says "INVITED SPEAKER." Only applies at not shit conferences.

>> No.10643223

IQ tests have been adjusted over years to exclude questions where one sex outperforms the other since these are assumed to be measuring a cultural/environmental factor other than intelligence.

>> No.10643243

Attractiveness correlates with intelligence. Makes sense that if your body is well built it would include your brain.

>> No.10643282

skinny & white skin & inability to build muscle

>> No.10643404

Weird head shape in one way or another. Autistic wide-face. Smart people look a little off.

>> No.10643611

light skin

>> No.10643875

So you are a poor retard?

>> No.10643883

fuck off langan

>> No.10643901

a lot of smart people arent lookers bud.

>> No.10643919


>> No.10644071

No, not that either. Just not the preternatural genius many mistake me for.

>> No.10645380

Tall skinny people are generally going to be pretty smart

>> No.10645393
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>Big Nose
>Black hair and Black eyes but pale skin


>> No.10645396


>> No.10645407


>> No.10645414

Epicanthic fold

>> No.10645420

This is one of them

>> No.10645444

There are physical features more present in austistos, maybe it's pertinent https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3005119/

>> No.10645493

That they exhibit none of them.

>> No.10645502

Oh god

>> No.10645510

correlates nigga, correlates

>> No.10645591
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>t. limpwristed """male""" who can't bench his own weight

>> No.10645598

There is a set of light armour that buffs IQ.

Fedora (+10 points)
Trenchcoat (+5 points)
Fingerless gloves (+5 points)
Katana (+10 points, unlocks teleportation spell)

Full set bonus (+10 points, euphoria passive unlocked)

>> No.10645613

>have big head
>iq 125-130
>notice that every one else with big heads are like me, well spoken can follow arguments etc
It's seriously not a meme, there is a correlation with head size and intelligence

>> No.10645617

No but seriously most guys that are socially inept are some of the dumbest people alive.

People with real high IQ are all attractive and social butterflies because they know its importance in our society. So they take the time to take care of their body and hone their social skills.

People with fedoras have a very narrow intelligence and won't be able to exploit the real value of pf their potential.

>> No.10645652

> Implying autistics don't understand the importance of being social (both to themselves and society) and don't want to master it.
Autists aren't socially inept because of choice, it's largely a genetic disorder that's very hard to counteract. They often struggle with loneliness and actually want to be more social. You often see that high functioning autists have traded brain structures that aid in socializing for other more specialized structures which often account for their superior performance in certain fields where social skills is not that important. Some degree of savant abilities (e.g. in mathematics, music, art etc.) is quite common in autists without intellectual disability. Their IQ scores are inaccurate representations of their potential because they tend to have uneven skillsets.

>> No.10646359

this but unironically, if you're smart you will exercise because not eating right and exercising is the stupidest choice you can make

>> No.10646362


>> No.10646364

Wears glasses
likes anime and wears anime inspired clothing

>> No.10646432

But some people can't build muscle
I can't build muscle
Muscles won't grow

>> No.10646435

even without building muscle, exercising has benefits also it's weird how many people on /sci/ claim this considering it effect so few people - are you just guessing you can't build muscle cause you worked out for a week?

>> No.10646443

3 years now on various strength routines, I have never been able to reach 1/2/3/4 plates
It affects roughly 25% of people, and the next 25% percentile can build muscle but not a lot, it's a spectrum. Working out is only worth it for extreme responders, top 25%. The ones who routinely post their physique online and gather recognition are the top 10%

>> No.10646451

Based "I can't build strength poster". Nah but seriously shut the fuck up you fucking faggot, anyone can build muscle. GOMAD for a 3 months and post results. Also, get your t-level checked. Source: mathematician and have reached 1/2/3/4 in a year.

>> No.10646464

I can build strength only through neural connections, which allows roughly 33% increase in strength from base strength.
You can build muscle because you have more satellite cells, the amount of which is genetically determined

>> No.10646469

Do you know what your t-levels are?

