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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 186 KB, 952x717, cumbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10631715 No.10631715 [Reply] [Original]

Are these effects true?

>> No.10631720

Porn is an addiction like any other addiction

>> No.10631723
File: 429 KB, 2033x1602, Von Gruber on sexual excess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less. Burned out dopamine receptor isn't an accurate term but dopaminergic resources are limited and can be largely squandered on sexual pursuits, downregulated. Prolactin is also released following sexual activity in males. Anecdotally, I never have motivation to cook or study on days I've had any sexual release.

As for the rest, see this post and ones building off it:


>> No.10631734

There probably is some truth behind them, but is highly exaggerated.

If you rub one out every now and then you are fine.

>> No.10631859

scares me that i can relate

>> No.10631883

i fap daily, but when last a girl started to "feel" me i know my brain released more dopamine than i normally fap

>> No.10631891

In the late 19th and early 20th century, physicians also thought that smoking actually is good for your lungs.

>> No.10631892

No, it's perfect reverse causality. People with self-control problems and sensation-seeking psychology are prone to excessive indulgence in highly stimulating activities (including sexuality, drugs, gaming, food, media, danger, gambling etc.) Those activities do not cause self-control problems (except certain drugs in certain ways)

>> No.10631913

>100 year old medical research
>valid in any shape or form

>> No.10631915

They pushed that shit well into the 1950s

>> No.10631928

can these effect be reversed?

>> No.10631934

The image is only remotely related to the content of the post—they had no idea what roles neurotransmitters played and only a rudimentary understanding of the hormones mentioned. If you ever went to medical school, you'd know who Von Gruber was.

>> No.10631978

Beyond the dopamine and prolactine issue, I can actually feel a nutritional depletion when I fap, and eating certain foods visibly helps speed the recovery. The most well being I ever had was when I was in a 3 months nofap. I have been failing lately, but not because I actively seek porn, but because it's everywhere on 4chan, so at this point I'm really fighting my IB addiction. That's a battle for the books.

>> No.10631981

Do you think every medical research happened in the last 50 years? In a while the discovery of penicilin will be 100 years old, stop using it then.

>> No.10631988

Penicillin is barely worth using anymore, nearly everything is resistant to it

>> No.10631994

It is. I'm proof. Forget the the scienceTM skeptics, quit porn if you can

>> No.10632063

That picture does describe me.

How do I become normal again?

>> No.10632075

Continue to attempt NoFap. Nothing else will change it

>> No.10632080

I was about to rub one out, this was not the time for biochem

>> No.10632082

Abstain. Try deliberately for a good year at least. View the advice in the linked archive thread at the top. If you can't get a a few successful weeks after a year attempt, you might need to consider pharmacological disruption, a worst case scenario.

>> No.10632085


>dont fap for a day
>anything vaguely resembling a feminine shape gives me a boner and prevents me from doing anything useful

Are you sure?

>> No.10632117

this may sound inhumanly hard right now, but I was in the same boat once, what I did was get a girlfriend
she's sort of become the only thing that really turns me on, and we haven't had sex yet (in fact we're planning on doing it for the first time tonight, and very rarely going forwards - we're both students, if she got pregnant it would fuck both of us over big time)
I'm no expert but I think part of your brain just wants to bond to somebody, and once you make that bond strong enough it gives you something much better than porn
I know this might not be that helpful, I'm just telling you what worked for me

>> No.10632120

I understand what you are saying, I guess my brain is so used to the constant stimulation that it's desperate to find it somewhere when I deprive it.

>> No.10632122

Well that won't for me. I'm not attractive and wasn't able to find a girl nor it seems realistic that I ever will.

>> No.10632129

This is your own mental wanderings and exposure to stimuli. Remove such from your sight, and deny the thoughts before they have a chance to arouse.

>> No.10632132

This is a based post. This This This

>> No.10632145

>In a while the discovery of penicilin will be 100 years old
>stop using it then

Well, yes, I think that's his point, penicilin is kind of outdated

>> No.10632157

This proves that you have a problem. My sexual drive becomes lower once I abstain, provided I deliberately avoid any stimuli and dismiss anything that could remotely lead to arousing sexual thoughts. Otherwise, when active, it's relentless, ready to be set off again in just a half hour after release.

>> No.10632329

Sometimes I get aroused by the letter B in certain fonts, not even joking.

