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File: 911 KB, 807x1000, lubosmotlbegs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10643215 No.10643215 [Reply] [Original]

What is happening to based Lubos Motl? Is this the work of the radical left? Who will defend string theory against witches like Sabine after he is gone?

>> No.10643218

Anti-quantum zealots need not post in this thread.

>> No.10643247

Broke college student here.

If I had money, I'd give him gold!

>> No.10643258
File: 17 KB, 450x370, 1369726478709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If I had money, I'd give him gold

>> No.10644783

Fucking anti-quantum zealots, man..

>> No.10644841

If he has the money for internet and the time to shit post all day, then he can WORK for his money instead of begging for it like a commie.

>> No.10644918

>What is happening to based Lubos Motl? Is this the work of the radical left?
Sabine is suing him for libel. Seriously.

>> No.10645213


really? source pls... wtf.

>> No.10645247

just use google to search his blog (don’t bother reading most of it though)

isn’t he still making money off his bogdanov book? i don’t feel bad for him after he put his name on that crap

>> No.10645459

He claims Sabine is suing him for libel.

He hasn't worked in Physics for over a decade. String theory can defend itself just fine

>> No.10645491

>He hasn't worked in Physics for over a decade.

Motl is still a genuine quantum gravity expert and could get a well paying job at most universities at the drop of a hat. him not working in physics is just his choice, i wonder where does he get money from tough

>> No.10645521

>String theory can defend itself just fine
>there are people who dedicate their lives to this fallacy
Sweetie no!

>> No.10645572


>String theory can defend itself just fine

Extremely bluepilled. Radical left anti-quantum zealots are all over academia.

>> No.10645603

>Being a wagie
And thought this was the smart board

>> No.10646298


>being a neet


>> No.10646329

sabine hossenfelder is suing him

>> No.10646705


I lol'd

After reading his exchanges with Strumia and Aaronson I think this guy will verbally attack just about anyone who disagrees with him on anything

>> No.10646707

He's too autistic to function. He could hide his powerlevel and only make shitposts on his blog that no one would care about and have a great job but he thinks his rants are important for humanity somehow

>> No.10646722


okay seriously, what is his job after Harvard?

>> No.10646828

He also thinks his research is important somehow

>> No.10646832

Blogging and shitposting.
He did a book-sized shitpost on the Bogdanovs once.

>> No.10646918
File: 307 KB, 900x781, 95CB0853-BC6D-4BE8-9460-81FF59B37314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Motl WAS a genuine quantum gravity expert

>> No.10647417


Just shave it at that point...

>> No.10647422



>> No.10647726

>could get a well paying job at most universities at the drop of a hat

So he'd rather be homeless and (if he works) working some (probably) menial job than working in a field he's clearly quite passionate about?

I don't know the circumstances around him leaving Harvard. I always assumed the 'radical leftists' had forced him out for daring to speak the truth.

He's getting bankrupted by a (potential) demand for 10k$?

What did he say about Sabine?
I don't really know much about her, nor why she seems so unpopular here.

>> No.10647733

Czechia uber alles

>> No.10647749

he does not publish anymore but he is still an expert and any second-rate university, such as those in Czechia or Slovakia, would snatch him up immediately

heck, his publication record is already of higher quality than almost anyone else around here already, even full professors with tenure

source: am from Slovakia

>> No.10647819


you seem to underestimate how important "friendships" are when it comes to getting a job in academia

>> No.10648214

>What did he say about Sabine?
That she's retarded, a hack, and that her criticism is shit.
>I don't really know much about her, nor why she seems so unpopular here.
She's retarded, a hack, and her criticism is shit.

>> No.10648476


...Lubos? Is that you?

>> No.10648482

Based Motl is in love with a 14 year old nubile teen redpill dispenser.


>> No.10648582


QG has zero significant development since 08 so Motl is still a first class expert

>> No.10648655


And while Motl does not write papers, he still follows the latest QG developments, as evidenced by his blog.

>> No.10648764

>Soph T. – the surname is known to me – was born in September 2004 – the precise date is known to me – so she is 14.7 right now.
This is the creepiest line I think I've ever read on the internet.