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10636161 No.10636161 [Reply] [Original]

are there exampled of someone notable struggling through education with depression who has gone on to do great things

>> No.10636167

oppenheimer <3

>> No.10636289

>are there exampled of someone notable struggling through education with depression who has gone on to do great things
No, because depression isn't an actual disease. Major depressive disorder wasn't even a diagnosis until 1980. Has about as much legitimacy as the rest of the Ancient Greek Humorism system and to the extent its modern form can be considered a real thing at all it's best described as pharmaceutical marketing device.

>> No.10636296

stop being a sissy, depression is a meme for cope fags

>> No.10636329


jk every great scientist was depressed af, otherwise they wouldn't be doing science to improve the world. The difference between them and you is that they powered through it

>> No.10636331
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I did and became an actuary.

I had lost most of my human relationships due to depression. All I had left in life was a useless English degree, a wageslave job and a messy basement I lived in at my dying aunts house.

I knew I was on the brink of suicide when I would just daydream about dying all the time. But I didn't wanna just randomly splash my brains out cuz I was super sad one day. What a waste of perfectly fine flesh. I wanted to earn my death.

I quit my job, bought a glock from a pawnshop and drove around the US. I'd just go to nature parks and hang out, bathe in rivers and ponds. Stare at the sky for days on end. I decided I had to do something hard. If I could not find freedom and happiness in this life then the glock was the ticket off this ride.

I found a soaking wet statistics textbook on a park bench and I just got super mad that I could not understand a fucking thing in that motherfucking book. Rest is history.

that was 12 years ago. My aunt is still alive, miserable bitch that she is.

I'm married with a kid now. I'm very happy and upper middle class as fuck.
I still have the glock.

>> No.10636351

Crawl back into your caves, losers

Even if not, theres no reason you cannot be the first one. Get some professional help and rock that shit

>> No.10636353

you sound like a faggot

>> No.10636363

>I did and became an actuary.
Yeah, actuary is a pretty good pick for most depressing career subject matter you could come up with. My dad was an actuary. Spent a lot of time dwelling on health problems and when people will die.

>> No.10636446

Some people push back against overwhelming circumstances, others drown. People part of the first who have depression need do what you did
Just give up everything and isolate themselves in nature.

>> No.10636612

John Nash.

>> No.10636620

That guy who developed Christian OS or whatever its called. Pretty sure he used to make livestreams of himself jerking off then killed himself or maybe I'm mistaking him for someone else, ask /g/.
Also the founder of Reddit committed suicide, but whether or not he achieved something great is debatable.

>> No.10636645

Both of those were good students. Terry got almost straight A's in college, he showed it in a video, and Aaron made his first website at 13 and went to Stanford

>> No.10636649

You can be the first one. OP.

>> No.10636850

Peak Reddit

>> No.10637194

Michael Lamport Commons

>> No.10637198


>> No.10637200


>> No.10637201

Terry Davis was literally a genius programmer. A shame he was literally schizophrenic too.

>> No.10637214

I'm happy for you anon. Ignore the bitter assholes.

>> No.10637216

Sup big pharma

>> No.10637221

Depression is easily the gayest mental illness

>> No.10637238



>> No.10637243

Because it's not an illness at all, but a collection of negative feedback that is designed to push you toward change.

>> No.10638653

Born in 1928
Entered Princeton in 1948
Defends PhD: Nash equilibria 1949-1950

This thread is full of lies like these. No one has any real example, they are all lying to OP.

>> No.10638703

Well, he had mental illnesses and "struggled" in grad school when working on his equilibrium theory.

>> No.10638716

Non-pharmaceutical help, that is

>> No.10639655

Just about every ivy student, although they won't admit it.

>> No.10639668

>they are all lying to OP.
You too. You haven't looked up all persons in thread.

>> No.10639774
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Ted Kaczynski

>> No.10639776

Literally a child prodigy who was fucked later in life.

>> No.10639816

honestly thinking about the psychological experiment he took part in makes me nauseous

>> No.10639821
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>tfw going to be a 22 year old freshman

fuck my fucking life, ive fucked up everything and now ill be forever alone fuck

>> No.10639823

Could be worse anon, you could be a 25 year old freshman.

>tfw can already start to feel my hair-line regressing.

>> No.10639831

>I still have the glock.
get rid of it, brother

>> No.10639832

Nikola Tesla

>> No.10639837

Albert Einstein

>> No.10639844

I'm 19 and my hairline IS regressing. I had to change my hairstyle because of my early onset bald nibba syndrome. You'll be ok bro.

>> No.10639845

From my cold dead hands

>> No.10639856
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Anyone who says they my educator in the sense of the grand scheme of thibgs is an infidel that has set themselves up as if they were above me and I will kill their children so as to take away their share in the tree of life and I will torture them for their brazen insolence.