>> No.10632337
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reminds me of this

>> No.10632343

For me it's differently. I am more focused after sexual activity and get to study/cook/work a lot better on that day.

I know what you mean though after sexual release there is this sort of "calmness" and I'm not talking about directly after climax but something that lasts for hours. This calmness can for some people mean they become lazy and passive. For others (like me) it means they become collected and can work better instead of being on edge constantly.

>> No.10632371

It's not the letter, it's the particular curves in it.

>> No.10632408

>I have a gf but am still a virgin
Absolute state of 4chan

>> No.10632409


You literally made up this image from your head and you're expecting anyone to answer seriously?
Can you elaborate a little on "burned out" receptors, dear neuroscience post-doc?

>> No.10632410

Kek yes

>> No.10632417
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>sexual excess in youth exerts detrimental influence on metabolism and stuns mental development
I'm 23, if I start now I'm guessing I'll notice some improvements but the fact that I've stunted my mental potential is a bitter fact to swallow.

>> No.10632424

This is literally me except I don't watch porn. It's probably just caused by brainletism. I don't recall ever being creative or having decent problem solving skills.

>> No.10632428

Im about to turn 39 and they still haven't sent me what i'm looking for. Not even once. They have no problem sending rapists to rape me with their penis and miscellaneous rape devices, but when it's something I would like then suddenly 39 years isn't long enough for them to get it together.

>> No.10632443

In point of fact, it's worse than substance addiction.

>> No.10632445


>> No.10632452


>> No.10632505
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>> No.10632549
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Ancient Greek word meaning 'soft brain', that has come to be used as 'wanker' today. They were aware of the cumbrain problem 2500 years ago.

>> No.10632560

Damn this scares the hell out of me. More and more I'm realizing that a lot of my woes in life are caused by constant sexual distraction. I watch porn every day after work, it's become such a ritual that it barely even reduces my sex drive, yet I can barely derive pleasure from real sex. Holy shit, there has to be some truth to this.

>> No.10632596

Start what? Not fapping?

>> No.10632632
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>> No.10632713
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>tfw elder god levels of degenarcy

>> No.10632760
File: 146 KB, 432x529, 54BA3E56-B266-4C56-8802-32A2FD8314A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have to cute and funny girls though

>> No.10632797

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10632809

Hurr durr, sex bad. Serve the society instead, man.

>> No.10632814

>t. cumbrain

>> No.10632830

Physicians of that era were aggressively making up pseudoscience and much of it was based on sex. I think it was kind of meme back then to attribute vague neurological symptoms to "sexual repression" (especially in women). This is likely to due Freud's influence. None of these theories really developed into anything and are now regarded as quackery. It might be true that frequent masturbation causes health problems, but I'm sure all the early 20th century theories concerning this connection are complete rubbish.

>> No.10632831

thank you /sci/, I needed to see this

>> No.10632869


>> No.10632920

That science marches on and 100yo medicine is literally "apply arsenic for stomach ache" tier.

>> No.10632926

Same, stay strong bud.

>> No.10633273

Do you guys make a distinction between masturbation and sex with a woman? Is having sex with someone daily the same as masturbation daily?

>> No.10633291

Nobody is perfect. I feel like having a snack every day or something wont kill you. I think its a problem when you start doing anything all day pretty much

>> No.10633298

same effects. most just switch one for the other. still a slave to habit of release

>> No.10633307

I beat my meat/look at yiff (human porn makes me feel bad) whenever I want to and have been for years, and I've never had persistent motivation, confidence, energy, positivity, or intellectual problems. I say "persistent" cause ofc I experience problems when I'm depressed about something or don't get any sleep for example.
I feel like I'm supposed to be a lot worse off than I am, explain that.

>> No.10633314

You have no lengthy period of abstinence to compare it with and regard your baseline to be true. The fact that you have psychosomatic guilt over the act in the first place shows you're not a qualified judge. I never felt bad about my porn use, but noticed the intellectual toll all the same.

>> No.10633332

I quit for 40 days once as I was curious if it'd change anything. Not long enough?

>> No.10633386

I can attest to the first point. After masturbating once daily for about 4 months, high as fuck on weed each time, I have noticed a huge decline in pleasure from masturbating. There's a real identifiable difference in the qualia of pleasure before and after this event. However it hasn't seemed to affect me as hard or at all outside the feeling of muh dick, maybe it's a self correcting problem in my case because now I don't want to masturbate at all

>> No.10633393

stick to 3 times a week just to be sure

>> No.10633406

easier for me to get rid of it completely than moderate to three times a week.