>> No.10646490

Nope, but I have no reason to believe they are abnormal

>> No.10646672
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Just measured mine. I would appear to have a capacity around ~1830cc. My IQ to correlates with this. I also found CTMU to be compelling.

Here's the formula
Males :
0.000337 (L-11) x (B-11) x (Ht-11) + 406.01; Fe-
males : 0.000400 (L-11) x (B-11) x (Ht-11) + 206.60
Females :
0.000400 (L-11) x (B-11) x (Ht-11) + 206.60.

Length is front of forehead to the back of the occipital bun (Google it). Breadth is measured between pariatal eminences (see pic). Height is from the soft fleshy spot slightly above and forward from your ear hole to the highest point on the crown.
Calipers are preferred, popsicle sticks will do the trick, it's significantly easier if you have someone to help you get the measurements.

>> No.10646679

All that cranial volume and I still can't copypaste correctly

>> No.10646717

Eye movement and relative facial muscle tension. If they’re oriented to oneanother with low “latency”, odds are, the person has a decent level of intelligence.

>> No.10646724


>> No.10646730

Reaction speed is highly correlated with IQ.

>> No.10646781


>> No.10646782

Woke and blupilled.

>> No.10646788
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professor leonard has a large forehead (balding) but also larger biceps. good game lanklets.

>> No.10646804
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>uses preternatural
>claims not to be a genius

>> No.10646927

Having a big head is important but the distribution of brain mass is also important. The tallest white guys with the largest heads all have a similar cranial volume, but having a prominent brow and piercing eyes is generally a dead giveaway. It's all in the eyes, I'd say, since you're really looking to sort the group you already think are intelligent (have big heads). The eyes of a genius are usually threatening, or like a predator, just unsettling in some primal way. You can tell a lot about a person from their eyes, if you're not autistic as all fuck.

>> No.10646942

> falling for the eye meme

>> No.10646954
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Glow Niggers or Brainlet Cope?

>> No.10646982
File: 236 KB, 600x600, piercing eyes lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but having a prominent brow and piercing eyes is generally a dead giveaway

hank green as a rebuttal to your homo-eroticism of genius personified.

>> No.10647005

My eyes are glowing but I am not a nigger.

>> No.10647151

>Ashkenazi woman here. Can confirm. Only phenotype I crave.

is green dollars? yeah, we know you like to pretend you have the silver pieces curse.

>> No.10647174



Those skinny fucks have lightbulb fiveheads. Dumb as fuck... well almost as the white guilt liberal churches and enablers that import them.

>> No.10647183


dem teeth. must keep him up at night studying where they came from.

>> No.10647203


Yep, that's about it.

>> No.10647208
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>> No.10647217
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>> No.10648374

>popsicle sticks
But how can anyone hold the ruler and the sticks? What about using two mirrors to obtain a reflection of a reflection in order to look at something close to accurate measurements?
Come on man, I only have two hands.

Also, to your formulas, I presume L, B and Ht are expressed millimeters, right?

>> No.10648408

Nvm, I could make the markings against a wall.

>> No.10648435
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>> No.10648436
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>> No.10648449

Yes, millimeters. Forgot to mention that.

>> No.10648477

because he is acting friendly, just poke them a bit and you will see

>> No.10649475

also high energy

>> No.10649501

barely, he'll still have a head full of hair by his 60s/70s

>> No.10649509

this only proves that brain capacity over 1400cm3 is insignificant

>> No.10649529
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>> No.10649538

Only the most economy in the world producing 60% of the world's goods.

>> No.10649618

based Phrenology thread in XXI

every argument about brain size correlating with intelligence goes to shit when you realize some people who suffered from flat brain in the past performed just as well as any /sci/ IQ-thread poster (85-90)

>> No.10649622

What a s^oy loving faggot.

>> No.10649871

they have a gf and are hygienic