I teach you. You don't teach me.

>> No.10639865

bla bla bla.

your god is cruel. you fear your god. your life revolves around fear, dominance, and submission. I pity you and anyone pathetic enough to allow themselves to be caught up in your insanity.

>> No.10639866
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I teach you, motherfucker. You don't teach me. I don't want to know your gay shit.

>> No.10639875
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Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.10640472

Education is not sports.

>> No.10640488

I think though that those people excel in education inspite of their depression.. a sign of how smart they are. I dont think theres any genuine examples of great scientists who struggled in education. When they did they were either much younger or they werent really struggling but just not trying and still had raw talent to do magical things on the side or excel if they chose to.

>> No.10641302

>they werent really struggling but just not trying
Well, that's depression for ya

>> No.10641601

>Major depressive disorder wasn't even a diagnosis until 1980
Neither was AIDS

>> No.10641681

>Neither was AIDS
HIV wasn't clinically observed until the 1980s and didn't even exist as a virus prior to the 20th century. Are you claiming "depression" is a disease that didn't come into existence until the 20th century?

>> No.10641861

>depression isn't an actual disease.
This guys disagrees with you. He thinks depression has a strong physiological component.
> Major depressive disorder wasn't even a diagnosis until 1980.
It doesn't matter, it had to construted at some point. You can argue whether this diagnosis is useful or not (I do not see you do), but people that get this diagnosis do so because the satisfy a certain set of psychological, physiological and behavioral criteria. Hence to argue against depression is not as vanilla as arguing against the usefulness of psychiatric diagnoses in general.

>> No.10641876


And that Major depressive disorder was first included in DSM-III (1980) does not mean that this condition has not been studied for hundreds of years.

>> No.10641880


>> No.10641899

Have you never hear about Marie Curie or what?

>> No.10642318

>became an actuary
>gone on to do great things

At least read what OP wrote.

>> No.10642332
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I think Walter Pitts counts
Weiner's wife was a fucking cunt

>> No.10642337

I’m genuinely proud of you anon.

>> No.10642742

Literally Hitler

>> No.10642772


if you are actually struggling with depression and have conjured that thought, be mindful that is a cognitive trap which goes like this
"I am defective, nothing matters unless it is valuable and recognized by many (great), if I cannot find something done by somebody depressed which is great this mean I confirm my self defeating idea"

The funny thing is, even if you found somebody severely depressed who has actually accomplished great things, you'd next think:

"well he was a great guy, I lack the potential to reach that excellence"

That is another self mind trick aimed to self defeat and not actualization.

You have to define what you value as valid goal.
Greatness itself is not necessarily a goal.
If you are depressed, actually marching on is both the best thing you might do for yourself and is unironically, a significant achievement which you can reach.

>> No.10642779

We mostly become artists, expression leads to understanding which is an important thing for humanity

>> No.10642789

Really? It's basically an epitome of competition. For better results, for better job opportunities, for juicy academic supervisors and topics. Prove me wrong.

>> No.10642824


how do you define non competitive sports?

education and studying is not necessarily an outward competition but an inward one.

>> No.10643348

I meant that asking "am I too old for x" is stupid becuase it doesn't really apply for math or science. Sure, it does help to start early, but not doing so doesn't completely cut you off the game like in sports.

>> No.10643905

I agree with this guy. >>10640472

Academia is not competetive in the same way as sports because there are no good general way to rate performance. We can look at indicators like numbers of citiations, number of publications, fame, job position etc. but none of these can fully rate performance alone and we do not know how to combine them either. Compare this to sports where performance can often be easily rated by simple measurement of height, length, time, number of goals etc. Rating of academic performance is much more abstract and open for discussion. Part of the the reason for this is that there so many more ways to perform well in academia than in sports. It's a much more open game.

>> No.10643927 [DELETED] 


Competition does not imply it is a sport, but sports always imply there's competition. Competition does not mean the game is well-defined and leaves a lot of room for individuality. Often it might not be a game, but a meta-game. Sports are usually concrete games (some exceptions, but they confirm the rule).

>> No.10643929

the vast majority of people graduating from MIT

it seems like pretty much everyone there has some kind of mental illness

>> No.10643943



TLDR: Competition does not imply it is a sport, but sports always imply there's competition.

>> No.10643947
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>A guy who makes a living writing pop sci books such as Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers believes depression is biological

>> No.10643950

That quote wasnt said in relation to depression if you actually read my text

>> No.10643956

and my detatched earlobes have a strong physiological component...

>> No.10643972

hahahahaha imagine comparing a deadly faggot disease with a "boohoo im a sad faggot phase" lol

>> No.10644004

> believes depression is biological
No. Physiological, behavioral and psychological does not mean biologial. I am not making a nature vs. nurture argument. Anything resembling an argument in your post is a strawman.