>> No.10633419
File: 263 KB, 691x997, 1538367499109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic of your future coworkers, I'm sending them myself.

>> No.10633440

men need to masturbate every once in a while, just don't do it constantly

>> No.10633441
File: 93 KB, 410x525, 1543543463213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. fleshslave

>> No.10633452

Based schizo poster

>> No.10633462
File: 109 KB, 592x431, good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10633465

>don’t reproduce! Let other people occupy the gene pool!

>> No.10633471

Not what was said.

>> No.10633477

You don’t vomit to do anything healthy and normal, you do cum to reproduce and your body probably can’t tell the difference between whether it entered a person or not. You are also supposed to be jizzing in women all the time and then abandoning them, why do you think so many sexually prominent men also leave there kids behinds and cheat?

>> No.10633480

Having sex is pursuing passion and lust you actual retard. Speaking of which, have sex

>> No.10633486

>probably utilized to very great advantage in the repair of certain of the tissues
there's no way that's true

>> No.10633642

when i quit porn all it did was make me too horny. not motivated, just horny

>> No.10633651

NoFap is one of the most reddit things you could do.

>> No.10633661


>> No.10633669

Excessive masturbation is a symptom, but it's not the cause of your misery

>> No.10633678
File: 20 KB, 236x236, 1557191500428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ as a source
>argument is "your brain will explode if you do this thing that I find immoral"

>> No.10633684
File: 209 KB, 700x700, YourBrainOnPol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ thread

>> No.10633707

According to "NoFap":
>having sex daily is encouraged, any kind of masturbation though is really bad for you because of """semen retention"""
>you get superpowers like enhanced night vision, beautiful skin, and all women will be attracted to you and will want to have sex with you immediately
>constant boners are normal and your fault
>everyone who wants to watch porn or just masturbates ever, is "addicted"
>nocturnal emissions are your own fault and are not a desperate sign of your body
>being horny constantly is your fault
>anecdotal evidence and "studies" by the nofap supporters are the only reliable sources of information, everyone else is controlled by the (((porn industry)))

>> No.10633798

I only jack it on fridays.

Is that alright?

>> No.10633831

>>having sex daily is encouraged, any kind of masturbation though is really bad for you because of """semen retention"""
Both are bad.
>>constant boners are normal and your fault
Undesirable. Product of habit.
>>nocturnal emissions are your own fault and are not a desperate sign of your body
Wet dreams happen more frequently when I'm masturbating 3+ times a day.
>being horny constantly is your fault
It largely is. It has a cause and effect.

>> No.10633841

>>argument is "your brain will explode if you do this thing that I find immoral"
And this children is what we call a straw man.

>> No.10633931

damn the lefties
conductual is easier

>> No.10634032

only good post in the thread. all of you faggots need to go back.

>> No.10634057

This topic is the weirdest intersection of conservative christians and internet feminists

>> No.10634161

that damage made by chronic masturbation can be restored right?

>> No.10634180

Not for me
>loss of free will to reinforcement of a primal urge
just like eating, shitting, or trying to stay alive
there's absolutely nothing wrong with it
the irony is the person who made that image exists only because someone gave into a primal urge. if he really rejects his primal urges he should prove it and jump off a building or something


>> No.10634181

>internet feminists
Sex positive.
Support sex workers.
Have zero issue with pornography and promiscuity and promote it.
>conservative christians
Biggest pornography viewing demographic. Also a cop-out as it places the fate of the viewer in God's hands and not their own.

Real redpill is there is no God and you're throwing away your one and only life on a pathetic distraction that accomplishes nothing and only takes power and agency away from you. Go ahead and reinforce your sexual region, cumbrain. You're only screwing yourself.

>> No.10634491

NoFap and "porn addiction" is a question of morals, not of science.
Brain patterns of people who think they are "porn addicts" and of normal horny people have been shown to be identical.
Masturbation is a normal activity just like other bodily needs, one of the oldest found cave drawings is pornographic.
Christcucks and Mudslimes who support anti-porn and anti-masturbation are hypocrites.
Move this garbage topic back to /pol/.

>> No.10634582

This is also true, when i have a goal I'm less likely to reach for my dick.

