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10632655 No.10632655 [Reply] [Original]

what is your favourite controversy in science?

>> No.10632656

Personally I find the Blue-White controversy to be the most interesting.

>> No.10632817

25% of people can't build muscle

>> No.10632850

Intelligence quotient

>> No.10632878

Hume's Doubt

>> No.10632929

Number of races versus number of genders.

>> No.10632994


>> No.10633004

I found it on google in less than 2 seconds. You're one lazy neet.

>> No.10633235

the Bogdanov affair

>> No.10633350

Einstein vs God's dice and the non-existence of unobserved moons.

>> No.10633353

Genetic engineering and genetic differences among races

>> No.10633357

*unblocks your path*

>> No.10634676

is it this https://www.academia.edu/4281826/Hume_on_Cartesian_Doubt_copy ?

>> No.10634825

Racial IQ differences. Cmon people, it's clear that there are.

>> No.10634835


>> No.10634843

Moon not made of cheese because the sun would melt it if it was

>> No.10634845
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>> No.10634868

That's true, but it isn't because of their race specifically, just how people chose to treat their race historically and what that led to in a modern society

>> No.10634869

Eugenics and racial difference

>> No.10634897

ice cream core

>> No.10634900

Wait what?


>> No.10634903
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delete this

>> No.10634907

Yeah sure thing buddy

>> No.10634914

>More than one-fourth of our cohort (26%) did not experience
measurable hypertrophy.

>inb4 muh diet
happened to me despite being on a surplus and eating 200g of prots a day (~1kg of meat per day)

Squatting three times a week for months

>> No.10634919

Between what races? There are millions.

>> No.10634959

human races

>> No.10634988

There are millions of human races.

>> No.10634991

Human races and there are definitely quite a few thousand it's easier when talking about this to group them into larger clusters e.g the largest ones such as mongoloid or negroid for example

>> No.10635027
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>> No.10635032


>> No.10635059
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Not >>10634988 , but chiming in. Look, there are enough differences in the phenotypes to distinguish hundreds of "nordic" people alone.

If we actually explored "Negroid." and "Arab" races, not to mention the mixed breeds, there would be too many to count. Not to mention that there are too many Nordic people that don't even fit or look similar at all.

>> No.10635076

I'm good friends with my local postman, and he looks exactly like a cross between the top-midle two fellas

>> No.10635090


t. faggot who never into clustering algorithms. There are easy ways to group messy data into several clusters. I guarantee a computer would group people into the same handful of races a non-autistic human would. http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2002/isbn951226093X/article4.pdf

>> No.10635348

what about slavs?

>> No.10635391 [DELETED] 

Niggers are not people. Australian aborigines are a hominid species different from Homo Sapiens.

>> No.10635408

you cannot even write species latin name properly

>> No.10635474

Black men are objectively better at sex. Even the most virile white man would be worse in bed than the most feminine black. Those who control the journal obviously wouldn't want this to get out though

>> No.10635693

which journal? XD

>> No.10635716

duh, the big one, NCBI !

>> No.10635754

Psychedelics. It's a landscape where scientific language loses its meaning, yet relevant data shows incredible results of these mystical experiences. And more extensively war on drugs and conventional treatment options for addictive behavior. Any drug would be less harmful and even possibly beneficial to society if it was legal, even the poster boy of dangerous consequences: opioids.

>> No.10635767

ncbi is not a journal

>> No.10635784

imagine thinking this.
you get tested for bmr by a professional.
get tested for tdee.
Eat a lot.
Exercise more.

>> No.10635890


Global Warming.

It really is an embarrassment to the entire scientific community. I really hope I’m still alive when this scam gets exposed.

>> No.10635899

Where or what is the scientific controversy?

>> No.10635923
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I'm hoping the fossil fuel shills will be exposed.

>> No.10635991

where can I read pic related/could you quickly explain?

>> No.10636036

consciousness and how anything came into existence

>> No.10636045

So you're saying every phenotype makes a race? That's not how things work

>> No.10636069

M = mental (nonmaterial)
P = physical (material)

>> No.10637034

Not him but i’ll bite,
Explain how exactly a race being a phenotype doesn’t make every race a phenotype

Nevermind that half of those pictures are very clearly slavs and not nords

>> No.10637068

Oh boy here we go again

>> No.10637086

Don't respond to that guy (or anyone copying him). He's a lazy fuck that blames imaginary things on his inability to actually work out and build muscle.

>> No.10637254

Primarily in the medical field. I think it is very controversial to say you should let people use (and even provide) medical grade heroin or that LSD should return back into the AA as the final step of the program, or that psychedelics should even perhaps be a rite of passage for healthy adult humans and a "common" nootropic. Only researchers directly working with the subject agree on this, and practical application is almost a disaster in terms of acceptance.

>> No.10637271
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>muh dick

>> No.10637865

psychedelics arent nootropics

>> No.10638070

Only if you don't know what psychedelics or nootropics are.

