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10644827 No.10644827 [Reply] [Original]

Natural selection cannot explain homosexuality

Darwinfags BTFO again ahahahahaha

checkmate darwinfags

>> No.10644829

Thats because homosexuality doesnt exist

>> No.10644834


>> No.10644844

This post is unintelligent.

>> No.10644899

Yes it can.

>> No.10644901

It does its a illness

>> No.10644910

its a safety valve and evolutionary weapon

>> No.10644934

Wait. So do you like homosexuality now? Or do you like Darwinism? I'm so confused.

>> No.10644938

Can homosexuals reproduce?
If a freak birth happens where a homosexual can reproduce and the offspring has an advantage will women be btfo?
Nature rolls dice all over the place over millions of years.

>> No.10645086

A society with homosexual individuals was more sucessful because there was less competition and they could take care of the children of the others.
Having a part of your population that is sterile is not an evolutionary disadvantage, look at ants for example.

Also I seem to remember a study about the fact that the more children you have, to more chance the next one will be homosexual and if one already is, the chance is greatly reduced for the next ones.

>> No.10645094

natural selection is not responsible for the emergence of traits, it merely selects traits based on fitness. Homosexuality continues to exist because it is not selected against in nature meaning the trait persists in people who are bisexual, gay and still sexually reproducing and possibly as a trait that is not being affected by evolution.

>> No.10645097
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Homosexuality exists for the same reason as any other transmissible disease --- to propagate. All homosexuals were molested as children by an older homosexual, and most go on to molest as adults.

>> No.10645102

We are such a microscopic minority. Why does everyone care so much about what we do? If we'd just be left alone, we would not be such a huge point of controversy. But yet you norms won't leave us alone. That says something about you.

>> No.10645121
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>up is down, and down is up

>> No.10645123

>he doesnt know that some animals use homosexuality as getting mate strategy
blog, i did this by accident. I was solely attracted to males for my entire youth and started to live with a couple. Gradually my gayness vanished and in the end i cucked the guy with his gf. He didnt even realise

>> No.10645127

Yes, the jews made you think about my dick going up another dude's ass.

>> No.10645138

estimated 5% of humanity is homosexual

>> No.10645152

Seriously why are you being such an egotist by taking this conversation so personal. It’s a genuinely interesting question to why gays exist from a evolutionary (certainly Darwinian) standpoint. Not everything is about you, you’re not special.

>> No.10645154

I guess I wan't talking about you, the genuinely curious person. Most are not like you. So forgive me for projecting.

>> No.10645163

That just means the homosexuality isn't genetic.

>> No.10645164


>> No.10645166

If homosexuality were genetic, the gay gene would have been found by now. I don't believe it's behavioral either, though. There is some third option that no one has thought of yet.

>> No.10645172

>My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.

>> No.10645191

homosexuality arises from a dysfunctional relationship between the mother, the father and the child. a mother that acts "manlier" and "commands" her husband will cause their children to be homosexual because the boy associates with all the masculine traits the mother acts out. the child then tries to complete its personality, but instead of looking at the father as a role model, it looks at the mother and adopts more and more feminine traits.

BTW: lesbianism in a woman is not the same phenomenom as gayness in a man

>> No.10645196

this is why i never talk about this. there is too much astrology and freud involved

>> No.10645198

I agree. It's not the most scientific answer, but from all the gay people I've met, it applies to most of them

>> No.10645204

This is a meme, right? There’s more to evolution than natural selection. Shit thread.

>> No.10645208

What empirical evidence do you have to support your schizophrenic ramblings?

>> No.10645230

Freud was well educated in evolution. His main thesis to explain sexual orientation. is that we mamals have a sexual organ that only matures long after birth. Basically children a sexual being without an organ, which causes us to direct our lebido to other things other then sex. Causing us to have to later in life figure out where we should direct our sexual urges. He then has alot of other theories as to why exactly u become straight, gay whatever. But the main point is even hetrosexuality isnt natural for us humans.

>> No.10645242
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>> No.10645311

Really shitty troll. It’s supposed to work past one post.

>> No.10645425

Homosexuality is likely the result of a random mutation, which in most situations is neutral to beneficial for passing on genes. There are a lot of kin selection factors that homosexual individuals could influence.