>> No.10634755

>Real redpill is there is no God and you're throwing away your one and only life on a pathetic distraction that accomplishes nothing and only takes power and agency away from you. Go ahead and reinforce your sexual region, cumbrain. You're only screwing yourself.

>> No.10634777


>> No.10634786
File: 177 KB, 667x750, 1552431759407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brain patterns of people who think they are "porn addicts" and of normal horny people have been shown to be identical.
wrong, cumbrain
>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.
>We found a significant negative association between reported pornography hours per week and gray matter volume in the right caudate (P<.001, corrected for multiple comparisons) as well as with functional activity during a sexual cue-reactivity paradigm in the left putamen (P<.001). Functional connectivity of the right caudate to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was negatively associated with hours of pornography consumption.


>> No.10634803

Is cumbrain going to become the new buzzword like npc and others before it?

>> No.10634876


>> No.10635214

This. Nofap is basically a cargo cult.

>> No.10635221

It's a feedback loop.

>> No.10636076


>> No.10636093


>Compulsive Sexual Behaviors (CSB) are a reason to seek treatment. Given this reality, the number of studies on CSB has increased substantially in the last decade and the World Health Organization (WHO) included CSB in its proposal for the upcoming ICD-11. Sixty percent of the neuroimaging studies on CSB published since 2014 aimed to examine similarities and differences between brain mechanisms underlying CSB, gambling disorder, and substance use disorders. One of the crucial brain circuits involved in addiction is the reward system involving the ventral striatum (including nucleus accumbens). There are two distinct theories describing ventral striatal activity in addictions: Incentive Salience Theory (IST) and Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS). IST describes increased ventral striatal activations during the anticipation of addiction-related reward, while RDS describes decreased ventral striatal reactivity both during the anticipation of the reward and during the reward processing. Here, we aim to investigate how the findings on ventral striatal reactivity in CSB support each of these two addiction frameworks. For this purpose, we conducted a systematic review of neuroimaging studies on CSB available in Pubmed, EBSCO, and Google Scholar between 2005 and 2018. We found nine relevant research papers. Only four of these studies directly investigated processing of erotic cues and/or rewards and reported findings related to ventral striatum activations. Three of these studies indicate increased ventral striatal reactivity for erotic stimuli, which is consistent with IST and does not support predictions based on RDS. Therefore, the current state of this data suggest that CSB is related to increased ventral striatal reactivity during the anticipation of erotic stimuli.

>> No.10636271

This reminds me of a research that has shown that throwing some neuroscience terms into an explanation that doesn't warrant it makes it sound more believable.

>> No.10636393

I am going to write something (10000+ words) and post it here or on /lit/, estimated March or April. Hopefully the ideas in it are seeded and more well known and I can publish it with less scrutiny in a formal context in Medical Hypotheses.

>> No.10636621

This feels true for me. Everything I care about loops back to sex stimuli. I honestly do not care about my family, or music or history. I don't care about my plans or making a life. I don't care about anything that makes me a person.
And I really want to care but I completely don't. I'll watch something that rings true, that should be important and I will get myself to sit through it and recognize it but as soon as it is over my brain tells me to return focus to brapp holes and I obey automatically no matter what.
I'm a zombie. I'm possessed. I wish someone would murder me and send me to Hell already.

>> No.10636656

Ive been jackin off about once a day for close to 20 years and I live a rich fulfilling life. I suppose my life might be better if I didnt but I cant be truly sure. Do I think it has some effect on the brain well ya no shit but do I think it ruins a persons life? Fuck no. And at worst you can argue every second spent looking at porn is a second better used on something else. Then again the same can be said for just about everything we do.

>> No.10636665

What can I eat to replace the cum essence? It all comes from food one way or another. I love eating lots so what do I eat? I cum often so reply asap.

>> No.10636685

>rich fulfilling life
Please elaborate.

>> No.10636696

I dunno im a lawyer I make enough money to be more then comfortable I have a few friends I go hunting which is my favorite activity. I shitpost here. What more can a man want? And dont say wife.

>> No.10636702

You have to recycle it. The best way is just to shoot into a glass and drink it quickly while you're still horny.

>> No.10636708

man ive tried but the taste is unholy

>> No.10636714

Well, its the only way. You can add some flavoring into the glass beforehand (liquid sugar, dilute with milk etc) but you're just going to have to get used to it.

>> No.10636971

You've clearly never done heroin.