>> No.10638087

nootropics enhance cognition
psychedelics dont

>> No.10638095

Not quite as ironclad as that there were some minor studies on lsd and small doses of it enhancing some cognitive function i think it was specifically "creativity" even though that is quite hard to quantify

>> No.10638129

Psychedelics enhance cognition though. It's hard to do double blind trials since they are illegal and unless the dose is very low you know you have taken the drug. Griffiths et al. did some very interesting studies on psilocybin and the results are outrageous (in the sense of asking why it's still illegal in 2019).

>> No.10638368

they distort cognition, not enhance it

>> No.10638567

didn't the guy who invented CRISPR come up with it on LSD? I probably have the details wrong, but there was some dude who was a strong player in DNA tech who had a propensity to dose 'cid, and the story goes he was driving home and the lane markings on the road began resembling some process he realized was what he needed to perform some DNA manipulation.

>> No.10638574


>> No.10638595

Mullis details his experiences synthesizing and testing various psychedelic amphetamines and a difficult trip on DET in his autobiography. In a Q&A interview published in the September 1994 issue of California Monthly, Mullis said, "Back in the 1960s and early '70s I took plenty of LSD. A lot of people were doing that in Berkeley back then. And I found it to be a mind-opening experience. It was certainly much more important than any courses I ever took." During a symposium held for centenarian Albert Hofmann, Hofmann revealed that he was told by Mullis that LSD had "helped him develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific DNA sequences".

>> No.10638617

doesnt lsd turn people into "enlightened" hippies?

>> No.10638638

Race realism and the fact that aboriginals and possibly negroes aren’t Homo sapiens.

>> No.10638651

The 0.999... = 1 conundrum

>> No.10638652

Your ego can create many elaborate traps, one of them with the help of psychedelics. Indeed that's what happens to some people. The majority that has mystical experience induced by psychedelics put the significance of this experience into 3 most important moments of their life, (on par with the birth of a first child or death in the immediate family, and sometimes even surpassing them). People also score 1 SD in openess, this change lasts even year after the experience. A lot of the data is from cancer patients that were treated with psilocybin, the study was very well done and is available online. It shows that the experience itself is important, not the drug (i. e. surviving a major car crash or other NDE can produce some of the benefits as well).

>> No.10638969

so LSD cures /pol/ackness?

>> No.10639020
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What a terrible drug, right?

>> No.10639052

so why do they create fertile offspring with cumskins?

>> No.10639206

The only way to avoid classifying races as different animals is by using a standard that ignores almost every difference between them.

>> No.10639440

"Race realism" is purely based on correlation implying causation.

>> No.10639617

The good old stuff

- Empiricism vs. Rationalism (kinda resolved)
- >>10632850 (kinda resolved)
- >>10632878 (not resolved)
- >>10633350 ("Einstein vs. God's dice")

>> No.10639620

Oni już wiedzą co z tobą zrobić anon

>> No.10639623

Missing heritability or pulsed vs gradual evolution. I don’t care about protein folding at all and am not intelligent enough to understand any of the serious problems in physics

>> No.10639625


>> No.10640174

Climate change is solely a human caused phenomena.
It's not.

>> No.10640383
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Humans are significantly altering the climate in a negative way though. Even if we all switch to nuclear only tomorrow, there is still agriculture. The profits are private while the expenses public. Nobody but the taxpayers are going to pay for increase in natural disasters caused by this and the corporations are even going to pay less taxes and get tax exemptions because they are too big and can bully the system with the threat of profit relocation and nice lobby paychecks.

>> No.10640476

seriously lmao @ your life for saving this image. that’s really embarassing

>> No.10640664

this is why we need to privatize oceans

>> No.10640772

WHat does mental even mean....

>> No.10641336

Stop please

>> No.10641962


>> No.10641966

He's right

>> No.10641968

Flat earth

>> No.10642031

FE's a joke on retards, not controversy

>> No.10642048

This. when will whoids finally admit ashkenazi superiority?

>> No.10642054

Kill all corporations

>> No.10642104

Yeah but the problem here is that this is purely observational and we cant really test any hypotheses without encroaching on ethical standards

>> No.10642117

>Pretending stable population genetic drift doesn’t suggest Africans will have the highest proportion of geniuses of any race
>not seeing the lack of this phenomenon as a product of social/historical influences

Maybe actually take some higher level bio classes before trying to prove your shitty non-existent controversies

>> No.10642367


>> No.10642389

The bronze age collapse

>> No.10642392

race obviously

>> No.10642402

that doesn't mean you can't make any decisions based on it, it's too strong of a correlation to possibly ignore. The relationship between smoking and lung cancer is technically a correlation, but there is enough evidence to be reasonably seen as a causal relationship.

>> No.10642754

>The relationship between smoking and lung cancer is technically a correlation