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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10637988 No.10637988 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone wanna start a Spivak read group for this summer?

Just finished up finals and would love to go through it with some of you anons.

>> No.10637991

Good idea but I can already tell you, the implementation will be awful if not failing at all.

>> No.10639365

I'm in as long as we don't use discord for anything.

>> No.10639653

Sure but I want to read velleman first

>> No.10639714

I am in, as long we use open source solutions.

>> No.10640080

i love this idea

>> No.10640098
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The virgin Spivak reading group

The chad Apostol autodidact

>> No.10640109

What's wrong with discord

>> No.10640253

Its slogan is "chat for gamers". Need any more reasons? Besides, there's no reason to have a chat group when we can just a create a /scg/ - Spivak Calculus General or something like that.

Stop mass replying, you fucking sperg.

>> No.10640268

Excellent idea.

>> No.10640281

/scg/ seems like a good idea.

>> No.10640326

phd anon here

ill join you, but just to point and laugh

>> No.10640329


>> No.10640414

>ill join you, but just to point and laugh
Isn't that the whole job description of a maths prof, though?

>> No.10640429

Why would you care about trivialities like that? You probably hate twitch emotes too because you are le 4channer in > muh secret 4channer club

>> No.10640440

>twitch emotes
I don't even know what those are. Careful, anon, your preteen is showing.

>> No.10640457

Kill yourself.

>> No.10640460

ahaha, the cope OMEGALUL
soo edgy ~~

>> No.10640464

calm down, big boy
* posts on anime boards for idiots *

>> No.10640499

I'm doing it myself but I dont give a shit about you

why do I need to do it in a group?

>> No.10640502

what u have against gamers bro

>> No.10640649

i am in but dont use discord, you need to make account to use it

>> No.10640675

he was a Jew, right?

>> No.10640734

So, 4th edition or 3rd edition?

>> No.10640816

Niggers and zoomers.

>> No.10640921

yes, that's why im practicing here

>> No.10640983

I actually quite like videogames but people who identify themselves as gamers are the cringiest bunch.


>> No.10641039

Do I need to have a knowledge of proofs in order to do spivak or apostol?

>> No.10641048

You will learn basic proofs somewhat by doing either.

>> No.10641119

Sign me the fuck up, but op, can you specify the time in some manner? Studying in trimesters here, which leads to a shit-ton of exams in mid june.

>> No.10641283

I'm in as long as we use discord

>> No.10641379

Ditto ;3

>> No.10641392

i'm up for it. wanted to go over calculus again, never liked that subject much, ordered this from the library and each exercise section is like 6 pages long, it's fucking huge. need motivatio nto get through this.
could we perhaps start even earlier?

>> No.10641399

i don't understand, do americans literally have a "proof class"? what's the fucking purpose, explaining what proofs by contradiction are the whole semester? proving is something you pick up from learning mathematics in general, this seems like a pointless idea

>> No.10641405

/scg/ is stupid when you can use something like discord. fine, don't use discord, use irc or some other shit, as long as it's a chatroom

>> No.10641406

I would be happy to do it. I'm doing it anyway

>> No.10641500
File: 178 KB, 1050x1500, Prwufs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an American I will explain. I attended a nice highschool in the US. It was a public school in a wealthy area. The highest level math course I took was Calculus; not AP Calc just regular Calculus. Most of my classes were focused on performing calculations; solve for x, solve the following integral, etc.
I went on to attend a no-name uni in the Midwest. All of the intro math courses required no knowledge of proofs. This includes Calculus 1/2/3, Intro to Linear Algebra, and Intro to Differential Equations. All these classes only required that you perform calculations and "know the process." In order to bridge the gap between these lower-level courses and higher level math courses we will have a course dedicated to proofs. This Proofs course will provide an overview of basic logic, mathematical induction, direct proofs, proofs by contradiction, set theory, functions, equivalence relations, and a short introduction to Number Thoery.
Book of Proofs by Richard Hammack is a typical text used in such courses.

>> No.10641511
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that sounds nice, only poblem is I'm a bit of a brainlet, how fast would we read?

>> No.10641557

Seriously doubt there will be enough interest to keep a general chat going. Anyone set up a discord room yet?

>> No.10641560

excuse me, what? aren't things like this usually included in stuff like discrete mathematics, mathematical logic or anything similar in the US? i distinctly remember rosen's discrete mathematics having all of this

>> No.10641600


>> No.10641612

>excuse me, what? aren't things like this usually included in stuff like discrete mathematics, mathematical logic or anything similar in the US? i distinctly remember rosen's discrete mathematics having all of this

At my uni discrete math is usually taken by comp sci majors. It is not a requirement for math majors. We do however offer an elective on Applied Combinatorics that you can take as a math major. But again, it is not required.
Resources are limited at my uni. Most of the lower level math courses are catered towards engineers.

>> No.10641740

Looks like discord shills hijacked the thread. You can shove your draconian EULA down your asshole. I am not installing that spyware on my computer.

>> No.10641820

It's ok, unless you have something to hide :) you don't have something to hide right? :)

>> No.10641941

I've ta'd this course so many times, I'd be happy to join and look at attempt of proofs and give insight and feedback as long as no one spergs out on me

>> No.10642022

Discrete math is oftentimes the "intro proofs" class at many unis. They're combined most of the time.

>> No.10642151

I'd be ecstatic to have anyone talk with me about this as I go through it.

>> No.10642152

Please join, as it will be interesting to have someone who knows what they are doing

>> No.10642242

Yeah just set up some thing maybe a discord or whatever. I'm a graduate student rn looking for research in analysis and low-dimensional topology

>> No.10642253

In the US, the only kids who seem to take discrete math are the CSCI kids.

My experience is exactly as this anon >>10641500

I think they streamline it this way cuz the engineering people don't really need to know about proof stuff. If you are already good at doing math, then there are usually honors calc 1/2/3 that typically include proofs, but the for the regular math / physical science track you don't get to proofs until 2nd year or so which is pretty tragic actually. Not even usually required for physical science majors which is really dumb especially if they plan on going to grad school

>> No.10642255

Shut the fuck up, brainlet.

>> No.10642279

Here: https://discord.gg/s9MRMyh

>> No.10642449

The cope

>> No.10642480
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>> No.10642614

he's still alive

>> No.10642619

anyone here on riot? or #math irc?

>> No.10642623

what's the point? motivation? the book has an associated answer book, and if you get stuck you can ask for help on specific proofs. this is what I did.

Also, don't waste your time with 'intro proof' bs, just GO GO GO

>> No.10642637

I'm in but PLEASE let's not use discord or other botnets ok.

>> No.10643303
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I'm 28 am I too old to join? I have phys undergrad. did poorly tho

was looking at doing terry analysis book, but might need a bit of basic prep like this before

>> No.10643310

I did this last year, nobody posted anything in the group chat

>> No.10643349

You are never too old to do calculus

>> No.10643369

if you've done phys you should be fine, regardless of how poorly you did

>> No.10643375

this desu

>> No.10643396

Tao assumes as little as Spivak does (basically just precalculus, no proofs) but the beginning is even more thorough and detailed.

>> No.10644868

Alright I'm gonna do it <3

>> No.10644994

My school has the discrete, intro proofs and philosophy proofs. Math undergrads basically start out in their own math courses away form the engineers and Sciences