In human societies that stigmatize or persecute homosexuality however it can be a beneficial mutation as it encourages the homosexual individual to 'prove they're not queer' by marrying and having children earlier and more regularly than their heterosexual peers who feel no such pressure being comfortable with their sexuality.
In the United States this has led to large populations of homosexuals and an entire homosexual subculture who believe that heterosexual men do not exist, and that men must be forced to divert their natural desires to an imaginary homosexual lover (Jesus), while entering into loveless sham marriages.

Ironically societies that persecute homosexuality encourage the hereditary propogation of homosexuality producing many more homosexuals, while societies that accept it will see only the baseline rate expected from random mutations.

>> No.10645827
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how do I stop being gay? genuine question btw

>> No.10645840

but you’re asserting that there are significantly, orders of magnitude, more gays than we can account for without evidence lol

simplest explanation is that it is related to fecundity in some way

>> No.10646993

/x/ is that way

>> No.10647820

>Natural selection cannot explain homosexuality
>Darwinfags BTFO again ahahahahaha
>checkmate darwinfags

Okay, so this means homosexuality is made by god.

>> No.10647825


stop doing gay things?

what is the difference between a homosexual and a heterosexual when they don't do anything sexual?

There is none.

>> No.10648042

I think there's some evidence to suggest that it can be forcibly conditioned in/out of individuals. For example, couple a non-homosexual yet sexual act with a dopamine (D2 receptor) agonist and repeat. Wish I could find that paper..

>> No.10648150
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This is perhaps the most retarded thing I've read. GTFO or /kys/

>> No.10648158

>Homosexuality is made by god
Well, he did create everything.

>> No.10649099
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>All homosexuals were molested as children by an older homosexual

So who molested the first homosexual?

Must have been a homosexual by your definition. But then the first homosexual wouldn't really be the first homosexual, would he?

Checkmate, you faggot. You created an infinite loop and proved you are an idiot.

>> No.10649110

gene therapy or editing would be necessary, they have fundamentally feminized brain structure which can’t be remedied with reinforcement training

>> No.10649124 [DELETED] 

It is intelligent. Browsing reddit does not make you smarter than everyone else, fake anon kun.

>> No.10649136

its actually fairly convincing

>> No.10649209
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well, I guess that says a lot about you

>> No.10649213

Homosexuals are able bodied males who do not compete for sex, therefore they can be trusted to guard the women's huts, help raise children, and become advanced craftsmen without endangering the political apparatus. They are a boon to the tribe.

>> No.10649231

>natural selection doesn't explain why certain groups of organisms go extinct
On the contrary, that is precisely what it sets out to explain.

>> No.10649254

>Natural selection cannot explain homosexuality
but it can explain why ur mom wants my dick op

>> No.10649385

Correct. Anecdotal evidence below:
Meth is known to turn a lot of otherwise heterosexual males "gay" because the amount of dopamine release involved gives you heightened sexuality.
Smoke meth and start masturbating to porn... your regular gay porn at first... then start to involve girls more and more.
100% proven to be work in my experience. I am not gay anymore.

>> No.10649408
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>implying homosexuals are actually homosexual, and that they cant reproduce

>> No.10649414

There's no such thing as 'exclusive homosexual'

>> No.10649443


Do you even realize how dumb you sound? Just in general. Not even considering the topic.

To make a claim like "there is no such thing" you'd have to have examined all things that exist.

>a pink raven
>there is no such thing
>have you examined all ravens in the universe?

>> No.10649477
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>> No.10649543

Are you gay? can you tell me what would a gay person do if a 10/10 qt started giving them a lap dance and pushing their every button and offered sex... would they say no?

Awaiting your response

>> No.10649548

It can. Here is evidence:


>> No.10649578


not even every heterosexual person would have sex with her based on that

grow up, life is not a brazzers movie

>> No.10649586
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>> No.10649612

The first homo was the first one who molested himself

>> No.10649614

I'm talking about gays... heterosexual males are attracted to females... so even if they won't have sex with this particular girl they would have sex with another...
but how would a gay person feel if they were put in that situation?
Can you answer this question? I am not trolling

>> No.10649778

>Can you answer this question? I am not trolling

I'm not gay, so I can't speak for gay guys.
But I assume you are heterosexual. Sooo...