>> No.10636978

Based penicillin still BTFOs syphilis

>> No.10637145

Take your religious bullshit elsewhere. Nothing in your image means anything scientifically. It's all moralist garbage. Regardless of whether or not human society has deemed masturbation "sinful", the science shows that it helps to prevent many health issues involving the sexual organs. Of course, more than a few times a week likely has no greater benefit.

>> No.10637147

It's clearly pulled from some religious text, not anything resembling a scientific paper.

>> No.10637152

No, because it doesn't actually exist.

>> No.10637154

>is porn a drug

no it isn't and christfags telling you so are not only deceiving you but also themselves. It's the same trick they play about their dead kike on a stick somehow being a god.

>> No.10637162

I don't even know what to believe anymore

>> No.10637357

Then why does the correlation seem to go up heavily with the ages at which neuroplasticity is higher, IE girls who end up getting molested or having sex in their early teens end up having more sexual partners and having higher divorce and cheating rates?

>> No.10637368

It's almost like the trauma of rape follows a person and causes self-esteem and relationship issues throughout the rest of their life. The fact that you would try to use child molestation to prop up your bullshit moralist argument is pathetic.

>> No.10637460

It's worse than a drug. You can look on a drug without arousal happening without irresistible urges.

>> No.10637463

>>>>Real redpill is there is no God and you're throwing away your one and only life on a pathetic distraction that accomplishes nothing and only takes power and agency away from you. Go ahead and reinforce your sexual region, cumbrain. You're only screwing yourself.

>> No.10637501

You've clearly never been addicted to amphetamines. You're talking about things that you do not understand.

>> No.10637537
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>> No.10637683

That does not falsify what I said.

>> No.10637700
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>patterns of people who think they are "porn addicts" and of normal horny people have been shown to be identical.
>>>>>>>evidence clearly shows otherwise
>That does not falsify what I said.

>> No.10637707

Your source only compares high vs low porn usage. But horny people are more likely to watch porn in the first place, so there's no distinction.

>> No.10637718

I scroll through 50 pages on porn hub before finding anything remotely fapable. Porn stars Have gotten so unattractive its almost laughable. Its like they are only appealing to foreigners and retards. This seems to be their target audience now and i am fucking pissed. Most average looking women i see in real life are vastly more attractive than anything i see online. To make things worse, the same videos are circulating on pornhub for the last decade. The content is fucking stale, and i am literally IMPOTENT while browsing the site for hours.

Things need to change. I cant take looking at the same basic straight haired, makeup faced, bleached ass frumpy looking hoe struggle to take a 9 inch dick anymore. I’ve seriously Fucking had it and I'm literally shaking right now.

>> No.10637722

You're wasting your time. Some people will truly never grasp the concept that correlation does not always equal causation.

>> No.10637759

Unless you're masturbating like 4+ times a day there's nothing wrong with you. Just do it once a day or once every two days. Absolutely no harm comes from it, don't fall for shitty nofap memes.

>> No.10637783

>increases prolactin and lowers motivation

>> No.10637787

"horny people" isn't idiosyncratic variation.
It's driven by behavior. The more you indulge in sexual matters, the hornier you become in the long run.

>> No.10637789

>increases prolactin
Prove that this causes significant and lasting effects on the human brain.
>lower motivation
Prove that masturbation lowers motivation significantly with a lasting effect.

Until you can do those things, you're talking out of your ass (and probably affected by a "morally" religious upbringing).

>> No.10637797

Correlation =/= causation.

>> No.10637838

I have a gf, and I creampie her 3-4times every time I see her, play video games and people think I’m very smart (even though I think I’m just average)
I also fap everyday

I used to smoke/ smoke weed every day and stopped in one day (just threw all of it in my toilets)

You have free will, use it

>> No.10637873 [DELETED] 

People who are constantly horny masturbate more. Discovery of the century.

What does it mean hypofrontality?

What it means to have burned out dopamine receptors and how it doesn't kill your sexual drive? (sexual drive depends or dopamine)

Dopamine inhibits prolactin and prolacting decreases sex drive, so you wouldn't be horny all the time if you were high in prolactin.

>> No.10637878

People who are constantly horny masturbate more. Discovery of the century.

What does it mean hypofrontality?

What it means to have burned out dopamine receptors and how it doesn't kill your sexual drive? (sexual drive depends or dopamine)

Dopamine inhibits prolactin and prolactin decreases sex drive, so you wouldn't be horny all the time if you were high in prolactin.