No. I am pretty sure I didn't misunderstand your post, but I am 100% sure you misunderstood mine, probably willingly since it's now been /sci/enfically proven that you are a huge faggot. Depression makes you "not try", which might account for the phenomenae you describe in your post.

Wow... what a faggot

>> No.10644036

No you misunserstood because I was talking about why scientists in general do/dont struggle in education. After the first line Im not talking about depression.

>> No.10644046


>> No.10644051

Anon, listen to me. This is your chance to get through education despite your education and be the first person to go on and do great things.
Whatever happens, just try your best. That is the best thing you can do at any moment!

>> No.10644117

I know that, dude. I am arguing that some of those that seem to
> just not try
might actually be depressed even if you do not want to characterize them as such. That I am aruging against you does not mean that I've misunderstood your post. Holy mother of kek your head deep up in your own faggot ass.

>> No.10644179

well they werent depressed. feynman wasnt depressed anon. einstein wasnt depressed. krishnan guru murthy wasnt depresssed. and im not a faggot.

>> No.10644202

Strawman yet again.
> im not a faggot
Dude, you're a HUGE faggot. It's so painfully obvious.

>> No.10644216

The only thing straw here is your arguments mate. Like I said. my earlobe has more physiology than depression.

>> No.10644220

> straw
Please explain

>> No.10644222


>> No.10644973

Hows that a strawman. You said some guy called sapolsky says depression is physiological and imply that that is some kind of reason it is a disease. Im telling you that it isnt through this example.

>> No.10644975


>> No.10645246

Proud of you anon.

>> No.10645376

Ludwig Boltzmann. He made it into his sixties but depression won unfortunately

>> No.10645397

Winston Churchill

>> No.10645479


One of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century, your life would be a lot easier if you just took antidepressants though

>> No.10645509
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>> No.10645775
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> About a month later, Misako Suzuki, the woman whom he was planning to marry, also committed suicide, leaving a note reading: "We promised each other that no matter where we went, we would never be separated. Now that he is gone, I must go too in order to join him."

Fucking REEEE!!!

>> No.10646074

>unironically falling for le epic "support mental health!" meme

>> No.10646441

Depressive people are self-absorbed and lazy, and it's always exactly reflected in their output. Pic related.
Margin-doodle tier technique, some nebulous, banal statement about the how some aspect of modernity is actually like totally evil, and then they plaster their signature on it, which you know they spend more time practicing than their actual profession, like it's worth something.
They claim to break the rules because they're so creative and thoughtful, when in reality it's because if they ever committed to a set of rules intelligible to others, meaning competition (comparison) would ensue, such would reveal their own mediocrity and deflate their swollen ego. Nothing wrong with big egos, just inflated ones.

OP you're going to hate this boomer advice but there is no answer for which to wait. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, in 2019 you're living out the science fiction of 100 years ago in an English speaking first world nexus of wealth, so just light a fire under your ass and go. The motivation and the answers come on the journey itself. Gotta leave the hobbit hole if you really want to find out anything about yourself, you can't just armchair it and feel satisfied on your deathbed, your current feelings are proof enough that that won't cut it for you. Your current feelings are also the proof you're looking for that you can succeed, but only if you start reacting to those feelings productively instead of letting them dominate you.

>> No.10646450
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Fuck here's pic

>> No.10647332

Wow you must be fun at parties

>> No.10647334

More fun than fake depressed zoomers who want to live on welfare and browse instagram all day

>> No.10647553

How do smart people deal with past embarrassment? This is a serious question, they keep haunting me.

>> No.10647594

What has changed within society? Are there suddenly more people depressed, or is there a greater coverage on the people being depressed. My best explanation is because society has always lacked something primal many people become depressed in society. now when media covers a suicide, more people follow along with it because their beliefs become validated. Either this or the internet has fucked with our cognition in some way.

>> No.10647857

just say nigga brother, this the free land, this is not garbage reddit.

>> No.10647874

i used to be like you, but for some reason instead of going "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME"
I just started thinking "goddamn im retarded" and laugh WHO GIVES A SHIT.

>> No.10648071
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Not even a "ebil nazi" so you redditfugee leftycucks can fuck right off.
This quote will always be a heavy hitter.

>> No.10648078


>> No.10648082

Redditfugeeleftycuck cant read.
Fuck off queerbait.

>> No.10648093


>> No.10648130

Based. I hope you don't ever have to use that glock.

>> No.10648131

Wait until you read about John Money and reflect on the current state of affairs.

>> No.10648504

I've never done any drugs, planning on trying 700mg DPH(only drug I can get), but I have severe arachnophobia, would it be a problem?

>> No.10648748
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