Imagine a cute 10/10 guy started to give you a lap dance and offered sex. Would you say no?

>> No.10649804

Yeah from that perspective it would be irreversible. It wouldn't be genes- more likely epigenetic changes which we can't do much about

>> No.10649810

>100% proven to be work in my experience. I am not gay anymore

Nice meme. But it's D2 agonists specifically I believe that any other receptor involvement does not work.

>> No.10649814

I would get a feeling of visceral disgust and probably stab him.
You're saying homosexuals feel the same way about sex with girls? Disgust?

>> No.10649818

>You're saying homosexuals feel the same way about sex with girls? Disgust?

As far as I know.

>> No.10649837
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no you're just guessing...
>calling the gays of this board

>> No.10649885

>posting /pol/ hoaxes

>> No.10649897

Gay guy here. I wouldn't say disgust as much as it wouldn't do anything for me. Can't speak for everyone though

>> No.10649898

I'm gay. I've had a similar situation happen to me. I don't feel disgust since I'm not an autist. I just didn't get aroused. I've noticed I was interested in guys since I was like 10.

>> No.10649901

Why all the torture for something so inconsequential as who you like to fuck? It's not like there's anything preventing homosexuals from procreating.

>> No.10649913

Well this proves my point then... homosexuals are not turned off by the opposite sex in the same way heterosexuals are put off (disgusted) by the same sex.

Is there a chance you might be attracted to any specific type of girl, a dominant or boyish type of girl or something...

>> No.10649914
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>I would get a feeling of visceral disgust and probably stab him.

sex is serious business
worthy of stabbing someone who makes some advances towards you

>> No.10649930

>in the same way heterosexuals are put off (disgusted) by the same sex.

just because you are, does not mean that everybody is

Maybe, just maybe the society you grew up in, conditioned you for your disgust.

>> No.10649933

What is the gay uncle theory? The idea is that if you give birth to too many males, it becomes increasingly harder to support them. So, after the first son has taken all the good hormones, the next is left with nothing but cock lust. This prevents the birth of even more children and allows each to develop better.

>> No.10649938

>heterosexuals are put off (disgusted) by the same sex
No that's just you and your insecurities

>> No.10649945

This could easily be delivered in a non-torturous way. As in, if full consent is given. I'm by no means advocating for it either, simply stating that there's some literature suggesting it would work

>> No.10649949

>Is there a chance you might be attracted to any specific type of girl, a dominant or boyish type of girl or something...
Why are you so concerned about where gays stick their dicks into? Homosexuality is a pretty simple concept. This whole posts screams underage

>> No.10649952

You're overgeneralizing. And to answer your question, no

>> No.10649960

That applies heterosexuals too

>> No.10649988

I'm not acting tough.. just trying to communicate to you the feelings of a straight male is a strong repulsiveness not "indifference".

>Neural circuits of disgust induced by sexual stimuli in homosexual and heterosexual men: an fMRI study.

>> No.10649993

homosexuality is just a fetish

>> No.10650005

I can post studies where they show that men with high degrees of homophobia were sexually aroused by gay porn as measured by penis circumference

>> No.10650011

I'm not overgeneralizing, dude. There is a lot of material published in literature about this connection between homosexuality and "disgust"

>> No.10650021

Man whatever

>> No.10650023

Those studies say nothing. It's heavily dependent on how someone is raised if they feel disgust over gay contact.

>> No.10650504

You're right, but very few study the disgust response variation between homosexuals and heterosexuals (which you seem to think is of critical importance?). You pointed to *one* poorly done fMRI study. So what are you basing your viewpoint on?

>> No.10650778

We exist for the same reason that women do after menopause. Read gay aunt/uncle theory + grandmother hypothesis cucks

>> No.10650937

Mpt all human behaviour is the direct result of darwinian-style selection
Humans are complex things capable of abstract thought, theres no 'abstract thought' gene its a property of hundreds of complex mechanisms.
Gays are likely just a result of a developing brain wiring itself in a unique way. If geens are a factor it wont be an on/off switch, it'll be a "if you have these genes your brain is more likely to be wired to like cock compared to others"

>> No.10650938

So God made homos?