>> No.10637961


you actually can, that's how addiction works. Again you don't even understand your own argument.


>and only life on a pathetic distraction that accomplishes nothing and only takes power and agency away from you.

how exactly does it take away my "agency"? By that logic all sex is rape, in which case go back to whatever puritian shithole you come from.

>> No.10638007
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>> No.10638011


so, is all sex rape then?

>> No.10638028

>{NPC logic continues}

>> No.10638108
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro I quoted a medical study aren't I smart?

>> No.10638386

>Uhhh yeah bro, I'm too stupid to reason any of this, or see how totally infeasible if not unethical, or how at the very least would damage the reputation of the researchers in question to have a study where the participants masturbated and then measured motivation afteward, so let me say the absence of evidence means your hypothesis is wrong and mine is correct hehe,

>> No.10638423

>even though I think I’m just average
Nobody said masturbating or fucking will stop you from being mediocre and average.

>> No.10639159

Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.

>> No.10639169

do you have the whole picture this pic is from? I want it.

>> No.10639173

Ask on /lit/. I've been looking for the original myself.

>> No.10639310

ruined my life with this.

>> No.10639318

one more source than you provided, dumb frogposter

>> No.10639338

Study contradicts his point.

>> No.10639357

I did 60 days once.
I thought it would give me "super-powers" to focus on math and science.
What I got instead, is being horny as fuck - ALL THE TIME.
Pussy became priority number one and everything was centered around it.
All my standards regarding women vanished, and I approached and talked to most disgusting ugly base-level dumb bitches imaginable.
I hanged out with human filth just on the offchance of getting laid.
Every action was optimized to maximize the perceived likelihood of getting laid.

It was the most lucid demonstration that humans have no free-will that I had ever experienced.

It is clear that this mechanism is immensely powerful, capable of completely changing my thought process and actions, just not in the direction that I find desirable at all.

Nofap is simply too dangerous for extended periods of time.
Noporn seems like a much safer and saner alternative.

>> No.10639358
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>Porn use negatively associated with areas responsible for inhibition.

>> No.10639728

Did it wrong. Makes you less horny if you avoid arousing stimuli or thoughts. I wouldn't do it otherwise.

>> No.10639736

My doctor told me the same thing when I went in for a blood letting the other day

>> No.10639765
File: 179 KB, 595x505, sci51219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, genius, the vast majority of women who engage in sex in the 15-16 range are not being raped.
Look at the picture I posted for info
>moralist argument
Just because you don't like a completely replicatable statistic, that holds true from Australia to the US to China doesn't mean that its some sort of hoax.
Virtually every study done on the effect of sexual promiscuity would disagree with you. You are arguing off of emotion and maybe personal issues of your own.

>> No.10639819

The post and image are two different things, brainlet.

>> No.10639820

>Burned out dopamine receptor isn't an accurate term but dopaminergic resources are limited and can be largely squandered on sexual pursuits, downregulated. Prolactin is also released following sexual activity in males.
They literally had no idea about any of this in Von Grubers time.

>> No.10639828

This is in the same category as gaming "addiction" aka a person with already bad self control and no other outlet blaming the vice. There's no difference brainwise between porno/gaming addicts and people who don't have the addiction, it just comes down to a lack of self discipline. If it isn't porn/gaming it'd be something else.
Porn isn't good for you, but when it comes to ruining your lifestyle it's a symptom not a cause.

>> No.10639829
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>Discovered in non-human animals around 1930 by Oscar Riddle[6] and confirmed in humans in 1970 by Henry Friesen[7] prolactin is a peptide hormone, encoded by the PRL gene.[8]
>Dopamine was first synthesized in 1910 by George Barger and James Ewens at Wellcome Laboratories in London, England[132] and first identified in the human brain by Kathleen Montagu in 1957. It was named dopamine because it is a monoamine whose precursor in the Barger-Ewens synthesis is 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (levodopa or L-DOPA). Dopamine's function as a neurotransmitter was first recognized in 1958 by Arvid Carlsson and Nils-Åke Hillarp at the Laboratory for Chemical Pharmacology of the National Heart Institute of Sweden.[133] Carlsson was awarded the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for showing that dopamine is not only a precursor of norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline), but is also itself a neurotransmitter.[134]
>Max von Gruber (6 July 1853, Vienna – 16 September 1927, Berchtesgaden) was an Austrian scientist.


>> No.10639835 [DELETED] 
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too late

not even jesus can save me

>> No.10639873

What if Jesus could but he doesn't want to?

>> No.10639878 [DELETED] 

then you took a shitpost way too literally

>> No.10640002

Yeah you can fuck up your dopamine receptors if you edge for hours going through a bunch of pics and gifs.

Masturbation does raise prolactin in men (not sure about women) which isn't a good thing for us guys.

Also if you have a shit diet and you're fapping away every night you'll be deficient in zinc which is also bad.

>> No.10640428

It does not though, it only contradicts nofap memes

>> No.10640430

I wonder how many "nofappers" are just roleplaying and baiting stupid virgins. It's almost like the flat earth society.

>> No.10640517

penicilin will be useless wirhin the next 30 years due to bacteria developing immunity. you're right, nothing lasts forever. but i don't think that the masturbation dillemma is a medical question. i think its more psychological. like the thing with the rat and the heroine or whatever it was. its about impulse control.

>> No.10640541


He never said they did

>> No.10640657

> Makes you less horny if you avoid arousing stimuli or thoughts.
That's like 101 of nofap.
You don't get to day 60 without avoiding arousing stimuli or thoughts.

> Did it wrong.
Teach me fucking sensei.

I betcha haven't got a slightest clue what it means to be ACTUALLY horny, and what it does to your thought process and priorities, because the most you have spent without touching your dick is like a week or two.

>> No.10640672
File: 19 KB, 320x313, 1796625-rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.10640700

fuk of

>> No.10640954

What about prostate? I heard you can get sick prostate if you dont masturbate

>> No.10641197

Good goy

>> No.10642037

You want zinc supplements.

>> No.10642039

>Hur dur da jews

>> No.10642045

My ass is so wet. ugh

>> No.10642182

This comes off as someone frustrated by their lack of discipline. You seem to know so much, yet cannot appreciate it.

>> No.10642190
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Well that's ironic.

>> No.10642358

In point of fact, it's the opposite especially for young men.

>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.

>> No.10642463

no, you've always been retarded, with or without masturbation

>> No.10642488

The ill effects of masturbation are worse for geniuses than they are brainlets.

>> No.10643363
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>> No.10643414

>didn't test his hypothesis once
Not very scientific of him.

>> No.10643535

I'm a cumbrain. I fap every day (sometimes more than once), and if I go a day or more without beating my meat, I become so sexually charged at random (usually when trying to fall asleep) that I'm basically forced to wank or wait 2 hours for the boner to go away. Is it too late for me?

>> No.10643546

Do you have a hyperactivity disorder by any chance?

>> No.10643568

As I understand from the pic, only fap is not enough for cumbrain.

>> No.10643665

You need to stop. You've been fueling the habit all these years. It satiated it for a few hours at best. Only real way to lower the sex drive is paradoxically prolonged abstinence, which gets rid of habitual impulses. To do it successfully you must reject any passing sexual thought and avoid anything that can arouse you.

>> No.10643798

If you have an undesirable boner, flex all the muscles in your body and hold that for a few minutes. This will move the blood away from your dick

>> No.10643821

no, you're going to ruin your dick that way. he needs to just plain let himself feel horniness without fapping. of course, the point of this is to use that energy to actually put it in a girl

>> No.10644762

t. delusional /r/nofap cumbrain just wanting to exchange the hand for corporeal release.

>> No.10644789
File: 12 KB, 168x62, shoelm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks, I don't want any more shit addiction, I've been addicted to porn since 11 yrs old.


I first read there slavic instead of slave. And maybe it's the reason why many incel losers act retarded, lol.

Btw, once you go on the fap train, you never go back, I tried to do nofap, but I can\t even into a week.

>> No.10644926

Pretty much this. My longest nofap experience was during an almost month-long trip with friends. We decided to challenge ourselves to do nofap during the trip for some reason. After ~12 days I was getting boners out of nowhere and I was contemplating intercourse with girls that I would typically give no fucks about. Needless to say that after finishing the trip we all confessed we didn't make it past the two-week mark.

By contrast, when fapping regularly (4-5 times/week) I am mostly never distracted by sexual thoughts.

>> No.10644941

Opposite for me. Only reason I engage in it is because it lowers my sex drive.

>> No.10644943

>Opposite for me. Only reason I engage in [it] *nofap* because it lowers my sex drive.