>> No.10651316


Homosexuality doesn't dispute natural selection though.

>> No.10651399

Can you believe that Dawkins and other libs try to argue that homos were needed to limit population growth - which is completely contradictory to the belief that humans were constantly in brink of extinction

>> No.10651429


So Masturbation? Masturbation causes the homo?

>> No.10651874


"Homosexuals reproduce by raping kids."

>> No.10651931

>Can homosexuals reproduce?
[citation needed]

>Having a part of your population that is sterile

Is this the low IQ containment thread?

>> No.10652561

It doesn’t explain heterosexuality either.

>> No.10653388

homosexuality as an infectious disease redpill incoming

>> No.10653411

far too widespread and independent of shared environment to be a pathogen, no such organism or virus has ever been identified and the mechanism of action is incoherently described using other more robust explanations as scaffolding to sell the idea, seems genuinely like a projection where simple mindless accidental optimization by evolutionary forces would suffice

>> No.10654740

Natural selection is hardly only the ever evolutionary process

>> No.10654747

can you brainlets learn what darwinian means pls pls pls my nose starts bleeding everytime i read some shit about iq and gays it's literally middle school level biology to differentiate between evolution, natural selection, mutations etc.

>> No.10654748

HomoSex doesn't exist in nature except as an act of aggression or hierarchical dispute. I predict it's the same thing with humans. No one is really "attracted" to the same sex. It's all social conditioning or kink.

>> No.10654756
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The more obvious it is, the more /sci/ will rant about it.

>> No.10654779

Spoken like someone who has clearly never had gay sex.

>> No.10654946

Earl Gay here, guv'. I feel it entirely as a difference in degree of intensity of attraction, but hardly at all as a difference of repulsion, and most of that difference is attributable to the fact that women, on the whole, are simply not sexually aggressive enough to be menacing. Whereas men make advances, and test resistance, women seduce, then select, and are a whole lot more civilized and subtle when it comes to signalling. If you're not interested, they'll know, and let it drop. The fury of men scorned is by comparison goddamn endless, so it is perfectly natural, all other things being equal, to feel more disgust and alarm when their attention is unwanted but asserted nevertheless. My own view is that homosexuality is innate, and that homophobia is too, and that there isn't anything humane to be done about but practice good manners, and judgement in the making and enforcement of law.

>> No.10654960

That's because gay guys don't have a violent fear of people thinking they're straight the way a straight guy fears people thinking he's gay. Worst nightmare tier.
>dood duz dat mean you like da ugly broads?

>> No.10654981

But there are dominant girls that can pull it off quite well. In fact some of them get paid to dominate men in whatever form they'll even put on a strap on and fuck you in the ass if you want. But there is a difference between masculine energy and "feminine energy". I guess what you're saying is that you're attracted to "masculine energy" but to a straight man the idea is disgusting (a visceral reaction happens in your body that makes you reject it). On the mental and social level it's degrading like you secede part of your personality, mind, or agency, or self-worth... I understand what you're saying but I hope you get where I'm coming from.

>> No.10655000

Darwinism is a monkey's theory

>> No.10655091

I used to have a straight friend who was highly aroused by dominatrixes, and while getting pegged wasn't at all part of his his style for whatever reason, anymore than it is mine, it did increase with his depression, and preoccupation with the temporary relief one gets from it through painful stimuli or prolonged exertion. At the same time, I find aggressive women (as opposed to those who sort of get in your face and all touchy feely to start you going) mostly an unsexy source of farce and inspired ridicule, though nowhere near as intimidating or repellent as aggressive men are. Inevitably, his running joke about me was about how easily I am attracted to and pleased by mild weather, placid circumstances, chill music, and men with mellow dispositions who aren't effeminate in appearance or outlook either. (which is to say your average low-stimulus-seeking gay bro.) From the standpoint of assessing male vs female phenotypic differences in sex-based aggression, it is otherwise simple enough to look at the differences in crime statistics, and the long historical view of who usually does what to whom, at their best and worst. Most of our innate responses to others are so generalized, persistent, and "profiling", that we hardly notice them as such, until or unless ample leisure makes time for reflection on personal experience, and how it compares to that of others.