>> No.10644965

yeah lol just try a balance of stimulus control and pacing. Ie dont have porn easily acsessable (turn off your phone) and maybe just start jerking off every other night. takes effort

>> No.10645398
File: 2.21 MB, 750x1334, 91DB2DA4-CCDD-4467-86EB-18415CB046C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy, I actually fixed a 3 year habit of masturbating everyday to every other day, than once every week and now I masturbate every other week or once a month i was told this was fine but all these cumbrain memes make self-conscious is their any truth to this? And I plan on going completely no masturbation once I get a gf. I still watch porn when I masturbate but plan to stop watching porn very soon any help?

>> No.10645409

Why did you post that screen, is it related to your post in some way I don't understand?

>> No.10645463

Just how fucked am I if I masturbated almost every day to pornography from age 13 to now (21)? If I cease all pornography viewing and focus on sublimination from now on, can I be saved? I have to say I do suffer from a lack of motivation and hypofrontality seems to check some boxes.

Have tried nofap before and failed miserably a week in due to being unable to sleep without sexual release. Now have a girlfriend with whom I have sex regularly (~4 times a week).

>> No.10645473

Damn dude

>> No.10645649

i usually screenshot instagram art post and crop out everything but the piece forgot to this

>> No.10645657

I see, I got curious and asked

>> No.10645694

21 the brain is still very neuroplastic.
Change of enviroment, leaving this site for a while, and going outdoors a lot will do you good. Try to read. Learn to avoid what triggers arousal and it will be easy. Most people, as was your experience, allow arousal to happen and their just stuck fighting themselves which isn't productive at all.

>> No.10645699

I suggest just using static, non-hardcore images and reduce frequency as much as possible. If you're at weekly, it'll be easy to eliminate it mostly. Most people are stuck in daily if not more frequent releases and that is when it takes the most toll.

>> No.10646390

It is. Castrate yourself before it's too late.

>> No.10646426

I did nofap for 37 days along with cold showers for the past 70; here were the effects I felt:

1) Increased sexual arousal for the first 9 days, I was horny 24/7, but after about 9 days, I would say I was less horny than when I was still masturbating.
2) Increased desire to start a family. I dont really know how to describe this one. I had a concious desire, not to have sex, but to raise children with a wonderful woman. I noticed, the less I saw things that sexualized women, the more this desire grew. On day 20 or so, I began to have thoughts like “that girl is so cute, I’d like to protect her” rather than “that girl is sexy, I want to fuck her.” The cuteness desire, as I will call it, was far stronger than any sexual urge I’ve ever had, and a fantastic motivator. The cuteness desire felt almost paternal, I would say.
3) Increased confidence and sociability, way better at talking to girls and engaging them in conversation. I went from often needing to prevent making eye-contact with girls out of fear, to relishing in the opportunity to talk to girls. Girls don't masturbate to porn nearly as much aa guys, so when you stop masturbating to porn you become more like girls and better able to understand and socialize with them.
4) no desire to play videogames.
5) no brain fog, rationality from wake till sleep.
6) more willing to do uncomfortable things. This could be the cause of my cold showers.
7) able to build muscle significantly faster, I mean around 3-4 times faster.

>> No.10646429
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I’m restarting my nofap journey, I was only 37 days in, imagine what would change if I went for 40 days, or 60. I think sexual release can be good, but only when it is a female giving you that sexual release. Our ancestors did not have porn, and their culture was not as sexualized as ours; I don't think daily sexual release is how god intended we live. If you’re skeptical about nofap, try it for yourself and determine its benefits, but when you try it, do not look at instagram, or whatever vehicle you use to see girls. If you see a girl smiling at you, it tricks your brain to think that girl is open to conversation with you. Do not look at pictures of girls smiling, and try to stop looking at girls in a sexual way constantly. If you aren’t willing to do those things, maybe you do have a porn addiction.

>> No.10646457


>> No.10646475

>The cuteness desire felt almost paternal, I would say.
congratulations, nofap has cleared your mind and now you want to fuck your daughter.

>> No.10646498

It sounds like you had/have an existing problem with over sexualizing women dude, or at least you perceived yourself as having one. Using my 100IQ I can tell this because you keep heavily projecting and expecting everyone else to have the same problem.
Ya know what, good for you. One day you'll realize they're just regular human beings like you or I. Stop psyching yourself out and take a chill pill.

>> No.10646528

how old are you now?